You're Perfect to me.
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You're Perfect to me.: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,016 - Last Updated: Sep 08, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Sep 07, 2013 - Updated: Sep 08, 2013
218 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Thanks for reading!
Somehow Kurt and Blaine got through the week, a few pecks here and there between classes. Make out sessions after and or before school. And now it was already Friday afternoon and Kurt was going through his closet like a mad man, with Mercedes on his bed as she tried to calm him down.

"Kurt! Kurt you need to calm down!" She said, watching him rummage through his closet. Kurt immediately stopped as he sighed loudly.

"I can't!" He started. "I'm going over to Blaine's house in less than 2 hours to hang out with a couple of his friends and I have absolutely nothing to wear!" He shouted before continuing to rummage through his clothes.

Mercedes rolled her eyes at the boy before standing up from his bed and went over to help him.


"Santana!" Blaine yelled from his bathroom as he paced back and forth. As soon as Santana walked in there Blaine sighed in relief. Her eyes widened at what she saw before she started to burst out into laughter.

"It's not funny!" Blaine said, a grumpy look on his face. She rolled her eyes as she snatched the comb away from her best friend. "How did you manage to get your hair to look like this?" She asked, as she tried to tame his curls.

Blaine shrugged but didn't say anything. Santana finally got them right with a bit of hair gel and spray. He sighed in relief as he looked in the mirror, satisfied with how it looked.

"Thank you, San." He said and she shrugged before leaving the room. "Now go finish getting ready, lover boy!" She announced as she walked out. Blaine laughed before looking at himself one more time in the mirror.

He looked really good. And that's saying something if Blaine actually thought that he looked good. He sighed happily before walking out of the bathroom as well and into his room to find the perfect outfit.


Kurt stood nervously at the front door of Blaine's apartment. This was it. All he had to do was knock on it. Come on Hummel, you can do this. He thought to himself as he finally knocked on it, instantly regretting it.

A girl with medium brunette hair answered it. "Oh- I must have the wrong address, sorry. " He rushed out.

Santana laughed. "No, you have the right address. Kurt, right?" She asked as he stepped inside the apartment. He nodded as she shut the door behind him.

"The names Santana, I'm hobbits roommate and best friend." She said with a smirk on her lips. A small blonde emerged from the kitchen, a half-eaten cookie in one of her hands.

"And this is my girlfriend, Brittany." Santana finished as she grabbed Brittany by the waist and pulled her next to her.

Kurt smiled at the couple before putting out his hand for both of them to shake it. "It's nice to meet you Santana, Brittany." He said, a grin on his face as they both shook his hand.

"Hobbit should be out any moment, he's just putting some finishing touches on his hair." Santana said as she plopped down on the couch and was mumbling something about gay men and how they always had to look good.

Kurt held back a laugh as he waited patiently for Blaine to hurry up whatever he was doing. Santana rolled her eyes as she patted the open seat next her, wanting Kurt to come sit next to her.

He blinked slightly before making his way to the couch and sat next to him. Brittany sat in the empty seat that was also next to Santana.

"So.. Tell me about yourself." Kurt shrugged at the statement before replying. "I'm into Music and theatre, and designing my own clothes and stuff." He said nonchalantly.

Santana hummed in response, her eyes flickering over to the hall way as she noticed Blaine walking out of it.

"There you are! Took you long enough." She said, letting out a huge sigh.

Kurt stood up quickly as he got a good look of his teacher. "Wow.." Kurt whispered breathlessly, as his eyes roaming over Blaine's body.

Blaine did the same to Kurt. "I should be the one wowing.." He started. "Because wow.. You look amazing, Kurt."

Kurt blushed at the compliment. "Yeah well, I can't help but pull focus, sorry."

Blaine laughed softly. "Don't be.. " He said, his eyes glued to Kurt's as they both stayed silent.

"Oh my god.." Santana broke the silence. "I'm gonna order some Pizza.. I'm starved." She motioned for Brittany to follower her into the kitchen.

Kurt's eyes wondered around the room. "You have a nice apartment. I think I might want to steal your interior designer." He stated.

Blaine smiled softly at his student. "Thank you. But I did this all by myself." He started. "I mean you can consider Santana helping if you count sitting on your ass all day and watched me decorate it."

Kurt laughed heartily. "Yeah well, I wouldn't consider that helping."

Blaine just smiled in response before going over and taking a seat on his couch. Kurt bit his lip before hesitantly taking a seat next to him.

Blaine rolled his eyes at the younger boy before grabbing him by the wait to pull him closer. "You don't have to be shy around me, you know? I don't bite.."

Kurt blushed. "I know. I'm just- Nervous I guess. You make me nervous."

Blaine eyebrows rose. "Why do I make you nervous?"

"Because.. I don't know. You just do."

Blaine hummed. 'C'mere." He motioned for Kurt to kiss him.

Kurt smiled shyly before leaning in and pecked his teacher's lips.

Blaine frowned as he crossed his arms and pouted. "Hey, no fair! I want a real kiss!"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Stop acting like a five year old Blaine and then maybe I'll give you one."

"Really?" Blaine asked in suspicion.

"Yes, Blaine, really."

Blaine smiled widely before basically pouncing on Kurt and kissed him deeply.

"Mmf.." Kurt murmured out before wrapping his arms around older male and deepened the kiss.

They both stopped completely as they heard someone clear there throat and while another person was making gaging noises.

Kurt pulled away first as he noticed Brittany and Santana were back.

"Thanks for ruining the moment guys.." Blaine mumbled annoyed.

Kurt just blushed brightly and looked away. He's never had someone walk in on him and some else kissing before. It feels different.

Santana rolled her eyes at the two as she stopped making the gaging sound. "Yeah well, you shouldn't have been having a make out session while me and Britt were just in the other room."

"The pizza guy should be here in 30 minutes with our pizza." Brittany joined in the conversation.

Blaine nodded at the girl before pulling Kurt onto his lap, granting him a small squeak that emerged from the younger boys lips.

Santana rolled her eyes as she flopped down into the chair.

She hummed quietly before sitting up. "So, how old are you, Kurt?"

"I'm seventeen but I'll be eighteen May twenty seventh."

Santana nodded. "That means you and Blaine are nine years apart."

Kurt shrugged at the girl. Yeah sure he and Blaine had a pretty hefty age difference between them but Kurt didn't care. Age was but a number.

Santana sat up more correctly in her seat. "I have a brilliant idea!" She mentioned, a smirk appearing across her glossed lips.

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "What might that be?"

"Let's play never have I but the alcoholic version as we wait for the pizza guy to get here."

Blaine eyes widened. "No! No absolutly not!"

"Come one hobbit, stop being such a party pooper and let us play!" Santana quipped back.

"Yeah Blaine, it'll be fun!" Brittany said as she sat on the floor and started to make the circle.

Blaine turned his head to Kurt, nodding his head towards him as he mentally asked him if they should play or not.

Kurt shrugged at him before nodding. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." He finally said.
Blaine sighed finally giving in

Blaine sighed as he finally gave in and went it the kitchen a grabbed a bottle of vodka from the freezer.


The time went on and Santana and Blaine got hammered. The people in their right mind were still Kurt and some-what Brittany.

Santana was laughing like an idiot. "Okay, okay! I got another one!" She started. "Never have I danced in a unitard!"

Kurt's eyes widened as he poured himself a shot and took it. Blaine cocked his head as he watched Kurt take the shot.

"Y-You daaanced in a unitard?" Blaine slurred out messily.

Kurt nodded. "Uh- Maybe?" He giggled softly as he blushed.

Kurt swore he noticed Blaine's eyes darken for a second but they quickly switched back.

Blaine was about to say something until the doorbell rang throughout the apartment.

"Pizzzzzza!" Santana scream as she tried to stand up but ended up stumbling back down.

Brittany busted out laughing before she stood up correctly and went to the door and got the pizza from guy.

She came back with two boxes of pizza and pretended to be the pizza person. "Pizza! I got your pizza here!" She called out.

All of them started laughing like maniacs.

This night turned out better then Kurt had thought it would.


Kurt indulged in a few slices of just the like the rest of them. Yeah Kurt would regret later but being drunk and eating pizza felt amazing.

But that time passed as all four of them hung out. But now that Brittany and Santana were already passed out together on the couch snoring.

Kurt was on Blaine lap as he cuddled with him on the chair as they whispered sweet nothing into eacho others ears as the drunkenness started to wear off.

"How come you waited so long to tell me you liked me?" Blaine asked quietly as he made imaginary circles onto Kurt's back as he rubbed it.

Kurt shrugged. "Because I didn't know if you would freak out or not.. And the fact that I didn't know if you were gay or not."

Blaine laughed softly. "Come on, Kurt.. It's pretty obvious that I'm gay with the way I dress."

Kurt just shrugged again but stayed silent this time. It felt nice to just sit here normally with Blaine and not being worried about getting caught and what not.

Blaine took the first moved and started to kiss Kurt's neck softly before sucking a small dark mark onto it.

Kurt just let his head drop back and his eyes flutter shut. "B-Blaine.."

Blaine hummed back in response as he continued what he was doing.

"Blaine.. We can't do this." Kurt finally got out. "Santana and Britt are right there!"

Blaine stopped his movements and rolled his eyes as he grabbed Kurt's legs from underneath and held his back steadily as he carried the younger boy bridal style into his bedroom.

"Blaine! Where are you talking me?" He asked after he let out a small squeak at the sudden movements.

Blaine just chuckled. "To my room, silly."

Kurt sucked in a breath as he blushed.

Blaine pushed his door open with his foot and walked into and kicked it back shut.

Blaine set Kurt onto his bed before going over and started to strip his clothes off so he was just in his boxers.

"What are you doing!?" Kurt rushed out as he covered his eyes.

Blaine laughed at his student before walking over and uncovered his eyes for him. "It's okay, Kurt. I'm just in my boxers."

Kurt peaked one of his eyes open and before opening them both and a real good look at his teacher and holy fuck was he gorgeous.

Blaine laughed at Kurt as he noticed the younger boy staring at him. "I think you should tell your dad that you're gonna be gone for the night."

Kurt blinked slightly as he got out of his trance and blushed widely. "Oh yeah- I should."

Blaine nodded and slipped into the bed as well and watched as Kurt dial his dads number on his phone.

"Hey dad, I'm gonna crash at Rachel's tonight, I'm too tired to drive back home."

"Okay, hope you had fun bud! See you tomorrow." Burt said from the other line before they both said their goodbyes.


Kurt smiled over at his teacher before nodding at him and slipped his body under the covers and scooted over to Blaine a shy smile plastered to his face.


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