Feb. 23, 2012, 10:24 p.m.
Feb. 23, 2012, 10:24 p.m.
Blaine groans internally, ‘This is not happening.’
He pulls his lips away from Sebastian’s with a sigh and looks down at his phone. He has 5 new messages from Kurt. Blaine reads through them quickly, hardly comprehending what any of the messages say as Sebastian mouths at his neck. He nips at Blaine’s earlobe and says in a rough voice, “Turn it off, babe.” His phone begins to ring again, the sound of Kurt’s ringtone blaring through the dorm room. Sebastian takes the battery out, and tosses it somewhere on the floor. He flips them over so that he has Blaine pinned on the bed and whispers, “Let me take care of you,” as he kisses his way down Blaine’s torso.
“Hi! You’ve reached Blaine Anderson. Leave a message, and I’ll get back to as soon as I can. Thanks!” –BEEP– “Hey babe, it’s me. Again. Just wondering when we were gonna see each other again. How about this weekend? Call me back. I love you.” Kurt hangs up and slams his phone down onto his bed. It’s been 2 weeks since he’s seen his boyfriend, and he’s starting to feel rather lonely.
After an hour of staring at the ceiling and feeling sorry for himself, Kurt’s eyes light up as he gets an idea. He looks at the clock and says to himself, “It’s barely 5:30pm. I could make it there and back by curfew.” He changes his clothes quickly, and rushes out the door, yelling to his dad and Carol that he’ll be back soon. As he gets onto the highway, it starts to sprinkle and he mutters a prayer to whatever deity exists that there isn’t a bad storm tonight. 1 hour and 3 CDs later, he’s pulling into the parking lot of Dalton. A rush of nostalgia hits him like a tidal wave and he can’t help but smile.
He walks up to the dorm hall, and waits for security to buzz him in, relieved over the fact that they remember him so he can surprise Blaine. He pauses at the bottom of the staircase and reminisces about the day he stopped Blaine in that very spot. Kurt chuckles to himself and continues up that fateful staircase to the second floor. He could have found Blaine’s dorm with his eyes closed. Once there, he pauses outside to shake the jittery feeling out of his stomach. ‘After all,’ he thinks, ‘I’ve got no reason to be nervous.’
Kurt makes to knock but stops, his knuckles hovering over the door, as he hears someone moan. He leans his ear against the door and hears it again. He’d know that moan anywhere. He knocks, and instead of answering the door, Blaine merely grunts, “Not now, Wes. We can – oh fuck – we can talk about the set list later!” Kurt stands there, stock still. His mind begins to race. He flings the door open only to see Blaine riding Sebastian with his back to the door. Neither of them seems to notice, and Kurt freezes in the doorway. Unsure of what to do, he says the first thing that comes to mind, “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!”
Blaine just about falls off of Sebastian in surprise. He looks up just in time to see Kurt bolting from the doorway. He pulls on a pair of sweatpants and takes off after him. As Kurt runs outside, he doesn’t even notice the rain smacking across his face, or the lightening glowing in the sky. He fumbles with his keys, dropping them once, before managing to unlock his door. As he slams the door shut and locks it, Blaine runs up barefoot and starts pounding on the window, “Kurt, please. Just – just give me a minute to explain. Please.” Kurt didn’t realize until right now that there’s a steady stream of tears flowing down his face as he lets out a sob that turns into a scream. He throws the car in drive and takes off, leaving Blaine standing out in the rain.
Kurt’s been driving for twenty minutes before he remembers to turn on his windshield wipers. They aren’t helping much though, because he can’t even see through his tears. He pulls over to the side of the road to tries to compose himself. He sits there for a good 15 minutes just sobbing. How could Blaine do something like that? Why would Blaine do that? After another 10 minutes, he finally composes himself enough to drive back home.
He merges back onto the highway, and turns on the radio, Adele blasting through his speakers. He just keeps turning it up, trying to drown out what a mess everything has become. He doesn’t see the red light. He doesn’t hear the blare of the other car’s horn. Kurt goes flying through the intersection narrowly missing a collision with the grey sedan. He sees the car flash before him, and turns around in his seat to see what had just happened. Thanking his lucky stars, he turns back around to find that traffic is at a complete stand still in front of him. There’s 10 feet between his car and the one in front of him, and he’s going 68mph. He jerks the wheel to the right, and everything falls away.
“Yes. May I speak to Burt Hummel?”