Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Chapter 12
"Blaine!" Kurt yelled from the bed.
Blaine ran in and wretched the door open. "What? Whats wrong? Is it the twins?" he asked frantically.
"No!" Kurt laughed. "Im just really hungry." Kurt rubbed his protruding belly.
"Oh," Blaine murmured. "What are you hungry for?"
"I really want some ice-cream." Kurt bit his lip.
"Okay, be right back." Blaine left the room and made Kurt a bowl. He returned and handed Kurt the bowl, sitting next to him.
"Are you excited?" Blaine asked Kurt. Kurt took a bite of his ice-cream.
"Yes and no." Blaine raised an eyebrow. "I mean, Im excited to have two little babies, but then I think of how hard it was with Ava and how un-safe she was. I just dont want to put them through that." Kurt continued to rub his stomach.
"Babe, I promise you they will be safe. I will do everything to protect my family." Blaine put his hand over Kurts and stilled it.
"I know you will. That being said, something could happen." Blaine lifted Kurts head by his chin.
"Look at me, I PROMISE to keep you guys safe. What happened in the past is not your fault. Please dont be scared because of the past. I upped the security and we have someone watching us at all times. You will deliver these babies next week and we will love these babies, as well as Ava." Blaine assured Kurt.
Kurt let out a tear.
"Okay, I believe you." Kurt whispered.
"Now, eat your ice-cream so we can wake Ava up from her nap." Kurt smiled and ate his ice-cream in record time.
"Yes, yes, I need to withdraw from my classes. Yes, I understand that I cant get a refund. No, I will not be coming back. I will give my work via e-mail. Yes, thank you." Kurt hung up with a sigh. He set the phone down and rubbed his temple. Kurt pushed himself up from the bed with a grunt. Once he got his balance, Kurt headed to the kitchen and got his coat.
"Ava!" Kurt called. "Come get your coat."
Ava came out of her room and put her shoes on. Kurt carefully put the coat on his daughter and lifted her, putting her on his hip. Kurt nearly broke out into a sweat.
"Where are we going, Daddy?" Ava asked as Kurt strapped her in the car seat.
"Were going out to get some last minutes baby supplies." Kurt got into the drivers seat and drove to the mall.
Kurt would normally walk to the mall. But then again, Kurt wasnt normally a week away from his due date with twins. Kurt was astonished how big and fast he grew. His stomach was so big that he could barely reach the steering wheel.
Once Kurt parked the car he took out Ava and grabbed her hand.
"Can we get some lunch, Daddy?" Ava asked.
"Sure, honey. Just let me get the supplies first." Kurt said as they entered the store.
You see, Kurt was terrified of going into the store without Blaine. Because people stared, and when people stare, they start to ask questions. After the questions, assumptions were made. Kurt cannot have assumptions. Its not like he needs Blaine there to protect him all the time, its just when Kurt is about to pop. Kurt could feel the stares as he entered the room.
"Why are people staring at us?" Ava asked as she looked at the strangers.
"They think Daddy is weird." Ava looked at Kurt.
"But, why? Youre not weird." Kurt smiled.
"I know. Just ignore them." Kurt went into the appropriate isle and got what he needed, ignoring the glare from the cashier. Kurt finally gave into Avas complaints and got food from the food court.
"Two slices of pizza please." The cashier looked at Kurts stomach and made a disapproving grunt, ringing up the order. Kurt frowned and took the food, glaring at the cashier as he turned around.
"Yay! Food!" Ava nearly jumped with excitement. Kurt pulled Ava in his lap and cut her pizza into small, chewable bites. Kurt handed Ava a child fork and she started to eat. Kurt went into his bag and got out a Sippy-cup that had blood in it. Kurt took out a covered bottle that had blood in it also. The two were eating and drinking for a few minutes that they didnt notice someone come from behind them.
"Kurt!? Hi!" Seth said, with a little too much enthusiasm.
Kurt jumped at the voice and sharply turned around. Kurt dropped his food when he saw who it was.
"S-Seth... hi...how are y-ou?" Kurt asked with a shaky voice.
Seth smiled. "I was just getting food when I saw little Ava here. I just thought Id come and join you, if thats alright." Kurt side-eyed the door.
"Uh, actually, we were just leaving. I have some things to do." Kurt said with a rushed tone as he stood up.
"Oh, its unfortunate that I missed lunch with you. Hopefully we can plan a little lunch outing." Seth smiled.
"Uh, yeah, sure. Well, I will be going." Kurt picked Ava up and waddled to the door. Kurt quickly got Ava situated and drove off as fast as the speed limit would allow.
Seth looked where Kurts car was parked. Seth got out his phone and dialed a number. He held the phone to his ear and heard it ring.
"Boss? Yeah, the plan can now be implemented. The target is alone. Yes, the same place I showed you last time. Yes... Ill meet you there." Seth hung up the phone and got into his car.
Kurt was pacing the living room when he got home. Kurt called Blaine 10 minutes ago and Kurt was getting worried.
"Daddy, why are you pacing?" The five-year-old asked.
"Im just waiting for Papa to get home." Kurt muttered into his hands. Kurt heard a knock at the door and opened it slowly, a look of confusion on his face.
"Hello?" He took in the stranger at his door.
"Hello..." The man said.
"And you are?" Kurt asked.
"You will know soon enough..." Kurt scrunched his eyebrows.
"What th-." Just then, the man surged forward and slammed Kurt into the wall by his throat. Ava let out a terrified shriek.
"DADDY!" Ava ran forward and tried to pry the man off of Kurt.
"Seth! Take this thing and keep it away." Seth grabbed Ava by the arm and dragged her into her room, locking the door.
"AVA!? What the fuck are you doing? Give me my daughter!" Kurt yelled. The man squeezed Kurts neck until the screams were nothing more than squeaks.
"Dont worry; we will do nothing to the child as long as you follow directions." Kurt nodded frantically. "Good. Now, Im going to let go and you are to not make a sound, got it?" Kurt nodded and gasped with he was released. The man went into his bag and got rope and tape out.
"Im going to tape your mouth shut and tie your hands so you dont get any ideas." The man tapped Kurts mouth and tied him to a chair.
"I have a lot of plans for you..." The man looked Kurt up and down and Kurt whimpered behind the tape.
A sound of keys being jostled got the mans attention. He turned around at saw the lock being turned. He picked Kurt up and dragged him to the bedroom.
"Made a sound and I will kill those little babies inside of you." Kurt nodded and cried.
Blaine got his keys out. After the call from Kurt, he was scared. That damn Seth still found a way to find them. Blaine said in frustration as he dropped the keys. He regained his composure and opened the door.
"Kurt?" Blaine called in the eerie silence. "Weird..." Blaine mumbled to himself. Blaine looked around the living room and noticed Kurts phone on the floor and opened. Blaine became concerned. Blaine dialed Wes number.
"Wes? Come here and bring back up. Now." Within seconds, Wes, David and Thad were at Blaines door.
"What happened?" Wes demanded.
"Kurts not answering me. He just called me no more than ten minutes ago. Something is wrong. Split up and look in every room." They nodded and began to survey to rooms.
"Ava?" Blaine called. Blaine heard a little whimper from Avas room and he kicked the door open. "Ava?" Blaine looked in her room and he saw Ava huddled into the corner, holding her knees and crying.
"Ava! Thank god." Blaine nearly screamed in relief. He rushed over and hugged his daughter.
"Papa!" Ava cried and Blaine rocked her, patting her back.
"Its okay, sweetie. Youre safe. Ive got you. Shh." Blaine pulled Ava from the hug and looked into her eyes.
"Wheres Daddy? What happened?" Ava continued to cry.
"A mean man took Daddy. He dragged him into your room. Papa, Im scared!" She buried her head in Blaines shoulder and cried harder.
Blaine put his hand on the of Avas head, bouncing her. "Thad!" Blaine called and Thad came into the room.
"Ava, go with Uncle Thad and he will take you to visit Gabriel. I will make sure daddy is safe, okay?" Ava nodded and Blaine handed her to Thad who ran out of the room and the house.
Blaine made his way to their room.
Meanwhile in the bedroom
"Dont move." The man commanded. He went behind the door.
Blaine finally reached his bedroom and carefully opened the door. When he saw Kurt he let out a sigh of relief until he saw the ropes and tape. Blaine rushed to Kurt and removed the tape and ropes.
"Kurt! What happened? Why were you tied up?!" Blaine hugged Kurt.
"Blaine! Hes behind the door!" Blaine looked just in time to see a man charge at him and knock him on the floor.
"Blaine?!" Kurt tried to get up but he was stopped by Seth.
"Stay down! You whore!" Seth screamed as he held Kurt in a headlock.
Blaine groaned and looked up. "Kurt? Let him go!" The man kicked Blaine in the stomach.
"Dont try to get up. You cant save your little Kurtie." The man teased.
"Wes!" Blaine screamed. Wes and David ran into the room, ready to fight.
"Dont even think about it! You make one more step into this room and Ill kill Kurt." Seth warned and they stopped.
"What do you want?!" Blaine asked desperately.
"To make your little mate our slave. Hes pretty enough to be a house wife. He can bear warriors for us." The man smiled.
"Im not going to be your slave!" Kurt shrieked, trying to break free.
"Try all you might, but youre not getting away." Seth said, tightening his hold on Kurt.
Blaine kicked the man off when he was distracted and punched him in the stomach, making him fall. The man got up and he crouched, face contorting into a snarl, challenging Blaine. Blaine crouched as well and hissed at the man. The red-eyed men started to circle each other, trying to gauge who will attack whom first.
"Boss, can we just kill him and leave, Im really hungry." Seth complained.
"Stop your whining, Seth." Boss said to Seth without leaving Blaines eyes.
The vampires continued to slowly circle each other, growling and hissed on occasion. Kurt noticed Seth was pre-occupied with watching the two vampires. Kurt quickly released his fangs and bit into Seths arm. Seth screamed and released Kurt, grabbing his bleeding arm. Seth tried to grab Kurt again, but Kurt saw the movement and growled at Seth, pushing him away. Seth tried to grab Kurts leg; Wes and David quickly went over and restrained Seth. Kurt plunged his hand into Seths chest and ripped out his heart. Seth took his last breath and his body stilled.
"Seth...?" Boss looked over and saw Seths lifeless body and Kurts bloody hand. Boss charged after Kurt and pushed on the ground. In one swift movement, Boss kicked Kurt hard in the stomach; Kurt screamed the most blood curdling scream in the world. Boss prepared to kick again when he felt something slam into his side. Boss breath was knocked out of him.
"Pl-pleas... I didnt mean to..." Boss tried to plead for his life.
"Im going to kill you..." Blaine wrapped his hand around Boss throat and dug his nails in. Boss struggled to breath, trying to pry the hands off his throat. Blaine growled louder and tightened his grip, tearing Boss trachea from his throat. Boss took his last shuttering breath and his eyes lost all color. Boss hands went limp and Blaine stood up.
"Blaine..." Kurt whispered from the floor.
Blaine rushed over to his mate and hugged him.
"Baby! Are you okay?!" Blaine asked frantically and Kurt held his stomach.
"It hurts..." Kurt said.
"What hurts?" Blaine looked over Kurt to Wes.
"My st- AHH!" Kurt curled into himself, holding his stomach.
"Blaine! Hes bleeding!" David screamed. Blaine looked down and saw a puddle of blood around Kurt and on his pants.
"Wes!" Blaine looked to his friend.
"Hes going into pre-mature labor! Something ruptured! We need to deliver the twins now." Wes demanded. "Blaine, pick him up and run to the delivery room." Wes demanded. Blaine nodded and picked Kurt up bridal style and followed Wes and David into the labor room. Blaine laid Kurt carefully down on the bed and sat behind him. Blaine laid Kurt against him and watched Wes get everything ready.
"Ow... whats wrong? Why am I bleeding?!" Kurt was becoming frantic.
"Blaine, calm Kurt down, he will bleed faster if he starts to panic." Blaine grabbed Kurts face and turned it toward his.
"Kurt, calm down. Please calm down. Wes is going to deliver them. You have a slight rupture. Its going to be fine. I promise." Kurt whimpered in pain and buried his head in Blaines shoulder. Blaine rubbed Kurts back when he tensed.
After a few minutes, Wes got their attention.
"Okay, it seems the bleeding was because of a gash on your stomach. It healed on its own. But, you need to deliver the twins now. I dont know the state of them yet. Now, just life before, lift your legs and bear down as hard as you can. David, go grab on of his legs and Blaine you the other." They did as instructed and Wes put on gloves. Wes cut off Kurts jeans and put a towel in his lap.
"Now, Kurt, push as hard as you can. This will hurt." Kurt nodded and bore down as hard as he can.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." Kurt exhaled.
"Good. Now push again." Kurt whimpered and bent forward, bearing down. Kurt screamed as Wes slowly counted down. Once Wes reached one Kurt let out breath and leaned into Blaine.
"Ow!" Kurt whimpered.
"Kurt, were almost to baby 1. Just a few more pushes." Kurt nodded and pushed.
"Ow, damn it!" Kurt screamed as he felt searing pain; burning to be more exact.
"Stop pushing! I have to move the baby so it comes out easier." Kurt stopped pushing and laid against Blaine.
"Ow... I need to push!" Kurt complained.
"Alright, this is the last one and we have baby 1. Give a really hard push." Kurt pushed as hard as he can, screaming at the top of his lungs. Kurt growled as he felt the baby leave his body.
The room filled with a piercing scream.
"Baby 1 is out and a little boy! Blaine, do you want to cut the cord?" Wes asked, offering the scissors. Blaine nodded and carefully cut the cord.
"A boy? Blaine, we have a boy!" Kurt cried with joy.
Wes took the baby over to the examination table and cleaned him up and put him in a bed.
Kurt looked over at his son and started to cry with joy. Kurts joy was shortly lived when he felt a strong contraction wrack his body.
"Ahh!" Kurt screamed.
Wes hurried over to Kurt as went back to his previous position.
"Okay, push!" Kurts eyes changed as he pushed.
After twenty minutes of pushing Kurt leaned into Blaine.
"I cant push anymore! It hurts. I cant." Kurt turned his head side-to-side on Blaines chest.
"Yes you can! Just a little more and we will have our other baby! You can do this!" Blaine kissed Kurts head and pushed him forward. "Just a few more."
"These are the last pushes, Kurt. Push as hard as you can for me. There like that!" Wes encouraged and Kurt screamed, bearing down. Kurt pushed through the burn and screamed until his throat was raw.
"Almost there baby." Blaine said in Kurts ear. David wiped Kurts forehead and watched in horror as the baby was being pushed from Kurts body.
With one final scream, the second baby came out and into Wes waiting hands. This baby was very quiet. Blaine cut the cord.
"Its a boy." Wes said.
"Why isnt he crying?" Blaine asked in concern.
"His airways are blocked. David, come over here." David nodded and gently put Kurts leg on the bed. Blaine gently laid an unconscious Kurt on the bed and sat in the chair next to Kurt.
"You did so good baby! We have two beautiful babies. Im so proud of you." Blaine kissed Kurts cheek and looked over to Wes and David as they worked on his sons.
Wes set the quiet baby on the table and suctioned out the fluid from his nose and lungs. The baby let out a loud cry. "There you are." Wes let out a sigh of relief. Wes turned to Blaine.
"They are both healthy." Blaine smiled and went over to the beds that had two identical babies.
"Ill leave you now. Just call when Kurt wakes up so I can check him." Blaine nodded and Wes left with David trailing behind.
Blaine looked down at his sons and smiled. He picks the first one up and cradled him. The baby opened his eyes and looked at his father. Blaine gasped. He had Kurts eyes. Blaine looked to his other baby and noticed he had his eyes. "Well I guess we can tell you apart now." Blaine looked at the baby in his arms and began to sway him softly. Once the baby was asleep, he did the same with the second baby.
Blaine went over and sat next to Kurt when both babies were asleep. Blaine grabbed Kurts hand and intertwined their fingers.
"I hope you wake up soon so you can meet them." Blaine kissed Kurts hand and waited.
Kurt woke up an hour later with a smaller stomach and someone talking next to him. He could only make out tid-bits of the conversation. Kurt groaned and slowly opened his eyes.
"Blaine?" Kurt whispered as he looked around the room.
"Hey, sleepy head." Blaine said.
"What happened? I lost a baby, didnt I?" Kurt started to cry. "I cant do anything right!" Kurt began to cry harder. Blaine put the baby back in his bed and went over to Kurt and grabbed his face.
"Kurt! You didnt lose him. Hes okay as well as his brother. They are both fine!" Blaine kissed Kurt to get him to stop crying; it worked.
"I didnt lose him?" Kurt looked wide-eyed at Blaine.
"No, they are both fine." Kurt smiled; he was overcome with joy.
"Can I see them?" Blaine nodded and rolled both beds over to Kurt. Blaine carefully put the baby with Kurts eyes in Kurts waiting arms.
Kurt carefully cradled one of his sons. He gently stroked his cheek and smiled when he yawned. When he opened his eyes Kurt gasped.
"He has my eyes." Kurt said.
Blaine nodded. "The other one has my eyes. I think that is how we will tell them apart." Blaine said while sitting next to Kurt on the bed holding the other baby.
"Theyre just so beautiful..." Kurt looked at his babies.
"Thats because youre their Daddy. Im so proud of you. Im so happy that you would do this. I know it was hard. I think it was worth it." Blaine said. Kurt looked at Blaine and let a tear fall from his eyes. Kurt reached up and kissed Blaine. Blaine smiled into the kiss.
After a few minutes, the baby Kurt was holding began to fuss. Kurt broke the kiss and began to bounce the baby.
"Aw, its okay. Shh." Kurt hushed the baby. Kurt then realized something.
"Blaine, we need to name them." Blaine looked from the baby in his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"I guess that is a good idea." Blaine shifted the baby slightly.
"Do you have any suggestions?" Kurt asked.
"Well, I like the name Colton."
Kurt nodded. "I like the name Damian." Blaine smiled.
"Looks like we have names." Kurt and Blaine smiled.
Wes walked into a very cute scene.
"How are the new parents doing?" Wes said as Kurt and Blaine looked up.
"Fine." Blaine replied.
"Do we have names for these little cuties?" Wes asked as he touched one of the babys cheeks.
"Yes, this one is Colton Lynn Hummel-Anderson," Blaine held up the baby with hazel eyes. "And this one is Damian Chase Hummel-Anderson." Kurt said from his bed while holding Damian.
"Those are great names." Wes said. "So, are you ready for Ava to meet them?" Kurt and Blaine nodded and Wes left the room and get Ava. Wes kneeled in front of her.
"Now Ava, your dads have two little babies. They are your brothers. When you go in, I want you to be calm and dont scream. Your daddy is still very tired and he needs everything to be calm. Okay?" Ava nodded and Wes grabbed her hand and led her into the room.
Once Wes opened the door, Ava looked inside to see her fathers sitting together on the bed each holding a baby.
"Daddy, Papa?" Ava asked as she cautiously stepped closer.
"Hi, Ava!" Kurt and Blaine said as they turned toward her. Ava was still hesitant.
Blaine gave Colton to Kurt and fully turned to Ava.
"It is okay, Ava. Come here and sit on Papas lap." Blaine opened his arms and lifted Ava in his lap when she finally walked over to him. Blaine turned so he and Ava were facing Kurt and the twins.
"This one is Colton, and this one is Damian." Blaine pointed to each baby. Ava stared at her brothers.
"They look the same." Ava stated.
"It is because they are twins. They have different colored eyes." Kurt explained.
Blaine noticed Avas hesitant looks at the babies.
"Do you want to hold one of your brothers?" Blaine asked. Ava looked up, scared.
"Ca-can I?" Ava stuttered, looking at Colton.
"Of course. All you have to do is ask." Kurt said as he gently laid Damian down on the bed and moved Colton.
"Now, hold your arms like that..." Blaine said as he situated her arms to cradle Colton. Kurt gently put Colton in Avas arms. "Remember to hold his head up." Kurt said as he fully released Colton.
"Hes so small." Ava said as she looked at her brother.
"All babies are." Blaine said.
Blaine took Ava off his lap and went into the cooler and grabbed two bottles.
"Has it been two hours already?" Kurt asked as he accepted the bottle from Blaine and picked Damian up and began to feed him.
"Times sure do fly." Blaine sat down next to Ava, sandwiching her between her parents. "Do you want to feed Colton, Ava?" Ava nodded frantically. Blaine chuckled and put the bottle in Coltons mouth and let Ava hold the bottle up.
The family enjoyed the peaceful silence while the twins ate. Once the bottles were empty, Kurt began to burp Damian while Blaine took Colton from Ava and began to burp him. Blaine heard a knock on the door as put the blanket over Damian. Both boys were passed out cold.
"Hey, Jeff." Blaine said as he opened the door revealing Jeff, Nick and Gabriel.
"We just came by to see how you guys are and to meet the new members of the coven." Nick said as he set Gabriel down; Gabriel immediately ran to Ava and they began to babble to each other.
"We are fine, a little shaken up, but nonetheless unscathed. And the two little additions are over here." Blaine led Jeff and Nick over to the boys crib. Jeff and Nick both awed at the twins.
"They are so cute. Good job, Kurt." Nick teased.
"Thanks jerk." Kurt said with sarcasm.
"Nicky, dont be mean. On a serious note, they are very cute. They looked just like Kurt though." Jeff smiled at Kurt.
"Well, we have to get going. Gab needs his nap." Nick said and he heard his son make a noise that he knew was a no.
"I hope I can hold one of these cuties soon. Come one, Gabriel." Jeff held out his hand and Gabriel took it. The family of three leaved and Blaine eventually had to leave to take Ava to Jeff and Nicks room so they can look after her. Blaine returned to see Kurt curled up around his pillow. Blaine smiled and lay behind Kurt and pulling him into his chest. Blaine fell asleep with a smile on his face.
Kurt walked through the door to his and Blaines room holding Damians carrier with an awake and aware Damian looking around a few days later.
"It is good to be home." Kurt said as he put the carrier down in the living room. Blaine followed closely behind with Colton.
"It sure is." Blaine agreed, taking Damians carrier along with Coltons and set them in the nursery. Blaine walked back out to the living room.
"Do you want me to get Ava?" Kurt turned around and looked at Blaine.
"No, let her spend the night. Im pretty sure Gab misses her." Blaine smiled and pulled Kurt into his lap. Kurt let out an oomph and situated himself so his thighs are on either sides of Blaines.
"I know a way we can spend our night together." Blaine crashed his lips on Kurts who immediately kissed back. Blaine ran his hands up Kurts side and up his arms. Blaine took Kurts wrists and pulled Kurts arms around his neck. Kurt tightened his hold and deepened the kiss, battling Blaine for dominance. Blaine rolled his erection into Kurts growing one.
"Whoa, Blaine, we have newborns in the other room." Kurt said as he broke off the kiss, moving his head back when Blaine tried to kiss him again.
"Fine." Blaine groaned. "But I get you tonight." Blaine smugly smiled.
"As long as the condom doesnt break this time. I do not want any more kids in the distant future." Kurt glared slightly at Blaine who chuckled in return.
"Yes, I will make sure the condoms are super strong." Kurt smiled.
"Good, now, lets get the little princes ready for bed, shall we?" Blaine nodded and they both got the twins changed, feed and asleep within the hour.
"Good night boys, sweet dreams." Kurt and Blaine kissed the twins heads and left the nursery.
"You have those super strong condoms?" Kurt asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes... onward?" Blaine gave a sultry smile and Kurt jumped into his arms and kissed him. Blaine smiled into the kiss and held Kurt by his thighs and carried him to their bedroom, closing the door after them.