May 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
Hi there! So this is just an old story that I initially posted on Wattpad. Enjoy the story!
"Youre coming with me, birthday boy."
I shut my locker door to reveal Mercedess mischievous face. I knew that face, she only used that face when there was something up. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Why do I get the feeling that Im going to end up in a ditch somewhere?"
She furrowed her brow, her lips playfully forming a slight frown. "Kurt Hummel doesnt trust his best friend? Alert the media!"
Her smile grew as she linked arms with me, dragging me down the crowded hallways of McKinley. Today marked the beginning of senior year and my birthday. Not only did the beginning of this year bring me one step closer to moving to New York and attending NYADA, but it also marked the last year I would ever walk down these halls as a student. Sure, it felt great to be back with the New Directions, but all my mind did today was wander back to Blaine, who was still at Dalton. I missed him like crazy, even if we were just friends. I pushed away the thought, not wanting the one sided feelings to effect our friendship.
I sighed and snapped out of my musings when Mercedes pulled me around a sharp corner, dragging me down a familiar hallway. She pushed through the heavy doors of the auditorium, and on the stage stood a familiar blonde boy in a navy blue and red Warbler blazer.
"Jeff, what are you doing here?" I asked, smiling as I made my way up the stairs and onto the stage where he was standing.
"Im here to deliver a message," He said, returning my smile. He handed me an envelope that he had been holding behind his back. I smiled warmly as I took it from him and slowly began to open it. I saw all too familiar handwriting sprawled across the page.
Hey Kurt,
If youre reading this, then Im actually going through with this insane idea. One year ago, I met you on the steps of Dalton. I remember you trying to cover up that you were spying and exactly how badly you managed to it. I would love to tell you a sappy story about how we became best friends and all of the great times we had together but I dont know if we ever did become best friends. Thats because this letter was written on August 24th, 2011, the day you came to Dalton. From the moment that we met today, I knew that you were special. But right now, I dont know what that means. So if youre reading this letter, Ive figured it out. Meet me as soon as you read this, you know where. See you then.
I looked up from the letter, sneaking a look at Mercedes who was smirking. I didnt even bother to say goodbye bolted out of the auditorium at full speed, ignoring the dirty looks from everyone in the crowded halls.
Pulling into the Dalton parking lot, I sat there in the seat for a moment to compose myself before getting out of the car. I made my way over to the familiar double doors, pulling them open and glancing down the hallway. Most of Daltons population was gone for the weekend, which made sense, considering it was the first weekend of the school year. I quietly walked through the maze of halls, forgetting how well I remembered this place. I felt like I was on autopilot as I finally made it to the top of a set of spiral stairs, the light leaking brightly from the glass ceiling above me. I glanced down to the bottom of the stairs to see Blaine, out of uniform, with his back turned to me. I tiptoed down the steps until I was just a few steps away from him.
"Excuse me?" I said.
He turned his head to me and smiled.
"Um, hi... can I ask you a question? Im new here."
He smirked, getting the idea, and decided to play along.
"Sure, my names Blaine," He said extending his hand out to me.
"Kurt," I said as I took it and pulled him into a tight hug. I laughed, burying my face into his dress shirt and taking in the familiar scent. We hadnt seen each other at all over the summer, since Blaine was away in Singapore with his father and never had the chance to take any calls. Sure, we emailed once in a while, but it really wasnt the same as talking to him. The time differences were horrendous anyway so we were never up at the same time. I pulled away, taking all of him in. His hair was curly, but controlled (he knew that I loved it that way) and his eyes were staring into mine.
"How have you been?" I asked.
"Lonely without seeing you," he said smiling. "I missed you."
I felt myself go red. "I missed you too." Coughing, I ducked my head. "Dont you have Warbler practice?"
"Yeah, but youre more important. Besides, I wanted to give you my present in person," He said, giving me a red box that he had been holding.
"Blaine-" I began, but he cut me off.
"I didnt spend any money," He said flicking his eyes over to the box. "Just open it."
I sighed softly and gazed down at the box, slowly opening it to reveal a watch. The watch looked familiar, but I couldnt remember where I had seen it.
"This watch was my grandfathers. When he gave it to me, he told me to give it to someone who was really important to me. I want you to have it," He said.
"Blaine," I began. "This is really nice, but I cant accept this. This belongs to your family, you should pass it on to your kid."
He sighed. "This watch may be part of my family, but its more important to me now than it was when he gave it to me. You see, this watch hasnt worked in over a year, Kurt, and do you want to know why?"
I raised an eyebrow at him curiously.
"Look at the time."
I glanced down at the time frozen on the watch.
I stared at it for a second, not understanding.
Then realization hit me. Hard.
"I was staring at this watch when I was on my way to an impromptu performance in the senior commons. I was already running late, but then I felt a someone tap me on the shoulder, and I turned around to see you. You told me that you were new here, even though it was blatantly obvious that you werent, but I went along with it anyway. And Im really glad I did. But from that moment on, this clock hasnt ticked once."
I stared at him and our eyes locked as he took in another breath, looking suddenly nervous, but he continued talking.
"Time literally stopped when we met. And thats when I knew that you were special, even if we had only met seconds before."
He closed his hand around mine with the watch enclosed in the middle. "And even though Ive been completely oblivious to how Ive felt for quite some time, I know now."
"I love you."
I sucked in a breath of air, unable to tear my eyes away from his. And that was the only thing that I managed to do before I stepped down off the stairs and closed the space between us with a kiss. The kiss was sweet yet needly, as if we were trying to explain every feeling and every thought about each other for the past year. After a moment passed, I pulled away and Blaine actually whimpered at the lost of contact.
"I love you too," I whispered. "If that wasnt obvious enough for you."
He shot me a look that was a cross between a smirk and a glare before pecking my nose.
"Happy Birthday, Kurt," He said intertwining his fingers with mine. I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.
Best birthday ever.