What You Wished For
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What You Wished For: Chapter 3

E - Words: 3,591 - Last Updated: Feb 11, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Feb 11, 2014 - Updated: Feb 11, 2014
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Chapter 3

Everyone turned to stare at Blaine, waiting for is reaction. They all knew what happens when Blaine loses his temper and it wasnt pretty. Blaines back was taut and his hands almost white with the force he was closing them. Blaine leaned over and held the window ledge, snapping the wood. He let out a long breath and turned to see Nick rocking Jeff back and forth, comforting him. Trent and Thad saw the way Blaine was staring at the couple and they moved next to him, putting their hands on his shoulders. Wes and David looked between the two, concern on their faces.

"Nick," everyone looked in alarm at Blaines voice. "Take Jeff to your room and get him to calm down, he doesnt need the stress." Blaine told Nick. Nick nodded and picked Jeff up and carried him out of the room.

"Attention, everyone." Blaine said in a brutal tone. "We need to find Kurt, I dont care how, or what we need to do, we find him. No questions. I dont care how long it takes. I need my mate. He is vurnerable and in danger. Trent, Thad, get the rest of the coven to the common room so we can go over a plan." They nodded and left the room. "David, go out and see if you can find a trail. If you cant find something, come back right away, we need you." David nodded and jumped out the window.

Wes looked over to Blaine, waiting for orders. Blaine turned around and his shoulder started to shake. Wes walked over to his friend and hugged him from behind, letting Blaine cry. Blaine let out a sob and broke down.

"Well find him, Blaine. You have my word." Wes whispered to Blaine.

"Im going to kill him..." Blaine whispered.

"I wouldnt blame you, friend." They sat there for a couple of minutes before Blaine got up and whipped his eyes.

"Okay, lets make a plan." Wes nodded and they both left.

Kurt was confused. He looked around at his surroundings and noticed he was somewhere deep in the forest. He was handcuffed to the bed and his ankles were bound to the bed posts. The room looked like a cheap motel. The smell was horrid and it felt musty. He looked at the handcuffs and tried to pull them off.

"Oh, no, dont do that. They wont come off." Kurt jumped at the voice and looked to the door, noticing Sebastian in the doorway, a smirk on his face.

"Who are you?" Kurt was starting to panic. This guy kidnapped me!

"You dont need t worry your pretty little head about who I am, youre just bait." Sebastian replied.

"What do you mean bait?" Sebastian smirled and walked over to him.

"What I mean is, you are here to lure Blaine and his coven here, so I can once and for all kill that bastard and his little followers." Sebastian said.

"What did Blaine ever do to you?" Sebastian looked blank as he took out a knife and ran it down Kurts leg.

"Dont you worry, it will all come to heads once Blaine figures out where we are. I mean, it was so easy getting you. You being with child just made it easier. I was planning on taking you, I just never imagined it would be this easy. Im pretty sure little Blainey is fumming trying to formulate a plan. Until then," Sebatian turned and stabbed Kurt in the leg, Kurt screamed out and watched his leg bleed. "Youre all mine." The man whispered in Kurts ear before he left the room.

"Guys, what do we do?" Blaine screamed in frustration.

"Blaine, think about this rationally, we know who took him. All we have to do is find him." Wes said.

"But why would Sebastian go after Kurt?" Trent asked.

"Probably to get to Blaine." Thad said from the couch.

"We need a strategy. If we just go and attack, he will be prepared. He is expecting us to come in hot. We need to plan this so we get Kurt out safetly and no one gets hurt." Blaine said.

"Well, I can see if there is a trail, or I can track one." David added.

"Yes, you should Trent, go out with him and help him. Everyone stay here so we can figure a way ambush the place." David and Trent nodded and left.

"Okay, now he- ." Blaine was cut-off when the door opened, revealing Nick.

"Hey, guys." Nick said. Blaine walked over to him.

"Is Jeff okay?" Nick looked down.

"He is pretty shaken up." Blaine gave Nick a hug and sat him down in the chair.

"Ill go check on him." Wes said as he left the room.

"So, whats the plan?" Nick asked.

"We dont know yet. We need David and Trent to find where he has him first." Thad said.

"Lets just hope they find him soon..." Nick said, looking to Blaine. Blaine nodded sadly and looked out the window.

Two days later, Sebastian came back.

"Oh, good, you didnt try to escape. I think that deserves a reward." he walked over to Kurt and ripped out the knife. Kurt hissed at the pain.

"What are you going to do to me?" Kurt looked up at Sebastian.

"Well, I cant kill you obviously, but I can hurt you. I can do many things actually. All of them wont kill you. They will just hurt, a lot." Kurt looked scared.

"Why are you doing this?" Kurt whispered.

"Because I hate Blaine. Anyone that laid in his bed with him I will hate too. Judging by your stomach, youve been in his bed quite sometime." Sebastian ran the knife over Kurts little bump. Kurt drew in a sharp breath. Sebastian smirked and went in the bathroom and got out a cooler.

"I guess I cant let you or that little thing starve, now can I?" Sebastian took out a bottle full of blood out of the cooler and poured some in a cup. Kurt looked confused. "Youre not getting much." Sebastian smirked and held the cup to Kurts mouth and Kurt took it on one gulp. "Make it last."

"How long until the next one?" Kurt whispered.

"Whenever I decide, I guess." Sebastian shurgged and closed the cooler. He reached into his pocket and took out a blindfold. Kurts eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" Kurt screamed as Sebastian put the blindfold on.

"Shut your damn mouth!" Sebastian slapped Kurt across the face and held his hair, pulling his face to his own. "I cant wait until your little mate comes and I get to kill you slowly in front of his eyes, then in-turn kill him. It will be glorious." Sebastian released Kurts hair and walked out of the door, locking the knob on his way out.

"Please, find me." Kurt whimpered.

"Its been a month! A MONTH! HE COULD BE DEAD FOR ALL WE KNOW!" Blaine screamed, punching the wall, leaving a hole.

"BLAINE!" Wes screamed, getting Blaines attention. "You need to calm down! David and Trent are working as hard as they can! Its not easy to find a trail of a vampire. They know how to cover them! They will find it!" Wes said.

"They need to work quicker! Kurt could be in trouble! What about the baby, Im pretty sure Sebastian knows now!" Blaine was pacing the room with his arms crossed.

"I know, but yelling and punching walls isnt going to bring us to him faster. Think with a level-head! If you dont focus something bad could happen!" Wes said.

"Youre right, Im sorry. Im just so worried about him and the baby." Blaine whispered. Wes went over to Blaine and put his hand on his shoulder.

"I know, we will find him. You have my word on it." Wes patted Blaine shoulder and walked over to Thad and sat down.

Just then, Nick walkedin with a little bundle, Jeff following closely behind, holding a bottle.

"Hey guys, I thought it would be good to get Gabriel out and see everyone. Jeff and I felt too couped up in that room. Thought we could lighten the mood a little." Nick said bouncing Gabriel when he started to fuss. The occupants of the room looked at awe of the baby.

"I think someones hungry." Nick mumbled, sitting down in the chair.

"Good thing I brought this." Jeff handed Nick the bottle and sat next to him. Nick put the bottle to Gabriels mouth and he happily started to drink its contents. Nick and Jeff looked down with love at the baby. Once he was done, Jeff grabbed him and put him over his shoulder and proceeded to burp him. Nick looked around and noticed Blaine looking at his mate with envy and sadness. Nick got up and walked over to Blaine.

"I know. Im sorry for Kurt. Once you guys find him, you will be doing just that. I bet you guys will be amazing parents to that little girl. Dont give up hope. Kurt is a strong person." Nick gave Blaine a side hug and Blaine hugged back. They heard a little burp come from across the room and saw Jeff get up.

"Do you want to play with him?" Jeff asked, holding Gabriel out to Blaine.

"Sure." Blaine smiled and craddled Gabriel.

Nick and Jeff got up at sat on the couch closest to Blaine and the baby to help him if needed.

"Hello, Gabriel. Youre a pretty little boy, huh?" Blaine cooed to the baby, who looked at him in wonder. "Not much of a talker, huh?" Gabriel made a little grunt and Blaine laughed.

"Here." Jeff handed Blaine a pacifier. Blaine took it and gave it to Gabriel. Blaine re-adjusted Gabriel so he was holding him under the arms, facing him.

"Youre just too adorable." Blaine continued to coo at the baby, not noticing the conversation around him.

"Wow, he is kind of like a puppy dog when not angry or killing people, huh?" Wes said.

"Yeah, when he isnt on a hunt or angry, he is just a regular guy. He has a soft side." Thad said.

"I think its just the fact that my baby is adorable." Jeff replied with a snarky tone.

"They may be the reason." Nick laughed.

"Imagine when he has his own." Thad said with wide eyes. They looked to each other with the same expression and thought of a circumstance where he is always like that. They all laughed and look to Blaine again, who was holding a drowsy Gabriel.

"Looks like someone needs a nap." Jeff said lifting Gabriel from Blaines arms and bounced him lightly, lulling him to sleep. Gabriel let out a little yawn and promptly fell asleep.

"I guess wed better get him to bed." Nick and Jeff left the room.

"Thats was a nice distraction." Thad commented.

I just cant wa-" Wes was cut off by the door opening with a frantic Trent and David.

"Guys, what?" Thad asked.

"We found the trail! We found the cabin!" The second the words left Davids mouth everyone got up and got all the weapons.

"Lead the way." Blaine demanded. David nodded and ran out of the room, everyone following closely behind.

Kurt opened his eyes slowly, grunting in pain and hunger. He hasnt had any blood in weeks and he felt like dying. He looked to his bump and shed a tear. His stomach has grown very fast in a short amount of time and he was showing. He was worried that the baby would suffer if he doesnt get fed fast. He looked over his body. His body was littered in cuts and bruises. The knife Sebastian was using was currently on the table next to the bed, gleaming in the sunlight.

The door opened revealing Sebastian with a young women who looked terrified. Kurt looked at her with pity in his eyes.

"Hello, Kurt. This is Julia. Julia, this is Kurt." Sebastian leaded her to the foot of the bed and made her face Kurt.

"What are you doing?" Kurt watched as Sebastian took the knife off the table.

"Giving you a meal." Sebastian took the girls wrist and cut into it. He licked the blade and dragged the girl over to Kurt. Kurt looked at the wrist and watched a drop of blood fall from her wrist onto the bedspread. Kurts fangs started to ache and his eyes became red. Sebastian smirked and took the girls wrist from Kurts face, Kurt growled in frustration.

"Nope, I didnt say you were getting her. Shes mine. You get the bottle." Sebastian licked the girls wrist and sealed the cut. She whimpered. Sebastian put her head to the side and smelled the length of her neck, he opened his mouth and lowered his head.

Just as Sebastian made contact, the door to the room bursted open to reveal Blaine, Wes, David, Thad and Trent, all lookng ready to kill. Sebastian looked up in alarm and smirked as he realized the situation.

"Why, hello Blaine. Fancy meeting you here." Blaine wasnt listening, he was instead looking at Kurt.

Kurt was crying and struggling to get free. Blaine noticed his stomach and how big it is. He also noticed how pale he looked and skinny. He saw the cuts and bruises and the red marks around his wrists. Kurts eyes were a dull red; a sign that he was starving. When Blaine heard Kurt whimper, he saw red.

"You son of a bitch!" Blaine ran to Sebastian and grabbed him by the neck and slammed him on the ground. Sebastian let out a breath of suprise.

"Really? You think this will subdue me?" Sebastian let out a chuckle and flipped Blaine and held his neck tight. "You fell into my trap." He said in a confident tone.

"You think?" Blaine asked. Sebastians smile faltered just a little and he was lifted off Blaine and pinned to the wall. "Thank you, Trent." Trent nodded and held a struggling Sebastian tighter against the wall.

"Blaine..." Kurt whimpered. Blaine looked and went over to Kurt quickly. Blaine kneeled on the bed and ripped the cuffs and ankle restraints off. Blaine held Kurts face gently and looked at his face.

"Baby...oh, my god!" Blaine cried and hugged Kurt tightly, he noticed how weakly Kurt hugged back.

"Im so glad you found me. I was scared you couldnt find me. I was so scared!" Kurt sobbed into Blaines shoulder.

"Shh... its okay now. Im here now. I will never leave you ever again. I will protect you. I love you. Im so glad youre okay." Blaine pulled back and kissed Kurt harshly on the lips. Kurt exhaled and leaned into Blaine. They pulled apart and looked at each other.

"Im so relieved." Kurt said, rubbing his stomach. Blaine looked down at the action and rubbed the same path.

"Im so happy you both are okay." Blaine looked behind him to see Trent still pinning Sebastian. Blaines eyes went red. He leaned over and kissed Kurt on the forehead and got up and walked over to Sebastian.

"What did you think would happen if you took him?" Blaine demanded.

"That you would come to me, which you did!" Blaine looked at Sebastian and smirked.

"Now what? Did you plan for me to bring almost the entire coven?"

"No, I just planned to use your little knocked up whore as bait to bring you here." Blaine growled and punched Sebastian hard in the face, busting his lip open.

"Dont you dare fucking talk about him like that. Understand me?" Blaine glared at Sebastian. "You know, Im done with you." Blaine looked to Wes. "Hand me the knife, Wes." He nodded and handed Blaine a wooden knife.

"This isnt the end, Blaine. There are more like me. More who will try to take your little whore and use him against you. You just wait." Sebastaine smirked as Blaine drove the knife in his chest. Sebastain cried out in pain and he slumped foward. Trent let the body go and Sebastians lifeless body fell to the ground.

"Guys, its time to leave. David, grab the girl and erase her memory and set her free. Trent, take the body and burn it. Thad and Wes, get a head start and inform the coven that we found Kurt." Blaine ordered. They all nodded and left. Blaine turned around and knelt on the bed once again.

"Baby, Im going to lift you up." Kurt nodded and wrapped his arms around Blaines shoulders. Blaine hooked his arms under Kurts knees and gently lifted Kurt up, consious of the stomach. Blaine noticed how light Kurt is and growled slightly. "How long has it been since youve eaten?" Blaine started to walk out of the cabin.

"About two weeks..." Kurt whispered. Blaine tightened his hold slightly, his face hard. Blaine got outside and started to run to Dalton. Kurt buried his head into Blaines shoulder. Blaine kissed Kurts hair and ran faster.

"Almost there." Blaine re-assured Kurt.

Blaine entered his room with Kurt holding his neck tightly. Blaine bent down and set Kurt gently on the bed. He went to the cooler and grabbed two medical bags. He walked over to the bed and poked a hole in the bag and held it to Kurts mouth who in-turn gulped the contents of the bag. Once Kurt was done, Blaine grabbed the other bag and gave it to Kurt who took it gratefully. Once Kurt was done he felt his stomach.

"Woah." Kurt said in a suprised tone.

"What?" Blaine was at Kurts side in a second, looking concerned.

"She moved. Here, feel." Kurt grabbed Blaines hand and put it on the spot that was moving. Blaines eyes widened and he smiled.

"Wow, thats incredible." Blaine said in awe. Kurt looked from his stomach to Blaine.

"Blaine, Im so happy you found me. I dont what I would have done if I lost her, or you didnt find me in time..." Blaine looked at Kurt and grabbed his face.

"Baby, dont think like that. Youre safe. Shes save and youre here. Thats all that matters." Blaine leaned down and kissed Kurt, who responded eagerly. They both exhaled at the contact and Blaine pushed Kurt gently down on the bed and starddled his thighs. They broke apart and looked into each others eyes. Blaine put his hand on Kurts bulge and rubbed gently up and down. Blaine smiled and Kurt let out a happy sigh.

"Im just so glad youre both okay and healthy." Blaine murmurred.

"Me too." Kurt pulled Blaine down and kissed him harder. Kurt trailed his tounge on Blaines bottom lip and he opened his lips and they battled for dominance. They kept this up for several minutes. They broke apart and Blaine trailed down and kissed Kurts jaw to his collarbone. Blaine scraped his fangs over Kurts jugular and Kurt moaned. Blaine smirked and lifted his head to look at Kurt. Kurt smirked and grabbed Blaines wrist, bitting into it. Blaine moaned as Kurt started to suck. Some blood escaped Kurts mouth and went down his jaw. Kurt released Blaines wrist and licked his lips. Blaine leaned down lick up the excess blood off of Kurts jaw. They kissed sweetly until a knock on the door startled them.

"Hey, Nick and Jeff wanted to see Kurt, ya know, to make sure he is real and all." David said.

"Okay." Kurt and Blaine got up and followed David to Jeff and Nicks room. They knocked. NIck opened the door.

"Hey guys, KURT! Youre really okay!" Nick hugged Kurt and kissed his forehead.

"Yes, Im really here Nick. Where is Jeff?" Kurt looked into the room.

"Oh, Hes with Gabriel." Nick led Blaine and Kurt into the room and they all sat on the couch.

"Gabriel?" Kurt asked, confused.

"Oh," Kurt looked to Blaine, "Jeff had his baby. His name is Gabriel."

"Can I see him?" Kurt asked. Nick nodded and led Kurt and Blaine to the babyroom.

Kurt could have died at the sheer cuteness in the room. Jeff was holding Gabriel, feeding him, while singing to him softly.

"Awe..." Kurt whispered while watching the two. Jeff looked up at the sound and smiled widely.

"Kurt! Youre really here. Im so relieve I wont be the only one having a baby here!" Jeff removed the bottle and checked how much was left. "My, you eat a lot buddy." Jeff told Gabriel, who looked curious at the new people in the room. Kurt smiled and waved at Gabriel.

"Hes so cute Jeff." Jeff and Nick smiled at the compliment. Jeff put down the bottle.

"Do you want to burp him?" Jeff asked. Kurt looked scared but nodded. "Its okay, dont be scared. Its easy. Plus, its good practice." Kurt nodded and held out his arms. "Just going to put this towel over your shoulder..." Jeff picked up the blanket and put it over Kurts left shoulder. "Im going to place him in the right spot and just pat his back firmly until her burps; easy." Kurt nodded and Jeff placed Gabriel on his shoulder. Kurt held him as he firmly patted his back.

"Thats cute." Nick said.

"Yeah, just imagine when he has his baby, Blaine. It will be even cuter." Blaine nodded and looked back to Kurt who started to bounce Gabriel. Gabriel let out a little burp and Kurt shifted him so he was craddling the baby. He began to sway him and sing to him softly. Gabriel let out a little yawn and his eyes slowly closed, finally falling asleep.

"Let me take him." Nick takes the baby and puts him in his crib. Once Jeff and Nick kiss his forehead they all leave the room.

"See Kurt, youre a natural." Jeff said.

"I guess." Kurt said.

"That was great baby, just wait until we have our little girl, we can do that all the time." Blaine kissed Kurts forehead and bid Nick and Jeff a farewell. They walked back to their room.

"So, where were we?" Blaine said with a seductive smile.

"Right...here!" Kurt ran into the room giggling with Blaine chasing after him.



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