Wings Healed Will Soar
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Wings Healed Will Soar: Chapter 20

E - Words: 2,484 - Last Updated: Nov 08, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: May 07, 2015 - Updated: May 07, 2015
186 0 0 0 0

Kurt was putting on the finishing touches to the costumes when Finn showed up, which made him feel bad because he hadnt planned a costume for his brother and that probably wasnt very nice of Kurt, to leave Finn out like that, but he also wasnt really a part of their odd little threesome so... The countertenor was torn. It was lucky for him that Rachel Berry chose that moment to burst into their apartment followed by a panicked-looking Blaine, running at Finn and throwing herself into his arms.


"Gee, hi Rachel. Nice to see you. Of course you can be the first to hug my brother. Its not like I wanted that honor or anything," Kurt grumbled, adding on a muttered "not that Bas didnt already attack him with a hug when he met him at the airport while I was at work, Im sure..." which led to a sheepish shrug from Sebastian. He was all but ignored by Rachel and Finn.


The hug was still going on as Blaine scooted near to Kurt and they shared a confused look, then Rachel started rambling and they listened until Kurts eyes were rolling so hard he gave himself a headache. "Oh, Finn! Oh, I dont know why I was ever with him. Its always been you, Finn, always! That Brody was just... a silly phase! Ive just missed you so much and I was so angry that you werent immediately coming to New York and I think I was rebelling because you know all girls have a rebellious stage and I was really overdue for mine, because that momentary thing with Puck back in high school really hardly counts, and I just had to get it out of my system and you know I just missed you so much!"


She hardly took a breath before she was going again, and Bas had a look of utter horror on his face as he turned to Kurt and Blaine. "Does she even breathe? I mean, seriously, thats just wrong!" he declared, causing Kurt to snort while Blaine tried to hide a chuckle and a grin.


"So youre coming to stay in the spring, right? That means youll only be going back home for, what, two months? Less? Oh, Finn, I need a new roommate and this is just perfect and I just love you so much!" Rachel squealed, arms wrapped tight around the tallest mans neck and feet not even touching the ground as he held her about the slender waist. "And Blaine said youre staying for Halloween. Thats great! My Lois Lane needs a Clark Kent! Oh, you just have to go with me to the NYADA party, Finn! You have to!"


The guys moved to the bedroom to get away from Rachels constant chatter for a while after that, using the time to try on the costumes Kurt had made so he could make some final adjustments before finishing those little touches that made them pop in classic Kurt fashion. As Bas got his costume on, he cocked a brow at Kurt and Blaine started laughing.


"Oh my god. Youre a meerkat! An actual meerkat! This is fantastic!" Blaine cackled, donning his safari guide gear like it was just a normal outfit for him. Really, the way he pulled it off, it might as well have been.


Bas growled at Blaine, then turned to Kurt with a look that said he was both irritated and impressed. "When I agreed to this whole safari theme I didnt exactly have this in mind, Princess," he muttered. Kurt only grinned cheekily, twitching his hips in just the right way to have his cheetahs tail flicking up to hit the taller male in the face.


If either other man tried to argue about Kurts costume hed just hiss at them until they hushed. It was their fault hed stuck with the cat theme for so many years after all. They could just deal with the repercussions. The three of them changed after Kurt placed some pins and instructed Bas as to how to pin his own costume (Blaine was not allowed to touch because last time Kurt trusted him to help with alterations things went horribly wrong) and came out of the room once they heard the door close and Rachels voice fade.


"Getting along again, are we?" Kurt asked, leading the other boys to the kitchen to get out a bottle of wine and a veggie tray hed prepared earlier. As usual, Finn gave him a confused look, but still tried the vegetables, only to grin and eat more. Silly boy. Kurt knew hed like them. Finn just needed to trust his brother. "I still dont think you should forgive her so easy, but I must say Im glad shes over Brody..."


They all talked and laughed and ate and just had a good time reconnecting, happy to spend time together and excited that this was soon going to become a more common occurrence. By the time the evening ended, they were all exhausted, but happy, and Finn didnt even say anything when he was told to go into the secondary bedroom while Bas followed Kurt and Blaine. It was easy now for all of them to accept each other. They were just... friends. Plain and simple. There was no more judgement and no more fear between them.


All of them were happy. Life was good.


At first, the boys had worried about not being able to accompany Finn to the different meetings and tours and such he had scheduled around the city, since theyd be in classes and at their jobs and also had to find time to do the homework that had already started to pile up. They really neednt have worried, however, because since they rekindled that old flame, Rachel and Finn had been almost inseparable.


It seemed like the ex-quarterback was happy, at least, so Kurt didnt allow himself to grow too concerned, though he was still wary of Rachel. She still had a tendency to be, well, cruel to his brother, and he wasnt okay with that. Hed keep an eye on her, but if she kept making Finn smile so hugely, well, he might just forgive her eventually as well.


The boys all went to their classes but there was a clear excitement in the air as Halloween drew nearer. They were going to be an interesting sight, for sure, and they were happy to be avoiding too many parties this year. Rachel was dragging Finn to the NYADA shindig, which just happened to be on the same night as the Vogue party anyway, so Kurt, Blaine, and Bas couldnt go if they wanted. They had to be as Isabelles bash. It was a job requirement.


The Vogue party was the first for their season, and the boys were excited. Kurt had actually used eyelash glue to stick long black whiskers on his and Sebastians cheeks (less and shorter ones on Bas, since meerkats had small whiskers just at the tip of their little snouts) and hed even mussed Blaines curls just so, making him look like hed been traversing the wilds or something.


When Isabelle saw them, she squealed, running up to Kurt and patting him on the head, making him preen and purr like the cat he pretended to be. "Oh, Kurt! These costumes are wonderful!" she exclaimed, herself dressed like Sandy from Grease. Kurt was pretty sure shed convinced her current beau to be Danny for the night, but she was alone at the moment so he couldnt confirm.


"You look gorgeous as usual," Sebastian said, cutting Kurt off before he could even compliment his boss. She blushed and laughed softly as the meerkat kissed her hand, calling him a devilish charmer, which Kurt and Blaine both openly agreed with. "I only charm those I like, though," he added with a wink. Kurt and Blaine nodded to that as well, and they all laughed.


The rest of the night went by almost too quickly. There was some kareoke and a costume contest (the trio won best group theme and Kurt got a little trophy for his desk at work), and there was plenty of food and drinks. It was a lot of fun and by the time they stumbled in from the taxi, all three boys were stuffed with expensive food and much too tipsy on fancy Halloween-themed cocktails to care where Finn and Rachel were or really worry about anything but getting out of their costumes and into bed.


The naked cuddling might have seemed weird if theyd stopped and thought about Finn for a minute, but they didnt, so it wasnt. It didnt matter anyway, since he didnt stumble in until late the next morning, almost afternoon. By then, the threesome had already slept off the buzz, woken up, had sex, taken showers (they still couldnt all three fit in the apartment shower, no matter how many times they tried) and even gotten dressed and had breakfast. Kurt had started cleaning for the party while Blaine was baking and Bas was making last minute calls to make sure they knew who was coming and had enough food and drink.


"Oh, hey guys," Finn said, then found his arms full of those fluffy fake spider web things that his mom used to put up when he was a little boy at Halloween.


Kurt thrust a bag of spiders and other insects of various sizes on top of the cobwebs. "Here. Decorate. Now. Our party is tonight, in case you forgot, and itll be eight before we know it and everyone will be showing up. We arent even close to ready thanks to that Vogue bash taking up all of last night. It was lovely, but I do wish Isabelle would have it start later since it never ends early at all..." He seemed flustered as he wandered away from Finn, straightening some magazines (mostly the more recent issues of Vogue) and just generally working himself up over nothing, trying to make things perfect.


"Princess, calm down," Bas called in a sing-song voice, earning him a glare and a whack over the head with one of those many magazines. "Ow! Fine, do what you want with the damn magazines! Jeez... Give me a damn concussion..." He went for his keys and the door then. "You guys are all lucky I still have a working fake ID, you know..." And Bas was off for a beer and liquor run.


Soon enough, everything was ready and it was time to get dressed, which meant Rachel showed up because she had Finns costume and apparently didnt believe in waiting until proper guest time to show up anyway. Kurt just rolled his eyes and sighed, while Blaine was all kind and friendly as usual. Sebastian had already made himself a strong whiskey and coke and didnt really care that the screechy little witch of a woman was there. Really, it just gave Finn a distraction so the three of them could take a little longer in the bedroom getting ready.


This year, the party was full of people from NYU and Parsons, Vogue and the little coffee house Blaine met a lot of people at when he played piano. There were also a few people that Eli or Elliot invited and some friends that Dani or Santana brought. It was a big group but everyone was having fun so they all got along pretty well and it was good.


The party went well, with lots of booze flowing and finger foods and desserts that Blaine had worked hard on and everyone enjoyed. There was singing and lots of dancing and grinding and... it was a lot like a club, really, especially when the neighbor came over to ask them to quiet down and instead ended up joining the party because, hey, the guys were fun and so was their neighbor and he shouldnt be at home eating pizza and considering going to bed already on a Saturday night!


It was less than surprising when the party was coming to an end and Rachel and Finn were stumbling to the room that had once been Sebastians. Dani and Santana were cuddled on the couch, the latter snoring and the former explaining how shed get them a cab as soon as Tana got a little rest so she could walk again. Kurt just waved her off while holding up a very sleepy and intoxicated Blaine, waiting while Bas made sure the rest of their guests were leaving and Eli and Elliot were okay with the pull out bed for the night, since theyd agreed to clean up with them the next day.


Before long, Bas had the other side of a sleepy-but-oh-so-happy Blaine and they were dragging him to the bedroom, falling asleep in their costumes and makeup without a care in the world...


Finn spent more time with Rachel the following week and the boys did their school work and did their best to take Finn out to their favorite haunts while he was there. It was the following weekend when they went to the Halloween bash at their favorite club, which was fun but not as much fun as their own party, and they all agreed that next year theyd probably skip it and just do their party and whatever they had to attend for work.


With the holiday being over, they had to focus more on school and work again, and Finn was almost ready to head back to Lima. Hed gotten some good experiences in and some equally good interviews, so that was promising. He was happy, and that made Kurt happy, and a happy Kurt meant a happy Bas and Blaine.


Overall, everything went well and Kurt and Rachel were even better friends once more by the time Finn left. She was wearing his precious McKinley letterman as she hugged him goodbye, and that, more than anything, made Kurt think that maybe the two of them were actually ready to grow up and settle down. And maybe theyd do it all together...


When he and Blaine got back from seeing Finn off, they just took a moment to enjoy being home and alone and just... having some time as a couple. Of course, once Bas got home from classes they enjoyed relaxing, just the three of them, but there was always something nice about having a little Kurt-and-Blaine time. Soon it would be time for Thanksgiving and Burt and Carole even promised to come visit. Theyd cook a feast like they had so many years now. It would be wonderful, as life tended to be these days.


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