April 28, 2013, 10:36 a.m.
April 28, 2013, 10:36 a.m.
Hey everyone! Here is the next chapter. Sorry it took so long! No beta means I edit obsessively :) As always, thanks so much for your reviews, favorites and tracking. Hell, thanks for taking the time to read this far! Enjoy!
When Blaine woke up the next morning he was instantly nauseous. What had he done? He tried to calm his breath as he thought back to his breakdown and slurred confessions. Did he really say all his hazy mind told him he did? Did he really beg Kurt to cuddle with him? Blaine berated himself at his weakness.
"Blaine? Are you up?" Kurt called from across the room.
Blaine struggled to an upright position and looked around the sunlit room. Kurt was fully dressed and seated at the small breakfast table.
"I'm awake." he called in a voice rough from the tears of the previous night.
"Come have breakfast then were heading back to the center, okay?"
'No! Not okay!' Blaine wanted to shout, but he knew that going back was inevitable.
Blaine stumbled to the table and sat down with Kurt. He looked at the amazing offerings and felt bad that none of it would survive in his stomach right then. Kurt seemed to notice his blanch.
"How about just some coffee? Here honey, but I really wish you'd eat more." he said with concern as he handed Blaine a perfectly made cup of coffee.
"Thank you." Blaine whispered.
"So I was thinking about it, you really weren't prepared for a sleepover so I know you don't have extra clothes. Do you just want to borrow some of mine?"
Blaine was stuck on the word borrow. That would indicate that somehow Kurt would get them back. That couldn't be right. There was no way that he would want to see Blaine again if Blaine had said all he thought he did the night before. Who would want to even associate with a slut who gave up his body like that?
"Um...no, that's okay. I can just wear the stuff from yesterday." he mumbled.
"A-alright." Kurt answered. Blaine noticed his shoulders slump a little like he was sad about that answer, then decided that couldn't be it at all. He was saving Kurt from having to bother with him. He should be grateful, shouldn't he?
As they finished up breakfast and got ready for the day, Kurt tried not to let it bother him that Blaine refused his clothes. Kurt felt like they were at am impasse. It seemed like Blaine tried to portray this image most times and Kurt just wanted him to open up. The boy would be subservient one minute and reserved the next, Kurt just wished he could be himself all the time. Luckily Kurt was okay with just those tiny glimpses of the boy who was playful and sweet or the boy who just wanted to be loved. Those were the moments Kurt lived for and he knew right now, he just had to wait it out for them. He wanted Blaine to jump in his arms and love him forever, but right now he was okay with baby steps. After Kurt took a cursory glance at his missed text, he saw the opportunity for the first one.
"Blaine?" he asked toward the bathroom where the boy was getting washed up.
"Yes, Kurt?" Blaine answered.
"Santana and Brittany are waiting in the lobby for us, but I guess the temperature has dropped a bit and it's pretty chilly today. Can I loan you my coat? Actually, I insist. I don't want you to get sick." Kurt tried to phase this firmly because he knew the thin polo shirt just wouldn't cut it if it was as chilly and Santana described.
"You don't have to...W-what will you wear?" Blaine said after a few moments as he left the bathroom.
Kurt had a hard time not staring yet again. Like each time he was confronted with the vision of Blaine, he just lost his breath. The boy was wearing the slightly wrinkled clothes from last night, but he had washed up and his freshly scrubbed face was just beautiful, not to mention what the slight flush from Kurt's open assessment did to his skin. Kurt looked down so he wouldn't make Blaine uncomfortable and tried to answer in an airy voice.
"Please, I forget that you don't know about my crazy love affair with fashion. There's is no way I would have left the house with less than three jackets appropriate to the season. I'm really a diva." Kurt chuckled at the boy's surprised expression.
"I'll just get you one." Kurt stated definitively. He decided to just not leave any room for argument as he went to the closet and picked out a lightweight, car length pea coat that would look lovely with Blaine's eyes and be warm enough for the weather. He held it out and Blaine slipped his arms in. As he turned to get his own coat, he could have sworn that he heard a deep intake of breath followed by a soft hum behind him. Had Blaine just smelled his jacket? Kurt was mildly giddy with hope.
As the group pulled up to the entrance of the center, Blaine began to tense up. He tried everything he knew to remain calm but he just could not stop the anxiety from knowing that he would be facing Hunter in just a few minutes. He looked up for Brittany, but his friend was at the other end of the car snuggling with her future wife. There was no way he could bother her with his worries.
The pressure built and Blaine felt his hands automatically clench into fists as his breathing accelerated with the stress. Blaine did the last thing he could think of to calm down then, he tucked his chin slightly and tried as best he could to breathe in the delicious scent present on his borrowed coat. He tried not to look obvious as he forced himself to deepen the next breath as much as possible. The smell of sandalwood and vanilla filled his nostrils. He felt his body relax slightly as he remembered the soft voice and soothing touch he associated with that smell. Despite the immediate comfort, Blaine was suddenly filled with a sense of loss. Not only was Hunter going to make his life even more hellish, he wouldn't have the scent and presence of Kurt to make it all better soon. Blaine almost wished he never met Kurt because then he would have never know what this felt like. What love felt like. A small whimper escaped his lips and his cheeks instantly colored in embarrassment.
The next thing Blaine knew, he felt that touch he had just been dreaming about. There were no accompanying whispers but it seemed like Kurt just knew how embarrassed Blaine was of his weakness. Kurt didn't even look over or try to find out was wrong, he just placed his hand lightly over Blaine's. After a moment, Blaine felt the resting hand begin to move and Kurt's thumb stroked slow soothing circles over his clenched fingers that automatically began to loosen. When Blaine was able to open his hand completely, he placed it palm up on the seat beside him in hesitant invitation. At that point he knew he only had moments left and he was willing to beg if he had to. Kurt took the subtle hint and began drawing lazy circles with his finger tips on the flesh. It felt so amazing... so perfect that Blaine didn't even realize the car had stopped.
He snapped out of his haze to see two pairs of eyes watching him; both girls looking on with matching, knowing smiles. Blaine blushed again as he realized what they must have seen. Reluctantly, Blaine pulled his hand back and placed it in the pocket of Kurt's coat. After the girls climbed out he heard a soft whisper.
"Better, sweetheart?" Kurt questioned.
Blaine gave a small nod and looked down at the carpeted interior of the limo.
"Thank you." he softly returned.
The center looked imposing as always but even more so to Blaine now when he knew what awaited him inside. The group walked in and were greeted as usual by Hunter's blonde secretary. She smiled sweetly at them and Blaine couldn't help but smile back. Hunter's secretary Nina was as sweet as Hunter was mean. Blaine didn't know how she came to work for Hunter but she was always nice to Blaine, even when Hunter was on a rampage.
"I see you made it back!" Hunter said from the doorway of his office. Outwardly it seemed like his boss was being cordial as always but Blaine could sense the edge in his voice.
"Sorry we kept them out, it just got so late.." Santana began
"Oh, no matter, no matter. Why don't you two have a seat in my office and Blaine, Brittany, please go back to your dormitories." Hunter requested pleasantly. Blaine still wasn't convinced.
Kurt's eyes flashed to Blaine and he gave him a small smile before entering the office. Santana gave Brittany a light peck on the cheek before following.
Blaine hurried to comply with Hunter's order then, and as he was walking toward his room he heard the request for coffee to be brought to Kurt and Santana while they waited for him to finish up with another client.
Blaine knew what was coming, he just had this feeling of impending doom as he hurried to his dorm room, bidding a quick goodbye to Brittany. He shut his door after entering his now even more desolate seeming home and waited.
He didn't wait long.
Hunter didn't knock. He calmly opened the door, stepped inside silently and shut the door with an ominous click.
"What am I going to do with you Blaine?" he said in an eerily soft voice.
Blaine was so scared. Tears swam in his eyes as he answered.
"I-I don't know sir. Whatever you think I deserve. I'm so sorry sir." he whispered.
"I told you that you could do whatever you wanted with that slutty little body and we made a deal. Do you know what happens to people who break deals with me Blaine?" Hunter growled, still softly.
"I'm sorry, please." Blaine's vocal cords were hardly working at this point and the apology came out as barely a squeak.
"Look at me." Hunter ordered.
Blaine had to comply, he couldn't stop himself at the direct tone. He only caught a glimpse of the cold blue eyes before the hand whistling through the air caught his attention. The slap landed with a force that snapped Blaine's head back.
"I am not done with you boy. I am not nearly done. After I get rid of those two, I will be back to collect on our deal. Brittany is probably going to be married tomorrow then she won't be here either. Your ass is mine then. Mine." Hunter's voice vibrated with anger and Blaine could sense he was on the verge of losing control.
Blaine knew it was a bad idea but he couldn't help looking up to plead with his owner. Through the watery haze of the tears that flowed freely now, Blaine could see Hunter's sick smile and knew there was nothing to be done. Nothing would save him now. His mind filled with images and sensations of unwanted cocks filling his mouth and throat, gagging him, suffocating him. It had been so long, so blessedly long and Blaine's throat practically contracted with the thought of going through that again.
"Do not leave this room for any reason. Do not eat, do not shower. Nothing. I will be back." Hunter scoffed as he noticed Blaine's attire and continued. "I see he even gave you a souvenir, huh Blaine? I think I'll have you keep that on while you blow me so you have to smell him the whole time." Hunter chuckled darkly and left the room just as silently as he came.
Blaine crashed into the bed when the door closed again and tried to bury himself in the jackets calming scent. As he laid there waiting for his fate, he dreamed of being in Kurt's arms again, safe and warm.
Kurt couldn't help but fidget as he waited for Hunter to return. Did he really have another appointment? Kurt was so worried about Blaine he almost felt sick. Santana noticed his anxiety and grabbed his hand in hers.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Kurt knew that Santana wasn't aware of even half of the situation with Blaine but he didn't know if he could tell her now. Hunter could walk through the door any minute and Kurt did not want to make the situation worse.
"I'm just worried about Blaine. I can't wait to take him home Santana. I just need him safe with me." he answered in a voice still wrecked with worry.
"We will leave tomorrow, honey. It will be fine, okay? Well get them out of here and love them so much they won't know what to do with themselves." Kurt felt instantly better. His friend was never too emotional but she knew him so well. She knew just what to say and he appreciated her so much for it.
"Thanks, Tana."
At that moment Hunter came back into his office.
"Sorry about that wait. Just had to take care of a few things. Now Ms. Lopez, you probably know that it's against our policy to have sleepovers without a contract in place and I am willing to let this go because Brittany just informed me she accepted your request for the marriage."
Santana smiled so wide then and she squeezed Kurt's hand still entwined with hers.
"I would like to have the ceremony tomorrow because our flight leaves at 6 o'clock. Is that possible?"
"Of course Ms. Lopez. As you know it is just a matter of the fee and the signing of the contracts. I can have the justice of the peace here anytime." Hunter smiled his business man's smile and Kurt tried not to blanch at the falseness. He retrieved a folder from his desk and took out some sheets.
"Your background check has cleared and all you need to do is sign here." Hunter handed her a pen and the contract to sign. Santana signed with an excited flourish and hurried to write a check for the sum required.
"Well, it has been lovely doing business with you Ms. Lopez. I wish you and Brittany a lifetime of wedded bliss." Hunter said accepting the check and contract.
"I would like to go let Brittany know the plan, is that okay?" Santana asked.
"Of course. " he stated. He reached down to the intercom on his desk. "Nina! Have Brittany meet Ms. Lopez in the meeting room. Please send refreshments for her and her guest, Mr. Hummel." he smiled and nodded at Kurt who could hardly return the acknowledgment.
"Actually," Kurt began "I would like to speak with you as well Mr. Clarington."
Hunter raised his eyebrows in a look of surprise before schooling his features back to one of calm indifference.
"Of course, Mr. Hummel." he said.
Santana was escorted out of the room to Brittany and Kurt waited for the door to close to begin.
"I want to marry Blaine." Kurt stated simply.
"I'm sorry? I must have misunderstood. Why would you want to marry him? I actually assumed you were going to ask after more eligible candidates." Hunter smiled knowingly. "I have some fresh, new boys who just signed up if that's your.."
Kurt cut him off before something the man said made him want to punch him.
"I want Blaine. He's the only one I want and I want you to arrange it." Kurt knew how to play hardball in business.
"He's used, Mr Hummel. I don't make second arrangements. He also owes the center thousands in restitution for his failed marriage. Tickets back, food, clothes, a refund of the fees to his former husband; do you know how much that boy has cost me?" Hunter kept his voice professional but Kurt heard an edge there of something he couldn't quite place. "The fees for a new marriage would be much more than anyone would be willing to pay for him. He's worthless."
"I'm sure he's paid back his debt tenfold by now and his failed marriage? What do you even know about that marriage because it obviously broke him! Lastly, I also heard about your little request from him and I assure you that isn't happening." pure venom seeped into Kurt's voice throughout his tirade.
Hunter's eyes opened in shock at Kurt's knowledge. A moment later a calculating look replaced it.
"I assure you, Mr Hummel, Blaine is a liar. I run a legitimate business here and every one is checked before they are allowed to marry. Blaine's ex-husband passed all required screens. I can not help it if the boy's performance wasn't satisfactory" Hunter said smoothly.
"I would like to see these screens Mr. Clarington."
"Mr. Hummel, I would ask you not to make idle threats to me. If you remember, I run this business and I still have the authority to stall Ms. Lopez' ceremony tomorrow. Who's to say a last minute blip on the background check doesn't show up?" Hunter finished in an arrogant voice.
"How much?"
"Excuse me?" Hunter replied confusedly.
"How much would the fee be to marry Blaine?" Kurt asked again in a purposefully conversational tone.
"Do you even know what you are paying for? He's a slut. He slept with not only his husband, but all of his husband's business associates. He's dirty and used. Why do you even want him?"
"How much?" Kurt asked again, this time with a hardened edge.
"One hundred thousand."
"Done. I will write the check right now and I want the ceremony tonight."
"I'm afraid that's impossible, Mr. Hummel."
Kurt hastily wrote a check, thankful for his success and ability to just cut a check for a small fortune. He turned back to the man he hated from the first moment they met.
"Well, if that is impossible, as you say, I insist that Blaine be allowed to sleep in Brittany's room tonight and if you touch him again? I don't care what happens here I will bring you down. Have you ever heard of Senator Hummel? No? Look him up. I will happily end you Mr. Clarington." Kurt smiled for the owners benefit despite the sick feeling of dread at leaving Blaine there again- he knew he needed the bluff because now it was his turn to sound arrogant.
Hunter's infallible composure was lost and he looked nervous. It was then that Kurt knew he had finally found his checkmate. Despite not being located in America, the regulators of each of the receiving countries still had a large hand in the business of mail order spouses. This was not and idle or empty threat. Kurt had to force himself not to slump in relief. He knew now that the boy would be coming home with him. His new obstacle would be to just get Blaine to understand. He honestly couldn't wait to see the boy again.
"I would like to see Blaine now and talk with him about the marriage."
Hunter looked initially surprised at the request but then his face became resigned. He picked up the intercom once again and asked for Blaine to be brought to the meeting room as well.
Kurt walked out the door and went in the direction he knew the meeting room to be. He couldn't sit one moment longer with that vile man.
As he turned the corner, he saw Blaine heading to the room with a confused look on his face.
"Blaine!" Kurt called softly.
The boy looked up and something like hope flicked into his eyes for a moment. Then he looked quickly back to his feet as something else visibly took over his thoughts. As soon as he turned toward the door, Kurt realized what it was. On Blaine's other cheek was a patch of angry red skin, and the corner of his mouth was crusted with the tiny remnants of dried blood.
Kurt rushed toward him and gently cradled Blaine's face in his hands. Blaine winced, but stayed still during the inspection.
"Sweetheart, what happened to you?" Kurt questioned with concern.
Blaine finally looked into Kurt's eyes and swallowing a few times could only manage to shake his head. The beautiful boys eyes shone with tears as he continued to shake.
Why did Kurt have to be so beautiful and loving? Why was he wasting his time with him? Blaine could only look into those calm blue eyes and try not to break down when questioned about his bruise.
"Okay, it's okay baby. You don't have to tell me." Kurt said
Blaine shook with relief then. He didn't know how to put into words how bad he was to Kurt. He honestly didn't want him to know. He knew he deserved everything he got and he didn't want Kurt to get upset over him because he just did not realize how dirty and bad Blaine really was. Kurt continued to look over his injuries and stroke his thumbs soothingly over his cheeks. Blaine couldn't help but flinch as Kurt's thumb swiped the edge of his lip and put too much pressure on the broken skin.
Blaine heard a sharp intake of breath as Kurt realized what he'd done.
"Oh! I'm so sorry sweetheart." he said breathily and the next thing Blaine knew, he felt a warm pair of lips barely brush his cheek. Just the sensation of Kurt's lips anywhere near his body made waves of heat crash through Blaine. The kiss was so sweet and tender, Blaine was happy there were already tears in his eyes because he knew more were on the way.
Kurt took his hand then and led him to the meeting room. Blaine was so dazed by the kiss still that he just followed silently. When in the room, Kurt directed Blaine to the love seat and sat down beside him. It was the first moment that Blaine noticed Kurt looked apprehensive. What was going on?
"Blaine I need to tell you something...no ask you something, okay?" Blaine could do nothing but nod slowly as he waited.
"Blaine, I don't want to force you or anything, but I just need to know you are safe. I need to know that you are being taken care of. So like I said, I don't want to force myself on you, but I can't leave with you still here." Kurt paused and Blaine waited with still breath. Where was Kurt going with this? Was Hunter going to let Kurt take over his contract? Would he work for Kurt now?
"Blaine, I want to marry you." Kurt finished in a low voice.
Dizziness slammed Blaine at the statement. He felt like the world tilted on its axis as he heard the man he loved say he wanted to marry him. Blaine looked down breathing so heavily he thought hyperventilation was the next step and that feeling...what was it? Happiness? Blaine hardly knew what that felt like anymore. And just like that, just one negative thought lead the domino effect to the others that flitted through Blaine's mind now.
Kurt never said he loved him.
This wasn't about love, yet again.
Kurt wanted Blaine to be safe. That was nice, Blaine liked feeling safe with Kurt but it wasn't love. Blaine also couldn't help thinking what Kurt was giving up just to do a good deed. The chance at true happiness would never come for Kurt if he saddled down with Blaine. Blaine could never do that to him.
"I-I can't. I can't make you do that Kurt!" he exclaimed though the pounding of nerves in his head.
"Blaine, look at me." Blaine was brought back to the moment earlier in the day when he had heard that exact same phrase. He flinched and when he opened his eyes he saw Kurt recoil.
"Blaine, listen. Please know that I would never hurt you and I don't want anything but friendship if that's what you want but please, let me marry you." Kurt's heartfelt plea was heard selectively by Blaine. All he could comprehend was that Kurt didn't want him like that. He didn't want to love him. Blaine felt resigned. He would give anything to be with Kurt and he knew that he wouldn't get him any other way. He wanted this man to love him but it looked like that wasn't meant to be. He was so broken and messed up. Who could really love him?
He knew he was being selfish and Kurt was going to resent him for this one day but he was just too weak to say no again.
"O-okay." he stuttered.
Before Kurt could even react to Blaine's answer there was a knock at the door and Blaine turned to see Nina poke her head in.
"Um...I'm so sorry to interrupt but Mr. Clarington said that it is time for the intendeds to take their leaves. He wanted me to tell you that the ceremony is set for tomorrow at noon." she then bowed her head quickly and stepped out.
Blaine felt a hand on his cheek again and he looked up longingly into Kurt's beautiful eyes. He heard Kurt's breath hitch again but discounted that reaction quickly.
"Blaine, I talked with Mr. Clarington and he is allowing you to sleep in Brittany's room tonight. Your safety starts now. Please tell me if this doesn't happen. Please." Kurt begged.
"Yes, Kurt." Blaine answered simply. He was stunned that Hunter agreed with that and only hoped that would really happen. Hope was a stupid emotion though, Blaine knew.
He turned to see Brittany and Santana saying their goodbyes. Seeing the apparent love in their eyes made Blaine happy for his friend. She deserved that so much. He was so preoccupied with the girls that he never saw the identical look directed toward him from the man beside him.
Brittany and Blaine returned to their rooms and Blaine let Brittany know that he was allowed to sleep with her that night. She was so excited she squeaked. She rushed to her room mumbling about pedicures and pillow fights and Blaine could only chuckle at her antics. As soon as he stepped into his room all humor left his body like air from a deflating balloon.
Hunter stood by his bed with a furious look on his face.
"Hello, Blaine. Do you want to hear a funny story?" Hunter said in that eerily calm voice again. Blaine automatically stepped back toward the door.
"Do not even think about leaving this room yet." Hunter ordered. Blaine froze where he stood.
"So Blaine, you must have been an amazing lay because Mr. Hummel came into my office, as you know by now, to say he wants to marry you. What you must have done to get that reaction I can only imagine." Hunter smiled lasciviously at the trembling boy.
"I promise, I-I didn't..." Blaine began.
Hunter walked so close to Blaine that the boy could feel his boss' breath on his still swollen cheek. He shuddered. He knew Hunter's promise to Kurt was too good to be true.
"Shut up!" Hunter growled.
Blaine's breathing was labored as he tried to force himself into being as silent as possible. Hunter continued in a low, menacing voice.
"I knew you had probably lied to the poor man and given him some sob story where you were the innocent victim. I couldn't have that, now could I? So I did what any honest person would do and I proceeded to tell him the whole story of your marriage with Brett..." he let that statement hang in the air as Blaine tried to control the urge to vomit. Kurt knew? How did he even look at him before? Seeing Blaine's fear Hunter smiled and continued.
"Yes, Blaine I told him what a slut you are and how you screwed everyone Brett sent your way and for what? Business. I know you can cry rape all you want but we all know how much you loved it." Blaine felt his knees begin to go out at these words.
"So I told Mr. Hummel all about you and he must have finally understood. He said he would do anything it took to have you and the next thing I knew, he was offering to buy you." Hunter said smugly.
"I tell you Blaine, it was almost like déjàvu. It was like Brett was standing in my office again, salivating over your picture and saying the same thing."
Blaine's eyes widened in shock, and for the first time his eyes met Hunter's unbidden. He didn't believe this, not at all.
"I figured you would think I was making this up, but do you really think I would lie about money? Take a look Blaine." he handed Blaine a small piece of paper.
Blaine couldn't believe the number written on the check. One hundred thousand dollars? Kurt really bought him. Blaine's knees did give out then. Hunter snatched the check from his fingers as he watched Blaine crumple to the ground.
"I'm only telling you this Blaine because I want you to be a good slave for him. You know that's what you are now right? He bought you and like a fool you agreed. You owe him now Blaine. I hope he takes you every night kicking and screaming and what can you say about it Blaine? Nothing."
Blaine could feel Hunter's dark gaze on him through his haze of shock. He hardly even noticed when Hunter moved even closer. Hunter tenderly cradled the back of Blaine's head and forced it towards his pelvis. Blaine instinctively stiffened then. Hunter's deceptively gentle pressure grew more forceful until Blaine's lips and nose came in contact with the extremely hard cock present under the layers of clothing.
Blaine tried to pull back from the owner's firm grip but he man held him still. Hunter let out a husky groan as he rocked his pelvis minutely, rubbing his cock against Blaine's face, eliciting a whimper from the boy. Blaine's still broken lip throbbed with the pressure. Hunter stilled as if contemplating something. The preceding moment felt infinite for Blaine as he shuddered with absolute fear that the next sound he would hear was a zipper opening. Suddenly, Blaine felt Hunter release him and he fell to the floor.
"Don't worry, slut. I wouldn't try to collect right now if you paid me. I just felt it was my duty to remind you of your place before Kurt took over that job. Well, I hope you have a good night." Hunter laughed at the implications of his words. He turned to exit the room, but stopped right in the doorway.
"Oh and Blaine? Do not even think of coming back to this room after you leave it tonight. I will have your things packed for you and brought to the lobby tomorrow. I need to have the cleaners get the stench out of here and ready the room for a good boy, someone who wont fail a marriage perhaps? Oh! You can also wear those clothes for your wedding. Kurt might as well start to understand how dirty you are right away." with a laugh at his final barb, Hunter finally left the room with one more glance at Blaine on the floor with his grief.
Kurt was so antsy the moment they left the center. He felt so wrong about even leaving Blaine there for one more moment. God! He could hardly contain his anger over Hunter's blackmailing. Kurt would have grabbed Blaine and ran if he didn't have such authority over Santana's marriage. Just one more day, he kept telling himself.
One more day.
Even though Kurt couldn't concentrate on anything without Blaine close by, Santana had begged Kurt to come with her to the shopping center recommended by the concierge at the hotel. His love for his friend was why Kurt found himself at a high-end jewelry counter when he'd rather be sitting stalkerishly outside of the center just hoping for a glance of Blaine to assure him the boy was okay.
"What do you think of this one?" Santana asked.
"What?" Kurt answered absently.
"C'mon Hummel! Snap out of it, boy! I have to pick out a ring! It needs to be perfect for my baby." she smiled softly at the thought. "What do you have in mind for Blaine?"
Kurt looked at her in shock.
Despite the events of the day, Kurt was sure this was the first time that the implications of what would be happening tomorrow was fully comprehended by his preoccupied mind. All he could think of was protecting the boy, but Santana's question drove the fact home that he was getting married tomorrow.
Married. Tomorrow.
Kurt was stunned by the fear that filled him for a moment; residual angst from his views of marriage throughout his adult life. As a teenager, he was a romantic. He arrived in New York just itching to find his Mr. Right and settle down, and then he did. Or at least he thought he did.
Sebastian came into his life like a whirlwind. He wooed Kurt like Casanova himself through romantic dinners and serenades at midnight in the park. He made Kurt feel like he was the only man in the world that mattered. Until one day when he wasn't. Kurt walked away from Sebastian while he was still sleep-creased and confused in his bed with another man and he hasn't looked back since. All of his fantasies about marrying Sebastian turned sour and marriage became a curse to Kurt, a vice that some people just can't help but have. He hasn't let himself love since that day two years ago. Kurt went through life from one short relationship to another and always kept that little bit of himself back; protected and safe.
Until Blaine.
One thought of the sweet loving boy and Kurt finally understood that marriage wasn't a trick set in place by the cosmos to fool the lonely and those lacking common sense. With Blaine, Kurt irrevocably knew that marriage was a gift. A way to share himself with that other person. The only person that mattered. With a slight shake of his head, Kurt brought himself back to the present and the task at hand. He needed to choose the perfect ring. Just like Santana's sentiments for Brittany, Kurt knew his baby deserved it.
Santana smiled at her friend as she saw him come out of his reverie to look at the rings with fervor.
"So, I was thinking of getting a ring set, Hummel. What do you think? Too much? I just know we will have another ceremony at home for my family and friends and I was thinking it might be symbolic." Santana asked as she browsed the selection.
"I think that's a beautiful idea Tana. That would be perfect..." Kurt trailed off thinking about how it would be when he and Blaine arrived home. Would they have another ceremony? It seemed like that might be too much, too soon. Kurt decided to play it by ear.
After a few hours, Kurt hadn't found the perfect ring for Blaine yet. Santana, however found a pair of rings she deemed perfect an hour ago and was now ready to kill Kurt.
He was discouraged as they left the main shopping center and turned back toward the hotel. Kurt refused to just settle for this ring. He wanted it to be durable and beautiful, a token of what he hoped their marriage would be. As the limo drove back through countryside and though the pristine downtown area, Kurt noticed another jewelry store. This store wasn't as elegant as the one they had just left, it actually looked like it had probably stood on that same spot since the beginning of time. Kurt loved the place instantly and begged Santana to let him stop.
A light tinkling of bells signaled their entry to the store. The elderly shop keeper came to greet them and Kurt told the man what they were looking for. The man showed them a display of wedding bands and Kurt looked them over with a discerning eye. His heart dropped once again as he realized what he was looking for was not there.
The man noticed his distress and asked with a twinkle in his wise eyes what it was Kurt wanted.
"I just want something that says I'm here for you forever." he said wistfully.
"I think I have just the thing." the man said with that ever present mischievous twinkle and his voice scratchy with age.
The man went to the back of the store and brought out two identical boxes. They were beautiful old-fashioned ring boxes, back when rings came nestled in velvet and encased in artfully detailed leather. Kurt was confused but hopeful.
"These came from the same estate. I have never seen a matching pair of men's rings come from an estate sale like that. By the style, I would say they were from the 1930s. Most might be put off by vintage wedding rings, but I think you might be different." the man smiled gently at Kurt as he unlatched the tiny sliver catch on the box to reveal the first ring.
"Like I said, many would be put off by rings that had been worn before, but to me, these rings look like they were a symbol of a long-lasting love. These rings appear to have withstood a lifetime of wear, do you think they have one more lifetime in them?"
Kurt looked at the ring. It was simply designed in platinum with a tiny beaded detailing running around the top and bottom of the band. It was beautiful and Kurt realized the shopkeeper was right. The ring's patina had certainly dulled with age, lending it the appearance of his great-grandmother's precious sterling silverware that had been polished and loved for generations. Tears pooled in Kurt's eyes as the shopkeeper opened the other box and Kurt saw the ring's twin. He looked up at Santana who's eyes reflected the same emotion Kurt felt.
"Oh, Mijo. They're perfect." she whispered.
When Kurt found his voice again, he asked the man if he could engrave the rings. As he was shopping at the other store, he kept trying to think about a way to personalize Blaine's ring in a way that showed him how he felt about him, but maybe in a way that wouldn't scare him off. Blaine's reaction to the marriage had been a bit worrisome for Kurt. Although he thought Blaine might feel the same way for him as he did for Blaine, Kurt realized later that Blaine only agreed after he mentioned just remaining friends despite the marriage. Putting that thought aside, the romantic in Kurt had come up with the perfect way to communicate his love for the boy.
"Yes, I can engrave while you wait if you have the time." the man answered.
"We can definitely wait."
Forty-five minutes later, Kurt walked out of the store carrying a delicate bag that in Kurt's mind was deceptive in its ability to carry a symbol of the most important thing to ever impact his life. Nestled in that tiny bag were two perfect rings, one newly engraved with a phrase translated to the language that Kurt loved but hoped Blaine did not know yet. He hoped they could learn it together as he hoped Blaine learned to love him. Engraved in beautiful script on the inside of the band was 'Mon coeur est toujours la vôtre'; my heart is forever yours.
Alot of people earned my love forever as promised last chapter...it's worth it, I promise. If you want in on the deal you know what you have to do. Please review:)
What a wonderful piece of fiction you have written and cannot wait for the next Chapter to come out,this needs to be a book because I would never stop reading and rereading it,Love this story and it is beautifully written.
Wow. Thanks! I think as a writer it is hard to see my work without slight criticism but it is reviewers like you that just make my day and make me think- huh! Maybe this little story is all right after all! Ha ha!
Right? For some reason broken Blaine is my favorite- don't know why!:) I guess it just makes the getting better all that much more lovely.
Thank god for Kurt! Poor Blaine, he really does not know his worth.
I am absolutely loving this story. The rings really are perfect. I can't wait for the wedding. I just hope Blaine will be ok tonight.
I'm so glad you like them! I almost felt like I was going off on a tangent when I wrote that scene and was worried that it wouldn't flow with the rest of the story...so happy you liked it!
Well I just read this story all in one go and I love it so very much. Looking forward to what comes next!
Wow thanks so much! It tried to get another chapter out yesterday for you know who's birthday but to no avail. I had so much going on that by the time I sat down to write it was so late that I actually fell asleep with my iPad :) (My significant other was not amused) The chapter is almost 7,000 words and I still have one arc to write so it will be out soon- promise :)