When I Get You Alone
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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When I Get You Alone: Chapter 3

M - Words: 1,625 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jul 07, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
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Author's Notes: Well another chapter done! Thanks for reading. Sorry all these chapters are short. They'll probably be like this for most of the fic. Also sorry that I haven't updated it in a while. I probably won't update it every week since school is starting again, so please be patient.Also reviews are much appreciated as they help me to know people actually want another chapter.

"You want some ice cream?" Kurt mother said, looking down at him. What was this? Kurt was 8 again.

"Ya!" Kurt thrust his fist into the air and cheered. "Ice cream! Ice cream!" His mother held his hand tight and laughed as they walked to the ice cream truck. Her laugh was always and has always been Kurt's favorite.

"And what kind of ice cream would you like there, little guy?" The older ice cream man said to him.

"Chocolate, please!" Kurt beamed.

"One chocolate ice cream coming up!" The man handed him his ice cream as Kurt's mother— Amy— got out money to pay.

"It's free, actually." The ice cream man said.

"Oh.. may I ask why?" She questioned politely.

"Because you're coming with me!" The man grabbed Kurt's mother and hauled her into the car before driving off down the road.

"Mommy!" Kurt screamed before dropping his ice cream and trying to run after her. "Mommy don't go!" Tears started streaming down the little boys face as he screamed and hollered for his mother.

Kurt woke up sweating and crying. He looked around, not remembering where he was. He was surrounded by forest.

Ah yes, Kurt thought to himself, the green.

He was laying down in a patch of green grass surrounded completely by forest. It has been the only place Kurt had ever been able to go without being bothered. However, that dream was now constantly bothering him.

It's not that it hadn't before, but it had never bothered him when he came here. Why an ice cream man kidnapping his mother? Simple: that was the last thing Kurt and his mother ever did together before the night of Amy's car accident.


It was such a beautiful day outside. The perfect temperature and clear skies. Kurt's dad had to work all day, but his mother had the day off as she always did on Saturdays. They headed down to the park, and after Kurt decided he was done there, they took a stroll down the road that went through a cute little town just outside of Lima; Westerville. Westerville was known as a high class city, but Ava Road was a street made up of little pet shops, antique stores, and boutiques. It was Kurt's favorite place.

Once they got home after Amy had bought Kurt ice cream, they found that their dad was there.

"What are you doing here, Burt?" Amy asked.

"I decided to leave early to spend some quality time with my two favorite people. But I guess you two had other plans."

"We got ice cream!" Kurt showed his father his half eaten chocolate cone.

"Wow! Do you like it?" Burt smiled and looked down at his little boy.

"Ya! Mommy bought it for me!"

"Speaking of things Mommy bought," Amy spoke up, "Mommy needs to go buy some things from the grocery store for lunches. You stay here and have fun with daddy, okay Kurt?"

"Okay Mommy." Amy kissed Kurt on the head and then Burt on the lips.

"I love you both!" She said as she headed out the door.

"Love you too, Honey!"

"Love you, Mommy!"

It was 8 at night and Burt was getting worried. Amy had left an hour ago. Surely she should have been home by now. Kurt walked into the room and sensed Burt's worry.

"Where Mommy?" He said with hopeful innocent eyes.

"I'm sure she'll be home soon." Burt faked a smile, trying to reassure Kurt and himself. "In the meantime, it's time to get into bed!"

"But I don't wanna go to bed!" Kurt whined.

"The sooner you fall asleep, the sooner Mommy will get home." Burt tried bribing him with false hope.

"Okay!" Kurt agreed and leaped over and into his bed. There was no doubt about how much Kurt loved his mother.

"Goodnight, Buddy." Burt said, kissing his little boy on the head.

"Night night, daddy! Tell Mommy I love her!" Kurt yawned.

"I sure will." Burt turned off the lights and closed the door. The second Kurt closed his eyes, he was asleep.

The next thing Little Kurt knew, it was 1 in the morning, and he was being roughly shook awake by his panicking dad.

"What?" Kurt mumbled still half asleep.

"C'mon, Kurt, we have to go."


"Mommy's in the hospital." Burt's voice broke into a sob.

The world stopped. He couldn't hear anything other than his father faintly telling him to hurry and get his shoes on. Kurt grabbed his favorite teddy bear and didn't change out of his pajamas. Burt sped to the hospital, and they rushed in. Kurt didn't know what was happening. He was worried and afraid and very confused. His father tugged him by the arm down the hall and into a bright white room. He saw his mother lying on the bed with weird machines around here and all these strangers hooking tubes up to her.

"Mommy!" Kurt said excitedly as he ran over to his mother. Burt caught him in time and held him back.

"We can't go near Mommy right now, alright?"

"But why not?" Kurt looked up at his dad.

"I don't know. Let's go sit down in the waiting room and we'll find out." Kurt didn't argue as one of the strangers led them to a small quiet waiting room.

About 10 minutes later, the same stranger walked out and pulled Burt aside. Kurt couldn't hear what they were saying, but his dad looked sad. He was shaking his head, and had his hands placed on his hips. When he came back over and sat down beside Kurt, he couldn't hold his question in any longer.

"What's the matter with Mommy?"

"She's—" Burt was having issues processing all the new information. "She's in a coma, Kurt." Kurt was beyond confused now.

"What's a coma?" Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"It just means she's in a long sleep."

"Will she wake up?"

"I don't know, Kurt," Burt said exhausted, "I don't know."

It turns out Amy had gotten into a car crash. Someone was distracted at the wheel and t-boned her when they went through a red light at the intersection. The car spun into the ditch and rolled twice. They finally got her out, but she was already unconscious. She had broken her arm and several ribs. She was bruised all over, and she had a concussion along with the coma. The doctors didn't know how long she would be in the coma or even if she would get out.

It was about a week since the car accident, and Kurt and Burt had been visiting everyday.

"Is she almost ready to wake up?" Kurt would ask the same question everyday.

"Almost." Was always Burt's reply.

That almost was shattered one day. Kurt and Burt were having a tea party at Kurt's insistence when the phone rang.

"I'll get it! Please stay seated!" Kurt got up and ran over to the phone. He reached up and took the portable phone off the charger.

"Hello, you have reached Master Kurt's palace." He said joyously.

"Well hello there," a female's voice said from the other line, "is you're dad home, master Kurt?" She played along.

"Yes, King Daddy is here." Kurt called to his father. "King Daddy! There's some lady on the phone for yoooou!" Burt ran over and Kurt gave him the phone.

"Go wait in the living room— I mean dining hall for me, okay?"

"Okay! Hurry though, the tea's going to get cold!"

Kurt left and sat down. A short 5 minutes later, his father came in.

"The tea party will have to wait for another day. They need us at the hospital."

"Did Mommy wake up?"

"Maybe," Burt said, even though he sounded like he already knew the answer was no.

When they arrived at the hospital, Kurt sat down in a chair and Burt went to talk to the doctor from the day before.

"Okay, thank you Dr. Munsich." Burt said.

He didn't sound thankful, Kurt thought.

"Kurt, we should go outside."

Once they were outside and sitting down, Burt turned to son. He was so little and so innocent. This was going to break him. He had to stay strong for his son.

"Mommy," Burt began, "She—" a tear fell from his face, "She passed away." Kurt was confused. He had heard that term before. Slowly it dawned on him, he had lost his mother.

"Does that mean she isn't going to wake up?" Kurt asked, tears starting to fill his once bright blue eyes.

"I'm afraid not, Kurt." They both broke and started crying. Burt wrapped Kurt into his arms and carried him to the car.


Kurt was crying alone in the forest thinking about what had happened. All of a sudden, a familiar voice rang through the trees.

"Kurt?" It was his dad. Kurt held back a sob and answered weakly.

"Over here." Burt ran to him through the trees.

"Oh thank God. The school called and said you stormed out of the school and drove off after yelling with some guy. Did he hurt you?" Burt knelt down to hug his son tightly.

"No, Dad, I'm fine." He wasn't though. He really wasn't. "I'm so sorry." He started crying into his father's shoulder.

"Sorry for what?" Burt looked at him.

"I'm sorry about Mom. I'm sorry that you've had to deal with me all these years."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kurt looked up confused at his father. "I haven't had to deal with you. Kurt, you are my blessing. My one good thing on this earth. Don't you ever forget that."

He recognized that look in Kurt's eye. "You're having the dream again, aren't you?" Kurt looked down sheepishly and nodded as he started bawling into his father's jacket again.

"C'mon, Buddy, let's get you home." Burt helped his son up and they walked through the forest towards the car.

"what about my car?" Kurt asked.

"We'll get it tomorrow."

"But I have school in the morning."

"You're not going." Kurt felt defeated so he just nodded.

They drove off and Kurt fell asleep in the passenger seat.

How am I suppose to protect him? Burt thought.How am I suppose to save him, Amy?


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