What You Wished For
Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What You Wished For: Chapter 10

E - Words: 1,880 - Last Updated: Feb 11, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Feb 11, 2014 - Updated: Feb 11, 2014
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Chapter 10

Three years later

"Ava! Come back here!" Blaine yelled as he chased a naked Ava around the house. Blaine had just given her a bath after lunch and she thought it would be fun to run around before Blaine could dress her.

"Come get me Papa!" Ava giggled as her little legs went faster.

"Youre in big trouble young lady!" Blaine yelled as he tried to corner Ava.

"Not if you cant get me!" Ava giggled more. She turned the corner and ran into the living room. Ava looked around for a hiding spot and realized she was at a dead end. She looked up just as Blaine caught up to her.

"Gotcha." Blaine said and he lifted the 5-year-old over his shoulder.

"Papa! Let me down!" Ava screamed as she pounded Blaines back. Blaine hissed at the little stab of pain. Ava was growing and so was her strength. She could now hunt, run and almost fight. Her strength has increased.

"Now, sit here so I can get you dressed before Daddy kills me." Blaine set Ava down on the floor and grabbed her clothes. Once Ava was dressed, Blaine let her go into the playroom and do her reading. Once Blaine knew Ava was content, he went into the kitchen to clean the dishes.

Kurt walked through the door 30 minutes later with books and a bag in his hands. He was exhausted. Kurt thought it was a good idea to go to college and get a degree. He wanted to keep up the facade of being human so they didnt raise suspicion. He just didnt know how much energy it took. Usually Kurt was a bundle of energy. He had to be, he had a 5-year-old. Lately, however, Kurt has been feeling run-down and that concerned him. It concerned Blaine more since Kurt was a vampire and they just dont get exhausted that fast.

"Im home." Kurt said as he took off his shoes and tossed the books on the counter. He was greeted by Blaine giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How was school?" Blaine said as he took Kurts bag off his shoulder.

"It was nice to be back in civilization. I just never expected it to be so tiring." Kurt sighed as he leaned on the counter.

"You have been more tired lately. Are you sick?" Blaine put his hand on Kurts forehead. "You are a little hot. Come and sit down, babe." Blaine led Kurt to the couch and sat him down.

"Blaine, really, Im fine. Its just nerves I guess." Blaine shook his head and went into the kitchen.

"No, this isnt normal for a vampire to be sick. You need to relax." Blaine came back into the living room and gave Kurt some water.

"Im sure its nothing." Kurt waved off Blaines concerns.

"Doesnt matter. I dont want you to get sick." Blaine pushed Kurt to lie down and turned the TV on. "So, tell me how your day was." Kurt finished his water and set his glass down.

"Well, its harder than high school. I have four classes. They give you a lot of books. It does feel good to be surrounded by people. Im not going to lie. It was a nice feeling to meet new people. No one of interest yet. Although, there is this one guy who just kept staring at me throughout the day." Blaine looked to Kurt, interested. "I mean, it was like he knew where I was and where I was going to be. It was weird. Everywhere I looked, he was right there." Blaine looked confused.

"Thats kind of creepy. Kurt, you need to be careful. You dont know anyone. He could be a vampire from another coven." Kurt laughed.

"Blaine, this is a normal college. The idea of anyone but me being there is ridiculous. Maybe he just likes me. Ill tell him the next time I see him that Im taken." Blaine still looked worried.

"Seriously, Kurt, you need to be careful. You need to tell him right away." Kurt grabbed Blaines hand.

"Honey, its fine! I can fend for myself. I know how to do it." Blaine nodded slightly. Blaine looked to Kurt and noticed he was looking a little green.

"Kurt...? Kurt! Are you okay?" Kurt nodded no and ran into the bathroom, throwing up his lunch. Blaine ran in after him. "Baby! What happened?" Blaine rubbed Kurts back.

"I think I just had something that doesnt comply with my other side." Kurt whipped the sweat off his forehead and leaned into Blaine.

"Lets just get you into bed." Blaine lifted Kurt and carried him to their bedroom.

"Blaine, Im fine, really." Kurt whined as Blaine laid him down.

"No. Vampires do not get sick from eating human food. Theres something wrong." Blaine insisted.

"Blaine, calm the hell down! Its fine! Fine, if this doesnt go away within a month, we go to the hospital! Okay?" Blaine nodded and Kurt sighed. "Okay, now please stop worrying."

"Okay, just please take a nap or relax. You deserve it." Kurt nodded and Blaine kissed his forehead and left the room. Blaine stopped to see a worried Ava.

"Whats with Daddy? Is he sick?" Blaine knelt down and held Avas hand.

"No sweetie, he just has a little bug. It will go away. I promise. Now, lets go and watch some TV and let Daddy sleep, him?" Ava nodded and she and Blaine went into the living room.

One month later found Kurt running to the bathroom for the second time that morning and throwing up. Blaine became extremely concerned.

"Kurt, Im taking you to the hospital." Kurt nodded weakly and flushed the toilet. "Stay here and Ill get Ava ready." Kurt put his forehead against the toilet rim. Blaine left and went into Avas room. Blaine knocked lightly.

"Ava, can you come out please?" Ava opened the door and looked at Blaine.

"Yes, Papa?" Blaine knelt I front of her.

"Get some toys ready. Daddys sick and we need to go to the hospital." Ava looked up, startled.

"Is he okay?"

"I dont know." Ava nodded and went to get her bag.

Once Ava got her bag, Blaine lifted Kurt and set him the passenger seat. Blaine went back inside and got Ava and strapped her in. Blaine got in the drivers seat and drove to the hospital. Once the family got there, Blaine got Ava out and told her to stay there; he went over to Kurts side.

"Can you walk?" Blaine asked Kurt.

"Yes, I think so." Kurt slowly got out of the car; Kurt felt a stab of pain in his abdomen and held it, hissing in pain.

"Whats wrong?!" Blaine ran to Kurt and held him up.

"My stomach. I feel like Im being stabbed." Kurt breathed slowly until the pain subsided and he straightened up.

"Are you okay?" Kurt nodded and grabbed Blaines hand. Blaine grabbed Avas and they walked into the ER.

Once the necessary papers were filled out the nurse came and brought then to an examination room. Once they all sat down, Kurt looked at his stomach, puzzled.

"Blaine," Blaine looked over. "Do I look fatter to you?" Kurt said as he prodded his slight bulge. Blaine looked at Kurts stomach.

"Well, you seem to be a bit, rounder than before. I think its because you have been eating more human food than blood." Kurt kept poking his stomach.

"I hope." Kurt said.

"Can I poke your tummy Daddy?" Ava asked.

"Uhm...sure? Why not?" Ava squealed and started to and prods at Kurts stomach.

A knock came from the door and the occupants looked up. A doctor with a big smile came in.

"Alright, what seems to be the problem?"

"I have been throwing up for the past month, Im always tired, my feet ache and I have been feeling like I have no energy." Kurt explained to the doctor.

"Hmm, well, its not food poisoning, that doesnt last this long, its not the flu... Let me take a blood sample and Ill bring in an ultrasound machine to take out the possibility of gallstones." The doctor said and Kurt nodded, holding out his arm. The doctor took a blood sample and left the room.

"Now Im kind of scared." Kurt said, twiddling with his thumbs.

"Im sure youre fine." Blaine assured.

"Youre okay Daddy. Youre invincible!" Kurt laughed.

About twenty minutes later the doctor came in with a concerned look on his face.

"Well, I got your blood work back and its very odd. I dont know what to make of this. Im going to have you lay back and lift your shirt. Im just going to check to see if the blood work was tampered with." Kurt did as the doctor said.

"What do you mean tampered with?" Kurt asked confused.

"I dont know. That is why Im checking with the ultrasound." The doctor applied the cold gel and turned the machine on. After a few minutes of moving the wand, the doctors expression became concerned.

"Whats wrong?" Blaine asked.

"I... Dont really know how to say this, but, Kurt, youre pregnant..." The doctor looked at Kurt.

"Im...pregnant...?" Kurt looked at Blaine. Both looked shocked.

"Yes, with twins..." The doctor trailed off.

"WHAT!?" Both Kurt and Blaine screamed at the same time, startling Ava. Ava began to whimper and Blaine quickly calmed her.

"Congratulations." The doctor said.

"Can we have a moment alone?" Kurt asked and the doctor nodded and left.

"Blaine...how did I get pregnant? We always made sure to use a condom." Kurt glared and Blaine.

"Maybe it broke?" Blaine suggested.

"BROKE!? Thats your suggestion! It may be easy for you but I have to carry them! THEM! THERE ARE TWO FREAKING BABIES IN ME! Are you serious!?" Kurt cried out in frustration and covered his eyes.

"Papa, why is Daddy mad?" Ava asked looking at Blaine.

"Hes upset that he has two little babies in his tummy. Its okay." Blaine comforted Ava. Blaine heard a sob and saw Kurts shoulders were shaking. Blaine sighed and set Ava on his seat and went over to Kurt and hugged him. Kurt let out a loud sob and cried into Blaines shoulder. "Shh, I know. Its okay..." Blaine began to rock Kurt.

"How could we let this happen!? We cant have twins!" Kurt cried into Blaines shoulder.

"We will figure something out." Blaine kissed the top of Kurts head and rocked him until the sobs turned into whimpers. Once Kurt calmed down Blaine went and got the doctor. The doctor came in and saw Kurt on the table with tear streaks on his face.

"Is everything alright?" The doctor asked with caution.

"Yes, sorry, we just had a little shock." Blaine said.

"Well, ultrasounds dont lie. You are pregnant with twins. Although I dont know how that happened. Do I need to make an appointment for you?" The doctor said as he turned off the machine.

"No, we have our own doctor, thank you though." The doctor nodded and sent the family on their way.

Once they were all situated in the car Kurt turned to Blaine.

"What are we going to do?" Blaine looked from the road to Kurt.

"We will figure that out once we talk to Wes." Kurt nodded and the rest of the drive was silent.

Once they reached Dalton, Kurt got out a sleeping Ava and Blaine held the door open. Kurt put Ava in her bed and he and Blaine went to Wes door. Blaine knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Wes asked as he opened the door, taking in the distraught looks on Blaine and Kurts faces.


"We need to talk." Kurt said and Wes looked confused.


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