What You Wished For
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What You Wished For: Chapter 5

E - Words: 3,661 - Last Updated: Feb 11, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Feb 11, 2014 - Updated: Feb 11, 2014
222 0 0 0 0

Chapter 5

Blaine woke up to the sound of Ava crying in discomfort. He immediately shot up and went into her nursery and looked at her in her crib and lifted her, swaying her slightly.

"Whats wrong, honey?" Blaine asked softly. Ava continued to cry, her face scrunched up in discomfort, tears falling down her face. Blaine began to bounce her and walked downstairs to the kitchen. He maneuvered Ava so she was on his chest while he reached in the cooler and took out a blood bag. He turned around and got a bottle out of the cabinet and poured the bottle about half way; closing it with the top. Ava started to fuss and get louder.

"Hold on, Ava." Blaine cooed, sitting down on the couch and putting the bottle to her mouth, she latched on and sucked happily. Blaine started down at her, smiling. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Youre just too beautiful. My little baby girl." Blaine watched as Ava ate. Once the bottle was empty, Blaine grabbed a towel and out it over his shoulder and started to burp her. Once she let out a little burp, Blaine set her down on the couch and checked if she needed to be changed. Ava started to fuss again and let out a little whimper and Blaine quickly picked her back up and bounced her slightly, cooing to her.

"Its okay baby girl. Papas got you. Shh." Blaine walked up to her nursery and sat in the rocking chair and shifted Ava so he was cradling her once more. Blaine started to sing a song softly, rocking the chair. After about 20 minutes Ava let out a little yawn and her eye lids slowly closed. Blaine let out a breath and kissed her cheek. Blaine got up and put her gently in her crib. He kissed her head one more time and left the room. Blaine lay down and wrapped his arm around his mate. Kurt snuggled closer to Blaine and let out a content sigh. Blaine smiled and fell asleep.

The routine happened 3 more times with Blaine telling Kurt to sleep because he just gave birth and deserved to rest. Kurt tried to protest, but eventually lost the battle and slept the rest of the night. Blaine really enjoyed the alone time with his daughter. She was just so perfect, the perfect mix of him and Kurt. He was very happy.

Kurt woke up to find Blaine passed out next to him. Kurt laughed to himself. Kurt laid back and looked at the ceiling. He turned his head when he heard a little whimper from the baby monitor. Kurt got up and walked into the nursery to see Ava fussing, her face scrunched up.

"Aww, whats wrong, baby girl?" Kurt cooed as he lifted Ava from the crib and held her to his chest. Ava immediately calmed and snuggled into Kurts chest. "Aww, you know who your daddy is, dont you?" Kurt started to bounce her, walking to the kitchen to make her a bottle. He walked back to the nursery and sat in the rocking chair, feeding Ava. Ava flailed her arms trying to grab the bottle, Kurt chuckled. "No, Ava. Youre a little too young for that." Ava continued to try to grab the bottle, Kurt continued to laugh.

"Whats so funny?" A familiar voice came from the doorway. Kurt looked up at his mates voice and gave him a smile.

"Shes trying to grab the bottle. Its adorable." Blaine walked over and lightly rubbed Avas hand and she latched on, holding tight.

"I think she just wants something to occupy her." Blaine let his daughter play with his finger.

"Shes just amazing. Im scared to see what she is like when she loses it..." Kurt trailed off.

"Well, we will work with it when it comes to that time." Blaine murmured, playing with Avas fingers.

"What if Im not a good father?" Kurts voice was laced with doubt. Blaine looked at Kurt with concern.

"Baby, dont say that youre a natural, I mean look at you now." Blaine gestured to Kurt currently burping Ava. "You will be amazing. You already are. You gave birth to this little girl; you cant get any more natural than that." Blaine chuckled and Kurt smiled a little.

"Thank you." Kurt said. Blaine leaned over and kissed Kurt. He lifted Ava out of Kurts arm and out her on the changing table. Once Ava was changed and in fresh clothes, Blaine and Kurt decided it would be a good idea to introduce the rest of the coven to her. Kurt grabbed the babys portable rocking chair that automatically rocks just in case she gets fussy. The couple walks out into the common room where most of the coven where doing random things. Once they heard the couple walk in, everyone looked up and let out a collective Aww. Kurt and Blaine sat down, Ava in Kurts lap.

"Well, this is Ava-Valora." Blaine said. Everyone got up one-by-one and held her, kissed her cheek, nose and forehead and got to babble to her. Once everyone was done, Kurt noticed Avas eyes started to droop. He put her in her chair and turned it on. It rock back-and-forth very slowly, lulling her to sleep.

"Shes adorable." Trent said.

"The perfect combination of both of you." Thad said.

"So, Kurt, how does it feel to finally have her?" David asked.

"Surreal, and some-what rewarding." Kurt replied.

"Nothing wrong? Shes healthy? Taking her food?" Wes asked.

"Yes, Wes. Shes fine." Blaine chuckled.

"Just making sure." Wes sat back down and continued his game.

Kurt and Blaine leaned back into the couch, yawning. Kurt put his head on Blaines shoulder and intertwined their fingers. Blaine lifted their hands and kissed them.

"I love you." Kurt said.

"As I love you." Blaine said, staring at his daughter, sleeping peacefully.

9 months later.

Life with Ava was rewarding, yet hectic. She has grown in the past months; it kind of scared the parents. She smiled all the time, she started to babble things when she would want something, she started to crawl and her features are becoming more defined. She inherited Blaines curls, but Kurts color and texture, Kurts skin and mouth. She had Blaines nose and eyes. Her eyes were a dull red since she was still growing and the real color will be revealed when she grows older. To say the least, she was gorgeous. She currently on Kurts hip while he made her bottle.

"Almost done honey, I swear." Kurt said as Ava squirmed in his grasp. Ava kept chanting baba to Kurt while reaching for the counter. "I know you want your baba. You have to wait baby." Kurt said as he screwed on the top of the bottle and set her in her high chair and snapped on the top, handing Ava the bottle. Ava took the bottle and contently sucked the contents. Kurt smiled and turned around and made himself some lunch. Kurt leaned against the counter and nibbled on his sandwich, occasionally looking over to make sure Ava doesnt drink too fast.

Blaine was out on a hunt with Trent, Thad, Nick and David. Usual hunts take around a week since there are 11 people to feed. Kurt didnt mind these times alone. It meant he got to have quality time with his daughter. Kurt was so happy to have a child. Although it was scary at first, once he got used to it he realized he was a natural at it. His daughter was well-behaved and she never really fussed. Kurt thinks he just got lucky to have such a tolerable child. Kurt heard banging from behind him and saw Ava hitting the bottle on the high chairs table. Kurt tsked.

"Ava, I told you, you cant do that. I dont want to buy more bottles." Ava just laughed and hit harder; as if challenging Kurt. Kurt smiled at her antics and took the bottle from her and lifted her from the chair, setting her on the floor. Kurt put the bottle in the sink and picked Ava up and carried her to the common room and sat her down in her play pin, turning on the music. Kurt sat down on the couch and turned the TV on.

About 20 minutes later Kurt heard Ava chanting Dada and he looked over to her. Ava had managed to pull herself up and hold her position by holding the sides of the pen a look of pain on her face; she let out a little whimper.

"Whats wrong?!" Kurt rushed over to her and lifted her, checking her head for a fever, when he found none, he looked at Ava. "What hurts, baby?" Kurt asked softly.

"Potty..." Ava whimpered. Kurt looked confused for a second before it clicked.

"Oh, you went potty?" Ava nodded and Kurt laid her down on the couch and grabbed a diaper off the table, noting he would have to get some more. Kurt unbuttoned Avas onsie and pulled it down. "Oh, you went potty alright..." Kurt covered his nose for a second and grabbed wipes. He unlatched the diaper and cleaned Ava up, putting on a fresh diaper. He buttoned the onsie back up and threw the diaper away. "That better?" Ava nodded and reached for Kurt. Kurt picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Kurt smiled and got up.

"You want to go to the store with me?" Kurt asked. Ava nodded and Kurt set her down on the couch and got the baby bag and stroller ready. "Hold on baby." Kurt went to Wes room and knocked.

"Hey Wes, Im going out for supplies, Im taking Ava. I just wanted you to know so you dont think someone kidnapped me or something."

"Okay, just is careful Kurt. You know she is young. Just keep a close eye on her." Kurt nodded and went to the common room and picked up Ava, setting her in the stroller and strapping her in. He put the bag on the handle and went outside. Kurt went to the car and took out the seat of the stroller and putting it in the backseat, strapping her in.

"Paci! Paci!" Ava said.

"Hold on, let me get you situated." Kurt strapped her in tight and went into the baby bag and pulled out the pacifier, giving it to Ava, who took it happily. Kurt closed the back door and went into the front, putting the bag in the passenger seat. He buckled himself and drove to the mall.

Once they reached the mall, Kurt put the bag over his shoulder and un-strapped Ava from the car seat and held her on his hip. Once he got to the baby store, he grabbed a cart and set Ava in the seat and strapped her tightly. He had to be very cautious of Ava to not attack people and taking her out of Dalton was a risk in itself. He just didnt want Ava cooped up all the time. Kurt went to the diaper aisle putting the items in the cart. He always had an eye on Ava, making sure her eyes didnt start glowing. He went and got a couple of bottles. He was in the toy aisle when an unfamiliar voice sounded from behind.

"Thats a pretty baby you have there." The stranger said. Kurt immediately went tense.

You see, Kurt was very protective. This nature comes naturally when you become a parent but his was heightened. This was his baby. He carried her and gave birth to her. He allows no one to come near her unless he knows them. So naturally, the stranger was very close to her, making Kurt tense.

"Thank you." Kurt turned around to see a girl around his age looking at his daughter.

"She yours?" She asked, pointing to Ava.

"Yes." Kurt said while grabbing a toy and putting it into the cart.

"Whoa," she went over to Ava when Kurt wasnt looking and almost touched Avas face before Ava let out a little growl, her eyes glowing slightly. "Her eyes are a weird color..." The second Kurt heard Ava growl he put himself between the girl and Ava and picked her up, bouncing her to calm her.

"Yes... theyre a... special color..." Ava was staring intently at the girl, eyes still glowing slightly.

"But...why are they...like, glowing?" The girl was a little scared at the way the toddler was staring at her. Kurt noticed the look.

"I think its time I go...get this stuff bought and what-not. Bye." Kurt rushed around the corner and went into the bathroom, cart and all.

"Dada" Ava was staring at Kurt, her eyes still glowing, although it was diming.

"I know, Honey. Calm down." Kurt set her on the sink and rubbed her back. Ava let out a cry and Kurt grabbed her back up and tried to calm her. He bounced her for 5 minutes and the crying wouldnt let up. Kurt grabbed a pacifier and tried to put it in her mouth. She took it and her cries started to calm. Her eyes went back to the dull red and she put her head on Kurts chest, holding the pacifier. She let out a breath and closed her eyes.

"Thank god." Kurt breathed a sigh of relief and pushed the cart through the store and went to a register. Kurt bought the items and went out to the car. He put the bags in the back and put a sleeping Ava in her car seat and drove home. Kurt got out and grabbed the bags and Ava and opened the door. Kurt put the items in their right spots and went to the nursery and sat in the rocking chair with Ava sleeping soundly on his chest. Kurt fell asleep in the chair.

Blaine opened the door to Dalton, the rest of the group following behind, feeling accomplished. They got enough food to last a while. That means he doesnt have to leave for a long time and he can spend time with his family.

"You guys go put the food up and inform the rest of them of our return." The group nodded and Blaine went up to his room to find Kurt gone. Blaine looked around and wondered where Kurt could be. Blaine took off his shoes and went to the nursery.

"Aww." Blaine said as he opened the door to find his mate and baby asleep in the rocking chair. Blaine went over and lifted Ava off of Kurt and laid her on his chest, bouncing her back to sleep. Kurt stirred when the weight was removed and opened his eyes to see what happened to Ava. Kurt smiled when he saw Blaine.

"Hey Baby. Was the hunt okay?" Kurt got up and cracked his back.

"Yes, we got plenty of food. Looks like you had fun today." Blaine smiled as Ava snuggled into his shoulder.

"Not really." Kurt sighed and grabbed Avas pajamas.

"Why? What happened?" Blaine said with concern. Kurt stood in-front of Blaine.

"This lady came up to us when we were at the store and got really close. I wasnt looking and Ava started to lose her self-control..." Kurt trailed off.

"Baby," Blaine laid Ava down and grabbed the pjs. "Why did you bring her out in public without me? You know its difficult even for me to control her." Blaine put the pjs on Ava and picked her back up.

"I know! I freakin know, Blaine. I just dont want her to be cooped up in here. I want her to have some fresh air. I was just getting some bottle and diapers. I didnt think I little 10 minute trip would turn out like this." Kurt put his head in his hands.

"I know where you are coming from. I dont want her cooped up here either. But she still needs to be trained. I agree. It was a bad time. Its not your fault. Youre her father also. You can make decisions for her too. You only want whats best for her. We should plan a day out with all three of us. Ya know, spend a day together as a family." Blaine started to bounce Ava as she started to wake up.

"Okay, Im sorry. I love you." Kurt sighed.

"I love you too." Blaine leaned over and kissed Kurt, who kissed back. Ava started to full wake up and she noticed who was holding her.

"PAPA!" Ava squealed and hugged Blaine around the neck.

"Hey, baby girl." Blaine laughed and hugged her back. "How is my baby doing today?" Ava let out an indistinct string of babbles and Blaine laughed; pretending to understand.

"I think we should call it a night." Kurt suggested. Blaine nodded and grabbed Avas pacifier and put it in her mouth. Kurt and Blaine kissed her cheek and set her down in her crib. Kurt tucked the blanket around her and turned the music box by her table on and dimmed the lights and the couple left the room.

"So, tomorrow?" Kurt asked.

"Yes, we could go on a picnic and go shopping, you deserve it." Blaine replied.

"You know what we could do right now, though?" Kurt looked at Blaine, eyes darkening.

"What?" Blaines voice dropped and his fangs came out.

Kurt walked over to the bed slowly and lay down on his back, stretching his limbs and looking at Blaine; glowing eyes and fangs extended. Blaine almost died at the look Kurt was giving him. "Well, its been a week, Blaine...I have been awfully...lonely..." Kurt got up on his knees and pulled on his tie, bringing their lips centimeters from each other. Blaine breathed out a big breath and tried to kiss Kurt. Kurt laughed and moved back, avoiding Blaines mouth. Blaine groaned.

"Well, why dont you come here so I can make you not so lonely?" Blaine suggested, pushing Kurt on his back again, straddling his hips, both hands on either side of Kurts head.

"Are you sure we should do this now?" Kurt looked at Blaine seductively, trailing one finger from Blaines forehead to his growing bulge. Blaine opened his mouth at the touch and Kurt slowly leaned up and licked Blaines open mouth slowly, curling his tongue. Blaines breath hitched.

"Damn, baby..." Blaine grabbed the back of Kurts neck and slammed their mouths together. There was nothing sweet about this kiss. It was all teeth and tongue. It was completely dirty. Kurt can feel himself getting hard. They broke apart.

"Its been hard. Ive been so horny Blaine; my hand just doesnt cover it!" Blaine growled and re-attached their mouths. Blaine tilted his head forward forcing Kurts head back. Blaine broke apart and attacked Kurts neck. Kurt threw his head back and started to unbutton Blaines shirt as he attacked his neck. Kurt could feel Blaines fangs grazing his neck.

"Youre just so sexy." Blaine growled and removed his shirt and unbuttons Kurts, leaving it on but open so Blaine can feel Kurts chest. Blaine took a nipple in his mouth and toyed with it, his other hand tweaking the other one.

"Yes...god, yes..." Kurt moaned at the contact. Blaine licked from Kurts collarbone to his neck and took off Kurts pants and underwear. Blaine took Kurts hard member in his hand and gave it a few strokes. Kurts eyes roll in the back of his head. He moaned loudly. Kurt flipped them over and took of Blaines pant and underwear as well.

"Are we going to have sex with a baby in the other room?" Blaine laughed breathlessly.

"Shell never know." Kurt grabbed Blaines erection and licked a slow strip from base to tip. Blaine moaned and carded his hands through Kurts hair. Kurt took the head into his mouth and sucked, hard. Blaine threw his head back and moaned.

"Yes, baby. Feels so good." Kurt smiled around the head and released.

"Need you to fuck me. Now." Kurt stroked Blaines erection as he grabbed a condom and put it on Blaine. Kurt took Blaines cock and positioned the head to his entrance. Kurt started to swivel his hips, teasing Blaine.

"Ugh. Stop teasing." Blaine grunted and Kurt started to slowly sink on his cock. He moaned at the tight, hot heat of his entrance.

"Oh, so good." Kurt moaned at the pain and pleasure of being entered raw. Once Kurt bottomed out, he sat on Blaines to get used to it. Blaine planted his feet on the bed and Kurt leaned back on Blaines thighs.

"You feel so good, baby. So damn tight." Kurt started to move up and down slowly, finding a rhythm. Kurt threw is head back and moaned and Blaine started to thrust up when Kurt went down. Blaine grabbed Kurts hands and brought him down on his chest and kissed Kurt hard.

"Harder, fuck me harder." Kurt grunted. Blaine flipped them over and held his hips, thrusting into his mate faster and harder. Kurt moaned in ecstasy at the angle change. Blaine drove into Kurts prostate at point-blank.

"Youre so tight. Just love fucking your beautiful ass. So hot." Blaine grunted, thrusting faster, rolling his hips. Blaine looked down and saw Kurts head thrown back, eyes closed and mouth open. Blaine couldnt keep his eyes of Kurts sweaty face. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurts back and lifted him so Kurt was sitting in his lap. Kurt was too caught up in the pleasure that he didnt notice the angle change. Blaines cock hit Kurts sweet spot with every thrust and Kurt opened his eyes wide and practically screamed in pleasure, scratching Blaines back.

"So, good. Harder. Faster. Dont stop. Please dont stop." Kurt was grunting. Blaine went faster.

"Im going to cum." Kurt whimpered and thats all it took for Blaine to bite into Kurts neck. Kurt screamed and bite into Blaines shoulder, coming at the sheer intensity of pleasure. Blaine followed closely behind. Once they were off their highs, Kurt fell down on the bed with a smile and Blaine took of the condom and threw it away. He grabbed a towel and cleaned him and Kurt up. Blaine lay down and spooned Kurt.

"Well that was nice." Kurt said, snuggling into Blaine.

"I love you." Blaine kissed Kurts forehead.


"I love you, too." Kurt said as they both fell asleep.


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