Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
Sebastian had his first real big problem with a professor the start of that November. Hed turned in a paper, only for the professor to say Bas hadnt turned it in when the man couldnt find said paper. When Sebastian printed off and handed in another copy, the professor said hed be counting it as late, and that he shouldnt give Sebastian a grade at all as the syllabus said he did not accept late papers.
That had been when Sebastian exploded, ranting about how hed turned in the damned paper in the first place and if the professor had his shit together he might not have lost it. The younger male had then threatened to take the whole thing to the dean and stormed out of the professors office, leaving his paper (and the original copy wherever it may have gotten to) with the educator.
When he stormed into the apartment, Blaine looked up in alarm, the slamming door making him all too aware of Sebastians rage. "Bas? Whats wrong? What happened?" Kurt was still in class and had some kind of project to work on at Vogue that had him stopping there after class let out. Hed promised it would only take a couple hours and hed be home for dinner, but that still left Blaine to deal with whatever crisis Bas was going through alone for the next... five hours or so. Great.
"That pompous son of a bitch is whats wrong!" Sebastians voice carried through the apartment as he threw his books and satchel on the coffee table so hard Blaine was shocked that the thing didnt break. "Hes going to fucking fail me when hes the one who lost my damned paper in the first place. I turned it in on time. I turn everything in on time! Dammit, if theres one thing I never am its late! My father never allowed any of his family to be late for anything, and my ass knew it well."
Blaine sensed a story there, but wasnt about to ask at such a heated time. He had a feeling he knew anyway. Sebastians father seemed to be quite a hardass as far as he could tell... he wouldnt be surprised if Bas was only so pompous at Dalton because hed survived so much worse at home- kids were nothing when you dealt with overconfident and judgmental family.
"I cant fail a class just because of some idiot old man with too many screws loose and too much pride to admit hes at fault here!" Bas ran his hands through his hair until it stuck up at odd angles, looking at Blaine with a broken gaze. "I cant fail. I dont fail. Ive never... I cant lose my scholarships..." His voice got softer and shakier the longer Bas spoke, and Blaine approached him with open arms, folding him in as soon as he was close enough to Sebastian to fall into his embrace.
Shushing the taller male, Blaine rubbed Sebastians back in soothing circles and cooed in his ear. "Shh, Bas, itll be okay. Its all gonna be okay. Youll try to talk to the professor again, calmly, and if he wont listen or change the grade, you go to the department chair. Okay? Ill go with you. Everyone knows youre a good student. You have the grades and reputation to back that up. Youll be okay, honey," Blaine eased them both onto the couch and held Bas against his body, the pet name just slipping from his lips but not feeling awkward.
Nodding his head soundlessly, Sebastian snuggled into Blaines side as the curly-haired male turned on the tv and the two marathoned Project Runway, talking about how they imagined Kurt might some day judge the contestants. (He wouldnt be a contestant. He was going to have his own line without having to compete on some reality show for it. They knew that much for sure.)
When Kurt got home with bags of Indian takeout and a tired but satisfied look in his eyes, it was to find Bas snoring and drooling on Blaines chest while Tim Gunn told everyone on the tv to make it work. "Okay, what did I miss?" the countertenor asked, raising a slender brow at the pair on the couch and setting the food on the coffee table.
Sebastian grunted a little, then started to wake as Blaine explained what had happened. Kurt looked ready to go to battle for their best friend, and Blaines heart swelled. His boyfriend was a wonderful human being and he was so happy to have him. Some moments just solidified that all the more in his head and his heart. "But were going to fix it, right Bas?" Blaine said encouragingly, while Sebastian finally pulled himself up to a fully seated position and started for the food.
"Thats right. Nobody can keep me down. At least..." he smiled sheepishly at the couple before him. "Not when you two have my back."
After Kurt finished pouncing on the other boys and hugging them until Bas was squawking about needing air to survive, the trio passed around food and resumed watching Project Runway, this time with Kurts commentary. They kept Bas smothered in the middle most of the night, just snuggling and supporting each other like they so often did.
Sometimes it got scary, living in New York, not being around their parents anymore, being adults and going to college and having to make it all work themselves... But those were the times when they just got closer and showed each other how much they cared. They were a family unit now, and they were succeeding overall. Even through the bumps and bruises, everything was working out. As long as they had each other, they knew theyd be okay.
The day before Thanksgiving break started, Sebastian burst into the coffee shop where Blaine was setting up to play piano that evening waving a paper in the air. Kurt looked up from his laptop where hed been finishing a report for Isabelle before his week off at Vogue (shed insisted- he was going to work every day of his break and she wasnt having it) only to grin widely at the smirky brunette. "I guess it went over well then?"
"Damn right it did!" Bas affirmed, ignoring the patrons who shushed him from over their work or books. "Gave me an A. Probably helps that the bastard found my original copy as well. He gave back both copies and even admitted he must have misplaced the first one. Close to an apology as Ill be getting I wager."
Kurt laughed and shook his head as Blaine bounced over, having set his sheet music and microphone up at the piano just so. "Did I hear you say that guy admitted he was wrong? Thats our Bas. You really would make a great lawyer if you wanted to be on. So manipulative..." Blaine beamed at him and Kurt shook his head again, going back to his report even as he kept an ear tilted to the other men.
It was nearing time for Blaines performance and Kurt wanted to finish everything before it started so he could devote his attention to his boyfriend. Sebastian was all smiles as he strolled to the counter and ordered them all their usual coffee orders, knowing Blaine would sip his before he started and during little breaks when he came to their table for a breather.
"You are a god among men," Kurt praised, taking his non-fat mocha and gulping it despite the temperature. Kurt sighed happily and got back to his writing with a new fervor. By the time Blaines fingers touched the keys, Kurts laptop was packed away and he was done with work and school until after the feasting holiday. He and Bas sat together at the little table, smiling and cheering their boy on.
The crowd grew, which made Kurts heart soar. He was so proud of his boyfriend. He couldnt keep the smile off of his face. As Blaines set wound down, the curly-haired man leaned into his microphone and cleared his throat. "Alright everyone. I have one more song to play and sing for you, but I just wanted to thank you all for coming out and giving me a listen first. Again, Im Blaine Anderson, and Ill be playing here whenever management allows, so please come see me again!" He smiled so bright he practically glowed. "Now, this song is for someone special. Kurt, you mean the world to me."
"Youd think people wouldve had enough of silly love songs,
But I look around me and I see it isnt so,
Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs,
And whats wrong with that?
Id like to know,
Cause here I go...
Hazel eyes met blue and Kurt felt his cheeks heat with a blush as he smiled back at his amazing boyfriend. The song was perfect on the piano. Soft and sweet and so well suited for Blaines voice. Kurt swooned as Blaine sang to him, Bas nudging his shoulder and singing along after the first I love you. Kurt really did feel so loved by those two men.
"Love doesnt come in a minute!
Sometimes it doesnt come at all,
I only know that when Im in it,
It isnt silly, no, it isnt silly, love isnt silly at all!"
Kurt was smiling and shaking his head as both Blaine and Sebastian crooned "I love you"s at him and the cafe clapped and cheered, tossing dollars in the tip cup on Blaines piano all the while. Bas obviously knew it was a special gesture between the actual couple, but at the same time, he did love both men all the same and he liked to let them know. The warmth in both hazel and blue eyes when they met emerald told him they cherished him just as much, and it was with very happy hearts that the three of them left the coffee shop and headed home to enjoy their break.
Thanksgiving morning saw way more people than the small apartment had room for, as Burt and Carole showed up from their hotel bright and early (and the boys were rather glad they werent staying there because, well, just awkward) and Finn had already been crashing in the second bedroom which he and Coop had deemed the brother bed. Rachel had stayed the night before and tumbled out of the room with Finn, making Kurt raise a thin brow and Bas mutter about bodily fluids not getting all over what was technically still his room, dammit.
Kurt had prepped the turkey the night before, along with many of the other dishes, so everything was smoothly transitioning from fridge to oven. He even dealt with Rachels weird vegan thing that looked more like a blob than a bird but whatever. He wasnt eating it, so he didnt really care. Hed cook it for her and shed damn well like it.
"Are you two going sight seeing while youre in the city?" Blaine asked while shifting things in the fridge so he could get beers for himself, Burt, Finn, and Bas. He then grabbed a chilled bottle of red wine and glasses for Kurt, Carole, and Rachel. It might technically only have been ten-thirty in the morning, but who was keeping track? Besides, the parade was on (and going on outside technically, but they werent insane, thank you) and soon it would switch to football and beer was a requirement. Wine would just keep the ladies, and Kurt, happy.
Burt shook his head and popped the top on his beer with a nod of thanks. "Nah. Weve already done that the past few times weve come here with you guys and then to visit you. This time were just gonna see a show and spend the rest of the time relaxing. My congressmans pay allowed us to get the suite with the jacuzzi tub." The man wiggled his brows at Blaine, making Kurt grumble while Bas whistled.
"Get it Mr. H!" Sebastian hooted, only for Carole to toss a throw pillow at him. Yeah, Bas had become part of the weird Hummel-Hudson clan at some point. Just as Rachel and Puck and Blaine and... so many others had over the years. "Okay, okay! Crazy woman!" Bas yelped after he winked and growled in Burts direction, having thought Carole wouldnt notice, only to have the woman reach around the couch and start beating him with the other decorative pillow.
There was some muttering from Kurt about his pillows being abused, but soon enough everyone was munching on pastries that Carole had brought over that morning and waiting for the turkey to be done.
Elliot, Eli, and Elis new boyfriend Jon showed up around two to add their contributions to the meal and to help set things up. There was a quick and quiet explanation about how Eli and Elliot had always known they werent meant for each other and were just place holders until the right one came along, and Eli had wanted to give Jon a chance so Elliot stepped aside and let that happen. Now Elliot was a bit... alone, but it was okay. Eli seemed happy enough and that was what they both wanted, really.
Santana and Dani didnt show up until Sebastian called and threatened to start eating without them when the turkey finished at four-thirty and they were still MIA. The two stumbled through the door with bottles of wine and flushed faces and Kurt decided he just didnt want to know. After that, it was a struggle with chairs and other items that could work as seating to try and get everyone in one part of the apartment to enjoy the large meal and larger group.
"So Burt has Puck taking control of the shop for the most part now," Finn explained after swallowing a big bite of turkey and somehow managing not to drip gravy all down his shirt. Kurt was rather impressed. "Ive been down there with him for the last couple weeks just to make sure he has everything down, and hes definitely got it. So I think Im gonna use the money Ive saved up working there and move up here after Christmas. You know, get moved in, maybe find a job and stuff before I start school next fall..."
There was a question on Kurt, Blaine, and Sebastians minds, but none knew how to voice it. Thankfully, Jon was the one to ask it. "Thats cool. Where you gonna live?" Rachel smiled as Finn reached down and held her hand.
"Well, Rach hasnt had a roommate since she and that creep of a guy broke up last spring, so... Im gonna move in with her I think. Theres plenty of room and its close to pretty much all the schools I applied to, plus its easy enough to get to most places I might end up working..." he looked a little unsurely at his mom and Burt, but they just nodded at him.
It seemed that now that they were out of high school the parents had an its your life kind of attitude about things, so long as the kids werent hurting anyone, and it had worked well enough so far. "Well, we can help with the move like we did for the boys," Burt offered, making Finn grin at him.
Elliot started talking about wanting to have a real jam session some time now that they had a drummer in the mix and things took off from there. The holiday was good. It was fun and the food was wonderful, and the company was great. Kurt and Blaine sat with their hands clasped beneath the table, feeding each other bites of pumpkin and apple pies and just enjoying the friends and family they had.
Chances were it wouldnt always be this great or easy, but they were going to enjoy it while it was. Even if there were way too many people in too small a space and Santana sat on the couch cushion funny and uncovered the hidden bottle of lube and held it up in front of Burt and Finn and Kurt was ready to kill her before the night ended. Yeah, they were all still happy. Even with the drama.