Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
"Okay, the vinyl looks just as good as the latex would have, I concede," Blaine said as Kurt strutted through the living area of the apartment in his bodysuit, feet still bare, makeup not done, mask and ears not in place (hed decided against the whole hood thing Catwoman generally had going for her. He was already bending the rules with his gender, so he figured he could tweak the costume a bit, too.) There was a utility belt of sorts slung over his hips and he was attempting to strap a long, and painful looking, whip to it as he padded toward Blaine, hips rolling.
A noise of frustrated flew from his lips as Kurt failed to secure the whip. He muttered under his breath and pulled the sleeves of his costume up to keep the material out of his way, though Blaine didnt understand how it could be in the way in the first place. It fit Kurts body like a damn glove. Blaine was very much appreciating that fact. "Dammit, this snap is impossible. Why didnt I put it on the top? Its not like anyone would have noticed the damn thing..." Kurt muttered at himself, all the while Blaine noticed their roommate sneaking up on the unsuspecting feline villain.
"Meerkat, if you grab my ass I will whip you," Kurt threatened, not even looking up from his task with the whip. Sebastian paused, looking at Blaine who just looked back and shrugged. Sometimes Kurt was a little scary. They should probably be used to that by now. As it was, he finally got the whip snapped into place and curled his fist in triumph before looking Sebastian up and down.
Purple suit, hair dyed an obnoxious green that Kurt seriously hoped was wash-out, and face painted in a disturbing homage of a clown with a cut out smile... "Really, Bas? The Joker? You could have been anything and you picked the Joker?" Kurt popped his hip and Blaine was pretty sure there was drool dripping down his chin, but he couldnt be bothered to wipe it away.
"Well, if you two were going all matchy-matchy I figured I should join in. After all, I crash all your other coupley things, dont I?" He looked proud of himself, but Kurt looked annoyed. Sebastian did have a habit of crashing their plans that were meant for two. Dates of all kinds suddenly became opportunities for Bas to casually toss out better angles to make out at. Feeling each other up on the couch during a movie became embarrassing grumbling as Bas wolf-whistled... It was all enough for Kurt to have threatened beatings. Multiple times.
Looking over Sebastian, Kurt let his eyes judge the outfit that he did not make. Hed hand-made both his and Blaines outfits, though he had sacrificed quite a bit of sleep to do so, and he was very proud of them. "You are... acceptable. Of course the quality of your costume is not as high as ours, but youre a second-rate villain compared to me, so I suppose its only fitting." He smirked and Bas laughed, shaking his head.
They needed to get leaving soon if they were going to get to Kurts work party on time, so Blaine decided to stop the two from one-upping each other anymore and get a move on it. "Finish getting ready so we arent unfashionably super late, baby?" he asked, leaning in to peck Kurts lips. "I want to make a good impression on your boss and co-workers."
It was surprisingly quick for Kurt to put the finishing touches on his outfit and the three boys were wiggling their way into a cab a mere five minutes later than their goal leaving time. Blaine was having some issues seeing as his mask kept shifting, and Bas kept laughing at him instead of helping in any way. Kurt used Sebastians laughter as an excuse to dig his claws (yes, he went that far and actually had fake claws on his nails) into the other villains arm.
"Ouch, dammit! I dont like this costume. You have way too many ways to hurt me," Bas grumbled as they settled for the ride. Upon arriving, the taller brunette kept at least a foot between himself and Kurt, usually choosing to keep Blaine between the two of them as a buffer instead, at least until he was on Kurts good side again. Or less agitated side... He shuddered at the idea of those claws and the whip being used against him again, which made Blaine giggle.
Kurt glanced sideways at his boyfriend, then shook his head. "You do realize the Dark Knight does not giggle, right honey?" he asked with a smirk. Before Blaine could respond, though, Kurts boss was greeting them with a happy grin. Kurt did a double-take before smiling widely at her. "Took my title to heart, did you?" he asked with a grin. Isabelle stood dressed all out as the Fairy Godmother.
"I take everything you say to heart, Kurt. You should know that by now," she leaned in for a hug and European-style kisses on the cheek before assessing Kurts guests. "So, Batman must be your beau, yes? Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Anderson. You have quite the impression to live up to." She winked at him and Blaine found himself thankful for the mask that would hide most of his blush. "And the Joker is Mr. Smythe?"
Sebastian seemed surprised that Kurts boss knew his name, but still he grinned and shook Isabelles hand. "Please, call me Sebastian, Ms. Wright. Thank you for inviting us. This is quite the party," he dropped a kiss just above her hand so as not to get his makeup on her and Kurt rolled his eyes. Yes, Bas hadnt complained about being dragged along or anything... Not at all. At least he was making a good impression, though.
The assessment of the party was true as well. It was fancy and huge and everyone was dressed up because when the Fairy Godmother of Vogue told you to dress up, you dressed up. There were tables set up with finger foods and giant bowls of punch and there was music playing that would be easy to dance to once people got more into party mode and less focused on schmoozing. This was their first high-brow party, and it was definitely living up to expectation so far. Blaine ran a hand along Kurts lower back. This was where he belonged. These were the kind of parties Blaine would constantly be accompanying his man to. Kurt was so at home here, even if he didnt realize it yet. Blaine knew and he was pretty sure Bas knew it, too. This was Kurts destiny.
"Well, you boys enjoy yourselves. Have fun, mingle, dance... And I expect a write up of how you managed to tailor those costumes, too, Kurt. We can always use tips for working with difficult materials." Isabelle winked at Kurts shocked face, then wandered off to mingle some more, playfully bopping people with her wand as she went.
Blaine grinned as Kurt melted a bit into him, hand still touching the small of his back. "You have a fantastic boss," he said, dropping a kiss on Kurts temple.
"Yeah, I really do," Kurt answered a bit breathily. He was obviously still rather shocked that Isabelle had listened when he spoke, and that she valued his skills as a designer enough to ask him to write about his costume making. "I dont care how annoying some of the other workers are, or that its just an internship so far and Im not actually making any money... This job is awesome. Just, remind me of this when I start complaining, okay?"
Of course, Bas shook them out of their happy little bubble when he spotted some of the food and grabbed both their wrists. "Come on, disgustingly cute couple Im sadly attached to. Im hungry and Im pretty sure that punch is spiked and we are so going to have a good time at this thing." Blaine was pretty sure that if Bas got drunk and made a fool of himself Kurt would end up murdering him, but he didnt say anything. Instead, he just went along to the food and drinks and obnoxiously fed Kurt some bite-sized cheesecake after they had a couple cups of the punch and were feeling a bit more relaxed.
A train of costumed party goers danced around the floor and through the room while everybody sang and laughed along the way. Blaine couldnt remember feeling so carefree around so many strangers, but he was happy and comfortable and Kurt was smiling, so it was fantastic. Life was fantastic. Bas held Blaines ass, openly groping him, but Blaine just giggled as he plastered himself closer to Kurt in the conga line.
When the song ended and the line broke up, Bas kept his hands in place until Kurt unclipped his whip and held it up to the taller mans throat. "Unless you want some real scars to go along with the fake ones on your face, Bas, youd best remove your hands from my boyfriends ass."
It was a testament to how much Sebastian had had to drink that he laughed and pulled Kurt in by his waist instead of really listening, though Blaines ass was forgotten for the moment. "Aww, did I upset the kitten? Sorry, Princess. Wasnt trying to make you jealous. I still think youre just as sexy as Blainers. Specially with that whip... You know what that old crop did to me..." Kurt rolled his eyes and pushed Sebastians hands off his body before rounding on Blaine with a hopeless look in his eyes.
"Baby, I think were gonna have to get the Meerkat home before he falls over from the alcohol and we have to carry his heavy ass. Im not up for athletics tonight," he said with a slight pout. It was late, though, and it really was about time for them to head home even if Bas hadnt drank enough to pickle his liver. "Come on, sex demon. Time to go home." He grabbed Bas under one arm while Blaine got him under the other and they made their way to a cab, thanking a giggling Isabelle on the way out.
Her voice rang after them just as they were shoving Bas into the cab. "You better have a story about his recovery when youre back in the office, mister!" And Kurt matched her musical laugh with his own as he closed the door behind him.
Their own party was scheduled for a few days later (Kurts party having been during the week, much to Bass anger when he had to go to class hungover the next day) and there was a lot to get ready in a little bit of time. "Finn talked to Rachel and now hes not coming to New York for any reason whatsoever, so we arent going to have him staying here for the weekend anymore," Kurt said as Bas and Blaine came into the apartment with arms full of snacks and supplies. Theyd been to the store while Kurt made some calls to finalize their guest list.
"Im sorry, babe," Blaine said, walking over to Kurt after he put all his bags down and rubbing his back soothingly. "Hell come around. Hell, they both will. For now... is she bringing Plastic to the party?" The face Blaine made as he thought about Brody was enough to have Sebastian snorting with laughter.
Kurt sighed and leaned into Blaine as he answered. "Unfortunately. She thinks that Bas needs to apologize. I told her that her Ken dolls fist needed to apologize first. She wasnt too happy with me. Honestly I was tempted to just tell her not to come but... shes Rachel. I cant not invite her to our party. I just wish shed get her head out of her ass already."
Nobody could blame Sebastian for his groan and irritated huff. "That douche had better not come near me, Princess, or I swear..."
"I know, Bas. I warned Rachel. What did you think the comment about his fist apologizing meant, huh? Im not about to excuse his behavior or let anyone think that you were in any way out of line." He looked at Sebastian, then offered a crooked grin. "I got your back." Sebastian echoed the smile on his own face and Blaine pulled out his phone to snap a picture, which made both brunettes glare at him. It was totally worth it though.
Soon enough, all three boys were decorating the apartment and making snacks and putting together all that could be done the day before the party. Some things would have to be done last minute, but there was a lot that they could do ahead of time and they wanted to be prepared. Fake cobwebs hung around the living room and kitchen areas, two strobe lights Bas borrowed from someone (they didnt know, and they didnt ask) found their places in the corners and black, orange, and purple decorations were all over the place. Festive napkins and plates set out, fun table cloths, and even a big wash basin that they planned to fill with water and apples.
"Do you really think people are going to bob for apples, Kurt?" Blaine asked, both hopeful and doubtful about it. He really wanted the apple bobbing to happen, since hed always wanted to have such a party as a kid and never got to, then it had been New Directions parties which were much more focused on drinking, sex, and embarrassment and much less focused on silly kid games. He had some dishes that would be covered so people couldnt see what they were and he was making labels for eyeballs and worms and other creepy non-edible things.
Kurt laughed as he picked up one of the tags. "I think theyre as likely to bob for apples as they are to blindly eat something labeled intestines, sweetie. But given our friends, Id say theyre very likely to partake. Its gonna be fun. Finally a party that wont involve ridiculous drunken sex games via Santana or Noah." He sounded very excited, and that made Blaine grin.
"Im starting to make Jell-O now. If were using it for Blaines eyeballs and for shots as well, were gonna need a lot," Bas informed them, then strutted into the kitchen, much too happy with himself for finding something he could do to contribute. "Orange, grape, and lime are our flavors. Elliot dropped off some rum and some flavored vodkas, so Im just gonna put what matches together, yeah?"
After getting agreements from both Kurt and Blaine, Bas worked on the Jell-O shots and the others finished placing little plastic spiders and rubber worms and rats around the apartment in various places to scare people. It was all decently prepared by the time they went to bed. "Tomorrow is scary movies until the party, right?" Bas asked eagerly, earning a grumble from Kurt about how much he hated those movies and Blaine shaking his head with a little laugh. "Alright. Ill have everything ready when you wake up then, Princess!" He laughed as Kurt flipped him off on the way to the bedroom.
Kurts voice was hoarse from how many times hed screamed during the horror movie marathon Bas had forced upon him, but the party was still going well. The three hosts had gotten plenty of compliments on their costumes and Blaine had successfully bobbed for a few apples (after dousing his head in water while Kurt and Eli giggled at him) and Brody was even playing nice.
"I still cant believe he actually dressed up as a life guard. I swear its just so he could wear a speedo and that ugly ass nose paste shit and nothing else," Sebastian grumbled as the human Ken doll flexed his pectorals for Rachels amusement. "Disgusting."
They were distracted from their conversation by Elliots screech as he played in the covered dishes of supposed body parts, Blaine overseeing him and clapping his hands happily. "Dude, these are awesome!" he yelled before popping a Jell-O-coated grape into his mouth. Kurt was already joining them both at the table as he studied the glove Elliot had abandoned to play with the eyeball grapes.
"Wow. Your Scissorhands costume is really fantastic, Elliot. Impressive," he said before handing the glove back. The two talked costumes a bit before joining in with the rest of their friends for a bit of dancing in the cleared space in the living room. The shots eventually came out, which led to a lot of close dancing and sharing of face make up via makeout sessions in the strobe lit corners.
Of course, the questions came when Kurt wandered into the kitchen under normal light and ran into Rachel, who gasped as she stared at his face- or more specifically, his mouth. "Oh my God, Kurt! Were you kissing Sebastian?" she demanded, hands on her hips. She was dressed in some strange yellow leotard with a yellow gauzy robe over it and yellow glitter in her hair, shimmery yellow makeup dusted over her face and fake yellow lashes on her eyes. Even her lips were yellow. Apparently she was the sun to Brodys life guard. Whatever. Kurt, Blaine, and Bas were all confused by it.
What she said wasnt exactly incorrect, though, so Kurt was blushing as he glared icily at her. "Whats it to you, Rach? At least hes not some plastic manwhore." Of course, some people would call Sebastian a manwhore, but Kurt knew the truth so it didnt matter. Blaine knew the truth as well, which was why he had no problem stepping in to the kitchen with his own makeup-streaked face.
"Blaine!" Rachel shrieked, noticing how Sebastians Joker smile had found its way onto his lips as well. "Is this why you guys live together? Wow. I never expected this..." Her tone was judgmental and Kurt was bristling, which meant Blaine needed to calm the situation.
He tugged on Kurts whip, which was attached at his side still, pulling the taller male into his side and hooking his chin over Kurts shoulder. "Hey, babe," he said, ignoring Rachel. "The neighbors just came over to see when wed be calling it a night. Bas told them we were finishing up soon. Need to sleep and such. You know theyre really good about keeping the peace and all, so we better get everybody moving, yeah?"
The neighbors had actually asked how late the party would run, but they had been fine with it running a bit longer. Their guests didnt need to know that. Kurt quickly nodded and turned to Rachel with a forced smile. "Looks like we better finish this discussion at a later date." With that, he and Blaine went to see everyone out with Sebastian.
There were still more shots to finish, so they did them and made out a bit more since the inhibitions were gone and theyd already given in while dancing earlier. There were sure to be questions in the morning, but... well, none of them were thinking of those at the moment. They were happy and wearing too tight of clothes in Kurt and Blaines cases and worked up thanks to Rachel and her plastic boyfriend and they were just... giving in. They were tired of being responsible. They needed some time to be like theyd been in high school- carefree and childish. Tomorrow theyd look at what had happened and where they stood. Right then, they were content to curl up on the floor in a heap of sweaty, intoxicated boy.