Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Chapter 9
"Well..." Kurt trailed off shifting Ava.
"Its kind of a long story..." Blaine said.
"We have all day." Burt said firmly, crossing his arms.
"I guess we need to sit down then." Carole said sweetly, directing them to the couches.
Once they all sat down, Kurt spoke up.
"I guess the biggest point is that Blaine, Ava and I arent human." Kurt said.
"I got that. What I want to know is what you are." Burt said.
"Were vampires." Blaine said when Kurt stuttered with his response.
"Ha, very funny guys." Burt laughed dryly.
"Dad, hes not kidding. We are vampires." Kurt looked at his dad.
"You- ah- I-I...Are you serious?" Burt asked wide eyed.
"Not to be disrespectful, but what else could have done what Kurt did to Finn?" Blaine looked at their shocked expressions.
"You guys... its not possible..." Carole put her hand over her mouth.
"Maybe we should just show them, Blaine. They obviously need to see it to believe it." Blaine looked at the grandparents and nodded to Kurt.
Kurt and Blaine both breathed deeply and closed their eyes. Burt and Carole looked at the pair confused. Kurt and Blaine opened their eyes and looked to Burt and Carole. Burt and Carole both screamed in shock, startling Ava who began to cry. Burt and Carole saw that Blaine and Kurts eyes were deep red, they didnt notice Ava until Kurt and Blaine tried to calm her.
"Baby, its okay. They didnt mean to scare you." Kurt began to bounce Ava on his leg, rubbing her back. Ava kept on screaming.
Blaine bent down and got the pacifier out of the baby bag and put it into Avas mouth, which took it and immediately calmed down and looked to Blaine with teary eyes, hiccupping a little.
"There you go, see? Youre okay." Blaine kissed her forehead. Ava nodded and looked to Kurt.
"Are you okay?" Kurt said in a baby voice. Ava nodded and snuggled into Kurts chest, closing her eyes. Kurt and Blaine both smiled at their daughter. Burt coughed. They looked to him.
"Are you really vampires?" Burt asked with a shaky voice.
"Well, we didnt just put some contacts and fake teeth in, didnt we?" Blaine asked with a smirk.
Carole and Burt took in the red eyes and fangs. Burt looked down at his granddaughter.
"Im assuming she is one too?" Kurt nodded and Burt let out a long breath. "Well, if Carole is okay with it, Im fine with it too." Burt looked to his wife and she nodded, smiling.
"So, youll keep this a secret right?" Kurt asked.
"Yes, no one will know. Now, give me my grandbaby." Burt held out his hands and Kurt laughed. Kurt handed a sleepy Ava to Burt.
The family spent the rest of the afternoon in peace.
One year later
"Seriously Jeff. Blaine and I can watch Gab for one night. We do have a child of our own." Kurt said. They were sitting in the common room, their mates looking after the children.
"I dont doubt your parenting skills. Thats not what Im worried about." Jeff bit his thumb.
"Well, what is it?" Kurt asked concerned.
"What if Gab thinks Nick and I are abandoning him?" Kurt looked at Jeff for a minute and let out a little chuckle, Jeff looked up.
"Jeff, he is three years old. I highly doubt that he will remember one night you guys left. Besides, he likes Ava. Its good to get them some interaction with someone their own age." Jeff still didnt look convinced. "Jeff," Jeff looked at Kurt, "Just go out and have fun with Nick. You deserve it! I promise Gab will not hate you and he will have a good time." Jeff looked at Kurt and internally debated. After a few seconds Jeff sighed and nodded his head.
"Okay, fine. Just call us if he needs us or anything." Kurt looked offended.
"Jeff, I think you keep forgetting I have a child and she is doing just fine. I can look after another one." Kurt crossed his arms
"I know! I know and Im sorry. I didnt mean it in a bad way. I just worry. I cant help it." Kurts eyes softened.
"Same here. Im sorry for getting defensive." Jeff smiled and gave Kurt a hug.
"Well, we should get them in here to tell them the news." Kurt nodded and called for Blaine and Nick. They walked in with Ava and Gabriel.
"Whats up?" Nick asked, setting Gabriel down.
"Guess what!" Blaine and Nick looked to Kurt. "Nick and Jeff are going out to have a night to themselves and Blaine and I are watching Gab!" Blaine looked at his mate with wide eyes.
"What?" Nick asked.
"Yes! You and Jeff are going to have a date night!"
"Really?" Nick looked at Jeff and he nodded. Nick smiled.
"Wait. Why was I not informed earlier?" Blaine looked at his mate.
"Because I know you wouldnt let them go. Oh all-mighty clan leader. Nick and Jeff are going out and were watching Gab. Thats final." Kurt crossed his arms, challenging Blaine. Blaine gave a defeated sigh.
"I guess we better get ready." Nick and Jeff got up.
"Gabriel, come here will you?" Jeff held his arms for his son, who happily went to his father.
"Yes, Dada?" Gabriel asked.
"Dada and Papa are going out for a night. That means you can hang out with Uncle Blaine and Kurt and Ava!" Gabriel perked up at the prospect.
"I can pway with Ava?" Jeff nodded and Gabriel bounced with excitement. Nick and Jeff laughed.
"That also means you need to behave for them. You have to listen to them. Can you do that for me?" Nick looked Gabriel in the eye.
"Yes Papa." Gabriel shook his head. Jeff hugged Gabriel and kissed his forehead, as did Nick.
"Okay, be good." Jeff handed Gabriel to Blaine and grabbed Nicks hand. They left with one last look at Gabriel.
"Uncle Blaine." Blaine looked at Gabriel. "Can I pway with Ava now?" Blaine chuckled and went over to the play pen, where Ava was distracted by the baby piano, was. Blaine sat Gabriel down and watched how the two children played.
"Aww." Kurt said coming up behind Blaine and hooking his chin over Blaines shoulder. "Look how cute that is!"
"It is pretty damn cute." Blaine turned and kissed Kurt on the lips.
Only a few hours later did that change. Everything was going well until Gabriel accidentally hit Ava in the head with a toy. Everything went downhill from there.
"Daddy!" Ava was screaming on the top of her lungs, holding the back of her head. Kurt immediately came from the kitchen to see why his child was screaming. He saw Ava holding her head crying while Gabriel was next to her, looking guilty, on the verge of crying himself.
"What happened?" Kurt demanded as he lifted Ava and looked at her head. She had a little bump. Kurt kissed the spot and held Ava, trying to calm her down. "Blaine!" Blaine came in their room and looked in the living room.
"What happened?" Blaine asked as he picked up Gabriel.
"I didnt mean to!" Gabriel started to cry into Blaines shirt. Both mates looked at each other.
"Well, what do we do genius? Now we both have crying toddlers." Blaine asked.
"Lets just ask what happened. Im sure its not that bad." Kurt sat down on the couch and held Ava in his lap, bouncing her on his knee. Blaine did the same. Once the two were calm enough to talk, Blaine faced Gabriel.
"Gab, what happened?" Gabriel looked guilty.
"We were pwaying and I threw the toy. I didnt know it would hit her in the head! Im sworry!" Gabriel began to cry again and Blaine shushed him.
"Shh, its okay. It was just an accident. They happen. The only thing you need to do is apologize. Youre not in trouble, okay?" Gabriel nodded and wiped his tears.
"Ava, Im sworry. I didnt mean to hit you!" Ava looked at Gabriel.
"Ava, what do you say?" Kurt said.
"Its okay Gabriel. I forgive you." Ava said. They both hugged and looked at Kurt and Blaine.
"Well, whos up for some treats?" Kurt said, getting up. The children screamed in excitement and followed Kurt to the kitchen.
"Whoa, guys dont go into the kitchen." Blaine grabbed the children by their waists and sat them down on the couch. Kurt came out with two fresh cookies and handed them to the children.
"Eat slowly and dont make a mess." Ava and Gabriel nodded and ate the cookies slowly. Kurt walked back into the kitchen.
"Are they good?" The children nodded chocolate all over their faces. "I guess Ill try one myself. You guys stay here until I come back." Blaine got up and entered the kitchen.
"We did well, Kurt." Kurt jumped at the voice and turned around, putting his hand over his non-beating heart.
"Blaine!" Kurt scolded. "Dont do that!" Kurt slapped Blaines shoulder. Blaine smiled and pecked Kurt.
"I just want a cookie." Blaine said innocently.
"Oh really?" Kurt turned around and grabbed a cookie and put it in his mouth. "Then youre going to have to take it from me..." Kurt smirked around the cookie and Blaine groaned.
"You little tease." Blaine surged forward and bit off the other half of the cookie, moaning at the taste. "These are good." Kurt ate the rest of the cookie. Blaine noticed a little chocolate on the side of Kurts mouth and licked it off slowly. Kurt inhaled sharply. Blaine pulled back and smirked at Kurt.
"Two can play at this game." Kurt said and licked Blaines chin. Blaine groaned and Kurt smirked, working a hickey into his neck. Blaine moaned and picked Kurt up by his ass and set him on the counter top. Kurt chuckled lowly and wrapped his arms around Blaines neck. Blaine tried to kiss Kurt, but Kurt leaned back, wrapping his legs around Blaines waist, pulling him in closer.
"Come here and let me kiss you." Blaine demanded.
"Blaine, there are kids here..." Kurt whispered.
"That doesnt matter. I just want to kiss you." Blaine complained and Kurt complied. They both moaned into each others mouth. Blaine licked at Kurts bottom lip, asking for entrance, Kurt opened his mouth and their tongues battled for dominance, after a few minutes Kurt broke free and whispered against Blaines mouth.
"Blaine, there are kids in the other room." Blaine ignored Kurt and continued to kiss Kurt, moving along his jaw until he reached where Kurts neck met his shoulder and bit down, drinking from Kurt.
"Oh god!" Kurt moaned loudly, eyes glowing. Kurt threw his head back and started to unbutton Blaines shirt when he heard feet running to the kitchen.
"Uncle Kurt, Uncle Blaine, can Ava and I..." Gabriel wobbled into the room to find his uncles on the counter. "Ewww! Uncle Blaine and Kurt are kwissing!" Gabriel covered his eyes. Ava looked in the kitchen and did the same. Kurt and Blaine quickly broke apart and Blaine buttoned his shirt back up. Kurt hopped down from the counter and glared and Blaine.
"Uhm... can you and Ava do what?" Kurt asked, still flushed.
"We wanted to watch a movie..." Ava said as she and Gabriel looked at the ground.
"Okay..." Kurt picked up Ava and Blaine picked up Gabriel. Blaine walked up to Kurt and whispered in his ear.
"Lets just hope they forget this tomorrow..." Kurt glared at Blaine. Blaine walked a step behind Kurt, scared of what Kurt was going to do to him.
"Which one do you want to watch?" Kurt asked Ava as he reached the DVDs. Ava reached for Mulan and Kurt grabbed it for her. Kurt handed the DVD to Blaine. "Go put this is." Blaine nodded sheepishly and Kurt sat on the couch, Ava sitting in his lap. Blaine put the DVD in and sat next to Kurt, grabbing Gabriel and putting him in his lap.
After three more movies Kurt noticed both children were starting to get tired.
"I think its time to get them to bed." Kurt said. Blaine looked down and noticed Gabriel was trying to keep himself awake. As was Ava.
"Yeah, you go get them changed and Ill go make the bottles." Blaine said, Blaine slowly lifted Gabriel and set him on the couch. Kurt did the same with Ava and went to get their pjs. Blaine went into the kitchen and got out two bottles from the cooler, shaking them. Blaine walked to the living room to see Kurt gently changing Ava.
"Baba...?" Ava asked, sleep evident in her voice.
"I know. Hold on a second honey." Kurt said as he put her feet in the onsie. Kurt lifted the limp child and held her to his chest. Blaine went over and handed Kurt a bottle and Blaine changed Gabriel. Once both kids were changed, Blaine and Kurt carried them to Avas crib.
"How are we going to do this?" Blaine asked as he held the bottle in Gabriels mouth.
"Hes just going to sleep with her in her crib. Its not like they can have sex or anything. They are only three and two." Kurt commented, shifting Ava and holding her bottle to her mouth.
"Are you sure Jeff and Nick will like that?" Blaine asked.
"Blaine, they are toddlers. They may be vampire children, but they are still children. They dont understand the concept of sex or sexual orientation. It will be fine." Kurt said as he carefully took the bottle from Avas mouth and put a pacifier in place. Blaine did the same and lowered Gabriel in the crib. Kurt lowered Ava next to him and watched how Gabriel hugged Ava from behind, Ava snuggling into Gabriel. Both fast asleep.
"Awwwwww." Blaine said.
"THATS pretty damn cute." Kurt said. He turned around and looked at Blaine. "We did a pretty good job.
"We did. Ya know they could be a cute couple if you think about it..." Kurt looked at Blaine.
"Dont even go there, Blaine. Theyre both babies. Lets not think of that until theyre at least 16." Kurt slapped the side of Blaines head.
"You did not just hit me." Kurt smirked playfully. Blaine smiled and picked Kurt up and put him over his shoulder.
"You better put me down Blaine Hummel-Anderson." Blaine laughed and closed their door.