Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Chapter 6
One month later.
Blaine was sleeping peacefully with his mate next to him when he heard crying from the baby monitor. Blaine groaned and got up and rubbed his eyes. Blaine left the room half asleep and entered the nursery to see Ava holding on to the railing standing and crying her eyes out.
"Whats wrong honey?" Blaine walked over and Ava lifted her arms. Blaine complied and lifted his daughter so she was cradled to his chest. Ava cried louder. "Ava, youre going to wake Daddy, whats wrong?" Blaine started to sway, hoping to sooth the baby.
"Baba! Baba!" Ava cried louder into Blaines shoulder. Blaine sighed and went into the kitchen. Blaine set Ava on the counter and got out a bottle and filled it and picked Ava back up. He handed her the bottle and she started to drink.
"Okay, there..." Blaine trailed off. Blaine felt Avas forehead and widened his eyes. "Are you sick honey?" Blaine felt her cheeks and they were scorching. Blaine became worried. His daughter was sick and he didnt know if it was safe for her to do to a human doctor. Vampires usually dont get sick. Once Ava was done with her bottle, Blaine went up to the nursery and laid her on the changing table, gauging whether or not to wake Kurt up. Ava decided for him when she threw up all over herself.
"Oh my god!" Blaine squeaked and took off Avas pjs and got a towel to clean her mouth. Ava was screaming her lungs out. Apparently his dilemma was solved when Kurt opened the door, looking pissed.
"Blaine, what happened?" Kurt looked over to Ava and noticed the towel and throw up covered clothes. Kurt became alarmed. "Whats wrong with her?" Kurt nearly screamed as he rushed over to her and picked her up, cradling her to his chest.
"I dont know! I woke up to her crying, fed her and she threw up all over herself. Her forehead and cheeks are really hot." Blaine said as he threw away the clothes and got a new clean pair.
"We have to take her to the doctors." Kurt said and put the back of his hand on Avas forehead, frowning.
"Kurt..." Kurt interrupted.
"Dont Kurt me. Our daughter is sick and she needs a doctor. What if it is life-threatening? Would you risk it? Shes fine. We trained her enough. I think shes too out of it anyways to even care that there are humans around. Seriously, were going to the doctors. Go get the baby bag ready." Kurt demanded, taking the outfit out of Blaines stunned hand. Kurt noticed Blaine didnt move. "BLAINE!" Kurt yelled and Blaine swiftly left the room.
"Dada!" Ava cried, fisting Kurts shirt.
"I know baby. Were going to get you fixed. Hold on. Just please dont throw up on this outfit." Kurt pleaded as he laid her down and dressed her. Kurt picked her back up and went into his room. He laid her down in his bed and went to go change out of his pjs. Ava cried louder when he went in the bathroom and Kurt felt guilty. Once Kurt was done he walked out and saw Blaine bouncing Ava, trying to sooth her a bit.
"Go get changed, Blaine." Kurt grabbed the baby and resumed what Blaine was doing.
"Shh, its okay baby." Kurt kissed her head and rubbed her back.
"Okay, lets go to the hospital." Blaine said as he emerged from the bathroom and grabbed the baby bag and Kurts hand. The couple walked to the car and Kurt got in the back and buckled Ava in and went in the passenger seat, holding Avas hand so she knew he was still there. Blaine got in the front and drove to the hospital.
"Are you sure about this Kurt?" Blaine asked apprehensively.
"Blaine, I want to make sure she is fine. I dont want her sick. She wont attack anyone. I promise." Kurt kissed their intertwined hands on the counsel of the car.
Once they reached the hospital, Kurt grabbed Ava and Blaine grabbed the baby bag. Ava had stopped crying but she was whimpering from time-to-time. Once in Kurts arms, Ava laid her head on his shoulder and fisted his shirt. Kurt bounced her with one hand and grabbed Blaines with the other. Blaine led them into the emergency room and filled out the papers and turned them in. They sat down and noticed another couple staring intently at their intertwined hands. Blaine was getting annoyed.
"Excuse me," the couple looked to Blaine. "Do you mind looking elsewhere besides us? My baby is sick and Id appreciate it if your rude asses would stop staring." Blaine said harshly. At his mates voice, Kurt looked up.
"Why? Your faggy asses need to stop showing your shit in public." The man retorted.
"Excuse me?" Kurt said.
"You heard me, Lady. You and your little fag need to stop shoving it in our faces. Im already at a hospital. Do you think I want to see the sick ass gay shit in my line of vision?" The man said, glaring at the pair.
"Well, maybe I dont want to see your straight ass shit in my face." Blaine looked pissed.
"Ha! At least Im not an abomination. I mean, where did you get that kid? Did you steal it? Are you really that desperate that you have to steal babies because youre mad that you and your little fag cant make one of your own?" The man laughed, looking at Ava.
"Alright, asshole." Kurt started, looking pissed. "Make fun of me all you want. I dont give a fuck. But you do not and I repeat DO NOT insult my baby or my husband. You are a homophobic, bigoted little douche who is so insecure with himself that he has to make fun of others and bash other people who dont fit your perfect agenda. Its sad really. Youre just pissed that the gay couple can have a kid and your ugly, bleach blonde plastic wife cant even conceive because she had too much surgery. So, before you go off and insult our live, why dont you take a look at yours." Kurt finished. Smiling at the couples shocked expressions.
"How dare you!" The wife screeched.
"Alright, bitch. Dont get me started with you. You best get yourself away from us before I really lose my temper. And you dont want that. Trust me." Kurt said as he bounced Ava who started to whimper. "Its okay, Ava." Kurt cooed.
The man left abruptly and went into the bathroom, not knowing Blaine was not far behind. The man was splashing water in his face when he looked in the mirror and saw Blaine right behind him.
"AHH!" The man screamed. "What the fuck are you doing in here? Im not gay!" The man turned around and sized-up Blaine.
"I told you not to bother us, didnt I?" Blaine said in a low voice. Blaines eyes began to glow and his fangs touching his bottom lip. The man looked terrified.
"What-what are you?" The man backed up as far as he could.
"I suggest you leave, take your bitch with you, and hope you never run into me again. You have one chance." The man ran as fast as he could, dragging his wife with him. Blaine walked back out and sat in his seat.
"What was that?" Blaine asked.
"I just told him to never insult you again." Blaine said simply. Kurt laughed.
"Ava-Valora Hummel-Anderson?" The nurse called.
"Right here." Kurt said and got up and shifted Ava so she was comfortable and grabbed Blaines hand. The nurse led them to a room and asked all the preliminary questions. Blaine answered all the questions and modified some of them. The nurse told them the doctor will be with them soon and closed the door.
"See, everything is going fine so far. She wont attack anyone Blaine." Kurt said as he rubbed her back.
"That still doesnt mean it could happen. Im just trying to protect her." Blaine said as Ava held his finger.
"Paci." Ava whimpered and Blaine took out the pacifier and gave it to Ava.
The doctor walked in and asked Kurt to lay Ava on the bed. Once out of her dads arms, Ava started to cry and reach for Kurt. The doctor stopped him from taking her.
"Its okay; shes just cranky from being sick. Lets just see whats wrong then you can pick her up." Kurt nodded and sat down, bouncing his knee. The doctor checked over Ava. He took her temperature and took a spit sample and told the parents to hold tight while he gets results. Kurt picked Ava back up and bounced her on his knees to sooth her once more. Blaine rubbed her back and checked her eyes.
"Blaine, stop it. Shes fine." Kurt kissed Blaine and he sighed. A knock came from the door. The doctor walked in with medication.
"Well, she has the flu. But, its okay because babies can get the flu. They have their own variation. All you have to do is give her two pills for one week and make sure she sleeps a lot and she will be fine. She will be cranky and she might not be able to always keep her food down, thats normal. Any questions?" The doctor asked.
"No, thank you." Blaine said and took the medicine from him.
"Okay, I just need you to sign the discharge papers and you can go home." Blaine did just that and he and Kurt left, strapping a sleeping Ava in her car seat.
"Im glad its just the flu." Kurt sighed in relief.
"Im glad she didnt attack anyone." Blaine said. Kurt nodded and looked ahead.
Once they reached Dalton, Blaine grabbed their supplies and Kurt got Ava. They went up to the nursery and changed Ava into pjs and laid her down and tucked her in. Blaine and Kurt kissed her forehead and went to their own room.
"What a trip." Kurt said as he looked to Blaine.
"Yes, Im just glad she doesnt have anything life-threatening." Blaine kissed Kurt.
"I love you." Kurt said.
"I love you too. Goodnight, baby." Blaine and Kurt closed their eyes and fell asleep.
Two weeks later
Once Ava got over the flu, she became the happy baby Blaine and Kurt remember. They were currently in the common room with everyone, Blaine holding Ava up by her hands and Kurt on the other side of the room, encouraging Ava.
"Come on baby! I know you can do it!" Kurt cooed as Blaine let Ava led him to Kurt. Ava had a face of concentration. Her little legs wobbled as she tried to hold up her weight. Blaine sat down and faced Kurt. Blaine held Ava by her waist as she tried to stand up by herself. Once she got steady footing, she put her right foot in-front of her left and took her first step. The entire room cheered. The distance between Kurt and Blaine was about a 5 step distance. Ava took another step and wobbled to the side a bit. Blaine put his hands behind her to catch her just in case. Ava gained her balance again and took another step.
"There you go Ava! Just two more steps!" Kurt encouraged and held out his hands for her. Ava smiled at the praise and took another step. The room cheered and watched as she finally made it to Kurt and Kurt hugged her. Ava giggled and looked at Kurt.
"Now Papa?" Ava asked. Kurt nodded and turned her around and lifted her to her feet. Once Ava had her footing, Kurt let her go and she walked very slowly to Blaine, who had his arms ready and smiling.
"Good girl! Come to Papa! Youre so good." Blaine said and Ava giggled, reaching Blaine and hugged him. The occupants of the room all Awed and cheered when she reached a parent. Gabriel, who can already walk was in Jeffs lap watching the whole thing.
The happened for about hour until Ava started to get tired. Kurt picked her up and set her in her high chair in their kitchen. You see, even though they are at Dalton, they had their own mini-house since Blaine is the coven leader. They had a kitchen, living room, two rooms and a bathroom. Once Ava was set in her high-chair, Kurt got out some baby food and portioned it out on a plate. Blaine took their lunch out of the cooler. Kurt sat down beside Ava and began to feed her. Blaine sat next to Kurt and began to drink.
"So, are we ever going to introduce her to your friends?" Blaine asked as Kurt fed Ava another spoonful.
"I almost forgot about them..." Kurt actually forgot about his friends. Everything that happened over the past year and a half made him forget. He guessed he could bring them to his friends. They probably thought he were dead or something. Kurt fed Ava another spoonful as he thought.
"I guess it wouldnt be a bad idea. They probably think Im dead or something. I completely forgot about them." Kurt looked to Blaine.
"Then its settled. We are taking a little trip." Blaine finished his lunch and took Kurts place so Kurt could eat. Kurt smiled and took his glass.
"When should we leave?" Kurt asked.
"We can tomorrow. The coven has enough food and Wes will be in-charge. We can pack tonight." Blaine gave Ava the last of her food and wiped her mouth.
"Okay. Lets give her a bath." Blaine nodded and got Ava out of the chair and carried her to the bathroom and gave her a bath. Blaine came out with a freshly cleaned baby and Kurt smiled.
"Guess whos going on a trip!" Blaine spins Ava around and she giggled. Kurt couldnt wait for this trip.
The next morning, Kurt called all of his friends. Most of them screamed and were excited that he wasnt dead and he is coming to see them. Kurt didnt tell them about Ava yet because he didnt want to ruin the surprise. The family got ready and they were on the road an hour later.
"Who all is going to be there?" Blaine asked as he drove.
"Mercedes, Sam, Artie, Tina, Mike, Puck, Rory and Quinn." Kurt said.
"Did you tell them about Ava?" Blaine turned and entered Lima.
"No, I want to surprise them. I need you to hold her and hide until everyone gets all the hugs and kisses done. She can even walk to me! It will be perfect!" Kurt jumped a little in his seat. Blaine laughed at his excitement.
"Dada?" Ava asked.
"Yes, baby?" Kurt turned around.
"Where r goin?" Ava asked. Kurt laughed. Ava was starting to talk, maybe not in full sentences, but she got her point across.
"Going to meet some friends." Kurt answered.
"And were almost there!" Blaine said, turning down a familiar street.
"Okay, you know the plan?" Kurt asked and Blaine nodded. Once Blaine parked by Mercedes house, he got out and took Ava and her bag. "Okay, Ill give you the signal when its right." Blaine nodded and Kurt kissed him on the lips and Ava on the forehead and walked through the door.
Mercedes heard the door opened and ran to door and engulfed Kurt in a high, nearly toppling him over. Kurt laughed and hugged Mercedes back.
"Kurt! "Mercedes screamed.
"Hello." Kurt replied.
"Come, come! Everybody is waiting for you." Mercedes dragged Kurt to the living room where he was bombarded by hugs and screams. Kurt laughed and hugged everyone back, kissing the girls on the cheek.
"Yes! Im alive guys. Im sorry I havent been in contact. A lot has happened in the past year and a half and I just didnt have time." Kurt said once he sat down on the couch.
"Busy with what?" Tina asked.
"Yeah and wheres Blaine, Hummel?" Puck asked.
"Hes in the car getting ready." Kurt said, giving the signal.
"Ready for what?" Mercedes asked.
"This." Kurt said and got up.
Blaine walked in carrying Ava and the baby bag. Everyone looked at Blaine shocked. Blaine smiled and set Ava down. Ava immediately took very slow calculated steps toward Kurt who crouched down and held his arms out.
"Dada!" Ava smiled and walked toward Kurt.
"Come here, pretty girl." Kurt encouraged. Once Ava reached Kurt, he lifted her up and hugged her close. He kissed her forehead and turned to his shocked audience. Blaine joined Kurt and intertwined their hands.
"Well, this is the surprise. Guys, meet Ava-Valora. Our daughter." Kurt finished and watched the occupants of the room. He waited for someone to say something but it was completely silent.
"Guys?" Blaine asked.
"I think we killed them." Kurt whispered to Blaine.
"That seems to be the case." Blaine said.
Quinn was the first to speak up.
"You guys have a baby?!" Quinn looked at the pair. They nodded.
"But, she looks so much like you both. Adopting and surrogate cant make her look like you both." Tina said.
"Thats because we didnt adopt or get a surrogate." Kurt said, shifting Ava.
"But... how else did you get her?" Sam asked. Kurt and Blaine looked to each other.
"Did, like, one of you get pregnant?" Artie asked, unsure of his own question.
"Thats impossible. Guys cant get pregnant." Rory said.
"Yes, they can." Blaine said putting his hand on Kurts stomach and patting it.
"Whoa. Get some, Hummel." Puck commented. The entire room laughed.
"So, you really gave birth to her?" Quinn asked.
"Yes. Painful yet rewarding experience I might add." Kurt said.
"Can we hold her?" Mercedes asked, holing out her hands.
"Sure, just be careful." Kurt handed Ava to Mercedes. Ava let out a little whimper at being away from Kurt but Mercedes quickly soothed her. "Everyone can have a chance." Kurt sat down next to Blaine and watched as his friends took Ava one-by-one and made faces with her and played with her.
"Shes so pretty." Tina said as Ava played with her hair.
"You guys did well." Puck commented as he made faces at Ava, who laughed.
"Thanks...I guess." Blaine said a little embarrassed.
"How old is she?" Mike asked.
"Shes 10 months." Kurt answered.
"Shes very advanced for her age." Quinn commented.
"Shes smart." Blaine said. That was the usual cover-up when people noticed how advanced she is.
"I just cant believe youre a daddy, Kurt." Sam said.
"It shocked me too. Believe me." Kurt laughed as Ava started to squirm out of Pucks arm. Ava was becoming irritated with all the attention. Blaine got up.
"Alright, shes getting a little annoyed. I think she just wants some food." Blaine grabbed her and sat her down and got out some food. He put her bib on and began to feed her.
"Whos ready for the mall?" Mercedes asked. Everyone raised their hands. Once Ava was fed, the group left for the mall.
After an eventful day at the mall, Ava was dozing off in her car seat as Blaine drove them back to Dalton.
"That was fun." Kurt said.
"Yeah. Its great to get her out and meet other people," Blaine turned a corner.
"Im shocked how well they took to her. I thought I would have to convince them how she got her." Kurt laughed.
"Theyre your friends. Im pretty sure they will always believe you." Blaine parked in the parking lot and took Ava out, who was fast asleep and walked hand-in-hand with Kurt to their room. Blaine put Ava in her bed and he and Kurt went to their room and fell in the bed, instantly falling asleep, and smiles on their faces.