Feb. 1, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 1, 2015, 6 p.m.
A/N Let me know what you think, I need to know if I should continue or not. I have an idea where it will go...
It was just like every other Monday morning. Except today I was lucky enough to have five interns start on my service today and they would follow me around for the rest of the year. Great. The joys of being a resident, have interns follow you around like some lost puppies. Scratch that puppies are cute. Interns are not cute. We were all summoned to the board room this morning at 8am sharp, this meeting like every other meeting was pointless. This meeting in particular was so we could be informed who our interns for this year would be. Which really was redundent in everybodys eyes, because the Interns were to meet us in our office at 8:30am. We could meet and great there. Because of this tortorious meeting, it meant we didnt have to listen to the interns go on and on about there lives, it was quick and simple. Tell the interns who you were and show them around, Simple. This was the second year in a row i would have interns following me around like sheep, yes that is what they were sheep. The interns last year were all pretty hopeless. Three of them dropped out in the first three months, one moved to another hospital, because apparently my teaching skills were not up to a satisfactory level, well that kid sure regretted saying that, he isn't allowed to work in a hospital in this state every again. Sure i may or may not have had methods to torture them - well not torture them, just make them give old people sponge baths when they pissed me off. My last intern I even bothered to remember her name, Tina what's her face, okay I didn't know her whole name but I at least remembered her first name. She made it to the second year, i still see her from time to time but she choose a different path from Pediatrics which is my specialty. Hence the new teaching staff for her. I was pulled out of my thoughts when i heard someone sit next to me, i looked up and smiled. Of course Finn would sit next to me.
"Hey bro." He held his hand up for a bro fist. I sighed and fist bumped him, out of all the redicoulous things to do, he had to choose a fist bump to do everytime we saw each other.
"Hello Finn."
"Dude, i dont understand why they are making us do this. Its just so stupid. I hated my interns last year and im gonna hate them again this year." i nodded in sympathy i knew what he meant. The Chief walked in after all of the residents had filed in. we all gathered around the large table in the middle of the room.
"Alright, you guys as you know we have interns coming in today. It's there first day so be nice, and don't scare them, Kurt I know what you are like. I can't stress this enough BE NICE and not your sassy self, please.” The chief of surgery looked directly at me.
“I resent that accusation Dr. Clarke.” I fired back quickly.
“Kurt, it's Chief of surgery to you. Also you only had a 20% success rate, whilst Finn and the others all had above 60%.” The chief was now angry.
“Well if I didn't have stupid interns then it wouldn't be a problem would it?” I gave him my best bitch glare.
“Kurt, just try to be nicer, okay?”
“Fine, I'll see what I can do.” Finn scoffed at the idea of being nice. “People can change Finn!”
“Somehow baby brother I doubt you will.”
“Finn, first off I resent that comment, and second of all I'm older than you by two months, so technically your my baby brother.” I grinned bashfully knowing I had just won that argument.
“It's because you're so short you're my baby brother!” Everyone cracked up at Finn's very odd logic, including the Chief. I gave them all my best bitch glare.
“Okay guys, we have twenty – five new interns which means five interns each, do you think you can handle that Kurt?” Dr. Clarke clearly was having fun at making fun of me today.
“Yes.” I said as sweetly as possible.
"Dr. Hudson. You have the following interns on your service for the next 12 months, Lea Henderson, Kristen Harbour, Liam Clarke, Scott Young and Tia Eclipse." Finn Groaned out loud. I felt his pain even though I hadn't even heard the names of my interns.
“Wait a second you said someone Clarke…” I questioned.
“Yes he is my nephew, he is a very bright boy. I put him on Finn's service because I was sure he would want to quit in the first five minutes on Kurt's service.” Dr. Clarke expressed his worries.
“Low blow chief.” I was stunned how rude he was being today.
“But it's true dude.” Finn was laughing hard at my expense again.
“Okay moving on, Kurt you have the following interns on your service this year. Rachel Berry, April Jenner, Blaine Anderson, Sarah Crossman and Matt Smith." Ugh how am I supposed to be nice to them when they have stupid names like that?
"Are you sure you're not just going to med school to impress me Finn?"
"No Dad I really want to help people." Finn and I had taken to calling Burt and Carol, Mum and Dad a while ago, because we were a family now. In senior year Finn and I had become very close.
"Finn it just doesnt seem your style, youve always wanted to be a pro football player or an actor. Never have I heard you talk about being a doctor." Carole choose this minute to talk.
"Burt, when he was little and i told him his dad died in Iraq. He told me he wanted to be a doctor to help and i am about to quote a five year old here People that look like daddy and do daddys job too i just thought over time he forgot about it and never thought about it again."
"Really? i thought that was just a dream."
“No sweetie it really happened.”
“Well in spirit of 5 year old self, I want to help people that look like daddy and have daddy's job'.” I smiled, Finn really was a big lug. He really did have his moments. He was incredibly stupid some days, and very unobservant, but I really do think he will be able to do this, because when he dedicates himself to something, he always excels.
"Finn this is great we can go to med school together!" i yelled a little too loud.
“Yeah dude, we can study together.” Finn said in his booming voice.
“Yes, I guess we could,”
“Don't seem so happy about It Kurt.”
“Oh no, I am happy, very happy.”
“Kurt I'm only teasing you.”
“Oh.” Now I felt stupid.
"Im proud of both of you!" Burt announced.
"Me too!" Carole chimed in
I walked in a daze thinking about the day me and Finn both decided we were going to pursue medicine. We both made it. We even did our internship together, we were the only interns left in our year. It was one of the best feelings becoming a resident and the only other person leveling up that year was your own brother. We made it, from high school glee club underdogs, to our late hours in the library at university, to our grave yard shifts as unexperienced interns, to the beginning of our residency, I honestly couldn't have asked for a better person to spend my education career with, than my very own brother. I arrived at my office finding my new interns in my office sitting in various places, including my desk. For fucks sake. Get that washed Kurt. Ugh, a girl's butt. That's even worse than a boy's butt, maybe I could switch desks with Finn… Yeah I'm sure he would like that.
"Hi, I'm Rachel Berry and you look very nice today that suit outlines your figure perfectly." She jumped off my desk and walked over and outstretched her hand, to shake my hand.
"Look Extra enthusiastic girl, I'm not interested in you. First I'm gay. Second you're annoying and thats saying something considering we meet less than 20 seconds ago and youve said one sentence to me. Third you were sitting on my fucking desk. My desk. That now has your butt germs all over it and fourth you wanted to shake my hand. How do I know you don't have an infectious disease?" Her face looked relieved, she wouldn't have to pretend to like me after all. Then her face twisted with rage.
“I don't know what you're trying to imply Mr. Hummel, I don't have any infectious diseases for that matter of fact! I think your problem is that I'm a women and you are just a frigid little virgin.” She exploded in rage.
“Feisty I like you already.” She had no comment to that, but she seemed to be happy with herself. "My name is Dr. Hummel. I doubt I will bother remembering your names so get use to your nick names if I bother to give you one. Please follow me while I show you around the hospital." We left my office and began to walk down the stairs to the ground floor, where the emergency department was. I led them towards the Emergency department first. "This will be your home for the next year, you will save every single patient that comes through those front doors with the best of your ability." I finally bothered to turn around and look at them. I did a quick head count holy fuck I only had four interns. "Wheres the other intern?" I asked worried I had lost one on the grand tour.
"Oh thats Blaine Anderson the one missing. He is sick today."
"Oh. Well thats stupid. Take notes kids. One sure way to fuck off your resident. Dont turn up on your first day of internship. Actually I will just hate you in general if you have a day off without a valid reason, I will only accept ‘I'm in labor' or ‘I'm dying' as an excuse for not coming to work. But if you have been throwing up in the past 24 hours don't come to work either, because I don't want to catch anything from you, and you're actually putting about 99.9% of people in this hospital at risk when you come to work, so don't bother coming to work like that either. BUT that won't happen because you will look after your selves, and eat well and sleep for at least 8 hours in a day, then you should be healthy as f….udge when you come to work..." I all but yelled. I took a breath and continued. "Okay let's continue our tour." I said as sweetly as I could.
"This is the cafeteria, if you see me sitting in one of these seats. DONT bug me I'm eating. Unless someone is dying.” Just as we were about to leave Finn walked into the cafeteria with his interns.
“And this is my brother, the best surgeon in this hospital.” I heard Finn announce from where he was standing. I smiled, I wouldn't say that was true, okay it might be a bit true.
“Never Finn, You're the hot shot Nero Surgeon, much more impressive!”
“That is true.” He winked in my direction. “But I don't save babies and toddlers on a daily basis.”
“That is very true.” I laugh. We did this all the time, so that they knew we were hot shot surgeons and that they knew we were brothers to avoid what happened on our first year at the hospital. Everyone thought we were dating because we were joined at the hip.
“Well I got to go, talk to you later little brother.”
“Finn how many times do I have to tell you I'm your big brother.”
“Whatever dude.” I smiled, he really was the best brother. I walked my interns towards the on call rooms.
“This is the on call rooms where you SLEEP not have..."
"SEX! KURT say the word." Santana choose this moment to cut in.
"I was just about to when you rudely interrupted me Santana. Everyone this is Nurse Santana she is sort of the head bitch in charge of the cheerleaders, the cheerleaders are the nurses they cheer you on and help the football players which are you..." i said whilst looking each one of them in the eyes so they knew i was being serious. "She is in charge of all the nurses so DONT PISS her off. She will make all the other nurses hate you too."
“It's true. So don't piss me off, they didn't call me auntie snixx for no reason.” She laughed as she walked away.
“Okay that is our grand tour finished for today. Ill see you back in my office in half an hour. I would use this time to eat, or whatever you feel the need to do.”
I had finally finished with the interns for the day. The day was tiring, they barely listened and walked around like a bad smell. I was getting ready to head home when Finn came in to my exam room with Puck in tow.
“This cant be good.” I muttered under my breath.
“Kurt you should come out with us tonight.” Finn said.
No I can't I have to finish some paper work and do my initial evaluation on these interns.” I lied.
“Kurt that evaluation isn't due in until the end of the week.” Damn why did Finn have to know these things?
“Well Finn, my dear, dear brother, some people, unlike yourself like to finish things early.”
“Bro you're just saying that. I have been through 7 years of med school with you as well as 4 years at high school. Dude I know you like to hand things in at the last possible minute.” Finn quipped. Damn I was really regretting letting him know everything about me, allowing him to become an actual brother. Not in general, just this exact moment in time I was regretting it.
“Kurt come on live a little come to the bar with us. You never know you might get laid." Puck said raising his eyebrows up suggestively. Oh god they still didnt know I was a virgin. At nearly 28 you would guess I would have had taken the leap. With a busy high school career and even busier med school schedule I had no time to go out and have fun. I also never found someone worthy of my virginity as well. So getting laid tonight wasn't going to happen at all. Nope.
"I cant I have to get up in the morning." I lied lamely again.
"Dude I have to get up too. Also we use to have less sleep in our med school years and during our internship." Finn so kindly informed me.
"Hummel its settled then you're coming out drinking with us. Tonight" Puck announced, emphasizing the tonight part. Great I didnt even have a choice now.
Fine." I grumbled.
I went home to get changed and not five minutes later Puck and Finn were at my door. We traveled in one car and figured we could just take a cab home. I decided tonight would be a good night to drink myself into oblivion. Sure I had never done it before, but I had watched both Puck and Finn do it. They had a headache in the morning and that was pretty much it. I could do this. We walked through the door and found the bar practically empty, except for a couple of people sitting around the other tables.
7 shots later I was beginning to feel a little tipsy. But I felt pretty damn good. Who knew you could feel this great?
“I need to pee. My dick is fucking aching. Is it normal to have a raging boner when you're fucked off your face?”
“Little brother we didn't need to know.” Finn was clearly annoyed.
“It's probably because your sexually frustrated Hummel.” Puck quipped in response.
“Dude that's my brother.”
“Well it's true. Just look at him.”
“Let me rephrase that, he is my brother!!!” Well there conversation was getting extremely boring. I turned and walked towards the sign that showed me where the toilets were. This walking in a straight line was fucking hard to do. Fuck, I was much a lot more drunk than I originally thought. I literally fell into the bathroom. Before I fell and face planted the white tiles. Firm hands had caught me.
"Hi I'm..." He began talking.
“Hi…?” I smiled back.
“Wow, you're…”
“Hot?” I asked. The boy nodded in response, that was enough for me and my lips were on his in an instant. What the Fuck Kurt? what are you thinking? Before long this mysterious man started kissing back very passionately. I felt my cock aching even harder if it was even possible. I felt his cock up against my thigh. Fuck this was a fucking amazing feeling. How the fuck had I lived this long without this… The man pulled away from our kiss. Fuck.
"As much as I love strangers kissing me out of the blue. It was a little unexpected."
"I Sorry… I just… thought yoouuuuu were gay. Because you knowwww… you're supermegafoxyhot andddd I….I….I guess you're n… n ….. No……not gay. Sorry" I sighed as the retaliation hit me I just kissed a straight man.
"No, No, I am gay. Guys just normally hit on me and at least buy me a drink before kissing me like that..." He chuckled.
"Well normally I dont get this drunk. I guess its firsts for everyone tonight." I laughed at my own lame joke. He chuckled in response. His lips were on my lips again in an instant as he pushed me into a toilet stall. Just as someone opened the door.
"I hope this means you're getting laid tonight, Kurt." Puck yelled. I rolled my eyes at Puck. Leave it to him to kill a mood. Total Boner Killer. Okay maybe not when this man is squeezing my ass like that.
"I want to take you right here…” He whispered hotly into my ear. My breathing got heavy all of a sudden. He wants me. Holy fuck. Actually when I first kissed him he got an instant boner, so he is defiantly gay. Damn my head is a bit slow today. Must be this alcohol. “But I dont think thats appropriate with your friend just out there. How about we take this back to my place and take it further." He suggested.
"Yes please." I groaned at the thought of having to wait to do this when I just wanted his dick inside me right this second. When the fuck did I start thinking like that?
I quickly ran back to my table and grabbed my wallet and chucked some money on the table. "Keep the change." I said to the waitress as she walked by.
"But sir thats a massive tip."
"Keep it. Buy a drink for yourself, you look like you need one."
"Errr thanks sir." She smiled, totally confused by what had just happened.
“Get some Kurt!” Puck yelled from the toilet door, as he was just leaving the bathroom. I couldn't think of a witty comeback so I just ran outside, to find my brunette beauty waiting for me, just outside the bars door.
"Here comes a cab." He nodded for me to get in first.
"Thanks." I smiled. Once we were both in the cab, he asked for the cab person to not look back, and to not worry about what he was doing, I saw him slyly pass another 50 dollar note in his direction. His lips were once again on mine. His hands began to roam my body. He squeezed my ass once again. I bucked my hips to meet his. I could feel his boner against my own hard on.
"We should cool down, as much as I would love to rip your clothes off here and take you bareback. It would make the driver of the cab a little uncomfortable, dont you think." He whispered into my ear making the hair on the back of my neck stand up on end. I had to laugh. It was a little odd wanting him to fuck me right here. Must be the alcohol taking control of my already blurred judgment. The curly man passed the cab driver another 50 dollar note. "Keep the change" I barely heard him say. The cab speed away into the darkness. Leaving us finally alone. We ran up the path to his house. Once inside he slammed me against the door. Planting kisses up my collarbone.
"Clothes." he said breathlessly.
"Oh right." he stripped me to my underwear in twenty seconds flat then tore off his own clothes. He finally pulled off his underwear, and all I could do was stare. He was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. He looked up at me through long eyelashes. He shuffled closer to me
"Can I?" he asked placing his fingers in the inside of my waistband.
"Yeah." I whispered. He pulled them down and I stepped out of them.
"You're so beautiful." he whispered. Again his lips crashed against my lips. He grabbed something out of his pocket and he popped the bottle open. Oh lube. Oh crap. We are actually going to do the nasty without even knowing each other. He instructed me to get on all fours and I complied with his instructions. He started to prep me. By thrusting a finger into my hole, he then thrusted the second in without hesitation. “Baby you're so fucking tight…” He found my prostate and scissored his fingers to brush past my prostate with every thrust. The third finger came in quickly after. I could feel the slight pain as the third finger entered, but it was quickly turned into pleasure as he brushed past my prostate. I could hear the foil opening. Thank god he was using protection even in my hazy state I was grateful. He lined himself up, whilst stroking my thigh. “You're so beautiful baby… You have really soft and amazing skin…” He began pushing his rock hard dick into my hole. Ripping through my virginity that really isnt there because I'm a boy. But oh well. He thrusted but only got about an inch in before he stopped. "Fuck your... your... you're so tight. Ah this feels so good." There was a sharp pain, then I didn't feel anything but numbness. Must be the alcohol. Soon he was all the way in hitting my prostate in the first thrust. I moaned.
"Dont stop... Please... Feels so good." I said through jolts of pleasure. Oddly my dick felt like it was getting harder if that was even possible.
"About to co...ome." He sighed blissfully. I could feel the sudden warmth in my hole. I guess its over now. He pulled out of me and rolled over tossing the condom somewhere near the bin. I walked over to my clothes and began to get dressed.
"Whoa! where do you think you're going?" he asked once he had recovered from his orgasm. "Home?" I responded confused now.
"No, no, no I'm not finished with you yet."
"What?" I asked.
"You're still hard and you're cock needs to be inside me right this second.”
"Oh" I blushed. I quickly grabbed the lube from where he had abandoned it on the floor, looks like round two was right now.
I woke up groggy as ever. Holy crap I had a massive headache and I had work today. God this was all Puck and Finn's fault. Then it hit me I had another fantastic filled day with my interns ahead of me. I finally realized that I was in a warm embrace of someone else. In someone elses bed. A boys no less and we were naked. CRAP! Memories of last night flooded back. Crap there goes my innocence. I needed to get out of here now! I glanced at my watch it said 6:45. Crap! I'm late. I slyly moved out of his embrace.
"What? Where are you going?" The other man groaned.
"I have work sorry I'm already late."
"Whats the time?" The curly haired man asked.
"About 6:45."
"Crap I'm late too." the curly man sighed. I ran over to my clothes and quickly got changed. "Err thanks for last night it was good." I smiled tentatively over to him.
"Yeah it was great." he smiled ruefully. I picked up my phone and wallet from the lounge and made a beeline for the front door. I called Puck. He said he would get there as soon as possible. Which gave me time to think about what had just happened. I lost my virginity. To a stranger. Oh god! Just then Puck pulled up, in his car.
"Thanks for coming to get me Puck. I have no clue where my car is"
"No problem I'm just glad you finally got laid. Your car is at home by the way." He smiled a toothy grin and began to drive off.