What You Wished For
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What You Wished For: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,729 - Last Updated: Feb 11, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Feb 11, 2014 - Updated: Feb 11, 2014
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Chapter 8

For the first time, Kurt and Blaine slept through the night and into the morning. The sunlight shone through the widow. Blaine opened his eyes slowly, groaning at the sun in his eyes. Blaine carefully removed his arm around Kurts waist and sat up in the bed, stretching. Blaine looked down at his mate and daughter, smiling. He leaned down and kissed both their cheeks and went into the bathroom. Blaine came out a few minutes later and noticed Avas bottle still in her mouth, empty. He went over and slowly removed it, careful to not wake her.

"We really need to wean her off of this..." Blaine murmured to himself as he walked to the kitchen and put the bottle in the sink. Blaine started to prepare their breakfast while whistling a song.

"What is this?" A voice came from behind Blaine a few minutes later.

"Im making breakfast to celebrate Ava being safe." Kurt smiled.

"Yes, that is something to celebrate, huh?" Blaine turned around to see a sleepy Kurt holding and even sleepier Ava. Blaine went over to them and lightly lifted Ava and held her on his hip.

"You wouldnt mind finishing, right?" Blaine asked Kurt.

"No, its fine, its almost done anyways. Just go get ready." Kurt said and Blaine nodded, leaving the room. Kurt sighed and finished the breakfast, getting Avas baby food along the way. Kurt went to the table and set the food down, handing Blaine the baby food. Blaine opened the can and began feeding a squirming Ava.

"Kurt," Kurt looked to Blaine. "Dont you think we should start to wean her from the bottle?" Blaine asked as he fed Ava another spoonful.

"Isnt she too young?" Kurt said, taking a bite of his food and giving a bite to Blaine, who took it happily.

"She is two, Kurt. She cant have them for much longer. Im not saying to go cold turkey, just only one a day until she doesnt ask for one." Kurt raised his eyebrow at Blaine.

"I suppose. Just one for the night, to help her sleep." Kurt finished his food and took over for Blaine.

"Do you want to start tonight?" Blaine asked, finishing the rest of his food.

"You get to deal with the meltdown that takes place." Kurt gave Ava the last spoonful and wiped her mouth and un-latched the high-chair.

"Yes, I will deal with it. So its settled. We dont give her one no matter how much she asks." Kurt nodded and lifted Ava.

"Yes. Blaine, dont fall for the puppy dog eyes. Be strong." Blaine nodded. "Now, Im going to change her, care to join me?" Blaine smiled and followed Kurt into the nursery.

Several hours later...

"Baba?" Ava asked from her position in the play pen.

"No, Ava." Blaine said, turning back to the TV.

Kurt left an hour ago to visit his parents. This left Blaine with a pleading Ava. Blaine didnt know how hard it would be to deny her. She has Kurts eyes after all.

"Baba! " Ava pleaded to Blaine, ignoring her toys.

"No." Blaine said, not looking at her.

"BABA!" Ava screamed and started to cry, pounding her fists on the side of the play pen.

"AVA!" Blaine said. Great, Blaine thought. This is her first tantrum. Blaine got up and went over to the play pin, lifting Ava up and bouncing her, trying to calm her down. It didnt work.

"Baba...Baba...BABA!" Ava started to kick and punch the air, screaming and crying her little head off.

"Seriously?" Blaine said. Blaine walked over to the couch and laid Ava on her back. Blaine picked up the closest pacifier he could find and tried to put it in her mouth, Ava grabbed it out of Blaines hand and threw it at his face, hitting him square in the forehead. Blaine sat there, stunned. He really needed Kurt.

"AVA!" Blaine raised his voice, it worked. Ava stopped screaming and looked at her father. "You will stop this crying. Youre not getting a bottle and throwing things at me isnt going to get you one. Now, since you threw the pacifier at me, youre going to your room." Blaine picked Ava up, who had started to scream again, and put her in her crib. Blaine looked over to see Ava kicking the side of the crib, crying. Blaine had to use all his willpower to turn around and close the door, muffling Avas cries. Blaine put his hand on his forehead and sighed. Blaine sat down.

Hudson-Hummel household

Kurt was nervous. He had never been this nervous since he found out he was pregnant. He thought about how much of a blessing that was and he felt optimistic about this outcome. Kurt was going to tell Carole and his dad about Blaine and Ava. Not the entire truth, just a modified one. Kurt was nervous of their reaction. Its one thing to have a kid at 18, but to be the one carrying the child? He had no clue how his parents would take the news. Burt and Carole are both very open-minded and accepting, Finn, however, not so much. Kurt sighed as he remembered the times Finn either insulted him, or didnt care enough to stand up for him. Kurt was glad Finn moved out of the house when he went to college, one less person to worry about.

"Well, its now or never..." Kurt gave himself courage and walked up to the familiar house, knocking on the door. Kurt heard someone say coming and the door opened, revealing Burt Hummel.

"Kurt...?" Burt looked at the man in-front of him in confusion. Burt stood there for a good minute before realizing who was at his door. "Kurt?!" Kurt nodded and Burt gave him a hug. Kurt smiled and hugged back. Burt broke away from the embrace and looked at Kurt. "Is it really you?" Kurt nodded. "Come in son." Burt ushered Kurt into the living room. Both of the sitting on the couch.

"Carole!" Burt called for his wife. Carol entered and looked confused at the unfamiliar man in her home. The man turned his head and looked at her. She gasped.

"Kurt!?" Carole ran to him and gave him a hug. Kurt started to laugh.

"Wow, if this is the reaction I get after 2 years, I should do it often." Kurt said as he broke off the hug. Carole sat next to Burt.

"Dont you dare say that, son? Two years is long enough." Kurt looked at Burt.

"I was kidding, Dad. I wont leave again." Kurt crossed his legs.

"Why did you leave for all that time?" Burt asked.

"Its a really long story, but Ill make it simple." Burt and Carole nodded, waiting for the story. "Do you remember Blaine?"

"The kid you were dating?" Kurt nodded. "What about him?"

"Well...lets just say that we...have a daughter..." Kurt trailed off, waiting for the reaction.

"You... have a daughter...?" Carole asked, hesitant. Kurt nodded, biting his bottom lip.

"YOU WHAT?" Burt yelled and Kurt winced. Carole put a hand on Burts arm, urging him to calm down.

"I have a daughter; her name is Ava, with Blaine." Burt looked at his son, disappointment in his eyes.

"That is why you left for two years? Kurt, you just left. No warning. You didnt tell anyone. Do you have any idea how worried I was? I was looking for you for a year. A year, Kurt! Everyone is convinced you were kidnapped and murdered! All because you wanted to have a kid with your boyfriend. Am I getting it right?" Burt demanded.

"Yes... but Dad, it is much more complicated than that." Burt looked even more pissed.

"How much more complicated can this get?" Kurt bit his lip again.

"I...have a child because...I got...pregnant..." Carole looked at Kurt, shocked.

"Kurt, why do you have to lie to me?" Kurts head shot up. "Are you really using that excuse as to why you got a kid at 18? Dont you want to go to college? Have a future?" Kurt let a tear fall down his cheek.

"Dad... Im not lying..." Burt looked at his son. Really looked at his son. Burt saw the sincerity of the words.

"You really... had her?" Kurt nodded and let out a sob. Burt got up and gave Kurt a tight hug. "Im sorry I didnt believe you. Its just shocking. I never knew men could get pregnant. Im sorry." Burt kissed Kurts head.

"Im sorry I left for so long. I didnt know how to tell you guys. I was scared." Kurt broke the hug and looked at his parents. "I guess the secret is out." Most of it, anyways.

"Can we meet her?" Carole asked.

"Yes, actually, Ill call Blaine right now and Blaine will bring her. It will take around 2 hours." Burt nodded and Carole went into the kitchen to get them some drinks. Kurt pulled out his phone and called Blaine.

"Hello? Kurt?" Blaine asked.

"Hey, Honey, what is that screaming?" Kurt asked, hearing the screaming in the background.

"Oh, Ava is having a tantrum and I put her in her room."

"Ah, well, can you bring her over to my parents house? They want to meet her."

"So, you told them. Did they take the news alright?"

"Yes, in fact, theyre happy for us."

"Thats good. Yes, Ill bring her. See you in 2 hours. Love you."

"Love you too." Kurt hung up. "He will be here in 2 hours." Burt and Carole nodded and they all sat down, discussing what Kurt missed.

"Papa, where are we going?" Ava asked from the backseat. The two were 10 minutes away from Kurts parents house and Ava became curious.

"Going to meet your grandparents." Blaine said as he turned the corner.

"Is Daddy there?"


"Yay!" Blaine smiled at her enthusiasm. Blaine parked the car and got Avas bag and un-strapped her. Ava practically jumped in Blaines arms. Blaine let out a little oomph and held her tightly. Blaine put Ava on his hip and walked up to the door. He stopped and got Avas attention.

"Ava, listen to me very carefully." Ava nodded. "When we go in, youre going to want to attack your grandparents. Theyre not like us. They dont know what we are. You have to be in complete control of yourself. No attacking people, alright?" Ava nodded. "If you get over-whelmed, tell me or Daddy, okay?"

"Okay, Papa." Blaine smiled and knocked on the door. He heard a come in and Blaine opened the door. Blaine felt Ava tense up instantly and Blaine kissed her forehead.

"Restraint, baby girl." Blaine whispered to Ava as he walked into the living room.

Kurt was the first one up when he heard the knocking. He told Blaine to come in and waited for them to come in.

"Daddy!" Ava said, slightly relaxed and wiggling for Blaine to let her go. Blaine complied and Ava ran to Kurt. Kurt smiled and bent down, ready to lift Ava.

"Hi, baby girl!" Kurt said as he lifted Ava and gave her a hug. Blaine watched the scene and smiled, setting down Avas bag. Blaine walked over and gave Kurt a kiss.

"I told her to keep control and if she felt like she was losing it to tell either me or you." Blaine whispered in Kurts ear as he hugged him. Kurt nodded.

"Hows my baby doing?" Kurt asked Ava.

"Papa and I went to the park! Gab and Jeffie went too!" Ava babbled.

"I bet he did!" Kurt said in a peppy-tone. Kurt heard a gasp from behind him and turned around to see his parents looking at Ava.

"Oh, Dad, Carole, this is Ava, your granddaughter." Kurt turned so they could properly see Ava.

"Wow..." Carole said.

"Shes gorgeous, a perfect mix of you two." Burt said.

"Ava, say hi to Grandpa and Grandma." Ava waved slightly and put her head on Kurts shoulder, hiding her face. The whole room laughed.

"What is he doing here?" Everyone turned around to see Finn standing in the doorway, glaring at Kurt. Kurt instantly tensed. Ava looked at her father, confused as to why he is tense. Blaine instinctively stood in-front of his mate and child, ready to protect them.

"Finn... What are you doing here so suddenly?" Carole asked, feeling the tension in the room.

"Thought Id stop by to visit, didnt expect the fairy, though." Finn said as if it were normal.

"What did you just call him?" Blaine demanded, glaring at Finn. He willed himself to stay calm.

"Oh, whats this? Fairy find himself a boyfriend. How cute." Finn said condescendingly.

"Finn..." Burt said but he was interrupted.

"Excuse me, but dont you talk about my husband like that." Blaine glared hard at Finn.

"Husbands? Ha! You actually found someone to marry you two? Did you have to pay him off? Or did you do what fags do best? Huh, how many times did you fuck him?" Finn asked harshly.

"Finn... maybe you should leave..." Carole was scared the situation would escalate fast.

"Daddy, why is he being mean?" Ava asked, looking at Finn. Finn heard her and looked down and saw the child Kurt was holding.

"Oh, this just keeps getting better! You have a kid? What did you do? Steal her from some poor family? Are you that desperate?" Finn walked over to Ava and Kurt and towered over them. Kurt kept a stoic face. "I bet shes a crack baby. Who did you steal it from, hmm?" Finn laughed as he reached out and touched Avas hair, trying to pull her.

But, before Finn could pull, Blaine grabbed him by the neck and slammed him on the wall, eyes red and glowing.

"Dont you dare touch her!" Blaine said slowly, voice low and gravely. Finn looked terrified, but determined.

"What the fuck do you think youre doing? Get the fuck off of me." Finn screamed, trying to break free. Kurt ushered his parents out of the room, closing the door. Kurt watched the scene.

"You do not touch my daughter, do you understand me?" Blaine tightened his grip. Finn started to struggle. "If you touch her, or insult my husband again, I will kill you." Blaine growled at Finn. Finn looked to Kurt and Ava, their eyes were red also, faces stoic.

"What are you freaks?!" Finn tried to break free.

"What did I ju-"

"Blaine." Blaine turned around to look at Kurt. "Take her." Blaine dropped Finn and grabbed Ava. Kurt went over to Finn and lifted him up, slamming him against the wall. Finn screamed as he landed on his arm, breaking it, he looked up at Kurt.

"Im freak am I?" Kurt said, his voice dropping octaves.

"Look, Kurt Im so-" Kurt kicked Finn in the stomach.

"Youre sorry? Youre sorry for the years of bullying, making fun of me, making me feel like Im nothing? Ignoring me, not standing up for me when I was being bullied? Not trying to help as I was almost killed? Youre sorry? You dont get to apologize. I should feel sorry for you. You are a poor excuse for a person. You cant see past your ignorance. Well, guess what?" Finn looked up. "Im stronger than you. I have an amazing husband and beautiful daughter. And what do you have? Nothing. Youre going to die, and Im going to be the one to kill you." Kurt said. Finn was terrified.

"Ki-i-i-ll? You cant kill me!" Finn pleaded.

"Oh yeah? Watch me." Kurt smiled and Finns blood ran cold. Blaine watched the scene with pride in his eyes. His mate was so strong. He took no shit. He was going to show his bully just what he deserved.

"Papa, what is Daddy going to do to that man?" Blaine looked down at Ava.

"Giving him a lesson." Blaine affirmed. Blaine put his hand on the back of Avas head and gently turned her head so she wasnt looking.

Kurt killed Finn quickly. Ava whimpered as Finn screamed and Blaine just bounced her. Once Kurt was done, he wiped his mouth and disposed of the body. Kurt turned around and looked at Blaine. Blaine knew Kurt was hurting inside. Blaine set Ava down walked over to Kurt, hugging him. Kurt started to cry.

"Its okay. You did well. He deserved it. Its okay." Blaine kissed Kurts forehead as he calmed down a little.

"Im sorry. I ruined this whole visit! I just hate him! He insulted me for years! Im sorry." Kurt cried.

"Its okay, baby. Dont worry." Blaine mumbled in Kurts hair. Ava walked slowly to her parents.

"Daddy?" Kurt looked down. "Why you sad?" Kurt lifted her up and hugged her.

"Im not sad. I promise." Ava smiled and kissed Kurts cheek.

"Kurt..." Burt asked as he opened the door.

"I guess I should explain something, huh?" Kurt laughed.

"I would like that." Burt said.


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