Wings Healed Will Soar
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Wings Healed Will Soar: Chapter 7

E - Words: 3,130 - Last Updated: Nov 08, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: May 07, 2015 - Updated: May 07, 2015
180 0 0 0 0

The kitchen timer went off just as the door slammed open and an unexpected voice rang through the apartment. Kurt yelped, burning himself on the roaster in his shock at spotting Santana standing in his doorway with two suitcases and a can of cranberry sauce. "Hello, boys," she purred, strutting inside and kicking the door closed behind her. Nobody was supposed to show up for another two hours- the turkey wasnt even done yet! It was just time to let the thing brown uncovered! "Kentucky was so not the place for me, and Lima is depressing, so here I am! Mmm, smells like Lady Hummels cooking again this year..."

Blaine was staring at her while Bas shook his head, having already hopped up to help Kurt with the blister that was growing on his wrist. "Damn, Princess, would you be more careful? This is nasty looking." He pulled out the first aid kit from under the sink and started working on the wound while Kurt worked one-handed on basting the bird, biting his bottom lip so as not to let too much of the pain show on his face or in his noises. "You know youre allowed to cry, Kurt. You burned yourself pretty good..." Bas muttered in his ear just as a tear betrayed the countertenor and slid down his cheek.

Sebastian skillfully wiped the offending drop away before Santana might see and judge Kurt for it, pecking Kurts cheek for good measure, which did not go unseen of course. At least they had a distraction while Kurt steadied his now-bandaged hand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did Sir Smirksalot just kiss Lady Face? What the hell happened to the entity known as Klaine?" Kurt and Sebastian shared a look and rolled their eyes while Blaine finally stood up and joined them in the kitchen, squeezing between the two of them and looking questioningly at Kurts wrist before leaning in to kiss the countertenors lips.

Seeing that the former Cheerio looked good and confused, Kurt took pity on her and explained after giving both other boys tasks to do. "Bas, if you start bitching about the potatoes like you did last year, I will shove the peels down your throat. Now get to peeling. Im still dating Blaine, Santana. We just have an... interesting friendship with the Meerkat. And before you even start, Rachel has given enough lectures to last us the rest of our lifetimes. So please, please just keep your opinions to yourself. And what the hell are you even doing here?"

The smirk on Santanas face was eerily similar to the one Sebastian wore whenever he had devious thoughts, which made the boy dutifully peeling potatoes raise a brow in her direction. She was way too much like him for Bas to ever relax around her... At least she wasnt as annoying as Berry, though. And she didnt come with a significant other who wanted to punch him at any given moment. Speaking of which, the stupid plastic idiot would be there for the holiday meal and Bas was not convinced there wouldnt be an all-out food fight before the evening was over.

"Of course Berry lectured you. As if she could ever accept any alternative life decisions. If she didnt have two gay dads shed probably judge you for that, too," Santana scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder and rolling her eyes. "I have no lectures for once, Baby Gay. Youre doing well for yourself. And I already told you, Kentucky was shit and Limas always been shit and Brittanys dating some guy who just gets her and Im fucking moving in. So make room."

With that, she stalked off and Sebastian made a noise as she slammed the door to his bedroom behind herself. "I think I just lost my room. What the fuck?" he whined, and Blaine reached over to rub his back.

Kurt opened and closed his mouth a few times before shaking his head and turning back to the stove. "Ill figure her out later. Those potatoes should not be that hard to peel- theyre already boiled. Come on, just use your hands..." He continued ordering the boys around and tried not to wince too obviously every time Sebastians bedroom door opened and more of his things came flying out of it. Hurricane Santana had landed.


"Oh my God, he really is Plastic, isnt he?" Santana said loudly as Brody and Rachel entered the apartment. Sebastian snorted just as loudly and the two of them did this weird handshake high five thing that had Blaine a bit worried in all honesty. Santana and Sebastian teamed up seemed like an absolutely horrible idea to him, but he wasnt about to say anything.

It looked like Rachel was about to pounce on Santana and Kurt jumped in between them with an uneasy look on his face. "Ladies, please. You are much more civilized than the barbarians you are both dangerously close to becoming. Also, blood has already been spilled in this apartment over that douchebag plastic playboy and I refuse to have it happen again. So stop." The slap echoed in the apartment, then Santana was on top of Rachel and the hair pulling started and Kurt just started encouraging the Latina.

"Fucking pull it out at the fucking roots, Satan! Go for the throat- her vocal chords are her gold!" he screeched as Bas and Blaine both took an arm to hold him back. Of course, both of them wanted to slap Rachel right back for having the audacity to hit their boy, but it would be bad form to allow Kurt to commit a murder. Santana, well, she wasnt really their responsibility.

Elliot and Eli showed up as Rachel started clawing at Santanas thighs where the Latina was straddling the Jewish performer. "What in the hell is going on this time? Jesus, can you people ever just have a normal party?" Elliot asked with a large grin. Eli looked terrified and Blaine felt bad for him. At least he didnt show up to all this alone... "Whos the new girl? Shes got some muscles... and brawling skills. Kurt, why is your cheek red and... is that a handprint? What the fuck..?"

Looks were exchanged and all three renters of the apartment this mess was taking place in sighed. Brody was leaning against the wall with a look of anger stuck on his face, but he seemed frozen thanks to whatever look Sebastian kept throwing him. It was a wonder he hadnt tried to break up the fight between his girlfriend and the crazy thing that was Santana, but Blaine supposed that a murderous Bas would stop him from doing most things, too.

"Elliot, the day anything in my life becomes normal will be the day I die. Seriously, its just not possible," Kurt said simply, then reached down into the cat fight with a practiced hand, managing to grab Santana by the back of her shirt and pull her off of Rachel and back to her feet. "Thank you, Satan. Thats enough, now. We have a turkey and your delightful can-shaped cranberry sauce to enjoy."

He didnt even look at Rachel or Brody before going into the kitchen and moving serving dishes to the table. Santana and Rachel shot looks at each other, but didnt say anything either, and Bas and Blaine shrugged their way to the table. Kurt still had a handprint on his face, which seemed to hurt when he moved his jaw to eat judging by the wincing, and the bandage on his wrist was growing a bit darker, indicating the blister might have popped in all the chaos. Bas made a mental note to check it and put on some cream to stave off infection later on.

The silence of the meal couldnt last, of course, and no one was all that shocked when Rachels voice filled the silence. "You know that was completely unnecessary, right Kurt? That comment. I mean, Brody never did anything to you and you treat him like some kind of... lesser being. Its not okay, Kurt. I was never like that to Blaine."

The bitch glare Kurt shot her made Bas and Santana share knowing smirks while Blaine gulped. "Oh, no, Rach. You were never a bitch to Blaine. You never guilt tripped him about leaving Glee because of being bullied every fucking day. You never judged him for anything, either. No, you always supported us. And youve never been mean to Bas, have you? Because he means a lot to me, too, Rachel. You dont treat the people who matter to me right, Rach, so dont start lecturing me about how I treat yours. And Brody did something to me when he talked about my brother and when he punched Sebastian! Or did you forget that?" Kurt threw his napkin over his plate, appetite lost while half his food was still uneaten.

It was Blaine who stood, though, looking at Rachel and her annoying boyfriend pointedly. "You know, I think you two should leave. Thanksgiving is about friends and family, and I dont think you two count as either of those things. Rachel, if you change your tune well talk. Until then... well, I think its best if you leave us all alone. Have fun with your boyfriend and NYADA."

Santana wore such a proud look as Rachel did her patented storm out that Blaine was a bit surprised she didnt let out a whoop of delight when the door closed after them. "Holy... wow, Blanderson. You really grew a pair! Damn!" She leaned back and gawked at him while he ran a hand over Kurts back. It seemed like nothing ever went as planned anymore. At least that should be the last confrontation with Rachel and her precious Brody.

"Cmon, lets have some pie," Bas said softly, clearing off the table with Elliot and Eli while Blaine cut the pies in the kitchen before bringing them to the table. Bas made sure to bring a cool water bottle for Kurt to hold to his cheek for a little bit as well.


It wasnt until well after their remaining two guests had left that Kurt and Blaine decided to focus on the problem at hand. That problem being, of course, Santana and her sudden and obvious take over of Sebastians room. Blaine looked like a timid puppy that was absolutely terrified of being beaten as he approached the generally tempramental female.

"Um, Santana?" he asked in a small voice that made both Kurt and Sebastian roll their eyes as they were wont to do. Clearing his throat in an attempt to sound a bit... stronger, Blaine tried to continue. "Where exactly were you planning on staying? I mean, like, obviously youre gonna stay here. But like... are you crashing on the couch or... This apartment is really not made for more than the three of us, you see..." He literally squeaked and jumped behind Kurt when the girl rounded on him.

The look Santana shot him held some humor and Blaine just knew he was in for some biting comments. "Oh, Blanderson. I spoke way too soon! You grew balls with Berry, but thats so not hard to do. With me you are still a little puppy whos about to pee all over himself," she snickered at her own joke while Kurt made a noise akin to a growl. "Oh relax, Hummelina. I wont fix your pooch, promise. And Im taking the second bedroom, of course. You three are already getting freaky together. Just share the big bed."

She flapped her hand through the air as if her comment was nothing to write home about while Sebastian gaped at her and Blaine made a pitiful whining noise. Kurt just blinked, then blinked again. "Satan... You cant... its not... I mean...." he just couldnt even find words. Even when he was on the Cheerios with the girl, Kurt hadnt quite figured out how to deal with a determined Santana Lopez.

"I can, and I have. Ive claimed the room. The Meerkat is your problem now, Lady. Have fun!" With that, Santana turned on her heel and waltzed right into the stolen room, slamming the door shut behind her and locking it such that all three boys hurt the lock hit home.

Sebastian cursed under his breath as Blaine whimpered more, and Kurt just rolled his eyes yet again before leading the way to the master bedroom. "Well, I guess we might as well get comfortable then, hmm?" he asked simply before stripping down to his boxer-briefs and burrowing his way into the center of the bed. "Im not fighting over blankets all night. You two play nice, now."


Black Friday came with grunts and groans as the three boys tried to untangle themselves from each other. Theyd already decided they couldnt afford anything on the big sales and it would just depress Kurt to go out with as small a budget as he could potentially have, so the shopping wasnt happening. Instead, theyd slept as long as they could manage until the countertenor finally had enough and squealed, squirming around until Bas finally got up with a huff and let Kurt roll out of Blaines hugging hold.

The two taller boys stood and stared at Blaine as he starfished on the bed, already back to snoring in their absence. "Seriously? Thank fuck we dont have classes for a few days. I need time to get used to this bullshit. I cannot believe your old friends, Princess. They are all problems. Punching me, stealing my room, threatening to shave my head..."

"In his defence, Noah only threatened your precious hair because you made me cry. Hes a good guy like that," Kurt commented, though he blushed a bit as he realized hed just admitted that Sebastians teasing had actually brought him to tears once. Theyd really gotten mean with each other at that point, though. It was the summer before theyd moved to New York and theyd been arguing about how much stuff would fit in a dorm room and Bas had made one of his usual girl comments about Kurt but the way hed said it... well, it had hurt. And Kurt was an emotional wreck already because of the upcoming move and leaving his dad and living with strangers. So hed broken down. And Noah was like his second brother, so...

Sebastian looked a little sick as he stared at Kurt, then shook his head. "Damn. Im sorry, Kurt," he muttered, running a hand through his sleep-wrecked hair. Kurt shook his head and started to tell his friend not to worry about it, but Bas wouldnt have that. "No, dont. Its not okay. I was a dick, and Im sorry. I just... Sometimes I still have trouble knowing how to be a friend, you know? Im not exactly good at this." He was starting to blush.

Before Kurt could do much more than lean toward the taller brunette, Blaine crawled to the edge of the bed and made grabby hands at the two of them. "Hey, I want in on this sudden love fest. You guys are being all cute and sweet and stuff. Dont leave me out!"

Kurt laughed while Bas huffed and tossed a pillow at Blaines face. "Now that youre awake, move your ass, blanket hog. You said you were making waffles this morning. I want my damn waffles." Even through his grumbling, Sebastian was smiling, and he only smiled more when he got simultaneous pecks on the cheeks from Kurt and Blaine before the boyfriends linked their arms through his and dragged him along to the kitchen.

In no time at all, Sebastian was working on coffee while Kurt sliced strawberries. Blaine was making a mess with the waffle batter, but it didnt really matter. They were also singing in practiced harmony, which was probably what woke Santana.

"Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas,"

Sebastian rather surprisingly started, nodding at the kitchen window where snowflakes were starting to gather on the sill. It was definitely a chilly November day in New York, and all three boys found themselves enjoying the warmth of their apartment. Bas continued, Kurt harmonizing with him:

"Everywhere you go,
Take a look in the five and ten, glistening once again,
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow!"

Pulling out four mugs, cream, and sugar, Bas danced his way to the kitchen cabinet and opened the first of what was sure to be many boxes of candycanes. He pulled one out for each of the mugs and unwrapped them as Kurt and Blaine sang the next verse, echoing the words where appropriate.

"Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store,
But the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that will be,
On your own front door."

Blaine sang about boots and pistols, while Kurt took over the dolls, then they all got a surprise when Bas and Santana harmonized on the mom and dad line, making them all laugh.

All four of them finished the song, Santana helping Blaine plate the waffles while Kurt scooped berries onto each one and Bas finished pouring coffee into each mug. It was easy for them all to fall into place around the table, digging in to the food and stirring their coffees with the candy before enjoying the minty warmth.

There was no hostility over breakfast. It didnt matter that Santana hadnt asked permission before showing up and taking over. There was peace and happiness and the snow outside made them feel that much warmer inside their little apartment.

"This waffle is amazing, and it isnt even Hummels cooking. Im pretty sure if breakfast was this good, lunch and dinner will guarantee Im never leaving," Santana smirked, but Kurt shook his head and answered with a smirk of his own.

They were still stretched a bit tight as far as money went, what with Kurt still interning for no pay, and he didnt want to use all of Sebastians inheritance. "Well, if you pitch in with the bills around here we might be able to afford to eat like this all the time, Satan. You missed the Ramen and water diet."

She cocked a brow at him before waving her hand dismissively. "My mom gave me a ton of money at graduation, remember? This is pretty much exactly what she told me to do with it, so... Im living the dream in the big city. And til I figure out what Im doing, I have funds, Lady Face. Dont worry. Auntie Tana will keep her boys fed well."

The wink should have been disturbing, but it just made Kurt shake his head and grin at his intimidating yet wonderful friend. Blaine was openly smiling like a puppy at the whole situation, and looked about a second away from demanding a group hug. "Before Blainers gets any crazy ideas, Im going to shower. You all have fun cleaning up!" Bas said, hopping from his chair and practically running to the bathroom. This living arrangement was going to be... interesting.


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