Wings Healed Will Soar
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Wings Healed Will Soar: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,680 - Last Updated: Nov 08, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: May 07, 2015 - Updated: May 07, 2015
180 0 0 0 0

"Oh, yes, yes, Blaine, harder!" Theyd started off trying to stay quiet since it was the weekend and everyone was home and sex with others present was just kind of awkward, but that had all gone out the window once Blaine had decided to lick Kurt open, then pound into him mercilessly with Kurts knees over his shoulders.

Kurt reasoned in his head that it would be impossible for anyone to avoid screaming in such a position, so he just kept vocalizing his pleasure as his boyfriends cock stroked his prostate over and over again.

Of course, every time Kurt silenced himself, commentary was easily heard from just outside the (thankfully locked) bedroom door. "Yeah, take it Hummel!" Santana crowed as Kurt bit his lip and mewled, arching his back on the bed and shoving his pelvis hard into Blaine.

"Oh, fuck, yes..." Blaine practically whimpered, hips jerking as his brow broke out in sweat. "God I dont even care that the she-devil is pounding the door in rhythm with my hips right now. That has to be a sign of how fucking hot you are." Kurt let out a snort of laughter that quickly shifted into a deep moan.

Meanwhile, Sebastian and Santana were enjoying themselves plenty outside the door. It seemed Bas was trying to get his voice pitched as high as Kurt's (which he was failing at, Blaine wanted to point out, but knew Kurt would be angry with him for doing) and the ex-Cheerio sounded to be humping the damn door.

A thought came to him and Blaine stared at Kurt in an odd mix of pleasure and horror as he rode out his orgasm, Kurt clenching around him and splattering their chests with come. “Oh, dear lord… They're gonna team up and do this every time we have sex now, aren't they? This is going to be our life until Santana leaves, Kurt. Or at least until they start dating. Can't they both be straight and just date each other?”

“Okay, Killer, you are sleeping on the couch for that one,” Sebastian's voice carried through the door while Santana cackled.

Kurt looked oddly serious when he reached for a wipe from the bedside table, still keeping Blaine's softening cock clutched inside of him. “Please don't wish that on us, honey. They're already bad enough as weird cohorts. I don't want to even imagine a world where they actually dated.” They were mostly cleaned up, so Kurt tossed the wipe at the tiny trash near the bed and lay back with a sigh, not wanting to return to the world where a smirky meerkat and devil woman were creeping on his sex life.

The idea of moving seemed just as bad to Blaine, who shifted, removed and disposed of the condom, then snuggled down into the bed with his boyfriend. “Can we just keep the door locked forever and live in here? Just us for the rest of our lives?” he asked with a sleepy sigh.

Instead of Kurt answering, Bas put in his two cents and made them both laugh as Kurt tossed Sebastian's pillow at the door. “You'd get evicted eventually. And you need food. Unless you're eating each other. Which is not sexy when it's actual eating, just so you know. You guys aren't allowed to leave me locked out with Satan!”

“Hey, that's my name for her, Bas! Get your own!” Kurt called in answer, reluctantly shifting Blaine off of him so that he could get up and find some acceptable loungewear. “Are these Cooper's?” he asked as he pulled on a pair of sweats that were decidedly not his but too long to be Blaine's. He didn't think they belonged to Bas, either, since they were actually in Blaine's dresser toward the bottom.

The curly-haired boy shrugged before nodding. “Yeah, I think so. Pretty sure I stole those some time last summer? I dunno. You have a shitload of Finn's clothes so I don't want to even hear it.” Kurt held up his finger to his lips, hushing his boyfriend lest Santana overhear. He had a few of Finn's old football hoodies, his first letterman jacket (he'd gotten a second senior year because he'd gotten even taller and the first didn't fit right anymore), and a Hummel Tires and Lube shirt that was decidedly much too big to be Kurt's but not quite worn enough to be his father's. Blaine actually found the little collection of clothes to be adorable, but Kurt was easily embarrassed. He wasn't supposed to cherish Finn as much as he did, or something.

Tugging on one of his own shirts from his dad's garage, Kurt ran a hand through his messy hair while waiting for Blaine to be ready to reenter the main area of their apartment. Bas might have seen, and experienced, their entire bodies, but Santana hadn't (other than what was displayed at any given party) and Kurt wasn't quite ready for their relationship to reach such a level of comfort.

Blaine joined his boyfriend at the door and they opened it, walking out into the hallway hand-in-hand while Santana smirked at them in such a way that they both just looked at her before exchanging worried glances. “Creepy, Satan. You're creepy. Where'd Bas go?” Kurt asked as Blaine poked his head around the corner into the kitchen to check if the missing male was in there.

Coming up with an empty room, he shrugged and looked to Santana as well. “He said something about lunch and tacos and took off. I think he's bringing some back. I don't know. He was too disturbed by the idea that you wanted us to fuck.”

She didn't seem disturbed at all, though, which seemed odd, but whatever. Blaine rolled his eyes and kept holding Kurt's hand as the two of them took seats on the couch and Kurt gathered his sketchbook. “Right, well, I need to work on planning out my big semester project, so…” He made little shooing motions at Santana while Blaine giggled until the Latina stood and stomped off toward her stolen room.

“Huh, well…” he murmured, starting to sketch away. “That worked better than I expected. You know, I bet we could take care of a living creature at this point. I mean, now we're taking care of Satan and we've been handling the Meerkat just fine…” Blaine had dropped little hints about wanting a pet any time they were out and saw someone walking a dog or stumbled across a stray cat. The boy was an animal person, and Kurt actually found it rather adorable and charming.

Kurt hadn't ever had a pet, but he'd ended up having Finn, who was messier and louder than any dog on most days. He was used to caring for his clothes as if they were living creatures, too, if he was being honest. It wasn't completely ridiculous to think that maybe the two of them could actually raise a living thing between them.

The look on Blaine's face made Kurt grin and giggle. “Are you serious right now, Kurt? You…” Hazel eyes lit up with delight at the very thought of having his own pet. “You'd get a dog with me? A puppy? I could take him for runs around campus and we could explore the city and…” He was definitely getting carried away, but Blaine didn't care. He was excited and happy and even if they didn't get a puppy right away, the simple fact that Kurt was willing to even consider it was huge to him. His parents hadn't even let him get a dog since they were never home (never mind that Blaine was always home and could have used the friend…).

“I was leaning more towards a cat, but I suppose a puppy would be fine. As long as you train it not to pee in the apartment or eat my shoes,” Kurt answered with a smile, though he knew it wasn't time to make any rash decisions just yet. “It's something we can definitely keep talking about, baby. You know, we don't want to rush something so big and important. And Santana just moved in. I don't really want to share any babies with her.”

Sebastian happened to walk in as Kurt was talking about babies, and the look on his face was classic. “What in the wide world of fuck did I just interrupt? I've seen both of you naked. There are no lady parts. You can't have babies.” The tacos almost fell, but Blaine jumped up to catch the leaning box and carried them to the table, calling for Santana along the way.

Still laughing at the look on Sebastian's face, Kurt made his way to the table and grabbed a taco, shoving about half of it into his mouth at once. It seemed he wasn't about to explain their conversation, so Blaine sighed and filled in the gaps instead. “We were talking about a dog. Well, a puppy, actually,” he said as he doctored his own taco with hot sauce. “We're figuring you into our future, apparently, Bas, but hoping to not include Santana. At least that's what I got from the discussion.”

The Latina shot a glare at them all before snatching another taco and biting it aggressively. Bas looked at her before turning his head and nodding at Kurt and Blaine both. “I can understand why you'd want to protect your young from that. It's terrifying and… disturbing.” He rolled his eyes when Santana hissed at him. “Plus it has terrible table manners. I think the mighty Finnocence has better eating habits than you, Chickita Banana.”

For a few minutes they all just looked at him, then Santana threw a hot sauce packet at his face. “That's like… an island girl. I'm hispanic you moron. God, you can't even insult me right. You're pathetic. I'm going back to your room so I don't have to share air with morons anymore.” And she turned on her heel while Blaine snickered and Kurt shook his head.


“Sebastian…” Blaine had gone to bed early while Kurt was working more on his project sketches and Bas was brooding over his computer while shooting random glares at his closed bedroom door. Apparently he thought a staring contest might help move Santana from his living space, but so far that theory didn't seem to be so sound.

As it was, Blaine had grown bored and tired and decided to get a bit of extra sleep while the other boys worked away, so he'd snuggled up under the blankets and quickly nodded off into a pleasant dreamland. Only to be woken by an insistent Meerkat with roaming hands.

“Bas… what're you doin? I'm… sleepin…” he yawned and shifted, but that only seemed to give Bas more access to his body and soon fingers prodded at his sides, working their way under his shirt and sliding the material up his body, which he stretched out to help the process along. “Mmm, you're gonna wake me up,” he whined half-heartedly, already mostly awake and growing rather hard.

Sebastian simply hummed in response, sliding the shirt the rest of the way over Blaine's head and tossing it aside before slipping over the curly-haired boy's body, straddling his stomach and leaning down to kiss him deeply, exploring his mouth. “I'll make it worth it for you. Promise,” he murmured into the kiss, moving back over Blaine's body until their hips slotted together, both only in their underwear such that their erections rubbed together in a sinful dance.

Even as his pelvis jerked, Blaine shook his head and groaned. “Shouldn't do anything without Kurt, Bas,” he whined, only to be answered by the distinct laugh of his boyfriend. Hazel eyes blinked sleepily open as the bed dipped beside him, gaze slowly lifting to meet the crystal blue stare of Kurt. “Oh, there you are. Okay, Bas, you can continue.”

It was Sebastian who laughed that time, though it soon turned into more of a grunt as he rocked their cocks together again. Kurt smiled and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend. “Thank you for thinking with your head and your heart, sweetie. That's very difficult to do when an eager Meerkat is all over you, I believe…” He grinned and tugged his own shirt off to join Blaine and Bas in semi-nudity.

After too much teasing and not enough full-nudity, Blaine was a twitching, whimpering mess and Bas was determined to get things moving along further. The tallest male ran his hands down between them and pulled the last layers of clothing off while Blaine reached out to drag Kurt's boxer-briefs off at the same time.

It seemed like no time at all before Bas had three fingers pumping inside of Blaine, stretching him and rocking his hips so that his own leaking cock slid against the sheets on the bed. Blaine reached out to take Kurt's erection, pulling at it until his boyfriend figured it out and shifted closer so that Blaine could wrap his lips around him.

The countertenor let out a deep moan and Bas muttered under his breath about how hot that was and how much Blaine could take. As Blaine writhed on the bed, Bas slid a condom over his erection and lubed himself up, moving his fingers out of Blaine only to replace them with his cock in one quick, full thrust.

Kurt keened as Blaine moaned around his cock. At the same time, Sebastian dug his fingers into Blaine's thighs, holding them up and apart as he thrust deeper and deeper into the smaller male. “Oh, fuck, yes,” he grunted, rolling his hips while Blaine sucked hard, making Kurt let out even higher noises. “Fuck, Blaine, you're so fucking good. Such a cockslut…”

“Be nice, Meerkat,” Kurt growled, only to whimper as Blaine worked him over with his hot and talented mouth. Bas smirked by refrained from using any more colorful names as he pounded into Blaine's body, the three of them working up a rhythm that made the bed creak.

Before either Blaine or Bas were too close to the edge, Kurt was hitting it hard, spurting down Blaine's throat and shaking until he fell away from his boyfriend, only to nuzzle along his chest until he reached Blaine's straining erection. Since Bas was still fucking him, Blaine wasn't far from coming- he just needed a bit of help to get there as Sebastian had yet to stroke his weeping member.

Kurt licked his lips before sinking down on Blaine, warning Bas with his eyes not to jerk his hips too hard and hurt his precious face. Blaine's gravelly groan had Kurt's spent cock twitching and he swallowed hard around the curly-haired boy. A sharp gasp slipped from the countertenor's lips when Bas slid his fingers through Kurt's hair and tangled them there, tugging on him and forcing the pace of the blowjob, making him match Sebastian's thrusts.

Soon, the room was filled with shuddering cries as Bas and Blaine came one after the other and Kurt whined as his oversensitive cock tried to harden again. They fell in a panting heap, only to hear applause from their… open… door.

“Oh, fuck,” Kurt and Bas said at the same time. Blaine was already passed out, happily snoring and oblivious to their audience. “Go away, Satan!” Kurt yelled, then screeched as Bas tossed the used condom toward their doorway. “Fucking hell, Bas, if you get your jizz all over my floor I am going to fucking castrate you! Cretin…” he muttered, while Santana cackled and Sebastian glared petulantly.

The condom was cleaned up at Kurt's insistence and Santana left after getting a few comments in. Once Kurt and Sebastian crawled in on either side of Blaine on the bed, the shorter brunette let out a deep sigh. “New rule. The door is always locked whenever the last one of us enters this room. Or no sex. Ever again. That was just fucking wrong.”

Only Santana would disagree.


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