Perfectly Imperfect, One of a Kind
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Perfectly Imperfect, One of a Kind: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,717 - Last Updated: May 05, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Mar 17, 2015 - Updated: Mar 17, 2015
215 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

So. . . what did you think? Please review! :)

Blaine looked out the windshield of his Prius at the school ahead of him. He wasnt ready for this. He lived his entire life in Westerville, then suddenly, at age 16, his mother decided she wasnt going to tolerate her husbands crap anymore and packed her and Blaine up and moved. It was a big impact on the entire family when they left at the start of the summer and Blaine was still getting used to the new arrangements. How waking up he wouldnt find his mother setting breakfast on the table while his dad poured them coffee, or listening to their constant fights over nothing when his parents thought he was sleeping. Blaine guessed he was happy that part was over, he got more sleep out of it. He did, however, miss his dad lots.


Blaine sighed as he slowly stepped out of his car and shuffled his way up to his new school. He really hoped McKinley would be a good place to work his last two years of school at. Blaine was here to hopefully smooth sail from there. He was for sure that McKinley would never compare with that of Dalton Academy for two main reasons. One: Dalton was a private school, everyone was similar, while McKinley was a public school, there was more diversity which is why Two: Dalton had a no bullying policy. They had zero tolerance there. McKinley, however, didnt have that strict of a rule, bullying was bound to happen. Plus, Blaine was gay, he was automatically prone to being bullied more. So maybe this might not be the best place to be attending school, but Blaine just needed to survive two more years, that was it.


The new boy made his way into the school and found his locker. For the first day he didnt have much to put into it, just some notebooks and binders he wasnt going to need until later periods of the day. Blaine checked to make sure he had everything he was going to need for first period and shoved it into his messenger bag and took off to first period.


Blaine was too focused on his schedule, trying to find his class that he accidentally ran into someone. Right into him, accidentally knocking the stuff in his hands on to the floor.


"Im so sorry about that." Blaine apologized as he got on the floor with the stranger to help pick up his stuff. "Here, let me help you get that."


Blaine began shuffling up notebooks into his hand. He looked up to the person he knocked the stuff out of as he began handing back the notebooks and was taken aback by the boys appearance. The stranger was tall, thin, and simply breathtaking. His soft-looking chestnut hair was styled into the most perfect quiff Blaine had ever seen. Blaine wanted to run his fingers through the boys hair. The boys eyes were a deep blue-green-grey, a pool in which Blaine would have lost himself in it if the boy had not spoke.


"Thank you." He said as he lightly took the books out of Blaines hands.


Gosh, even his voice was perfect to Blaine. It was lighter and higher than most people their age and it just took Blaines breath away. The two stood before anyone said anything more.


"I dont think Ive seen you around here before?" The boy said with a furrowed brow as he stared curiously back at Blaine.


Blaine looked down at the strangers hand and extended his out to shake it. "My name is Blaine. I just transferred here from Dalton Academy."


The boy took Blaines offer and they shook hands as he responded. "Hello, Blaine, my name is Kurt. My. . . Dalton. . . thats in Westerville. What a long way from here." Kurt giggled. Even his laugh was as gorgeous as everything else about him.


"Yes it is, and Ill miss the place." Blaine looked away from Kurt for a moment as he reminisced, but quickly looked back at him and added. "But Im gonna assume McKinley is an excellent place! Just got to keep a positive view on everything!"


Kurt stepped closer to Blaine to whisper into his ear. "Sorry to put a damper on things, but its really not that great." He looked down at their hands which were still connected and pulled his out before walking in the opposite direction in which Blaine was going. Blaine took one look back at Kurt with a smile, but maybe he could enjoy this place.


Blaine made his way down the hallway to his first class when, once again, something stopped him. Blaine passed a bulletin board advertising the different clubs and organizations in the school. The one that caught his eye was that of their Glee Club. The paper advertised it saying "JOIN GLEE CLUB!" in all capitals and describing it as an "exciting place to sing, dance, and make new friends." Blaine was no stranger to Glee, he was apart of Daltons Glee Club, the Warblers last year and they rocked the school. He thought maybe this would be a good place to start. Blaine continued to read the sign for more information. "Meet in the Choir room today right after school if you want to join!" It sure seemed peppy with all the exclamations and bright pastel colors on the little sheet of paper. Blaine brought out a pen from his bag and jot down the information, now he just needed to find the choir room.



After a few questionings to a couple of the kids in the halls, Blaine finally found his way to the choir room where he was supposed to meet for Glee Club and walked into the room. All the kids were sitting on the risers chatting excitedly with one another. Already, Blaine felt okay being here, as if he was meant to attend the club since being enrolled into the school.


One of the boys turned his head and noticed Blaine standing in the front of the room. "Oh my god," He said and that suddenly had the other students attentions. "are you lost?" He asked Blaine. "You do realize this is the choir room?"


Blaine was confused as to why everyone was so shocked to see him standing there. Were they not looking for more students to join their club? He suddenly noticed Kurt sitting in the back row, curiously studying him like everyone else was.


"Uh. . . this is Glee, right?" Blaine asked, making sure he had all his facts straight.


"Sam!" One of the girls said appallingly as she looked back at the boy who first talked to Blaine. Then she looked at Blaine and answered his question." Yes it is." She told him with a head nod. She stood up and walked over to Blaine as she continued to talk. "And how lovely it is for you to join us. But one thing: how well can you sing?"


"Rachel, are you sure hes not here to slushie us?" Another girl asked from where she sat. "You cant seem to trust anyone at this school. Who are you anyway?"


Blaine was starting to feel really confused by them. At Dalton Glee Club was cool, but here. . . Well, here it sounded like the bottom of the social pyramid. There were cheerleaders and football players in here though. Blaine couldnt quite figure things out.


"I dont think hes going to slushie anyone, Quinn." Kurt spoke up and stood from his seat. He smiled at Blaine. "I think he genuinely wants to join this club."


"Hello, everyone, my name is Blaine Anderson and I would like to be a part of your club. I think my voice is quite excellent. I was in the Glee Club at my old school, Dalton Academy. And if Im correct, we were quite good." Blaine introduced himself to the rest of the group. "If you would just give me a chance I would show you Im just as good to be here as the rest of you." He put on his most optimistic smile at everyone in front of him.


"That sells it to me." Everyone heard a voice say from behind Blaine. Blaine turned around and saw who the voice belonged to. No doubt, the director.


"Are you sure Mr. Schue? You dont want him to audition?" Rachel asked and put her hands on her hips, suddenly sounding against Blaines joining.


"If he was a part of the Warblers, the Dalton Glee Club, then I guess hell be pretty good. Dalton has a really good Glee Club from what I hear." Mr. Schue told his class. "But yes, just like everyone else in this room, Blaine does need an audition." Mr. Schue took a seat in an empty plastic chair in the front row. "So, Blaine, show us what you got."


"Um, okay. . ." Blaine let out a wary chuckle as he sat his messenger bag on top of the piano and looked back at everyone in the room. "This is Teenage Dream by: Katy Perry."


The band began playing the tune of Blaines song and Blaine joined in where the vocals came in and as he sang his eyes kept darting back to Kurt who was smiling and nodding his head to the song. Blaine smiled when their eyes met and he gave Kurt a small wink. In the end, Blaine felt as if he was singing the song to Kurt.


Everyone clapped for him when he finished his song and Mr. Schue agreed to his conclusion that Blaines voice was worth the club. A lot of the kids agreed too, including Kurt.


As Blaine took his seat Rachel stood and approached the front. "Special announcement before we start." She began. "Friday night Ill be celebrating this new school year with a party in my basement. Everyone in this club, including Blaine, is invited. Party starts at seven and will go all night if we have to!" She seemed so excited for it and Blaine was a little too. First day, and he was already invited to a party.


"Ick. . ." A girl sneered at Rachel. "Berry, please tell me this party wont suck, like all your others!"


"I think I have this one down." Rachel said with a wink. "Dont worry, Santana, there will be booze, and karaoke! I hope to see you all there!" She then sat back down.


Oh, Blaine was so going!


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