Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Chapter 7
Two years old.
"Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada." Kurt woke up to Ava crying his name over the baby monitor. Kurt groaned and sat up, stretching and rubbing his eyes. Kurt looked over to Blaine and saw he was passed out. Kurt chuckled and got up and walked in to the nursery. Kurt saw Ava holding herself up by the bar of her crib, looking to Kurt.
"Why are you up so early?" Kurt asked as he walked over to Ava. Ava put her arms up, asking to be picked up. Kurt complied and held her on his hip.
"Baba?" Ava asked. Kurt looked down and his sleepy daughter.
"Are you hungry?" Ava nodded and Kurt walked to their kitchen and got a bottle from the cooler holding it to Avas mouth. Ava was too tired to hold it herself so Kurt sat down and held the bottle as she drank. Kurt noticed Ava starting to drink less and looked down and noticed her eyes drooping. Kurt laughed lightly and laid her on her back. Kurt grabbed a pillow and set the bottle on it so Ava could drink while she was lying down. Kurt got up carefully and walked into his room, jumping on the bed.
"Blainey! Wake up honey." Kurt continued to jump, hearing a little groan from Blaine. Blaine opened his eyes slowly and looked at Kurt.
"Kurt!" Blaine complained. "Why are you waking me up at this un-godly hour?" Blaine rubbed his eyes and fully looked at Kurt.
"Because, your daughter is in the cutest potion, ever." Kurt said.
"What?" Blaine asked confused.
"Come on Ill show you." Kurt grabbed Blaines hand and dragged him to the living room. Once the couple reached the room, however, Kurt stop and stared at the couch wide-eyed.
"Well, where is she?" Blaine asked looking to Kurt. Blaine saw terrified look and turned him around. "Whats wrong?" Blaine grabbed Kurts face.
"She...was right...there..." Kurt pointed to the couch where the bottle laid, half empty.
"What...?" Blaine asked confused, when it finally clicked. "Where is she?!" Blaine yelled while looking around the living room.
"AVA!" Kurt screamed, searching frantically around the house for her.
"Kurt, I cant find her!" Blaine said, going through the entire house.
"Shes not here!" Kurt cried. He looked to the door and noticed it was slightly open.
"Blaine...the fucking door." Blaine looked at the door.
"She cant open damn doors. Shes too little!" Blaine looked to Kurt, who was crying hysterically. Blaine ran to his mate and hugged him tightly. "Calm down honey. We will find her." Blaine kissed Kurts head. Kurt didnt hear these words. Kurt cried louder and started to scream. He must have been so loud the entire coven heard him. The coven was in-tuned to the couple. Whenever they thought they were in distress they would come in a second. Wes kicked the door open, ready to attack.
"What happened?!" Wes looked to Blaine trying to comfort a hysteric Kurt.
"Why is Kurt going crazy?" David asked.
"Someone took Ava." Blaine said, rocking Kurt back-and-forth. Kurt started to grab his hair and pulling. Blaine grabbed his hands and held them to his chest. "Baby, stop. Youre hurting yourself."
"It-its a-l-all my fau-fault!" Kurt was beyond comfort at this point.
"No, its not. You didnt know this was going to happen." Blaine tried to calm Kurt.
Bad idea.
"IT IS! I LOST OUR BABY! OUR DAUGHTER! I SHOULD HAVE JUST BROUGHT HER WITH ME! I SHOULDNT HAVE LEFT HER ON THE COUCH. SHES MY BABY AND I LEFT HER ALONE!" Kurt got up and yelled. Kurt eyes glowed a bright red, his fists were in tight balls and he was pacing the room. No-one dared to stop him.
"Kurt..." Kurt turned to Blaine and gave him the deadliest glare that had even Blaine shaking.
"Dont you fucking Kurt me! I let her get kidnapped. Its my fault. I couldnt even protect her! Im so stupid! We got too comfortable. My baby...gone..." Kurt stopped paced and stood stoic in the middle of the room. The air in the room became heavy, everyone too afraid to try and calm Kurt down.
"Kurt." Blaine tried to coax Kurt to turn around. Kurt remained in the same position. "Baby..." Blaine took slow calculated steps toward his mate, not wanting to upset him more. "I know youre upset, I am too. I want her back just as much as you do. You know losing control will do nothing to get her back." Blaine reached Kurt and gently put his hand on Kurts back. Blaine felt Kurt shaking. "We will find her, I promise my life on it." Blaine hugged Kurt from the back and Kurt lost it.
The coven felt like it was hours, in reality it was only a minute or so. They saw Kurt and Blaine on their knees, Blaine hugging a crying Kurt. Blaine looked up.
"Guys." Blaine said calmly, although they knew he was losing it on the inside. "We have to find her, now. I dont care what you do. We need to get her back." The coven nodded. Blaine got up and picked Kurt up, who pass out, bridal style and laid him on the couch and kissed his forehead. "Well get her back, I promise." Blaine whispered to Kurt and he and the coven went into the common room.
"Dada! Papa!?" Ava cried her fathers name as the stranger carried her through the woods.
"Will you shut up?! Stupid child." The stranger said, putting his hand over her mouth. This made Ava scream for her fathers louder.
"Damn it! Shut up!" The stranger yelled as he reached the house. He opened the door and whistled. A female came and grabbed the baby, trying to sooth her.
"You cant just force her to stop. You have to sooth her." The girl said.
"I dont care about that child. I just want to lead the alpha here." The man said, shooing the girl away. The girl glared and turned her attention to Ava.
"Hey, its okay." She cooed. Ava stopped crying and looked at the girl.
"Dada. Papa!" Ava continued crying.
"I know, youll see them, hopefully." The girl whispered to Ava. She held Ava to her chest and started to bounce her.
"What do we do?" Trent asked?
It has been a week and the coven was stuck.
"I can find a faint trail. But it stops in the forest. This guy is smart." David said.
"This guy must have left something behind." Wes said.
"Maybe were not looking hard enough." Thad commented.
"Have you looked further inside the forest?" Blaine asked.
"No. I didnt think of that." David trailed off.
Then the forest we go." Kurt said as he got up and pulled Blaine with him. No-one objecting and they ran into the forest.
"There you go." The girl said as Ava finally fell asleep on the couch. The man walked in.
"Did you finally get it to shut up?" He asked.
"Shes not an it." The girl huffed, putting a blanket on Ava. "Why did you take her anyways?
"So I can lure the alpha and his mate here, so I can kill them. Ill do a better job than Sebastian." The girl just looked at him. She knew it will not work. The alpha is ruthless and his mate no different. She knew taking their child was the tipper. They would kill him them the second they found the house. Shes not stupid. She heard about Sebastian.
"Are you sure taking their kid was the smart choice?" The man glared at her.
"Its the perfect way to get them to find us. Dont question my plan, women. I made you like this; I can take it back just as fast. Now make sure that thing stays alive." He pointed to Ava and walked away. The girl looked to Ava and let a single tear fall down her face.
"Im sorry." She whispered to Ava.
"Seriously, I cant be this hard to find a damn house in the woods!" Kurt yelled at the coven.
"Baby, please calm down. They are doing the best that they can." Blaine squeezed Kurts hand.
"I know. Im sorry." Kurt addressed the coven.
"I think I see a path..." David squinted at looked north. "Yeah, I see a path. This may be our house." The coven started to race up the path, Blaine and Kurt in-front.
"Jared." The man called. Jared came out from a room and bowed to him. "I need you to guard this house. I feeling we will be getting more than just Kurt and Blaine as guests. And we dont want that." Jared nodded and went outside. The man went into the living room.
"What are you doing?" He demanded, scaring the girl.
"Im getting her food. She needs to be fed." The girl said, getting a bag from the cooler.
"No. Put it back. She doesnt need it. That is not to be wasted." He grabbed the bag from her hands and threw her on the wall. "Stupid girl." he yelled. This woke Ava and she began to cry. "Not you again!" The man went over to Ava and began to shake her.
Outside the house
"I see a house!" Wes exclaimed. They stopped in the yard.
"Okay, heres the plan, David and Wes, stay on either side of me and Kurt and Thad and Trent, stay behind us. We need every side covered when we ambush." Blaine said, getting into position.
"I wouldnt do that if I were you." Everyone turned to the voice and saw a big, tall, blonde man standing in-front of the door.
"Who the fuck are you?" Kurt demanded, eyes glowing and fangs bearing.
"Names Jared. Afraid you wont be getting in there. Master said no-one is allowed in there." he said.
"And why is that?" Blaine demanded same position as Kurt.
"Because hes busy with that kid." Jared said, pointing to the house.
"Kid..." Kurt asked.
"What is he doing to our daughter?" Blaine growled, crouching a bit.
"I dont know. Dont ca-" Jared was interrupted by a loud cry. At the sound of their babys cry, Kurt and Blaine attack Jared. The coven was frozen in shock. Kurt and Blaine were tearing Jared apart. Jared out up a good fight, but quickly lost.
"Guys, cover us." Blaine ordered as he pulled Kurt off of Jared. "Kurt, we need to get in the house." They heard another cry and Kurt kicked the door open.
The girl jumped when she heard the door being kicked down. She looked up and saw Kurt and Blaine, looking ready to kill, at the door.
"Oh, no." She whispered.
The scene before the mates made their blood boil. A man was holding Ava, shaking her as she cried. Blaine really looked at the man and stood there, shocked.
"Jeremiah?" Blaine asked, shocked. Kurt looked at the girl sitting by the couch.
"QUINN!?" Kurt yelled, looking at his thought to be friend.
"Hello, boys." Jeremiah smirked.
"What are you doing to her?" Kurt growled.
"Using her." Jeremiah answered.
"Put her down, now." Kurt demanded.
"I think not...I think Ill keep her, and train her to be a killer, just like me." Before Jeremiah finished his sentence, Kurt attacked.
"GIVE HER TO ME NOW!" Kurt yelled and kicked Jeremiah in the head, making him release Ava. Jeremiah stumbled backward, not expecting the attack. Kurt caught Ava before she fell and held her tight against his chest, bouncing her. "Its okay, Daddys got you. Dont cry. Youre safe now." Kurt cooed as Ava cried. She grabbed Kurts shirt and cried Dada. "I know, youre safe now." Kurt looked over to Blaine and Jeremiah.
"Why did you do this, Jeremiah?" Blaine demanded, pinning Jeremiah to the floor by his neck.
"To lure you in. To kill you and your whore." Jeremiah replied, kicking Blaine in the stomach and Blaine let go of his neck and fell over. "Sebastian did such a bad job. He does things without thinking. I actually planned this who scheme out." Jeremiah smirked, kicking Blaine again.
"What did I ever do to you?" Blaine punched Jeremiah in the face and he stumbled back.
"You took my coven and my territory! I owned Dalton then you came along and took it from me! Now Im rouge with nowhere to go and practically starving for food!" Jeremiah yelled.
"I won fair-and-square, and you know it! If you didnt want to lose your precious title, you shouldnt have challenged me. You knew I would win." Blaine said.
"You cheated! I know you did. I was stronger than you! Now Im going to take back my territory by killing you and your pathetic mate and child!" Jeremiah lunged at Blaine.
"The hell you will!" Blaine lunged also, growling.
They were toe-in-toe. They matched in strength and agility. Once Jeremiah got Blaine, he found a way to get out. Blaine punched and kicked Jeremiah, and he got up and did the same. Blaine bit into Jeremiahs arm and ripped a piece of flesh off. Jeremiah screamed in pain and pushed Blaine into the wall, creating a hole. Jeremiah grabbed Blaine by the throat and squeezed. Blaine tried to pry Jeremiahs hands off, to no avail.
"Blaine!" Kurt cried to his mate, he started to walk over to them when he felt a Quinns hand on his arm. With the hand not holding onto Ava, Kurt took her hand and ripped it off his arm, throwing her into the wall. Kurt ran up to her and held her throat, fangs bared and eyes red, growling at her.
"Please, Kurt..." Quinn tried to take off Kurts hand but she wasnt strong enough. Kurt was still baring his fangs at Kurt when Ava touched his face. He looked down.
"Dada, Quinn nice. She friend." Ava told Kurt, looking at Quinn. Kurt closed his mouth and looked at his daughter, confused.
"What do you mean?" He asked softly.
"Quinn help me. She help us. She good, Dada." Ava said, patting Quinns arm. Kurt released Quinns throat and she fell, coughing. Kurt looked down at Quinn.
"Can I trust you to keep her safe?" Kurt asked harshly.
"Yes..." Kurt hesitated. He decided to trust her and gave her Ava.
"Watch her. Dont you dare hurt her and if you do, I will have your head." Quinn nodded and held Ava tightly. Kurt turned around to see Jeremiah holding Blaine by the throat. Kurt crouched and jumped on Jeremiah, ripping him off of Blaine. Blaine fell to his knees and coughed, rubbing his neck. Blaine looked to his mate. Kurt was wrestling to keep Jeremiah down, he was starting to lose. Blaine got up and ripped Jeremiah off of Kurt, slamming him on the wall.
"Dont you dare touch him!" Blaine punched Jeremiah in the face and kicked his stomach. Jeremiah tried to kick Blaines legs, but he was prepared for that. Blaine held Jeremiah tighter against the wall.
"I will win! Youre weak, Blaine! Having a mate and that child made you weak. Youre not focused! Youre too weak to be an alpha. I should be the alpha. I dont let anything weaken me!" Jeremiah got the upper-hand and threw Blaine across the room. Jeremiah got a knife out of his pants and sat on Blaine, restricting him. He held the knife above Blaines heart. "I will be alpha!" Jeremiah raised the knife.
Everything happened at once. The coven rushed into the door, Blaine looked at Kurt desperately, Kurt screamed out Blaines name and Quinn put Ava down.
"Stay here." Quinn told her and took out a stake. Ava nodded and watched as Quinn ran to the fighters. Quinn screamed and plunged the stake into Jeremiahs throat. Jeremiah turned his head and looked at Quinn, his eyes becoming dull. Jeremiah dropped the knife and it lay next to Blaines head. Jeremiahs skin turned grey and his lifeless body fell next to Blaine. Quinn heavy breathing was the only thing heard.
"Quinn..." Blaine whispered.
"I couldnt just let him kill you. Im on your side." Quinn smiled.
"Papa!" Ava cried. Trying to run to him.
"Ava!" Kurt ran to her and picked her up, bringing her to Blaine. Blaine sat up, slowly and took Ava from Kurt, hugging her tightly.
"Its okay, baby. Papas fine. Hes okay. Im so glad youre okay. My little girl." Blaine rocked them both.
"Happy Dada and Papa okay." Ava said in Blaines shoulder. Blaine smiled and kissed Avas head.
"Yeah, were okay. We will always be okay." Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled. Kurt smiled back and kissed Blaine on the lips. Kurt hugged both Ava and Blaine. Kurt looked up at Quinn.
"Thank you." Quinn smiled and hugged both Kurt and Blaine.
"Is it over with?" Wes asked. Blaine looked up.
"Yes, I think it is." Blaine said.
"Whos that?" Thad asked, pointing to Quinn.
"That is the person who just saved my life." Blaine said getting up. Blaine held Ava close to his chest. "I wont let you go. Its okay." He sooth her as she whimpered. Blaine grabbed Kurts hand and turned to Quinn.
"Where will you go now?" Kurt asked.
"I actually dont know..." Quinn looked to the floor.
"Why doesnt she join the coven?" Thad asked, looking to Blaine.
"Well, she did save my life. I have no problem with it. Ava likes her. Its all up to Kurt." Blaine looked to Kurt.
"If she explains why she was with him first." Quinn looked at Kurt.
"I will tell you everything." Quinn quickly agreed.
"Well, welcome to the family!" Kurt announced. Everyone cheered.
"Alright. Lets go and get her fed. Everyone deserves a good nights sleep." Blaine said, leaving the house and they all ran to Dalton.
"Thad," Kurt said once they reached the common room. "Show Quinn around, wont you?" Kurt winked at Thad and her nodded. Thad grabbed a blushing Quinns hand and led her around. Kurt and Blaine laughed.
"Baba?" Ava asked, once Blaine and Kurt reached their kitchen.
"Yes, poor baby. Did they even feed you?" Blaine asked, concerned. He got out a bottle from the cooler and handed Ava the bottle, who took it immediately. Kurt and Blaine went into their room and they both silently agreed that Ava should sleep with them for a while.
"Come here." Kurt said as he reached for his daughter. Blaine complied and handed a sleepy Ava to him. He hugged her and kissed her head. "My baby. Im never letting you out of my sight!" Kurt sat down and watched Ava eat, her eyes drooping.
"Lets go to sleep." Blaine suggested and Kurt nodded. They both lay down with Blaine behind him, one arm around Kurts waist and the other holding one of Avas hands. Kurt held Ava to his chest, one hand on her head and the other on her back. Ava was content, drinking slowly from the bottle and fisting Kurts shirt. She held Blaines finger and promptly fell asleep. Kurt kissed her forehead, then Blaine.
"I love you." Kurt said.
"I love both of you." Blaine kissed Kurt and turned off the light. All three sleeping peacefully in the night.