Hold Me and Sing a Lullaby
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Hold Me and Sing a Lullaby: Chapter 8

E - Words: 8,473 - Last Updated: Apr 28, 2013
Story: In Progress - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jan 19, 2013 - Updated: Apr 28, 2013
1,065 0 3 0 0

Here is the next chapter. I was so sick these last few days- I'm so sorry! At first I had a tiny bit or writers block and took a day or so to just read and love the fanfiction community, then I got sick and I'm a whiney baby when I'm sick :) To make myself feel better this chapter is 8,000 words of pure indulgence in what I love- namely h/c and sweet blaine- I hope you don't mind! I also had to rewrite my entire outline for this...so much stuff just pops into my head to be included! I really hope you like it and I promise, there will never be this long of a wait again!

The next morning dawned bright and hopeful for Kurt. He let the morning sunlight filter softly through his eyelids as he thought of how good Blaine felt against him last night. The boy just felt so perfect in his arms.

A slow smile crept across Kurt's face at that thought as he finally attempted to crack open his eyes which just didn't want to cooperate. God he was tired! Kurt was always a morning person. He had always been that crazy person who couldn't wait to meet the day starting with an intricate skin routine and a healthy breakfast. It drove his friends crazy but he just couldn't change. Last night, however, Kurt just could not get to that beautiful REM cycle that allowed him to wake up refreshed and ready. No, last night was the most fragmented sleep he had ever experienced.

After his emotional breakdown, Blaine was dead to the world and Kurt found he could carry him to bed quite easily. The boy was so endearing when he instantly snuggled into Kurt's side the moment his body touched the mattress. Kurt thought that was the end of it, he thought Blaine would just snuggle into him like he had before and be okay...if only for the night. Kurt couldn't have been more wrong. Every hour Blaine woke up in a cold sweat reliving nightmares Kurt couldn't even imagine. The screams of 'No! Please!' were burned into Kurt's mind, replaying even now like a sound memory echo.

Kurt still had no true idea what his boy had gone through. All he knew was what he had gathered from Nina, Brittany and Blaine himself. Hunter had given him a slight clue but Kurt couldn't trust anything that came out of the man's mouth. Kurt was going crazy. If Blaine would not let him know what was wrong, how could he help? A tiny voice in the back of his mind reminded him of his high school days and how he kept everything bottled up back then. Kurt knew that some threats and a stolen kiss, traumatic as they were, probably didn't even compare to what Blaine went through. Kurt knew he probably never lived the nightmare that Blaine had but he understood how it felt to be helpless.

He tried to remember back to that time and figure out what it was that helped him. After the stolen kiss and threats he was so scared of everyone. He felt so alone. He hadn't thought about it in so long, but he really needed to analyze the situation now. What was the catalyst that brought him back from the edge and gave him his confidence back? After a few moments thinking, Kurt had a revelation of sorts. He realized that it was Santana's strength that got him through it all.

Kurt thought back to the turning point, to that drunken confession at his friend Rachel's party so long ago. Kurt just drank too much and broke. Stumbling outside, he didn't even realize that Santana had followed him until he was sobbing on the ground. Somehow she coaxed the truth out of him. Kurt remembered his shock when she just seemed to understand. All of the sudden, Santana was helping him heal. He knew the first step was admitting what happened to someone. Just uttering the words felt like balm on his soul. From there, he just remembered gaining back bits of himself until he was almost whole did she do to make him feel so comfortable? Kurt wracked his brain for a while and tried to discern what it was about the once judgmental girl that made him feel better.

The first thing he realized was that she accepted him, no exceptions. He felt so used and dirty after Karofsky hurt him. Santana wouldn't let him blame himself, and never, never looked disgusted by Kurt after everything was said about the incident. The other thing he knew was calming for him was that she was always so strong and sure. He felt like with Santana on his side, he was invincible...and he was. She threatened to pull the razors out of her hair so many times to so many jocks that people started to believe it and left him blissfully alone. Lastly, looking back, Kurt realized that she touched him all the time. Just a pet here or a soft grab to his arm there, but she really got him accustomed to human contact again after he felt too disgusting for it for so long. Kurt never understood until this very moment how much he owed his best friend. Where would he even be without her?

It was with these musings still fresh in his mind that he decided his plan for Blaine. He would do everything in his power to show the boy that no matter what he said, Kurt would never think he was disgusting. Kurt also planned be as strong as possible for his husband to show him that no one would hurt him anymore. Now for the last step...the touching...Kurt thought back to the last few days and realized he had already been doing that subconsciously and it seemed to go pretty well. Kurt's initial thought was that Blaine was too broken yet for innocent touches but looking back, Kurt decided that was exactly what he needed. Every time Blaine seemed the most comfortable, the most open and happy, was when Kurt was touching him in some way. Kurt also knew from experience last night that there would be a fine line between innocent touches and what Blaine might perceive as sexual so he had to be careful. Unfortunately, Kurt also acknowledged that he had a harder road ahead of him with Blaine than Santana ever did. Santana and he weren't the same orientation, they were strictly friends, so no touch ever seemed threatening. Plus, Kurt knew simply from past experience that Blaine would never speak up if he was uncomfortable, so he had to be extra aware of how everything was being perceived. Kurt didn't know the extent of the damage and compounded upon that, Blaine felt like he owed Kurt; like Kurt was his master.

Kurt reminisced about the events of the night before again. Blaine looked so resigned and sad when he offered himself like an object; like a thing to be used. How could Kurt get him to understand that wasn't the case? Kurt was embarrassed by his initial aroused reaction to the scene. Blaine was just so gorgeous and his shocked mind went straight to all of the things he could do with that beautiful body. He chastised himself for that thought even now. Kurt hoped they got to the stage of intimacy, but he didn't dare expect. All he wanted from Blaine was love reciprocated. He knew in order for that to happen, he had to make sure that Blaine knew he gave love first and always.

Kurt felt empowered by his decisions and plans. He felt less hopeless about the situation now that he had an idea about what to do for the boy. It was with this thought in his mind that he finally rolled over and looked toward the other side of the bed where the reason for his fragmented sleep should be laying.

The bed was empty.

Kurt was up like a shot. He went quickly to Blaine's room and peeked in the slightly opened door. It was empty. He walked back to his master bathroom, then the main bathroom, to no avail. Kurt's mind instantly began to come up with wild and scary scenarios. Blaine running away, or being kidnapped were a few of the crazy situations his worried mind flashed through, but then he heard a noise coming from the main living area. Kurt took a second to calm his erratic heartbeat as he berated himself over the fact that five minutes after he decided to become this pillar of strength he had turned into a crazed lunatic at the thought of Blaine missing...without even checking the kitchen or living room. It was the morning and breakfast time, after all. Kurt chuckled a bit when he realized he would have to work on that whole calm, collected thing.

Entering the kitchen, Kurt was astonished that every surface seemed to sparkle. There was a full breakfast placed on the table and everything dish used to prepare it was washed, dried, and placed back in its rightful place. How long had Blaine been up?

"Blaine?" Kurt called softly to get the boys attention without startling him. Blaine seemed to be having a conversation with himself at the sink. Despite the softness of his tone, Blaine still jumped, dropping the full mug of coffee he was transferring to the table at that moment. Both men watched the mug's seeming slow motion descent to the edge of the table and subsequently to the floor, spilling the hot beverage everywhere. Blaine recoiled in pain as the boiling liquid splashed his arms and stomach. The boy then looked up in horror at the scene. He met Kurt's eyes for a second then dropped his gaze quickly back to the floor. Apologies spewed uncontrollably from his lips as Kurt saw tears come to his eyes. He rushed forward to calm the boy.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. It's okay! Please baby, calm down." Kurt hushed. As he neared Blaine, his heart broke to see the boy cower on the floor covering his head the best he could while trying not to touch his already blistering skin.

"Baby, we need to get cool water on this right away. Please. I'm not mad. Not at all. I promise. Just stand up, c'mon sweetheart." Kurt schooled his voice into the most soothing tone he knew in an effort to reassure Blaine. He reached down and tentatively rubbed a soft circle into Blaine's back in a way he knew the boy liked. Sliding his hand beyond Blaine's back and around his shoulders, Kurt slowly helped the boy to his feet. When Blaine was finally standing, Kurt caressed his downturned face slowly, encouraging the boy to meet his eyes. The most he could get was Blaine's gaze directed somewhere in the vicinity of his chin as he trembled in fear.

"Okay, honey. I know you're nervous that you spilled some coffee, but I need you to know I will never hurt you. You can be scared sometimes because I know you've been scared for a long time and it's hard to stop reacting like that right away, but please know that I will never touch you in anger or mean you any harm. Okay baby? Now can I please put cold water on your burns?"

"Yes, Kurt." Blaine whispered, still shaken.

Kit gently led the boy to the kitchen sink and turned on the tap to a cool temperature. Blaine stood there for a moment and finally, gingerly placed his reddened hands under the soothing stream. A slight hiss at the contact made Kurt wince and he hurried to rub the Blaine's back again. The water worked its magic quickly it seemed as Blaine's shoulders slumped in relief. As he leant forward onto the edge of the counter another pained sound escaped his lips. Looking down, Kurt realized that the coffee splashed the front of Blaine's shirt as well.

"Blaine, can I look at the rest of your burn? I just need to see how bad it is. Maybe we can put a cold cloth on it too." Kurt turned to Blaine then to see an unsure look in his eyes. After a few seconds hesitation, Blaine reached back with his dripping hand to the neck of his shirt, pulling it off in one decisive movement. Dropping his shirt on the nearby chair and his hands to his sides, Blaine looked away as he waited for Kurt to examine his injuries.

Kurt was taken aback for a moment. So many thoughts flew through his head. The first and most visceral was his body's uncontrollable reaction to seeing Blaine shirtless again. Kurt count help but notice how Blaine's skin seemed to look even more beautiful in the morning sunlight. Kurt also couldn't help but notice the body language emanating from Blaine's every movement. It was obvious the boy felt vulnerable and scared, but he kept his hands to his sides when most everyone else would have crossed them over their body or protected themselves in some way. For some reason, the uncrossed arms culminating in trembling, open palmed hands bothered Kurt. He hated that Blaine didn't even feel like he could protect himself, shield himself. Kurt couldn't help but think that the time with Brett, when Blaine had no choice but to submit, made his boy resign himself to the fact that he had no control over his body.

The burns that bloomed red on Blaine's abdomen looked painful, but Kurt didn't see any blisters forming. He went to the sink again and this time wet a cloth with the cool tap water. Kurt's instinct to care and protect almost compelled him to apply the cold compress himself but the look in Blaine's eyes made him rethink these actions. Handing the boy the cloth, Kurt gave Blaine back the control.

"It looks okay, but painful. Just hold this on there until it feels better, okay?"

Blaine nodded mutely and placed the cloth to the worst of his burns.

"I've had worse." he whispered.

Blaine knew Kurt just wanted to help, and he was grateful but he felt so exposed without his shirt. He just wished Kurt would give him leave to put it back on. Was it okay to just get dressed again? Blaine couldn't decide. He plead with his eyes in the best way he knew how, even though this action alone seemed forceful, dangerous. 'You're like a dog Blaine, just deal with it' a harsh familiar voice reminded him from memory. Blaine shivered.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Blaine finally turned to Kurt who was just looking at him with a sad expression. At first Blaine was confused then he realized the expression was no doubt a reaction to his statement. What would happen now? Was he ready to talk about his past? How would Kurt react? Blaine knew he was disgusting. Blaine had no idea what compelled him to whisper that confession to his husband. Just that statement alone could ruin everything.

He wished he could take it back.

"Blaine, what are you talking about?" Kurt asked hesitantly. The beautiful man still looked at him but in just the few moments it took Blaine to berate himself, the look of sadness was replaced by one of calm curiosity. Blaine felt encouraged. Maybe it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

Blaine's breath hitched. How would he even begin to tell this man about the situation leading up to his burns last time. It was the star of many of his nightmares. Blaine looked at Kurt again who just sat down at the table, waiting.

The phone rang then, startling them both.

Kurt glanced to Blaine for a moment, then reached over to his phone.

"Hello?" Kurt said, still keeping his eyes on his husband. Blaine couldn't take the quiet power of that gaze any longer and looked away.

The faint murmur of the answering voice sounded though the phone.

"But, Cassie can't you just fix it? I'm off for one more day."

Blaine could hear the murmur increase in pitch and speed.

"How did he manage to break that? Ugh! Fine. I'll be in for a bit- but then I'm gone Cassie." Kurt huffed. Blaine tensed with his annoyed tone. After a brief answer from whoever this Cassie was, Kurt tersely hung up the phone. Kurt let out a frustrated growl. Blaine had to physically restrain himself from cowering. He'd never heard Kurt sound anything less than calm and sweet. He heard Kurt's breath hitch from beside him.

"Hey sweetheart, it's okay. I'm not mad." Blaine felt the gentle touch that matched Kurt's newly gentler tone. "I just have to go into the theater for a bit today and I am frustrated. I don't want to leave you alone just yet."

"I'm fine Kurt." Blaine said automatically, although he really wasn't. He just wanted to be good for Kurt and the man did not need a whiney husband right now. Kurt's touch spread from Blaine's shoulder to his back and neck.

"Blaine, you are freezing. Is your burn better? Why don't you put back on your shirt?"
"I can?" Blaine asked meekly.

Kurt shook his head as if steadying himself. Blaine felt like he was pushing the man too far but he didn't know how to stop. He was just so unsure.

"Honey, this is your body. Yours. If you are cold, get dressed. If you are tired, sleep. I wish I could kill that man who made you feel this way." Kurt mumbled, more to himself than anything.

"What?" Who was Kurt talking about? Blaine felt the icy fingers of dread fill his body as he realized Kurt might know more than he was letting on.

"Blaine, I won't even lie about what I've heard about your ex-husband. It seems like your scared about telling me yourself but I won't pressure you. Just know you're safe here. Like I said. I never will hurt you. Ever." Kurt let out a long sigh as Blaine looked away again. Blaine heard the rustling of the phone being picked up and Kurt dialing a number. After a brief pause, Kurt spoke again.

"Hey Tana. Can you and Brit come over today? This oaf on-set broke the pulley system that is mandatory for tonight's show. Since I designed it, they are saying I need to be on sight while it is fixed. I just don't want to leave him alone."

A faint mumble sounded as Santana answered.

"Thanks so much! I will feel so much better knowing you're here. Okay, see you in a bit." Kurt finished breathlessly. He hung up and turned to Blaine again.

"Okay sweetheart, Santana and Brit are coming over to keep you company while I go out. I really wanted to take you shopping today, but we can just do that tomorrow. Santana said Brit is really excited to see you."

A warm flush came over Blaine. He was excited to see Brit too. After his initial reaction however, he realized he was interrupting what was essentially the girl's honeymoon. Since the plans seemed to be finalized, Blaine just nodded to Kurt and went back to the counter to transfer the plates he had been in the process of bringing to the table before the whole coffee fiasco.

Blaine set the plates on the table nervously and began to serve Kurt breakfast. It felt good to finally take care of Kurt, Blaine felt like all he did was take. As the silence loomed on, Blaine became nervous that Kurt would try to bring up his old life again. Luckily, Kurt seemed to sense his need to change the subject. He took a bite of the French toast and moaned appreciatively. Blaine was shocked at his reaction to the wanton noise. His heart beat furiously and he felt warmth spread through him. He swallowed audibly and Kurt looked up.

A small smile graced the features of his beautiful new husband that made Blaine smile shyly in return.

"Blaine, this is the best breakfast I have had in a long time. Are you going to eat with me too?"

Blaine realized then that he had just been sitting there with an empty plate. He hated mealtimes. It was so much pressure. Did he eat until he was full and risk scrutiny or just take a tiny bit and stay hungry? Blaine knew in the back of his mind that Kurt wanted him to eat, but his training from Brett was still in the forefront. What If eating too much made him unattractive to Kurt? Blaine knew he wanted to be with Kurt as long as possible so he took the safe route. Placing one slice of French toast and some fruit on his plate, he cut the meal into tiny bites before taking one. Blaine could see Kurt assessing him with furrowed eyebrows out of the corner of his eye.

"Blaine, why don't you try mine too? I got too much. Can you take a bite and help me finish?" Kurt blinked innocently at his husband and Blaine knew there was no way he could say no to that look. Blaine nodded and waited for Kurt to give him what he wanted when all of the sudden, a loaded fork was waiting before his lips.

Glancing up at Kurt, Blaine opened his mouth obediently to receive the bite. Blaine could have sworn he saw Kurt's eyes darken slightly before they flashed back to his plate to retrieve another bite. Blaine went to continue eating his deliberately plain slice when another bite dripping in butter and syrup was again waiting for him. And so it went for the rest of the meal, Kurt alternating eating and feeding Blaine from his fork. Blaine couldn't help but notice the warm feeling he got when the fork that was just in Kurt's mouth was held to his. What did that mean?

Eventually breakfast was done and Kurt announced that he needed to shower before he left for work. Blaine went to the living room and sat on the plush couch. Kurt followed and turned on the tv, handing Blaine the remote.

"I'll only be a few minutes sweetheart. Watch whatever you want. Santana should be here soon."

Kurt left the room then. Blaine watched him go and his heart did a little flip knowing that this gorgeous man was his. What did he ever do to deserve this?

A while later, Blaine found himself engrossed in a History Channel special when he heard footsteps coming down the hall. His eyes flicked up automatically at the sound and when he saw Kurt he hastily cast them back to the floor.

Kurt was shirtless.

Blaine had never seen his husband in any state if undress before. Although he felt the quiet strength of his firm muscles while Kurt held him, he had no idea the man looked like that. He heard the click of a door being closed as Kurt entered the bedroom again. Letting out a long breath, Blaine finally allowed himself to look in the direction of the closed door.

That one quick glance from moments ago seemed to be ingrained in his memory as images of the pale skin covering sinuous muscle filled his mind. His husband was beautiful. Blaine vaguely thought about the fact that Kurt embodied everything his old self looked for in a partner. He was sweet, smart, creative and stunning. Stunning...that didn't even begin to cover the sight of the half naked man. Blaine felt heat build up in his body embarrassingly. It had been so long since he'd been aroused that he barely recognized the feeling. Just thinking about Kurt's beautiful body made Blaine blush as he felt himself harden. At that moment, Kurt decided to make his reappearance.

Blaine had still been staring at the closed door when it suddenly opened and Kurt was in the doorway. The man looked perfectly put together and refreshed in a dark purple shirt with the same colored slim tie over top. His skin looked like cream and the cut of the shirt made his shoulders look wide and sexy. At that thought, Blaine's warm cheeks reddened even more when he remembered what state he was in. Kurt's welcoming smile only added to the boy's condition. Blane placed his hands carefully over his lap as he wondered if Kurt would be able to tell how turned on he was.

A loud buzz filled the apartment as Blaine contemplated his new reactions to his husband. Kurt walked to the intercom and let their friends up.

Blaine took Kurt's few moments of inattention to run to the bathroom and splash some cold water on his face. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror he was relieved to find his arousal wasn't too apparent. The slight blush in his cheeks, the darker pink lips... Blaine hoped they weren't too noticeable. As he scrutinized his appearance his arousal softened thankfully, because as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom he was attacked by his best friend.

"Oh Blainey! I missed you! I know it was only one day, but I have so much to tell you!" Brit stated breathlessly.

"I missed you too Brit! I'm sorry you had to take time out of your honeymoon to come be with me. You really didn't have to. Was Santana mad when Kurt asked her?" he asked in a small voice. He hated feeling like a burden.

"Nope! We're going to watch movies and make dinner together. It's gonna be awesome. Besides, we already had so much sex we need a break." she shrugged.

"Whoa! Whoa baby! Too much information for our little friend." Santana joined their conversation in the hall. She smiled apologetically and Blaine hurried to make his face neutral. He felt inadequate yet again and could not help but be stung by Kurt's refusal of him last night, nervous as he was when making the offer.

"C'mon baby and baby's best friend, let's go get cozy on the couch." Santana said playfully. Brit smiled hugely and followed her. Blaine turned to follow as well but was stopped by Kurt on the way.

"Blaine, I have to go but I will be back in a bit. Have fun with the girls and don't let Santana go through my stuff! Last time I left her alone in my apartment I came home to her reading my journal from high school. I'd like to avoid that again if I could." he chuckled softly at the memory.

Blaine loved Kurt's soft laugh. The man was perfect. Said perfect man was now looking at him with concern.

"You sure you'll be okay sweetheart?" he said as he placed his hand gently on Blaine's jaw. His thumb stroked Blaine's slightly stubbled skin as he waited for an answer. Blaine reveled at the softness of his husband's hands. After a moment, he realized Kurt was still waiting.

"I-I'll be fine. I promise." Blaine whispered. He realized that the girls were far in the other room and Kurt was getting so close.

"Okay, honey. I'll miss you today. C'mere." Kurt directed as he pulled Blaine into a surprising hug. Blaine fell into the embrace wordlessly and was instantly overwhelmed with love for his husband. Kurt let go after a minute and efficiently gathered his things. With one quick glance at the girls on the couch and then Blaine, he said his goodbyes and headed to work.

As soon as the man left the room, Blaine felt a bit of life go out of him. Brittany gestured wildly from the couch and patted the empty cushion next to her. Blaine walked over and fell onto the couch next to his best friend.

The three watched two movies, stopping to have a few snacks instead of lunch. Blaine was surprised that he became as comfortable around Santana as he was around Brit. The girl just exuded confidence and there was no way not to like her.

After the second movie, Santana got up and stretched gracefully.

"Ready to make dinner guys? Blaine, me and Brit brought stuff to make homemade chicken parmesan which takes forever to make. It's my specialty kind of...well okay, actually it's one of the only fancy things I know how to cook. Good thing we live in New York with all of this take-out." she smiled.

The three entered the kitchen that Blaine loved from the moment he stepped through the door. Santana went to the fridge and gathered the ingredients they brought for the meal. When she placed all of the components on the kitchen island, Blaine noticed immediately that among them were a few bottles of red wine. Santana went to the cabinet and got down three glasses. Pouring a small amount in each, she offered the first glass to Blaine.
The boy froze. He hated alcohol, but he really wanted Santana to like him. What if he refused and the girls thought he was a snob or boring? Even Brit didn't know about his hatred of alcohol because they were certainly never allowed it at the center and at the picnic she was very preoccupied. He really did not want to lose his only friends.

Hesitantly, he took the offered glass from Santana's hands. The liquid swished around the bottom of the glass menacingly, seemingly taunting him. Blaine felt like he was acting crazy so he just took a sip. The bitter liquid was nothing like the hard liquor shots given to him by Brett. It didn't really burn or anything. Blaine felt relieved...he thought he could handle this.

A few hours later, the meal had been prepared and eaten. Blaine thought it might have been the best thing he had ever had in his life. He felt so loose and free and sated by the delicious chicken that he sat down with the girls with an exaggerated flourish.

"Oh my god, someone enjoyed the wine a bit more than the meal methinks." Santana said with a smile in her voice.

Blaine looked at her with a slightly dopey smile on his face.

"What? I only had one glass Sanatan...Santana." he said incredulously.

She laughed even more openly then.

"Brit, how many times did you fill your dolphin's glass?" she asked her wife with relish.

"Oh, I don't know...it just kept emptying and I figured Blainey was thirsty." she said in a slightly giggly, aloof voice.

Blaine couldn't contain his smile at the girl's cuteness. He felt so warm and cozy. He loved these girls and they loved him. He felt amazing! But then a sad thought creeped into his mind. He loved Kurt too. Why wasn't he there to feel this warm amazingness?

"Tana, where's Kurt? How long was he s'posed to work cuz its almost tomorrow now. He has to come home tonight because he needs to snuggle me or I cry." Blaine cocked his head and tried to focus on the wobbly image of the girl in front of him.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? He had to stay until the show was in the act that needed the pulley to make sure it functioned correctly. He said he'll be home soon. I would say an hour?" despite moving around so much, Blaine could see she had a grin poised at her lips.

"Okay! Wait...does an hour mean tomorrow? Tana, I need him tonight! Please call him and make him come home! I don't want the nightmares tonight. He needs to hold me and talk to me in his angel voice so the nightmares can't get me!" Blaine said desperately.

"Honey, it's only 9 o'clock. An hour is hardly even bedtime. He'll be home before you know it, don't worry. Maybe you should lay down before you get so upset." she said with concern.

Blaine was confused. He wasn't upset. Well not anymore. Life was great right in this moment. His Kurt would be home before bedtime and he felt warm and cozy and not at all sick like he used to with Brett. He was so happy about that fact that he decided to share it with his two bestest friends in the world.

"Tana, know what's great?" he asked in a giggly voice.

Amused by the sudden change in demeanor, Santana answered the obviously drunk boy cautiously.

"What's great, Pumpkin?" she said indulgently.

"You're great Blainey!" Brit whooped. She was obviously feeling the effects of her bottomless glass of wine too. She reached over and hugged Blaine profusely. He returned the embrace with happiness. He smiled at his friend and tapped her on the nose jovially.

"Nope! What's great is I don't feel sick and this alcohol didn't sting my mouth and none of you want me to dance naked for you." he smiled hugely with that thought.

"What? What are you talking about honey?" Santana asked, again with apparent concern.
Blaine's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and then concentration as he tried to figure Santana out. Why did she sound like that? She should be so happy like him. He decided to fill her in.

"Tana, I'm happy, why aren't you happy? Brett used to make me drink this stuff that tasted like fire, then his friends would make me dance and usually had sex with me. I hated it. But it's not happening now so don't be sad. Be happy!" he finished with an encouraging smile.

"Who is Brett?" she asked.

"Oh, um, he's my old husband. My bad one before I got the best husband ever. Kurt. Can I tell you a secret?" Blaine whispered conspiratorially, still grinning.

Santana's jaw was dropped open now and he could have sworn he saw tears come to the corners of her eyes. Blaine hurried to make her happy. He didn't want one of his best friends to be sad because of him. He looked over at his other best friend. She would make her wife happy...then he realized this plan wouldn't work because Brit had fallen asleep with her head in Santana's lap. Blaine decided then just to finish telling her his secret. Maybe then she wouldn't be sad.

"Tana. I lobe Kurt. No. I mean I love Kurt. That's my secret. He makes me so happy and when I get nervous and he always makes me feel better with his angel voice and snuggly arms and beautiful smell. I worry sometimes that one day he'll start to treat me like Brett because he'll remember I'm dirty and I deserve it. Do you think that will happen someday?" Blaine finished in a tiny voice. That worry was always on his mind. He scrunched up his shoulders with the weight of it. When would the other shoe drop?

"Oh Mijo. That will never happen. Kurt loves you too, I know it. You aren't dirty...You are amazing and I'm glad Kurt makes you happy." she leaned into him then and put her arm around him.

Blaine was stunned. Kurt loved him? How did she know? Did Kurt tell her? Blaine leaned into Santana's one armed hug and tried to snuggle in. All of the sudden he needed to be held again, but Santana wasn't what he wanted. She was nice and tried to give good snuggles but her arm was too little and she smelled too flowery. Right then, all Blaine wanted was Kurt. He felt tears come to his eyes as he realized his husband wasn't home yet. How long would it be until the hour, or the morning, or whenever Kurt was supposed to be there? Blaine felt his eyelids get heavy as he waited. Santana was rocking him in her arms slowly and humming something soothing that made him sleepy.

When Blaine awoke next he heard the sound of hushed voices conversing in the hall. Blaine could not make out the words but he knew it was his husband home at last. Blaine didn't know how long he had slept but he knew he was still warm and now, kind of dizzy. He also knew without a doubt that he wanted Kurt to hold him.

Blaine got up quickly and stumbled toward the sound of his husband's beautiful voice. Santana had fresh tear tracks down her cheeks and Kurt looked shocked and appalled. What happened? Did someone get hurt?

"Kurt! Kurt! Are you okay?" Blaine rushed out. He hurried to Kurt's side and put his hand on his husband's jaw while he studied his face intently. He looked okay. Relief coursed through Blaine.

"You're okay." he breathed out happily. He then remembered his original purpose of running to Kurt. Reaching down to the man's sides, he grabbed his arms. Leaning forward into Kurt's neck and inhaling the welcoming scent, Blaine placed Kurt's pliant arms around him; one over his shoulder and one around his waist. He let out a relieved breath as he rubbed his cheek against the smooth skin above Kurt's collar.

"I missed you...just hold me for a minute, 'kay? Sant-tanana has too skinny arms and I missed your smell." Blaine burrowed into the embrace further as Kurt remained silent. Eventually, he heard his husband's voice again.

"God, he is barely twenty! What were you thinking? I honestly don't know whether to kill you or thank you Tana." he huffed. Blaine felt the arms around him shift away slightly and he readied a whine. When the arms only moved around him further tightening the sweet security Blaine felt, the whine turned into a sigh of happiness.

"Oh, just thank me Hummel. He seems like he needed this and it's not worth the jail time to kill me. Although I do feel bad. I really didn't know. Can we talk tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yeah 'Tana. Call me tomorrow. Blaine and I are going shopping but besides that I'm open. I don't even have to work because they knew how pissed I was that they made me come in today." Kurt finished tiredly.

From his spot in Kurt's neck, Blaine could hear Santana rouse Brittany and get her toward the door. After a few minutes of goodbyes, of which Blaine made a mumbled attempt because he refused to move, the apartment was blissfully silent.

Kurt was shocked by a few things in this very moment. The first and most potent was Blaine's innocently given confession to Santana about his life with Brett. Kurt didn't know it was that bad...it was even worse than he could ever imagine. The second thing that left Kurt reeling was the fact that Blaine was drunk, and clinging to him like an adorable limpet. Kurt could hardly contain himself when his husband came up and literally forced his arms around him. God Blaine was so innocent and lovely...who would ever want to do what that scumbag did to him?

The first order of the evening was getting his clingy boy into bed. Santana told him his husband had fallen asleep once already and Kurt could see that Blaine was so close to passing out again now. As Blaine held on, Kurt just gave up trying to walk with him and picked him up in his arms. The boy weighed practically nothing. He had to eat more. Walking carefully down the hall, Blaine stirred a little and clung even tighter.

"Please don't make me sleep by myself. Please...jus' keep me, okay?" he whispered.

How could Kurt turn that down? Kurt was worried that anything that happened tonight would just set them back tomorrow but he knew he needed to work with the circumstances he was given. He walked into his room, and laid Blaine carefully down on top of the covers. The boy instantly curled into the throw pillows on his bed. Kurt took the reprieve from the situation for a moment and went to the closet to grab some night clothes. He changed hastily in the bathroom and splashed some water on his face.

Stepping back into the darkened room, he was surprised to see Blaine sitting up and struggling with his shirt.

"Blaine?" he questioned softly.

"M' hot Kurt, help?" he squeaked. Kurt rushed to his husband's side and pulled his arms free from the shirt. Blaine moaned appreciatively as the cool air hit his skin and Kurt took a few deep breaths to calm his immediate reaction to the sound.

Kurt set about removing the extra bedding from the bed and turning it down. Kurt finished his side and moved towards Blaine's. As soon as Blaine realized his intentions, he rolled over to Kurt's prepared side and burrowed under the covers. Kurt finished clearing Blaine's side and walked over to the boy.

"Blaine? Move over, sweetheart. I need to climb in." he whispered gently.

Blaine moaned again and turned over once, leaving just enough room for Kurt to climb in. Kurt chuckled at the situation he found himself in. Here he was, in a huge bed, forced to lay on just a few inches of it. Blaine seemed to stir again at the sound of his quiet laughter.

"Kurt?" he called.

"Yes, honey?" Kurt answered still with a smile in his voice.

"I'm so sorry you had ta marry me." Blaine apologized in a sad voice.

Kurt was thrown for a loop again. When would he learn what to expect with this boy? Kurt knew that no matter what he said tonight it probably would not be remembered in the morning so he decided to be candid.

"I'm not sorry, baby. I'm proud to call you my husband." he answered gently. At that moment Kurt noticed the ring on Blaine's finger glinting in the moonlight as it seemed to back up his statement.

"Why was Santana sad tonight?" Blaine changed the subject again.

"Blaine, she was just sad over what you told her about Brett. What he did was wrong. You know that, right baby?"

"But what if I deserved it? I was never a good husband. I never made him happy. I deserved everything he did." Blaine explained, still slurring a bit. Kurt didn't know where all this was coming from but he was caught between thinking it would be easier on Blaine to talk about it this way and the fact that he probably had no idea what he was saying.

"Sweetheart, no one deserves that. But we don't have to talk about it now if you don't want. Just know I'm here, okay?" Kurt decided not to push tonight.

"Kurt, but you have to know! I'm going to ruin your life too!" Blaine began to breakdown and Kurt hurried to hush him in the limited space he was given.

"The first night, he...took me, he said I cried too much...but it hurt so bad! I'm really not good at sex Kurt, I always cry. And I don't like cum drying on my skin because it itches and I wouldn't want to keep it there even if he wanted. And I gag. Kurt. I'm not a good husband. Or a good anything. That's why he had to hit me. That's why the police had to send me back because he hurt me so bad I was in the hospital and no one realized it was because I was so bad at being a husband. I'm so sorry you are stuck with a bad husband Kurt!" Blaine was openly sobbing now, clinging to Kurt's shirt and soaking it.

Kurt was shocked into silence.

"N' then, n' then today. I couldn't even make you coffee and I burned myself. I'm useless Kurt. I'm sorry!" Blaine buried his head in Kurt's shirt then, hiding his face. All Kurt could see was the boy's small, shaking shoulders as his breath hitched sharply with each sob. The mention of the coffee brought back the cryptic information about the burns earlier in the day and Kurt couldn't help asking the next question.

"No, no. Honey...you are amazing. Never bad. I promise! Now, you don't have to tell me but how were you burned sweetheart? Did he do that too?" Kurt's voice was so hushed he wondered if Blaine could hear it over his tears.

"C-candle wax. Too much, too hot. I couldn't even s-spice it up in the bedroom to make him happy he said."

"Oh god!" Kurt whispered to himself. He couldn't take it anymore. Blaine had told him so much and he looked so, so broken. When he arrived home just an hour before, he never would have predicted this happening tonight. He wanted to strangle everyone who made this happen. Cassie, Santana, even Brittany found her way into the line of Kurt's mental wrath. After a moment he realized that he was so mad because he felt so, so helpless. His love, his beautiful boy had so much taken from him and he could do nothing. Shaking off this thought, Kurt realized there was something he could do right now. He would do whatever it took.

Blaine's sobs had slowed a bit and he was still clinging to Kurt's shirt. Kurt gently ushered him further into the bed and looked down at his boy. The anguish apparent on his features broke Kurt's heart. As the anger ebbed out of Kurt, sadness replaced it and he couldn't stop the gentle tears from gathering in his eyes. Leaning up on one elbow, he remembered what his mom used do do to him as a child when he was upset. It felt almost petty to try because what childish problems could ever compare to this? All Kurt knew was that he never felt more loved than in those moments.

Hesitantly, Kurt reached down and traced Blaine's features with the tips of his fingers. Blaine began to relax instantly. Kurt sat up to get a better angle and at the loss of contact, Blaine hurried to grab Kurt around his waist with a tired whine. The angle still was awkward, but with the use of both hands, Kurt began to softly massage the perfect lines of Blaine's face. The pads of his thumbs ran gently over his eyebrows, continuing over his temples and down his jaw. Kurt's tears spilled over as the love poured out of him with every touch and he had to reach up and swipe them away before continuing. Beginning at the boy's hairline again, this time Kurt's pass of fingertips over skin covered the bridge of Blaine's nose and swiped across his cheekbones.

Blaine kept his eyes shut tight throughout the ministrations but Kurt could feel the tension leaving his boy's face. As he traced each feature reverently, he took note of each facet of beauty before him. When he swept over Blaine's eyebrows again, he took notice of the light tickle on the lower joint of his thumbs from the long sweep of eyelashes under them. His fingers traced the faint freckles dotting his cheeks from the sun and barely brushed the swell of his pink bottom lip. Kurt was so mesmerized, he didn't even realize the sobs had stopped. He also didn't realize that he had begun humming something non-sensical but vaguely resembling "Baby Mine" from Dumbo. Kurt smiled at his ridiculousness. Well, he thought, he was very emotional right now and if any song could support a good cry it was certainly that one.

Finishing up his soft massage with another round of gentle caresses to each feature, Kurt was finally satisfied that he had given all the comfort he could. Blaine looked so peaceful in that moment. Kurt had to restrain himself from leaning down and lightly brushing his lips across his love's. Kurt started to settle himself in next to Blaine when he felt movement from beside him. Kurt noticed Blaine's features scrunch up again as he turned to Kurt. The next thing he knew, a desperate whisper was breaking the silence in the room.

"Please Kurt! Do you s-still love me?" Blaine lifted his head finally and leaned over Kurt, his gorgeous eyes questioning while they blinked back tears.

Kurt was taken aback yet again. He looked at the gorgeous boy waiting for his answer. In the aftermath of his sobs, his breath was still hitching and hiccups had set in. He was so perfect. Kurt had wanted to tell him he loved him for days. How was this even brought up?

"Santana s-said that you love me. Was she lying? Do you really love me Kurt?" Blaine said in a childlike voice, still broken and slurring, but so innocent it squeezed Kurt's heart. He couldn't hold back anymore, this boy deserved everything.

"Yes, Blaine. I love you so much. For always." just saying it to this boy made him feel lighter than air.

Blaine's eyes lit up beautifully at that statement and the still watery moss green searched his face as if trying to discern if Kurt was speaking the truth. Kurt didn't know what his boy saw but a small smile crossed his features then.

"You do?" a two word question spoken so softly broke Kurt's heart. He would take the rest of his life to convince his husband this was true.

"I really do, sweetheart. I love you." Kurt whispered.

Blaine leaned forward then, reaching back to wrap Kurt's arm around him. Kurt just waited to see what Blaine wanted to do, he was so close now, just a breath away. His boy looked so beautiful and content as his eyes closed tiredly. Blaine blinked again, visibly fighting sleep and reached up to rub his thumb over Kurt's jaw, almost as if soothing himself. Kurt's eyes fluttered closed at the touch and just moments later, he felt the tentative brush of lips upon his. A far cry from their wedding kiss, this was just a soft, sweet connection that Kurt reveled in like a warm blanket. He could barely function to think but the fact that his boy kept surprising him tonight just would not leave his mind.

He felt the soft lips settle fully on his then and indulged himself in their warm pressure. A moment later, he realized that Blaine was abnormally still. Was he regretting this? Kurt's eyes opened quickly and was met with the gorgeous sweep of eyelashes he had admired earlier. He reached up to caress his beautiful boy's cheek and as soon as he did, he was grateful because at that moment his love's head just dropped to the side, pulling their lips apart quickly and falling into the perfectly placed hand. Kurt was surprised at the disconnect until he realized that the boy had fallen asleep...mid-kiss. Warmth and love filled Kurt right then. Could his husband be more adorable?

Kurt cuddled into his boy then and smiled. He didn't know what tomorrow would bring but he knew one thing for sure, Blaine was aware of his love now and he would never let him forget it.

End note: Thanks so much for reading! It means the world to me that you all are amazing, supportive, beautiful people. This chapter is for Klainelove. Girl, I hope you're satisfied- they're finally getting somewhere! I want to thank you for your continued support and general amazing goodness. You and my darling Cleverboots are a creative force to be reckoned with! From the moment I posted this fic, you were there giving me you unabashed opinions and I have appreciated and loved every one!

To all of my other readers, thank you! Please know I appreciate you and look forward to your opinion so please, let me know what you think! Every review not only still grants you my everlasting love, but it also makes Hunter get his all the sooner! Ha ha!


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I loved this chapter! Well why would I not?! hahaI was so pleased that Blaine opened up and hope that will continue even without alcohol. I so hope that he remembers it all in the morning but without the guilt of opening up to people.A part of me hopes that they run into Brett in the future so that Tana and Kurt can revenge what he did to poor little Blainers. I love your writing, how compassionate and gentle Kurt is with Blaine whilst encouraging to find some self confidence. Great job honey! x

Brett...maybe. Other antagonists definitely :) I realized I never answered this review and since you already read the next chapter, you probably realize that you might have influenced it a bit with this review. He did remember..but the guilt I'm still working on.Thanks so much for this. You continue to inspire me.

this story is amazing.