The Glee Club
Shelves and Screws Previous Chapter Story
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The Glee Club: Shelves and Screws

T - Words: 772 - Last Updated: Apr 06, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Mar 11, 2014 - Updated: Mar 11, 2014
147 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hey, everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Im sorry it took so long to update. I tried to update it the other day, but due to technical difficulties, it deleted everything I wrote. I hope to update by the end of next week, but I make no promises. Please leave reviews so I know what to fix for next time. Also, if you could check out my blog on Tumblr (klainecrisscolferchillfics), that would be greatly appreciated.


Everyone in the library had quieted down since Blaine and Finn butted heads. However, Blaine had decided that half an hour was much too long to go without causing any mischief. Just as Blaine was planning something, Sue walked in.

"Alright, ladies, Im heading to the bathroom for my daily ninja poop. No one move from their seats or I will have you cleaning out my Lecar before you can think of a song to sing." 

She walked out and just as she turned the corner, Blaine hopped out of his seat and walked straight over to the door. He reached up (having to stand on his tip toes) and started unscrewing a screw from the top door hinge.

"Cant you just sit and do as your told for once," Kurt hissed across the room.

"Thanks but no thanks, mom," Blaine smirked back. 

He finally managed to get the screw out and looked at it briefly before he started walking back to his seat. He threw it up into the air once before catching it in the palm of his hand and throwing it to his side. There was a silent noise of the screw hitting the floor to everyones left. The following noise was of the door slamming shut and Blaine pulling out his chair, bowing, and sitting down.

Not a few moments later, Sue came running in breaking through the door. She looked like she was about to set everyone on fire with a single look.

"Who the hell closed that door," she demanded, pointing a finger at the door behind her.

"How are we suppose to know? We werent suppose to move from our seats, right," Blaine said nonchalantly.

She took the finger that was pointing at the door and pointed it around the room.

"I know it was one of you freaks. Now which one of you was it?" She walked over to the door and looked it up and down before finding the problem. She turned around so fast that the students wouldve been worried if she got whip lash if they actually cared. "Screws dont just fall out of place."

"Screws fall out all the time. Its an imperfect world," Blaine shrugged.

Seeing that she wasnt going to get an answer out of them, she turned and grabbed a chair from behind the library desk and went to put it infront of the door to keep it open.

"Excuse me, Sue, but that door is much too heavy for that chair," Blaine pointed out.

"Shut it, Anderson!" Sue tried it anyways and as soon as she let go and looked at her work, the door knocked the chair clear out of the way and slammed shut.

"Dammit," Sue yelled from the other side of the door. Everyone in the library burst out into fits of laughter.

Sue threw the door back open, "Hudson! Come help me move that book shelf infront of the door."

Finn looked up with a dumb-founded face and ran over.

"Wait why does he get to get up," Blaine complained, "If he gets up, well all get up! Itll be anarchy!"

Finn was hunched over trying clumsily to put the shelves infront of the door like Principal Sue asked. Sue was holding the door open and was yelling at him through her bullhorn she had somehow managed to retrieve.

"But Ms. Sylvester, isnt that shelf a fire hazard? Im sure it would not reflect well onto your reputation to put the lives of your students in danger," Blaine raised an eyebrow.

Sue thought it over for a second, "Alright, Hudson, what the hell were you thinking? Move this back where it belongs."

Finn looked up confused with furrowed eyebrows before he grunted and started moving the shelves back. 

After Finn sat down, Sue walked up to the front of the library and put her hands on her hips. "Well, I wouldve expected more from the quater back of the football team."

"Really," Blaine laughed from behind his hand, "Because I certaintly wouldnt."

"Do you want me to beat the snot out of you, man," Finn turned and asked.

Blaine laughed harder and put his hands up in defense. "Ooh! Im so scared."

Finn huffed and turned back around. 

"Well, seeing as that door will be remaining closed and I cant stand to be in the same room as students for more then five minutes at a time, I will have to trust you to stay in your seats. Just please, for the love of all things good and holy in this world, dont sing."

Sue left the library and Blaine leaned forward to high-five Finn."Nice job, dude, I actually thought you were mad at me for a second."

Finn didnt turn around, so Blaine high-fived himself and lowered back into his seat. 



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