May 5, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 5, 2015, 7 p.m.
"Im home!" Carole called as she stepped through the door, a CVS bag in hand.
Burt came out of the living room and gave a quick peck on his wifes cheek. "Hi, how was work?" He asked her.
"Good." Carole replied with a blush. "I scheduled an appointment for Kurt. Where is he?"
"Upstairs with Blaine." Burt told her. "Why? What do you got there?"
"Nothing." Carole replied as she began her ascent up the stairs. "Something for Kurt, but nothing in particular." Burt followed her up the stairs and into Kurts room.
Kurt and Blaine were sitting on Kurts bed. Kurt was reading a magazine and Blaine was sitting next to him texting on his cell phone. They looked up from what they were doing when Burt and Carole walked in.
"Hey, Kurt. How are you feeling?" Carole asked with a knowing smile.
"Nauseous." Kurt replied with simply. "Ive been better."
"Good." Carole said as she tossed the bag over to him. Kurt caught it. "I scheduled an appointment for you for tomorrow at three to see a doctor. First I want you to do that. I think I know whats wrong."
Kurt reached into the bag and pulled out a pregnancy test. "Whats this for?" Kurt asked as he quizzically studied the box in his hand.
"What are you doing, Carole?" Burt asked his wife with some slight irritation.
"Kurt, theres no easy way to say this, but I think youre pregnant. I need you to take this test and tomorrow you have an ultrasound. Hear me out, I work with the professionals and did a little research today myself."
"But-" Burt began and looked back and forth at Kurt and Blaine. He suddenly felt a little mad and wary at his sons boyfriend if Carole was right. Even if neither knew Kurt could get pregnant, heck, he didnt know men could, Blaine still knocked up Kurt and they still had sex. Blaine still took Kurts virginity away and left them with a baby.
"Just take the test, Kurt." Carole said. Kurt stepped off his bed and walked out of the room with the test and his phone.
"This is crazy." Blaine told Carole. "Kurt cant be pregnant."
"Oh. . . well unless Kurts a virgin or didnt bottom during sexual intercourse then Im very positive he is." Carole took a seat on the bed. "Sit tight guys, its going to be a few minutes."
Kurt returned five minutes later holding the stick in both hands, staring down at it. The three waited with bated breath for their answer. "Positive." Kurt simply said, not looking up from the test. He took a seat next to Carole on the bed and let a few tears trickle down his face. "Positive." He repeated.
Nobody could believe their ears. Not even Carole who already had her hint. Carole wrapped a comforting arm around Kurts shoulders and took him into an embrace. Blaine slid down the bed and began rubbing soothing circles around Kurts back.
"Were going to get through this." He whispered to Kurt. "Together."
"But maybe its a false positive?" Burt figured, still in denial, even though it all suddenly made sense. "Well have to wait until tomorrows ultrasound before we jump to any conclusions."
Kurt broke out of the hug and looked to Blaine. "Will you accompany to the appointment?" He asked him. "If theres a baby, our baby in me then I want you there to see it. You are the father. I mean, you dont have to, but-"
"Kurt, I will love to." Blaine said and gave Kurt a hug from behind.
Kurt, Blaine, Carole and Burt walked into the hospital Monday afternoon. They were greeted by Nurse Anastasia. "Hello Carole!" She smiled cheerily at the group. "Which one of you is Kurt?" Kurt raised his hand and stepped forward. "Okay, Ill take you now."
"Shouldnt we check him in?" Burt asked curiously.
"I had the appointment all figured out. Ill sign him then head to work. You three can go with Nurse Annie here." Carole said then began to walk to the receptionist desk. Kurt, Burt, and Blaine followed Annie.
Anastasia brought them into a tiny room first. A medical assistant sat there waiting for Kurt, "Like most appointments we need to get your vitals." The assistant told Kurt. "Well start with your height and weight. So if you could, please step back all the way against our measuring stick."
Kurt did as so and the medical assistant marked down his height, 510". She then asked Kurt to stand on the scale. He was only 132lb.
"Youre underweight." Annie said to Kurt as the assistant jot the numbers down. "Not just if you were pregnant but for your height too."
"I havent been able to eat." Kurt admitted. "If I do it just comes back up."
"Its probably the morning sickness. Dont worry, though, once you are done here well get you everything you need to tackle the nausea. If youre pregnant you really need to start eating more and weighing more." Annie said, then the five headed to the room where Kurt will have his ultrasound done. There the medical assistant got the rest of Kurts vitals and left them.
"Ill be doing your ultrasound. Usually, your doctor will be doing the appointments but Carole had this done quickly. She put me on your case, Ill be the regular nurse youll see during your appointments. Im the head nurse in the maternity ward. Were getting the best doctor here for you, so youre in the best hands." Annie began telling them as everyone situated themselves. "My name is Anastasia but you can just call me Annie. Luckily for you, you have family working here to make sure everything goes smoothly. Everyone in the maternity ward has heard of your case. Its a thing that we have to be informed of all over the world, just in case it happens where were at."
"Wait," Burt stopped her. "If everybody who works with pregnancies has heard of this then why doesnt everybody know about it?"
"Everyones still learning it. We are still learning it. Nobody knows how M-Preg actually happens and its so rare to come across. The first case of it was found in the late twentieth century and theres still so much we dont know about. Were slowly learning though. Right now were trying to figure out how the sperm travels." Annie told him. "But right now were here to make sure that Kurt, is in fact, pregnant. Kurt, Im going to ask you to lay back and lift up your shirt."
Kurt did as he was asked. Annie turned the monitor toward Kurt, Blaine, and Burt and grabbed the gel and transducer wand. "The gel may be a little cold." She warned Kurt before squirting some on Kurts abdomen. "Kurt, have acted in penetrative sex lately?" She asked as she began rubbing the wand around Kurts stomach and watched the monitor for the embryo. Kurt blushed a deep red and looked at Blaine whose cheeks were just as red.
Burt moaned. "Of course you did." He was a little disgusted with Kurt and Blaine. No, more disappointed. Burt didnt want to think that his baby boy was having sexual intercourse with a kid he just met. Now he had to worry of Kurt accidentally getting knocked up.
"There it is." She smiled brightly at Kurt and took the picture of it.
The entire room stared at the little image in awe. Kurt held out his hand as he felt a few tears escape his eyes and Blaine took it and squeezed it. "Thats my baby." Kurt cried. "Thats our baby." He looked to Blaine and gave him a watery smile. Blaine too was beginning to tear up at the image.
"So hes actually pregnant?" Burt asked, still in a little denial.
"The ultrasound doesnt lie." Annie informed him. "Dont worry, Kurt. Well prescribe you some anti-nausea pills and get you all set for the rest of this pregnancy. You look to be about six weeks long so it shouldnt be long before you start noticing some other side effects, such as mood swings, fatigue, and of course youre going to start showing before you know it."
Kurt nodded his understanding. He still couldnt believe this was all happening. Blaine gave Kurts hand another comforting squeeze as he really studied the image of their baby. In nine months they were both about to become parents. A shock neither knew whether they were ready for or not.