What You Wished For
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What You Wished For: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,973 - Last Updated: Feb 11, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Feb 11, 2014 - Updated: Feb 11, 2014
236 0 0 0 0

Chapter 2

Several days later, Kurt and Blaine were sleeping peacefully, light streaming into the room. Kurt groaned and ran to the bathroom, throwing up the dinner that Blaine made the previous night. Once Kurt was done, he flushed the toilet and sat by the toilet. Blaine woke up to a cold side and felt for Kurt, when he couldnt find him and got up and saw that the bathroom light was on. Blaine looked in the bathroom in confusion. He wondered why the bathroom smelt so bad, until he saw Kurt sitting by the toilet, looking miserable. Blaine went to Kurt and kneeled in alarm.

"Baby, whats wrong?" Blaine looked at Kurts almost white skin and dulled red eyes.

"I threw up." Kurt said miserably. Kurt put his head on Blaines shoulder and took a deep breath. Blaine hugged Kurt tightly, stroking his sweat covered hair.

"Youve thrown up a lot recently; vampires usually never get this sick." Blaine kissed Kurts forehead.

"Do you think that maybe Im...?" Kurt trailed off looking at his stomach.

"What? Kurt you cant be talking about..." Blaine was cut-off.

"Well, I am a carrier, and we didnt use a condom the first time, Im throwing up in the morning...it just seems like I am with child." Kurt looked at Blaine desperately.

"Kurt, if youre actually pregnant, it doesnt matter. I will love you and the baby." Blaine tried to re-assure Kurt.

"What if Im not, will you leave me?" Blaine was shocked at the comment. Was Kurt crazy?

"Baby, of course not! Whether youre pregnant or not, it doesnt matter. If youre not, then we can try when youre ready. Whatever happens, I will always love you and be with you. Dont ever doubt that." Blaine grabbed Kurts face and kissed him.

"But, how do we know for sure?" Kurt nodded and Blaine got his phone out and texted Wes.

"We will go to Wes." Blaine got up and lifted Kurt with him and led him to the closet. Kurt proceeded to take off his shirt and looked in the full length mirror, mainly over-analyzing his stomach.

"Baby," Blaine stood behind Kurt, looking over his shoulder since he was a couple of inches taller, "what are you doing?"

"I have a bump." Kurt poked his slight bulge, putting his hand completely over it, looking at Blaine through the mirror.

"Come on," Blaine pulled Kurt and gave him a shirt, when he put it on, they proceeded to walk to the car, "Lets go see whats up."

The drive to Dalton was long and filled with nerves. Kurt couldnt stop himself from biting his nail. Blaine looked over often to survey Kurts actions. Blaine drove through the gate and parked near the front and got out. Blaine walked around and opened Kurts door and reached for his hand. Blaine noticed how tense Kurt was when they were walking to the front door. Blaine stopped them before they reached the door; he turned Kurt to face him.

"Okay, Kurt, I need to warn you before we go in. When we go in, you will have an overwhelming sense of attack. Thats normal, its because youre not used to the scents of the coven. Ill help you keep control, but, just dont lose it." Blaine explained to Kurt, who nodded. Blaine and Kurt walk inside hand-in-hand.

Kurt was in awe of the decor. The first thing he noticed was the stairs. The spiral staircase led to a long hallway with doors on every side. The room they are currently in looks some-what like a waiting room, with couches, chairs, tables and very dark wallpaper. Kurt looked ahead and saw two double doors; he heard commotion on the other side. Blaine tugged on Kurts hand and opened the double-doors slowly.

The first thing Kurt noticed was the scent. It was over-whelming. Kurt felt his muscles coil and tense, waiting for attack. He felt his throat muscles starting to work up a growl when Blaine tugged him to his chest and hugged him.

"Baby, calm down." Blaine whispered to Kurt. Kurt started to breath slowly. He felt his muscles relax and he felt calm, but it was interrupted by a loud, happy screech.

"BLAIIIIIIINEEEE!" Blaine turned around and found himself with an armful of blonde.

"Jeff." Blaine laughed and hugged Jeff back.

Kurt watched the exchange in shock. Kurt looked around and looked at the occupants of the room. They were all staring at him with interest. Blaines voice got his attention.

"Nick, come get your boyfriend." Blaine motioned to Jeff, still hugging Blaine, and looking to Nick. Nick got up and walked over to them.

"Jeff, come on, let Blaine go." Nick grabbed his boyfriend and carried him over to a chair and sat him down. Kurt watched this and noticed how big Jeffs stomach looks. Blaine went over to Kurt and held his hand.

"Ready to meet everyone?" Kurt nodded and let Blaine lead him to the other end of the room where everyone is.

"Guys," Blaine got everyones attention, "this is my mate, Kurt. Kurt this is, Wes, David, Jeff, Nick, Thad, Trent, Brandon and Neil." Blaine pointed to every person. Everyone got up and hugged and/or shook hands with Kurt. While everyone was conversing with Kurt, Blaine pulled Wes aside.

"I need your expertise." Wes nodded and looked to Kurt than Blaine.

"You think he may be with child?" Blaine nodded and Wes made a noise of agreement.

"Okay, just bring him in my room." Wes said then left.

"Kurt," Kurt turned around and went to Blaine, "Lets go see if youre right." Kurt nodded and they both walked to Wes room.

"So," Wes said once everyone was seated, "you want to know if youre expecting?" Wes said as if he already knew.

"Yes." Blaine said and tightened his grip on Kurts hand.

"Well, the only way to know 100% is for me to do something that might weird you out." Wes looked to Kurt. He nodded and let go of Blaines hand. Wes got up and knelt in front of Kurt.

"Okay, I am going to put my hand on your stomach and close my eyes. I will tell you once I know for sure. Dont worry, or get alarmed. I would like to keep my head." Blaine chuckled at the comment.

"Okay." Kurt said.

Wes breathed in, closed his eyes and put his left hand on Kurts stomach. After a couple of minutes, Wes breathed out and smiled.

"Well, guys, it looks like you were right. Kurt is expecting." Wes looked up in time to see Kurt squeal in excitement and Blaine pulled him into a passionate kiss. After a few minutes, Wes cleared his throat. Blaine and Kurt pulled apart both mumbling a sorry.

"Its fine. It is the usual reaction. Do you guys want to know the gender?" Wes asked the parents. By the looks on their faces, he would have to elaborate. "You can tell the gender because vampire pregnancies are accelerated. The typical pregnancy is around nine months, yours will be around four. Since youre about a month and a half along, the embryo has developed enough to where I can tell the gender. You will also start to show in about a month." Wes explained.

"Wow." Kurt sat there shocked. He looked down and noticed a little bump, he smiled and put his hand on his bump and looked at Blaine. They had a secret conversation and Kurt turned to Wes

"Okay, we want to know." Wes nodded.

"Youre having a girl." Blaine and Kurt smiled.

"So, Wes, tell us what to expect." Blaine said.

"Well, like I said before, you will start showing in about a month. You will need to feed twice as much since you have to feed for her as well, around the third month, you cant go and hunt we dont want to risk it. Once you come close to your due date, you will need to stay in bed. Im not going to lie, it will hurt, a lot, since there are no pain meds that will work with your body, you will go all natural. You have the choice of natural birth or C-section. Labor lasts about 5 hours. This will all happen in one of our many birthing rooms. We will be stocked with all the supplies you need before, during and after the birth. Once she is born, I will need to take her immediately to get her situated and fed. Once she is done, I will take her to you and get her used to you. I will go over the rest when we are closer to your due date." Wes explained.

"How many births have you done?" Kurt asked.

"Around 100 or so." Kurt nodded and turned to Blaine. "Im so excited!" Kurt jumped a little. Blaine laughed at his mates antics and stood, grabbing his hand.

"I guess its time to announce to the coven we have another one on the way." Blaine and Kurt walked to the doors.

"Wait, another one? Who else is pregnant?" Kurt asked.

"Jeff is. I thought you would have noticed the gigantic bump when he mobbed me." Blaine opened the door and cleared his throat gaining everyones attention. "Guys, we have some news. Kurts expecting." Once Blaine was done, the whole room erupted in shouts of happiness and congratulations. Blaine was dragged by David and Thad and Kurt was left by the door looking around.

"Kurt! Come with me, we have much to discuss." Jeff grabbed his hand and led him to his room.

"So," Kurt started, "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Congrats man." Trent patted Blaines shoulder.

"Its so exciting to have another child around." Thad said.

"I have a feeling that she will be beautiful." Nick said.

"Thanks guys. Im excited to be a father. The fact that Kurt is having her makes it even better." Blaine said with a smile on his face.

"But, what about Sebastian?" David asked with caution. Everyone looked to David then Blaine.

"We will not concern ourselves with him right now. All that matters is Kurts safety and the babys. As long as he stays on his territory, it shouldnt be a problem. He is to not be mentioned, at all. Understand?" Blaine looked around and held a strong gaze. Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"So, Jeff, whats it like to be pregnant?"

"It was weird at first, ya know? I thought, Oh I have this little person in me that I have to protect and love. then as time progressed, it became a part of everyday life, its almost like Im not pregnant anymore. I have Nicky to protect me and I know he will be loved and protected by the entire coven." Jeff said while holding his bump.

"What does it feel like?" Kurt asked while poking Jeffs stomach.

"Like a rock. When he moves it feels like a flutter."

"When are you due?"

"A few weeks. Im nervous as hell though." Jeff said.

"Im sure youll be great." Kurt and Jeff continued their conversation of what to expect when youre expecting.

"So, has Kurt had his first hunt yet?" Wes asked.

"No, Im planning on showing him how soon." Blaine said.

"Dont you thin-" Davids words were cut off when they heard a scream come from down the hall. Everyone became alert and ran toward the sound, opening the door. What they found both shocked them and pissed them off. Jeff was on the floor sobbing and the window was open, Kurt was nowhere in sight. Nick was the first to react, running to his mate and pulling him in his lap, attempting to calm him down. David ran to the window to see a dark figure holding an unconscious Kurt running toward the woods.

"What happened?" Jeff whimpered and tried to regain his composure.

"He-he to-o-ok Kurt!" Jeff sobbed into Nicks arm.

"Who?" Nick demanded.

"Seb-Sebastian." Jeff hiccupped.

The occupants of the room stopped and stared at Jeff in shock. They all looked to Blaine to see his reaction. Blaine walked to the window and held the ledge, his back taut.


This cant be good..." Thad trailed off.


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