Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
10 years later.
"Damian, Colton, come down for breakfast!" Kurt called as he made the last pancake.
"Coming." The twins called back, running to the table.
"Boys, you know not to run in the house." Blaine told his sons.
"Sorry, Papa." The twins said in unison. Kurt placed plates full of pancakes in front of the boys and they happily dug into the food.
"Its a shock that they are my children." Kurt said with a laugh when Blaine wrapped his arms around his waist.
"They do look like you though." Blaine teased. Kurt glared and Blaine lightly kissed him on the lips.
"Sucking up is going to get you nowhere." Kurt turned around and began to wash the dishes, keeping an eye on the twins.
"Are you sure?" Blaine challenged, kissing the back of Kurts neck. Kurt turned back around and kissed Blaine harder.
"Ew, do you have to do that when its breakfast time?" Ava said as she sat down at the table and got a bottle out of the cooler.
"How do you think you got here?" Blaine asked and Kurt slapped his shoulder.
"Blaine, it might not be a good idea to relay this information in front of two ten-year-olds." Kurt glared.
"Papa, thats gross." Ava scrunched her face and took a sip from the bottle.
"With that aside," Kurt continued. "What are your plans today, Ava?"
"Going out with Gab." Ava said nonchalantly.
"Where?" Blaine asked as he wiped Coltons face.
"Just going to see a movie and have dinner afterward." Ava got up and threw the bottle away.
"And when will you be leaving?" Kurt asked as he took the plates and placed them in the sink.
"About 20 minutes." Ava grabbed her coat from the hook.
"Just be careful." Blaine said.
"Of course. Well, I will be back sometime tonight." Ava bent down - she was very tall for her age - and hugged her brothers. "I love you guys!" Ava said.
"Love you too, Sissy." The twins said in unison. Ava smiled and walked out the door.
"They seem to be getting along really well." Blaine said and raised his eyebrows up and down.
"Blaine, I will rip those eyebrows off if you do that again. We will not be discussing my babys love life in front of our sons." Blaine quickly stopped moving his eyebrows and grabbed the twins hands.
"Come on you two; lets get you cleaned up before daddy rips my throat out, literally." Blaine almost ran to the bathroom, attempting to escape his mates rage.
"I heard that, Blaine Hummel-Anderson." Kurt yelled with a hint of a smile.
"So, are you excited?" Kurt asked as he rubbed Quinns big stomach.
"More scared than excited." Quinn replied.
"Well, I can say from experience, that it is worth it." Kurt smiled as the baby kicked his hand.
"Im excited, dont get me wrong. Im just scared of the pain. I mean, what if something happens?" Kurt hushed her.
"Nothing will happen! You and Thad will have a little bundle of joy in a few weeks! Be happy! Having a child is hard yet rewarding." Kurt smiled at Quinn.
"I for one cant wait to have my baby in my arms." Thad said as he approached his mate and friend. "I cant wait to be a dad." Thad sat down and replaced Kurts hand on Quinns stomach. Kurt smiled at the scene and turned when he heard a shriek of excitement behind him.
The scene made Kurts dead heart beat a little.
Blaine was playing with the twins in the corner. Colton was trying to put a puzzle together while Blaine and Damien were play fighting. Blaine would lift Damien and throw him in the air and let him wrestle him until he tickled Damien. They made this a cycle.
"Having trouble, Colt?" Kurt asked as he sat next to Colton and pulled him into his lap.
"I cant find the piece, Daddy." Colton let out a frustrated sigh.
"Its this one, Buddy." Kurt said as he handed his son the correct puzzle piece.
"Thank you, Daddy!" Colton put the puzzle piece in the right spot. As Kurt was about to put the next piece in, the doors to the common room opened and Ava and Gabriel walked in hand-in-hand. Ava and Gabriel looked at their feet.
"Whats wrong?" Blaine got up in alarm.
"We...uh...I-" Gabriel was cut off.
"Gabriel proposed to me and I said yes." Ava said quickly, looking back at her feet.
"You WHAT?" Kurt yelled. All the occupants in the room looked to Ava and Gabriel, the puzzle forgotten.