Aug. 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
Italics means they are watching a disc.
Chapter 2
Getting back into the medical building had been easier than the couple predicted. It seemed that the building now had guards, but they were scared and their attention was not watching for them, but rather not trying to pee their pants.
Once Blaine found a secret entryway, he grabbed Kurts hand and led him down the corridor toward the room, looking around to make sure there were no personnel.
"Thats weird..." Blaine murmured out loud as he reached the room and noticed it has gone untouched since they escaped.
"Whats weird?" Kurt asked him as he looked around the partially destroyed room.
Blaine looked over the floor and scrunched his eyebrows. "No one has been in here since we got out. I subdued all the scientists and it looks like they left, but the room is exactly as I left it." He stepped carefully around the glass on the floor and went up to his destroyed pod.
"Whats that?" Blaine looked at Kurt.
His eyes sadden and he turned around to look at his prison. "Its some kind of pod that kept us alive, but in a deep sleep. I dont know how long we have been in there, but I know that it has been a very long time." Blaines solemn disposition scared Kurt.
"You mean I was in one too?" He asked dumbly as Blaine nodded and pointed to a wall that had "TEST SUBJECT 1" adorned in faded white paint.
Kurts eyes widened and he slowly walked around the wall and gasped as he saw the pod that kept him alive. He looked at the black screens of the monitors, the various tubes, the green liquid and the glass all around. "What did they do to us?" He asked himself.
"Kurt! I found discs and files! Theres a disc labeled "Test Subject 3." There was another one." Blaine quickly spouted as he put the disc in a laptop and clicked ‘play.
Kurt rushed over and stood next to Blaine as the disc started to play. A man stood and cleared his throat...
"Alright, this is Dr. Lawrence Healdsburg, Im currently the head of Psy Research. It is March 4th, 2066 and we are currently in the process of finding a cure for being that we have officially dubbed as "Psys." They seem to mostly have abilities using the mind. This is hypothetical because we only have two subjects, but we seem to have the two original of the species and what we can get from them, can be conclusive for all of them.
There are currently no other specimens, but we are confident once the cure is publicized, there will be some to come forward.
This is the first time in history that we have encountered something not like our own, pray for us."
Once the video stopped, Kurt and Blaine looked at each other in despair.
"They captured us and experimented on us?" Kurt said aloud as Blaine nodded numbly. "Blaine, there are over 50 discs, what else did they do?" Kurt desperately voiced.
Blaine grabbed Kurts hand to soothe him and grabbed a bag and filled it with the files, discs and the laptop.
"I dont know, babe, but now we are goin-." Blaines sentence was cut short when he heard a rush of feet and turned to see a similar scene earlier that day.
"Theyre back! Get the taser and give them a shot of the serum before they get away!" One doctor yelled as the guards readied their tasers.
Kurt stiffened at the orders and he turned toward the crowd of doctors and guards, his hair seemingly standing on its own and his glasz eyes filling with red.
Blaine noticed the signs as soon as his mates hair began to move on its own. He quickly grabbed Kurts hand and immediately screamed as searing hot pain ran down his arm. He quickly re-focused on healing his arm as the pain dissipated. He knew what Kurt was about to do and he was too weak to continue healing himself and calming Kurt down.
"Youre not going to touch us!" Kurts voice echoed around the room as it went eerily quiet.
Kurts red eyes stared at the group and one single agonizing scream sounded out from the group and it went in chaos.
"Hes using his power! Take him out!" A doctor screamed out in pain as he felt like his head exploded and he fell limp onto the floor.
Doctors and guards started to fall right and left until there were only a few left that were cowering behind the dead bodies. A red aura started to form around Kurt and Blaine knew he had to stop his mate before the aura completely consumed him. He quickly let go of Kurts hand and quickly got in front of him and grabbed his mates face with both of his hands.
"Baby, Kurt, you need to calm down, you cant let it take over!" Blaine winced as the pain started to reach his arms once again.
The red aura stuttered and stop proceeding once Blaine was touching Kurt. The red in his mates eyes started to dull and the red around him receding quickly as Kurt began to regain his control. Once the aura was completely gone and his eyes returned to normal, Kurt breathed out and promptly pass out and fell forward.
"Whoa!" Blaine exclaimed as he quickly caught his mate as he fell forward and gently sat him down against a table and turned toward the last couple of doctors, looks of fear in their eyes.
Blaine made sure that Kurt wasnt going anywhere and walked over to the doctors and lifted one with his mind. The reaction was immediate.
"Please! Please dont kill us! We didnt know he would anger that easily!" The doctor pleaded, trying to get free.
"Oh please, Im not going to kill you. Youre lucky that I stopped Kurt before he got to you. You are worth more to me alive then dead." Blaine waited until the doctor stopped his struggling and pleading and looked him dead in the eye.
Blaines eyes turned ice blue. "What were you doing to us? Why did you capture and imprison us? What year is it? How do you know about our powers?" Blaine stopped his long line of questions when he saw the defiant look on the doctors face.
Blaine waited for what seemed like an eternity and the doctor finally relented.
"Its the year 2165. We captured you almost 100 years ago because we were tipped off that you and the other one had a strange anomaly and we wanted to know what." The doctor continued. "We figured out your species and how you create others like yourself. We wanted to make a cure." He finished in a quick breath.
Blaine stood silent as he processed the information and looked at his mate, his soulmate, unconscious after he almost lost himself in the power. He felt anger as he realized that these people did things to both of them that they didnt even know yet. He breathed slowly as he knocked out the last of the doctors with his mind and grabbed the back full of evidence.
"Kurt? Babe, wake up." Blaine shook Kurt. It was clear that he was not waking up anytime soon and slugged the backpack on his back and gently lifted Kurt bridal style and walked as quickly as he could out of the building to find the house they were in before.
Once Blaine found the house and set Kurt on the bed again, he opened the laptop and looked through the discs. He found one that was date 2078 and put it in, mentally preparing for what he was about to see and hear.
"This is Dr. Lawrence Healdsburg, July 16th, 2078, the first trials were unsuccessful. Wen almost lost Subject 2 but quickly resuscitated him.
About three years ago, we ran scans and tests on both subjects and we found something unusual with Test Subject 1. He seems to have a uterus and the ability to procreate. We immediately took him out of his pod and did a surgery to remove some eggs from his ovaries and we used different sperm from both humans and Test Subject 2 to determine if they can fertilize and live after conception.
The egg fertilized after it came into contact with Test Subject 2s sperm and it seems to grow faster than human babies. I will guess the fetus will be fully grown in the span of 5 months.
We will keep a close watch on this fetus and progress its growth. It will be called Test Subject 3.
We have made a medical and scientific breakthrough."
Blaine didnt realize he was crying until he felt a tear land on his hand. He sniffled and whipped his cheeks and he sat back and stared at the screen shot of the beginning of the disc.
They had a baby. The doctors created a baby of Kurt and Blaines. Blaine sucked in a harsh breath at a realization. They know Kurt can have children and they created one.
Blaine tried to get his breathing under control as to not wake Kurt. He riffled through more of the discs and found another with Test Subject 3 and popped it in the disc tray, holding his breath for what he was about to see.
"This is Dr. Lawrence Healdsburg, November 3rd, 2078, Test Subject 3 has grown very quickly and it looks to be about 7 months in a human span. My predictions were correct about the 5 months.
The camera turned to a smaller pod with a baby hooked up to many tubes, wires and machines. Blaine gasped as he looked at his baby. His and Kurts baby was somehow living outside of the womb. A tear fell down his cheek as he looked at the little life that these doctors are abusing.
Subject 3 seems to sense its parents in the room as its vitals and responses seem to spike when we move one of the subjects pods closer.
It took some time, but after trial and error, we have re-created the condition in the womb for this fetus to live outside of it. This makes it easier to research and document its growth, as opposed to it being in the womb of the father.
It seems that the powers of these Psys are gene related and are dormant until they reach adulthood as far as we can conclude. It seems that they stop aging at a certain age."
The camera then turned to a sleeping Kurt in his pod.
"Subject 1 seems to not respond to any cure that we have tried to establish, it seems that we cannot cure these two, but we can use them as a catalyst to make a cure. It may keep them incapacitated for a couple of days, but there powers returned.
One mishap happened a couple of weeks ago when Subject 1 woke up suddenly and had seen Subject 3. It had taken three attempts to subdue him and get him back asleep. We have found a serum that takes away memory."
Finally, the camera panned to Blaine in his pod.
"Subject 2 has been asleep since we captured him, he had the same reactions to the cure as did Subject 1.
There has been no change."
Blaine closed the laptop and sat back.
He sat there and stared at his mate for what seemed like hours. He didnt know if he should tell Kurt or destroy the evidence. He looked through the rest of the discs and found the last one with Subject 3 on the front and contemplated whether he should watch it or not. He took a deep breath and played the disc.
"This is Dr. Lawrence Healdsburg, December 16th, 2078.
Test Subject 3 was stable for a while, then suddenly the fetus went into distress. We noticed that Subject 1 and 2 started to have reactions of their own. As if they could sense the fetus having trouble. We had to terminate Subject 3 due to fear of it waking the other 2 subjects.
We are sadden by this event, but we are hopeful we can create this again and maybe move it to another room where the fetus wont be compromised by the parents.
We will, however, take the body and test it and do an autopsy to see what it looks like on the inside.
This may seem like a setback, but in reality, it is a good thing. We must stay optimistic."
Before Blaine can feel any emotion about the video, he heard a shuddering, loud gasp from the bed behind him and he turned quickly around.
Kurt was sitting up and had his hand over his mouth, trying to hold it together as he absorbed the video. Blaine noticed that Kurt began to cry harder and he rushed over to his mate.
"Love, I know. I know." Blaine grabbed Kurt and held his head against his chest and rocked back and forth, saying soothing words to his mate.
Kurts sobbing slowed as he began to speak.
"They made our baby and killed it. The killed our baby, Blaine! That was just one! They only documented that one. They probably did more..." Kurt let out a heart-wrenching sob at the thought.
Blaine shushed him and kissed the top of his head. "We will get revenge, Kurt. I promise." He whispered as he continued to soothe his mate, icy blue eyes looking out in the distance.