Wings Healed Will Soar
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Wings Healed Will Soar: Chapter 4

E - Words: 4,125 - Last Updated: Nov 08, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: May 07, 2015 - Updated: May 07, 2015
188 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Okay. So, did we like? I realized there hadnt been much singing or smut lately, so I fixed that. I hope you all like the way things are going with Kurt/Blaine/Bas. Theyre kind of just going their own way here. Overall this is still Klaine. Bas is just... confusing.

Anyway, as far as updates, I am still trying to update every Monday and Friday. Ive been dealing with a lot of stuff in my personal life (filing a divorce, ex moved out, basically restarting my own life, finding my happy, that kind of stuff...) so I havent been writing as much every day as I used to. Ive been less in my own zone and more spending time with my parents and stuff. Its been good for me, but my writing has suffered. x.x Also, I havent been sleeping too well, but Ive dealt with insomnia for well over ten years now, so thats nothing real new.

So basically, this was a day late and Im sorry about that. I have this weekend alone so Im able to write a lot, so Im hoping to actually get ahead again. I WILL POST A NEW CHAPTER on Monday. If Im ever a day late, dont worry. Its probably because I dont sleep well and life is crazy. Ill get it up within a day no matter what!

"I think its a sign of growing up when you cant tell if youre in more pain from sleeping on the floor or drinking all the Jell-O shots," Kurt muttered as he woke up and shoved both his boyfriend and his best friend off of him. He was still wearing the catsuit and his face felt dry and stretched form Bass makeup that had rubbed off on it. He was also pretty sure there was Jell-O where it had no business being...

After being shoved, Blaine whined and flailed around looking for his cuddle buddies while Sebastian moaned like some undead creature, clutching his head and his stomach and cursing alcohol as if it had personally forced him to drink and get the hangover that was torturing him.

It was soon a fight over who got to shower first, leading to all three of them forcing their way under the hot stream of water so that none ended up without warm water. Somehow the whole being naked in a small space together didnt really factor in as something odd or to be concerned about. At least, it didnt until Kurt had made some pancakes and they were all sobering up over strong coffee and healthy doses of Advil.

"Okay, so, we definitely didnt fuck, right?" Bas asked, oh so eloquently as always. Kurt rolled his eyes while Blaine sputtered at them both. "Alright, good. That would just be awkward. I mean, you two are all perfect together to a point of blowing chunks every time I catch you sharing a date or whatever. I dont wanna get in the middle of all that."

Grabbing one of the fresh strawberries hed presented with the pancakes, Kurt flicked it at Sebastians face. "Shut up, Meerkat. You were just as cuddly as Blaine last night. And you both owe me a massage, since my back is fucked thanks to the floor." It was strange how easily the three of them slipped right back into normal life. Most people probably would have been more concerned about making out with their best friend/roommate along with their boyfriend, but Kurt and Blaine just sort of shrugged it off since both of them were involved and neither felt cheated on or whatnot.

Bas, of course, just preened about getting a double makeout session. The whole following week, the taller brunette was practically crowing about his accomplishment. "You two just couldnt resist me anymore. I know. Im very hard to resist, after all," he said as he came in from classes on Tuesday. Blaine tossed the TV remote at his head, which Bas ducked on his way to the kitchen.

On Wednesday, he brought their costumed back from the dry cleaners and hung them in the closet before plopping between Kurt and Blaine on the couch. This was a hard feat to accomplish, as the boyfriends had been hip to hip watching some cooking show.

"Bastian, what the hell?" Kurt snapped, not appreciating suddenly having his roommate on half his lap. "Get the fuck off, you idiot." He shoved at the boy until he fell fully into a yelping Blaines lap.

After wiggling in the lap a bit, Sebastian finally fell to the floor when Blaine followed Kurts lead and shoved him. "Go do your homework, Bas," Blaine muttered, curling up on the couch again with his boyfriend.

Rachel had been texting both Kurt and Blaine asking about what was going on with Sebastian and them all week, too, so by Friday (when the NYADA party was scheduled to happen) all three boys were irritable and not looking forward to the inevitable questions.

"Why do you two attract such obnoxious friends? I mean, Blainers got stuck with Niff from the start at Dalton and you got stuck with Berry and your ridiculous brother. How am I the only decent human you two have managed to befriend?" Kurt growled, already in costume, and swiped his fake yet effective claws at Sebastians face.

Blaine laughed, but also frowned. "You shouldnt be so mean to Nick and Jeff, Bas. Theyre good guys. And Wes is much healthier to be friends with than you are," he spouted sourly, trying not to think about what theyd probably face that evening. If only this was a Warblers party instead of the dramatic mess that was sure to be a mix of NYADA students.

"Alright, boys, lets go," Kurt called from the door. "We cant keep putting off the inevitable. And I need to prove just how much of a drama queen I really am, dont I? Those NYADA kids have no idea what theyre in for..."



Kurt Hummel obviously had no idea what he was in for when he agreed to go to Rachels NYADA party. The minute he, Blaine, and Bas entered the party space, they were immediately hit with noise, flashing lights, and dramatic gestures. People were singing, some were reciting lines, and there were already multiple people fighting for space on the area that functioned as a dance floor.

Blaine squeaked and hid behind his boyfriend while Sebastians upper lip curled in distaste. "Princess... what the fuck did you sign us up for?" he muttered as the once again sunshine-dressed Rachel made her way over to welcome them to the party. Brody was busy flexing in all his life guard glory for ogling girls, and a few guys as well.

"Kurt! You guys came! Yay!" she welcomed them without bothering to actually welcome Bas or Blaine. Kurt gave her a look, but she kept talking. "I wasnt sure if you would after the events at your party, you know? I mean, that was totally awkward, right? I still dont know what that was all about. I was afraid you and Blaine might not make it after whatever he did to cause that... lack of judgment." Her stage whisper was obnoxious, and Sebastian was grinding his teeth so hard that Blaine thought he might shatter them.

Eyes practically bugging out of his head, Kurt grabbed Rachels arm none-too-gently and growled at her until she stopped talking. "You need to learn when to talk and when to not open that ridiculous mouth of yours, Rachel Berry," he hissed through his teeth while Blaine shot Sebastian a worried look behind the two friends. "What I do, what Blaine does, and what Sebastian does is none of your business. What we do apart is none of your business. What we do together is none of your business."

He took a threatening step closer to her so that they were pretty much touching from chest to toe, Kurts height advantage helping him to hover over her with intimidation. "Basically, Rachel, the only parts of our lives that are your business are those that we happen to tell you about. Do you understand?" She squeaked and nodded and gulped all at once, which had Blaine looking back and forth from Kurt to Bas in a slight panic. Luckily, Sebastian stopped the panic attack from happening by running a hand along Blaines back while observing the interaction before them.

"Good. So, no more questions and no more shit talking. Dont even try to say you havent been, because Ive seen the looks weve been getting. Bas didnt do anything wrong, and neither did I or Blaine," He dropped her arm and stepped a little away from her then before glancing over at the display Brody was making of himself. "You might want to go stake a claim on your life guard over there, Rach. Hes making quite the impression with your classmates it seems..." he said with a wave of his hand, while Rachel looked and squeaked again before storming off.

The way Blaine gaped at him while Sebastian just smirked like the cocky Meerkat Kurt knew and loved made the countertenor grin, placing himself in the middle of the two boys and slipping a hand around both their waists. "Well, now that thats taken care of, shall we show these performing arts kids how real stars party?" he asked with a pop of his hips, leading the way to a makeshift stage and working his magic to queue up a familiar tune. 

Sebastian rolled his eyes, but started singing all the same. It was so like Kurt to pick out some party song sung by a girl, but really, it was ridiculous enough to get attention and make people think they were a joke- until they started performing. Bas led them after a nod from the countertenor, and they were off.


"Im in love alright,

with my crazy, beautiful life,

with the parties, the disasters,

with my friends all pretty and plastered,"


He winked at Kurt as Blaine came up front to join him for the next bit and they continued, voices melding together in a harmony that spoke of their talent. Those NYADA students wouldnt be prepared at all for what the three boys brought to the stage...


"Every night were down to go out,

wakin up on a different couch,

til the next night, on the next flight,

yeah I guess were doin alright..."


All three of them took the ohs while Kurt covered the chorus, strutting through the center of the stage and shooting Rachel specifically a look that dared her to question him. This was for her. To show her that they were living just as crazy a life as every other young adult trying to make it in New York, but they were doing their best and they were doing damn good, too! He wasnt going to take her shit just because he might make out with Bas every now and then and she couldnt handle it. It wasnt her business in the first place.


"Oh, oh, oh,

Were falling in love

Oh, oh, oh,

Til the suns coming up

Oh, oh, oh,

Just living the life

Oh, oh, oh,


Every single night we fight,

to get a little high on life,

to get a little something right,

something real, at least we try.


Time after time,

try dodging all the douche-bag guys,

try trading all the wasted times

for something real in this crazy life..."


By the time theyd finished the song, the attention was definitely focused on the trio of non-NYADA students, and Kurt and Bas both looked rather smug. Blaine was blushing a bit, but looked pleased and proud all the same as they took their leave of the stage.

"I think we made an impression. Are you guys ready to go home?" Kurt asked, and both his companions readily agreed. Blaine mumbling something about anxiety and NYADA not mixing while Bas was just happy to be able to stop fighting the urge to strip and show how much better looking he was than that obnoxious plastic boy Rachel insisted on dating.



From Rachel: Tell Kurt that was not cool, Blaine.

From Rachel: He wont answer my texts.

From Rachel: Omg, Blaine! You arent answering either? Seriously?! OMG!

"Kuuuuurt," Blaine whined as he threw his phone across the room and tried to bury his head back in his boyfriends pillow. It smelled really good, and he didnt want to get up yet. It was Saturday and it was too early and if he got up hed have to start working on his homework so he could sleep off the stupid frat party they were going to that night the next day without worry. "Answer your friend so I dont have to scream at her!"

He didnt even know where the countertenor was at the moment, but his side of the bed was still warm so he couldnt have gone far just yet. Blaine heard his phone chirp with another text and groaned into the pillow again. "Oh, my God. Kurt! Im going to block her number, I swear!"

The bed dipped and Blaine looked up only to see a very sleepy looking Sebastian, hair all bedraggled and eyes narrowed, but two steaming mugs of coffee in his hands. "If I cant sleep in, you cant either, Killer," he muttered, shoving a mug at Blaine as the dark-haired boy sat up. "Kurts on the phone with Finn. Apparently hes having some sort of crisis because stupid ass Berry posted pictures of her and Plastic at the Halloween party." He rolled his eyes and took a long drag from his own mug, then tilted his head at Blaine. "So what the hell are you bitching about in here anyway?" He looked around, spotting the tossed phone and tilting his head even more.

"You look like a confused dog, Bas," Blaine muttered, drinking some of his own coffee before setting the mug on his bedside table and shaking his head. "Rachels been texting me about how Kurt was rude and he isnt texting her back and now Im not texting her back and... shes just being dramatic and its way too early for that." He wondered how Kurt was dealing with his brother, but figured the brunette would join them when he got off the phone, so he didnt worry too much just yet. Instead, he lay back down and sighed at the ceiling. "This is the last party, right? I am so damn partied out I cant even tell you..." he mumbled, not looking forward to getting into his Batman costume for a fourth time.

Sebastian laughed and set his own coffee aside before curling up beside Blaine, dramatically draping an arm over Blaines abdomen and sighing. "Yes, this is the last one. If were invited to any others Im going as myself and people can suck it. Im about out of the spray in green shit for my hair and Im sick of the makeup. Need to ask Kurt about skincare thanks to that shit, man... I think Im getting a fucking pimple." Just then, Kurt walked into the room and fell onto the bed atop the boys.

"Really, Meerkat? A pimple? You? Thats tragic," he said seriously, shaking his head. "I have some products for you, though, dont worry. If only Finns problems were as easy to solve..." he groaned, going into an explanation about how his brother had decided that Rachel had a whole new type of guy and he would never live up to that and why would he even try and now he was never going to come to New York and hed just work for Burt for the rest of forever and be a Lima Loser like he was meant to be from the start. "Hes just so damn frustrating! Im going to end up having to call Carole and convince her to talk some sense into him. If she hasnt already tried. Which Im sure she has. Ugh. Maybe I should call Noah. Im sure I could force him to do my bidding..."

The three of them lay there snuggling and complaining about how Rachel needed to grow up for a bit longer, then Blaine brought up the party again and Kurt groaned about having to squeeze into his costume again. They all agreed that no more parties would be had this Halloween. Eventually, they got out of bed and showered, ate some brunch of cereal and toast and lukewarm coffee, then actually got most of their assignments done before it was time to get ready for the frat party.

"Bas, are you sure these guys arent going to kick my ass?" Kurt asked as he strutted around in his catsuit, whip secured to his hip and heeled boots laced on his feet. "Ive had experience with the frat boy type before. It never ended very well. And Im dressed as a fucking female super villain..." He tried to hold himself confidently, but Blaine could see the worry in Kurts eyes and the way he didnt stand quite as tall as he could.

Sebastian glanced at him and rolled his eyes. "Princess, calm the fuck down. These guys arent like the morons you went to high school with. Also, if anyone tried anything with you, Id beat them up." Blaine snorted as he thought of how Bas had met Brodys fist last time physical violence had occurred, and the taller male glared at him. "That douchebag doesnt count, okay? I can fight just fine. Or Blainers will show off his boxing skills. Whatever. Either way, you dont have to worry. Now finish your primping so we can go drink some terrible beer and mingle with my people."

Blaine mouthed his people? at Kurt before they finished up and left the apartment, heading for NYUs campus and a night of loud partying and lackluster alcohol.



"So I met Bas when he tried to steal my boyfriend. Yeah, and were all best friends now. Weird, right? I know!" Kurt was more than a little drunk and hed made a few new friends. Friends who were laughing as he motioned to Blaine and Bas who were dancing together. Really, it was hilarious, because Batman and the Joker were definitely dry humping on the dance floor, and Kurt was giggling like a schoolgirl over it. "Were totally unconventional, but whatever, right? Thats what college is all about, isnt it?"

Hed taken to doing shots with his little group of new friends every time a new smudge of Sebastians make up ended up on someone elses face. Most of the time that someone seemed to be Blaine, but it was still a good way to get drunk. He was passed another shot as Blaine and Bas made out on the floor again.

"Okay, one more, but then Im going to cut in. Theyre leaving me out and thats not fair," he whined, downing his shot before stumbling to the floor and shoving himself in between his boyfriend and best friend. The two crowded close to Kurt and each took a side of his neck, trailing open mouths over his skin as if they shared a brain or something.

He groaned, pushing his hips against Blaine while rocking his ass into Bas. "Mmm, hey, Princess. Having fun with the boys?" Bas asked huskily in Kurts ear as they all rocked to the music. The heavy bass moved their bodies in sinful ways and there were catcalls from the group Kurt had just left.

Kurt nodded and gasped as Bas sucked on his neck, Blaine moving to cover his open mouth with his own and kiss him deeply. "Hey, baby," Kurt mumbled, eyes closed as Blaine trailed his lips from Kurts mouth along his jaw to his ear. "You two havent even been drinking as much as me. No excuse for your lowered inhibitions..." he giggled a bit, then moaned as Sebastian licked over the dark hickey hed left on Kurts neck.

Neither of the other boys commented on their own inhibitions, just pressed ever closer to Kurt so that no matter how little any of them moved, there was delicious friction. "Told you this would be a fun party," Bas mumbled as they danced. And it was fun. There were no high school friends to tease them or lecture them about what they did with each other. There was no judgment at all, really. The drinks were flowing, the fun was had, and the overall atmosphere was simply relaxed and just... fun.

"I never thought a frat party would be so... fun," Kurt proclaimed, and Sebastian just laughed.

"The thing about college," he started, moving his hips and grinding against Kurt, "is that nobody really gives a shit anymore. Its a lot less full of prudes and judgment and a lot more you do you. Everybody does their own thing, Princess. Frats are just an easy place to host the parties where the doing is done!"

Their night went on in a similar way, mostly with all three of them dancing and kissing and doing whatever they felt like without any pressure. A few of the fraternity members got into it sometimes as well, getting some of Bass makeup on their faces either from the Joker himself or from one of the other men hed made out with. It was fun and wild and by the time they made it home, Kurt, Blaine, and Sebastian were all so wasted they didnt even know what all had happened.

"I am so glad I finished my homework..." Blaine muttered as he stumbled to the bathroom, stripping out of his costume in desperate need of a shower. "Im also so glad we went to that party," he added with a grin, watching Sebastian fall on the couch and pass out in his makeup and costume and wondering if he and Kurt were sober enough to move the taller male or if they should just let him sleep it off there.

Kurt shook his head at their friend, then joined Blaine in his nudity and adjusted the showers temperature. "Well help him get cleaned up in the morning. I need a shower and I need you..." he trailed off, running a hand over Blaines body.

That was all the convincing the shorter boy needed as he closed the bathroom door and slipped into the shower, closely followed by Kurt. Since Bas was passed out, they didnt bother to hold back any sounds as they touched and teased. Theyd been sporting erections most of the night thanks to the provocative dancing, and if they werent too drunk to get off, theyd damn well get off.

Blaines hands ran down Kurts chest as he slid to his knees in the shower while Kurt let his own hands trail up over Blaines body, running along his strong arms and over his shoulders until long fingers tangled in dark curls. "Oh, yes, baby," he groaned as Blaine leaned forward and stuck his tongue out, licking teasingly at the head of Kurts cock.

Blaine loved tasting his boyfriend. He loved being intimate on any level with Kurt. It didnt matter that theyd been making out with other guys that night, or that theyd been getting closer to Bas lately. It didnt matter what they did with anyone else, because they were ultimately in love and both of them could feel that. There was no one else Blaine ever wanted to worship like this. He only ever wanted to make love to Kurt. He only wanted Kurts body, heart, and soul.

Swallowing some of his drool, Blaine took Kurt fully into his mouth and the countertenor groaned above him. Yes. He loved making Kurt lose control. He rocked his own hips a bit, reaching down with one hand to fondle himself as he used his other hand to play with Kurts balls. The countertenor held him by his hair and thrust his hips slightly as Blaine worked him over with his tongue, sucking and licking him to a frenzy until he just relaxed his jaw and tugged on Kurts sac, encouraging the brunette to fuck his face.

It was their signal, and Kurt knew it well, so he did as he was instructed. Hips rocked gently at first, working up to a more frantic pace as he pushed his cock deeper into Blaines mouth and throat. Blaine took him, gag reflex fought back effectively as he swallowed around Kurts full length. His hand was working fast over himself as he felt Kurts balls tighten against his body and the stuttered pace of his hips that meant his orgasm was fast approaching. Blaine wanted it all. He wanted to hear and feel Kurt fall apart. For him. Only him.

As his orgasm hit, Kurt pulled out of Blaines mouth slightly, letting his boyfriend taste some of him before spurting over his face in a sinfully dirty way. He keened at the sight and ran his fingers over the mess on Blaines cheek. "Oh, God, Blaine... so pretty. Mmm, I love you," he muttered, pulling Blaine to his feet and crashing their lips together, sharing his own taste. 

Kurts hand wrapped around Blaines erection and he finally came between them, panting as the kiss was broken. "Fuck," he rasped, throat scratchy from taking Kurts cock so deep and hard.


They got cleaned up as the water cooled, then made their way to their room, falling into bed and grinning at each other in pure bliss. Yes, they would surely have headaches thanks to the drinking theyd done that night, but theyd also be happy thanks to the orgasms. So, it was really an awesome evening and the morning wouldnt be that awful. For Bas it would be a hellish hangover and probably more than one zit thanks to falling asleep in his makeup. But for them? A hangover wouldnt be too bad...


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