Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
"Dammit, Kurt, you left another fucking mark!" The apparent anger in Sebastians tone didnt reach his eyes or body language as he attempted to knot his tie before the mirror in the hallway. He was supposed to be meeting with an attorney about some inheritance his grandfather had put in his name years ago for a college fund that his father had told him he had no access to now, which Sebastian was pretty sure he had a legal right to despite his fathers wishes and position as a States Attorney himself. The guy was at least trying to look like he had his shit together even if hed never learned a damn thing from his father other than how to avoid STDs and unwanted pregnancies.
Kurt popped a hip as he stood behind the dramatic brunette, concealer in one hand as he used his other to bat Sebastians shaking paws away from the already wrinkled tie and the impressive mark at the juncture of his jaw and neck. "Youve ruined that tie, Meerkat, you undignified swine. Now keep your hands away and let me cover this and stop freaking out. Didnt you say this guys like... your uncle or something?"
With one motion from Kurt, Blaine was on his feet fetching a new tie for Bas. Theyd been trying to help him figure out this little issue ever since hed discovered the document in his personal files that stated his inheritance- no sign of his father or mothers names on the document.
"Family friend, really, but everybody calls him Uncle Charlie. I thought hed be on my fathers side, but apparently he doesnt think anyone deserves to be forced into his line of work. His job kind of ruined his life... long hours, no time for a family. Wife left him for some pool boy or something and took their kids and everything. He was pissed when I told him about my father cutting me off," Bas explained, though hed loosely explained it all already. Kurt was going for distracting and it had worked, since hed managed to cover the hickey and blend the makeup into his skin seamlessly while Blaine draped a new tie over the tall boys shoulder.
The three of them just worked together. They calmed each other when they needed to and they celebrated each others accomplishments. They were a good balance and things were going quite well. Kurt and Blaine still had their date nights and special moments- they were still clearly a couple. The thing was, they had extra room in their life together to fit in Bas, and it was working out well. They all cared about each other. New York wasnt so scary when you had two solid people to hold you up and keep your eyes set on the future.
Blaine took the makeup from his boyfriend as the countertenor tied Sebastians tie and straightened out his shirt. "You look very nice, Bas. Everything will be fine and this Charlie person will figure out how to get you the money you are entitled to. And in the meantime were doing okay," Kurt said, walking Bas to the door where Blaine gave him a quick kiss on the lips and a grin with a wish of luck.
Once Bas was on his way and the door was closed behind him, Blaines face fell a bit and he looked over at Kurt. "Were not really doing okay, though, are we?" he asked softly just in case Bas was still in hearing range. This way, no one outside the apartment could hear even if they had an ear to the door.
"We... well make it work, baby. You know we will. I just wish Vogue was paying me. I had no idea how much of my supposed spare time would be spent sewing and swearing as I stabbed myself..." Kurt trailed off with a sigh, shaking his head and leaning against his boyfriend for support. "Im not pulling my weight and I feel horrible. I just cant accept the money Dads offered, though, you know? He already does so much for me. He needs to save up something for him and Carole. They had to spend a lot expanding the house so Finn and I could have our own rooms and then keeping up with Dads health and everything..."
Blaine shot him a stern look, pulling him close by the hips and kissing him strongly to deter him from speaking anymore. "Stop, Kurt. You dont need to feel bad and you dont need to get money from your dad. Like you said, well figure it out. Besides, Bas should have this inheritance in the bag once this Uncle Charlie character gets a hold of the paperwork. Well pay him back for the extra he puts toward the rent and bills once youre the famous designer and making triple what me and Bas are. Theres no need to worry about something stupid like money. Weve been through so much harder, babe." His eyes shone with the truth of the statement and he kissed Kurt again
If they could get through the intense bullying in high school, if they could learn to rise above like once-wounded birds, taking flight without reservation or fear of falling again, then they could sure as hell handle cutting back the grocery budget and selling some of their older clothes and unused electronics. "I love you and your optimism and your determination, Blaine," Kurt said softly with glazed eyes, leading Blaine to the bedroom for something that didnt cost a dime (well, other than the cost of lube and condoms) but filled them with enough happiness to face any challenge.
Blaine held the phone to his ear as he fought his way through campus to his next class. Kurt had called him during a break at Vogue to share the news hed just gotten from Bas, since apparently the other NYU student had been in such a hurry to get from his meeting with Uncle Charlie to his shift at work that hed only been able to call one of them and Kurt was more likely to answer since Blaine had been in class.
"So basically, the money from his grandfather was all his as soon as he turned eighteen. Now they just need to make sure all of it is still there and untouched and itll be transferred to Sebs account. We can stop eating Ramen noodles and celery sticks for every meal soon!" The tinny laughter brought a smile to Blaines face, especially because the admission that they could fix their depleted diets meant that Kurt had finally accepted that Bas was going to pay the extra rent and whatever other little expenses there were.
It had been a struggle to get the countertenor to agree that they would repay Bas eventually since there was no guarantee that theyd ever actually be able to, but Sebastian eventually wore him down. "Im glad youre finally able to accept that your best friend wants to make your life easier, babe," Blaine said softly into his phone. He was almost to his next lecture, but he had a few more minutes to spend talking to Kurt before he needed to worry about lateness.
Musical laughter and shifting fabric sounded through the phone and Blaine knew that Kurt had shrugged at him. "Its just hard for me to not be able to take care of it all. I want to be the one in his position, able to take away your and his worries. Thats all. I like being the rock, you know..." Blaine did know that. Kurt had been his rock when he transferred to McKinley after all. Kurt wanted to be for others what he couldnt be for himself. Armor. A shield. That protection from all the wrongs in the world.
"You do a very good job of protecting me, Kurt. And you help Bas keep his demons at bay all the time. Youre doing good, honey. Were both proud of you," he checked his watch, then swore as he shuffled down a hallway a bit faster. "Shit. Im going to be late... Hey, babe? Remind me to Skype Coop tonight? Hes been bugging the crap out of me for the last three days and I cant take it much longer. Hes moved on from only texting to also emailing, snapchatting, facebook messaging, and I think hes on the verge of discovering my tumblr. Oh my God, he just tweeted about me."
He groaned after pulling the phone away from his ear to look at the alert that informed him that his idiot brother had just tweeted a message tagging him as the ungrateful little bro who forgot he existed. Kurt was laughing on the other end of the phone and Blaine rolled his eyes as he slipped into the lecture hall only to find his teacher had yet to arrive. "Oh, hush. Hell probably come after you next you know. My professors going to be here any minute. Ive gotta go. You make sure you get out of work on time tonight so me and Bas can help you with whatever you needed us for with that design thing you were talking about, yeah?"
After confirming that hed be home before dinner, Kurt hung up and Blaine silenced his phone just as the teacher strolled into the room. Blaine was relieved and content and he felt like he could breathe after not having any oxygen for a while. Everything was going to work out just fine. Somehow, everything always seemed to work out. He just needed to trust that and take a leap of faith every now and then. His wings were strong enough to catch him, now.
As soon as he got through the door, Kurt was ranting. Sebastians greeting, which came with a promise of their favorite Thai take out to celebrate his coming into some much needed money, went unanswered, utterly ignored, really, as Kurt glared at his boyfriend and read from his phone.
"From the twitter of one Cooper Big-Shot Anderson, I wonder if @PorcelainDesigns neglects his brother this much... maybe I should ask @FrankenFinn I swear to God, Blaine, if Finn sees that and starts demanding weekly lady chats I am going to kill you and Cooper both!" Kurt then grabbed Blaines laptop and shoved it in front of the shorter boy, booting up Skype and double clicking Coops name before Blaine could even respond. "Talk to your damn brother before he ruins my life."
"Hello to you, too, Kurtsie. Didnt realize youd get so bent out of shape over me and Finntastic keeping in touch!" Coopers voice filled the room and the sound of Bas falling to off the couch laughing made the oldest male quirk a brow at Kurt and Blaine. "Did Sebastian just kill himself?" Kurt rolled his eyes and Bas kept laughing in the background.
Blaine looked from Kurt to Cooper, then peered up over his computer to shoot an amused look at Sebastian before focusing back on his brother. "Hey, Coop. You know Kurts going to hurt you when you two are in the same physical space next just for the nickname, right? Why are you so insistent about talking to me anyway? It hasnt been that long. We both have busy lives, Coop. You gotta be less clingy."
The noise Cooper made was a mix of an indignant whine and a weird grumble and Kurt couldnt help but look up at the sound, tilting his head and shooting the older male a look. "Youre worse than Finn. Honestly, Cooper, you need to find a girlfriend or something. Its getting pathetic. Go... adopt a dog. I dont know. Do something. Just dont get Finn involved in your weird need to bond." Kurt looked at his boyfriend then, running a hand through his curls in a loving way before heading for the living room. "Im going to pick up the food with Bas. You two enjoy your bonding time," he said, dropping a quick kiss on Blaines cheek as Cooper made obnoxious kissy noises at them.
"Hes right, though, isnt he?" Cooper asked after the door closed. Blaine looked at him in confusion and Coop continued. "I need to get a girlfriend or something. Im getting pathetic. Cant even leave my baby to his own life..." He was getting mopey and Blaine really didnt want to let his brother get so down.
Clearing his throat, Blaine leaned forward before sighing at the screen. "Oh, Cooper... You arent pathetic. You just havent figured everything out yet. Its okay. I love you and Kurt loves you even if he gets annoyed. He gets annoyed at everyone he cares about. If he doesnt get annoyed with you it means he can ignore you, and that means he doesnt give a damn about you. And you know Bas never openly loses it like that around people he still feels the need to impress. People care about you, Coop." He smiled when Cooper looked at him with lit up blue eyes.
They kept talking until the boys showed back up with the food and hovered, one over each of Blaines shoulders. "Its dinner time now, Coop. Were stealing our Blaine back."
Kurt grinned, then Bas put in his two cents. "Say goodbye, Blainers," he said cheerily, reaching out to click the end call button as the brothers said their goodbyes. "Alright, weve got good food and your brother is happy again, and Kurt even managed to text Finnocence back into delightful ignorance. I call tonight a success. Lets eat."
They were coming up on Thanksgiving and all three had agreed that theyd stay in the city for the holiday. They needed to work on projects and study for exams and Kurt had to keep up at Vogue. The others had their jobs as well, and if they all wanted to take time for Christmas to go home, they needed to save up what time off they had.
"So, before Thanksgiving I have to present my idea for my big semester design project. YOu guys are still gonna help me with it, right? I kinda need models..." Kurt mentioned as he plated up some spaghetti and garlic bread hed made them all for dinner. "Im going to be ambitious I think. Im thinking a vest and a jacket, one bow tie and one skinny tie. All mix and match- a set, you know? So Bas, you could model the vest and tie and Blaine, you could model the jacket and bow tie. Would you... I mean... please say you guys will do it?"
Blaine immediately grinned at his boyfriend and nodded happily. "Of course! Do I get to keep the bow tie after you get your grade?" He wiggled his brows and made Kurt giggle at him until Sebastian started to snark.
"Oh, I dont know, Princess. Sounds like a lot of work. I mean, I dont know if you can use my rockin body free of charge..." he trailed, teasing his fingers over his shirt, playing with each button before undoing them, practically strip-teasing over dinner. "Whats in it for me, hmm?" Blaine choked on his spaghetti as Bas performed a very Kurt-like shoulder shimmy.
The fashion student rolled his eyes but laughed all the same. "How bout... a night of whatever you want, no questions asked? The very idea of giving you such an opportunity is terrifying, but youd be the perfect model and I really need you, Meerkat..." Kurt wasnt sure if it was the pleading look in his eyes or the promise of a night wherein Bas got to make all the rules, but the man was soon agreeing to being Kurts personal model any time in exchange for a night of his choosing.
That night, they all snuggled up in the main large bed together, making plans for Thanksgiving that they would rework at least three to five more times before the day actually came. It was nice, though. Domestic. They were making everything work and they were happy. Life was good.