What You Wished For
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What You Wished For: Chapter 4

E - Words: 1,995 - Last Updated: Feb 11, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Feb 11, 2014 - Updated: Feb 11, 2014
227 0 0 0 0

Chapter 4

Two months later found Kurt and Blaine in the common room with the coven. There was a relaxed, serene feel around the room. Jeff and Nick are bouncing Gabriel in his bouncy chair, Wes and David are watching TV, Thad is playing video games and Trent is out getting food. Blaine had Kurt leaning on him from between his legs, his hand carding through Kurts hair. Kurt let out a content sigh. The aura in the room was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

"Ill get it." Wes got up and left the room.

"So," Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Have you thought of names yet?" Blaine asked.

"A few. I just have to narrow it do-." Kurt was interrupted by Wes tapping his shoulder.

"Its for you." Kurt nodded and turned around, stretching his arms out to Blaine. Blaine chuckled and took Kurts hands and gently lifted Kurt to his feet. Kurt stretched and cracked his back, grunting at the discomfort. "Jeeze, this is getting hard."

"Im sorry, baby. Its almost time for her to get out." Blaine said with concern.

"I know, Im just the size of a whale and I cant walk properly." Kurt complained.

"Youre still beautiful." Kurt smiled at the compliment and started to waddle towards the door. He opened the door and turned his head in confusion.

"Who are you?" Kurt asked.

"Are you Kurt Hummel?" The man asked.

"Yes...?" Kurt was hesitant.

"Hello, my na-," just then the man looked down and noticed Kurts bump. "What the hell is that?" The man demanded.

"Blaine!?" Kurt backed up as far as the hallway would let him and put his hands protectively on his stomach. Blaine ran into the room and instinctively went in-front of Kurt, holding his waist, prepared to attack whatever distressed his mate. Blaine looked at the man, wide-eyed.

"Dad?" Blaine asked, shocked.

"Hello, son." James Anderson said.

"What are you doing here?" Blaine asked.

"I just wanted to meet your mate. But it seems I scared him a little." James looked over Blaines shoulder and saw Kurt shaking. "I mean no harm. I was just shocked." James tried to re-assure Kurt.

"What do you-," Blaine was cut-off.

"Blaine..." Blaine turned around to see Kurt sweating and slouching.

"Oh! Im sorry babe!" Blaine knelt and lifted Kurt up and walked to the couch and setting him down, signaling his dad to do the same.

"Ow!" Kurt moaned, putting his head in his hands

"Whats wrong?" Blaine became alarmed.

"My back is seizing." Kurt rubbed his back. "Can you rub my back for me?"

"Of course." Blaine crossed his legs and kneaded Kurts back.

"So, what brings you here?" Blaine asked.

"I heard rumors that you chose a mate and I wanted to properly meet the new member of my coven. But to my shock, youve been busier than I thought." James wriggled his eyebrows and smiled knowingly at Blaine.

"Yeah, apparently..." Blaine blushed

"Wait. Youre okay with this?" Kurt asked pointing to his stomach.

"Yes, Im actually happy to finally being able to be a grandfather." James smiled.

"Then why did you say what the hell is that then?" Kurt air-quoted.

"I was just shocked. I mean, can you blame me? My sons new mate is also pregnant. Any parent would be shocked. Im sorry for scaring you. I mean no harm." James explained.

"He really is a big goof-ball, babe." Blaine chuckled at Kurts glare.

"So, when are you due?" James looked to Kurt.

"A couple of days actually. Were actually having a girl." Kurt explained.

"Ahh, have you guys thought of a name yet?" James asked.

"We have a couple, but I really like Ava." Blaine said.

"And who is delivering her?" James asked.

"I am." Wes walked over from the TV to sit next to James.

"How many babies have you delivered? Are you cleared to be doing this? How many surv-." James was interrupted by Blaine. "Dad! Stop interrogating the man! He has done this many times. He is okay." Blaine chuckled.

"Im sorry. A man can worry." James put his hand up in defense.

"Imagine how I felt with Blaine these past months." Kurt chuckled.

"I can imagine. Blaine did get the over-protective nature side from me." Blaine glared at his dad and put his head on Kurts shoulder. Blaine felt Kurts shoulder muscle become tense. Blaine looked up and over at Kurt.

"Babe, are you okay?" Kurt nodded.

"Yeah, I think Im having a false contraction again." Blaine pulled Kurts head back and put it in his lap. "This one hurts more than usual..." Kurt trailed off as Wes got up.

"I think its a little more than a false contraction." Wes said, hands on Kurts stomach.

"What?" Kurt said breathlessly. "What do you me-AH?" Kurt grabbed his stomach and hunched over.

"Whats wrong, baby!?" Blaine went on his knees in-front of Kurt and held his cheeks between his hands, looking into his eyes.

"It hurts!" Kurt whimpered.

"Wes! Whats wrong?" Blaine looked desperately to Wes.

"Kurts in labor." Wes said getting up. "Okay! David, get towels, my surgical kit and prepare a bottle. Nick and Jeff, take Gabriel to your room. Thad, go find Trent and bring back the bags." Everyone nodded and did as instructed. "Okay, Blaine place Kurt in-front of you so he can lean against you, James, you can assist. Sit next to Kurt." Blaine nodded and positioned Kurt just as he let out a whimper of pain. Kurt squeezed Blaines hand. David came back with the materials and left the room quickly.

"Ow!" Kurt squeezed Blaines hand and whimpered.

"Okay," Wes took out a syringe, "Im going to give you morphine for the pain. The labor wont last very long considering its accelerated. Just be ready to push very early along." Kurt nodded and held out his arm. Wes gave Kurt the shot and put his gloves on. "I need to take off your pants and see how far along you are." Kurt nodded and Wes quickly removed his pants. "Blaine and James, I need you to hold Kurts legs up toward his chest." They nodded and did just that. Wes checked Kurt. "Okay, you are half way there. About another hour or so." Kurt whimpered.

One hour later Kurt was practically breaking Blaines hand. Blaine was a nervous wreck and James was laughing at Blaines faces. Wes looked at Kurt again and got his attention.

"Youre fully dilated, which means you can push now." Wes confirmed.

"Thank god! Kurt screamed in relief.

"You push for ten seconds and you get a five second interval. You bare down on a contraction. This is going to be painful."

"I dont give a fuck. I need her out. NOW!" Kurt screamed, leaning into Blaine.

Guys, grab his legs. Okay Kurt on the count of 10." Kurt nodded.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." Kurt exhaled and leaned into Blaine. He whimpered.

"You need to push hard, Kurt. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Kurt screamed as he bared down, exhaling when Wes reached one.

After 15 minutes, Kurt took a little break.

"Youre doing so well, baby. She is almost here." Blaine kissed Kurts forehead.

"It hurts so much! We are not doing this again!" Kurt turned to glare at Blaine, who laughed in return.

"Okay, these are the final pushes. I need you to give all you have, okay?" Kurt nodded.

"I just want to get this over with!" Wes started the countdown and Kurt pushed as hard as he can, screaming at the top of his lungs, almost breaking Blaines hand.

"Last one!" Wes encouraged Kurt, as he prepared his hands to finish removing the baby. Kurt bore down, giving all he had, all while screaming. Kurts eyes became red and his fangs came out, sweat falling down his chin. Blaine looked to his mate with amazement. Blaine was whispering encouragement into Kurts ear as he heard Wes telling Kurt the babys head is out and to stop pushing. Kurt started to cry at the pain and started to breathe faster. "Dont push. I have to get her out." Wes grabbed the baby by her shoulder and gently eased her out. Wes grabbed a towel and wrapped her up and put her on Kurts chest.

"Oh, my god." Kurt exclaimed looking at the baby on his chest.

"Let me just suction her nose and throat so her air-ways are clear." As soon as Wes did that, she started to cry, loudly. Kurt and Blaine following closely behind.

"Im going to go clean her up, and bring her back so you can feed her." Wes gently lifted the newborn and left the room. Blaine put a towel over Kurt and kissed him on the forehead.

"You did it! Shes here! Avas here, baby. You are amazing. Im so proud and happy!" Blaine hugged Kurt tight and kissed him on the lips. Kurt smiled and let out a happy sigh.

"Im so happy its over." Kurt lies against Blaine and put his head on his forehead.

"Good job Kurt. And you too Blaine." James gave both a hug and left the room. Just as James left, Wes came in holding a bottle and a little pink bundle. Kurt and Blaine perked up.

"Well, this little one is healthy. She is responsive and she is beautiful." Wes went over to the couple and gently handed Ava to Kurt, who cradled her gently. "Ill leave you guys to bond." Wes left the room.

"Wow..." Blaine said in amazement, looking at his new daughter.

"Yeah, we did pretty well, huh?" Kurt stroked her cheek which was surprisingly soft.

"Shes so beautiful." Blaine stroked her hand and let out a gasp as she grabbed his finger with a firm grip. "Shes the perfect mix of both of us." She had Kurts hair but Blaines color and his mouth while she has Kurts nose and facial structure. Ava looked up at her parents in wonder. Letting out a little grunt of annoyance followed by a little cry.

"Oh," Kurt cooed, bouncing her gently. "Whats wrong sweetie?" Ava started to get louder and Kurt started to panic.

"Babe, I think she wants her bottle." Blaine said, handing Kurt the bottle.

"Oh...OH! Im sorry, honey!" Kurt told Ava and put the bottle to her mouth. Ava instantly calmed down and happily accepted the bottle, sucking greedily.

"Youre hungry, arent you Ava?" Blaine cooed has she looked around to her surroundings. Kurt held the bottle as he looked down at his daughter, mesmerized by how small she is.

"Shes just so fragile..."Kurt trailed off.

All babies are, love. Dont worry, you wont break her." Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt. Kurt smiled into the kiss and turned his head to get a better angle. Blaine broke of the kiss and looked down to see Ava playing with his finger, looking at him.

"Aww!" Kurt said as he removed the empty bottle from her mouth. "Blaine, you need to move unless you want newborn breath in your face." Blaine laughed and carefully maneuvered the three so Kurt could sit up and burp Ava. "Can you hand me the towel?" Blaine nodded and put the towel over Kurts shoulder. Kurt carefully put Ava over his shoulder and began patting her back firmly. Once she let out a little burp, Kurt cradled her again and grabbed a pacifier and put it in her mouth.

"I think its time to get her in pajamas and put her to bed." Blaine suggested and Kurt nodded, walking toward their bedroom, slightly bouncing Ava on the way. Once they reached Avas nursery, Blaine grabbed pjs and Kurt laid her down on the changing table. Blaine removed the blanket and started to put Avas feet through the holes.

"Baby, you have to stop kicking." Kurt and Blaine chuckled as Ava continued kicking. Once Blaine was done, he picked Ava up and started to sway her lightly, singing softly to her. Avas eyes started to drop and she let out a little yawn around the pacifier and she fell asleep. Blaine smiled and kissed her forehead, along with Kurt and laid her down in her crib. The couple quietly shut the door and laid down into bed, Blaine spooning Kurt.

"Im so glad shes here. Shes perfect." Kurt said.

"Agreed." Blaine said and kissed the back of Kurts head, both of them falling asleep.


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