Wings Healed Will Soar
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Wings Healed Will Soar: Chapter 2

E - Words: 3,004 - Last Updated: Nov 08, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: May 07, 2015 - Updated: May 07, 2015
178 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Alright, heres the promised update! Sorry it took so much longer than usual. Real life is a bit hectic at the moment (not in a bad way though!) so I didnt have much time to write. Im going to work extra hard this weekend to get ahead so I can do updates every Monday and Friday from now on, though. :) Hope you enjoy!

"You have got to be kidding me," Bas whined from the couch, looking like he was somewhere between crying and killing Kurt. "Why in the fuck do I have to go to your stupid work party, Kurt? Im not the boyfriend. Im not a fashion person. Hell, Im the furthest thing a gay guy can be from a fucking fashion student! Fuck fashion! I still pop my fuckin collar on my polos!" Kurt muttered something about old habits dying hard, but Sebastian ignored him. "Im not going!"

Kurt went rigid and stared at his best friend and roommate. "Bas, you have to!" he gasped, eyes gone wide and lip starting to quiver, though hed never admit it. Blaine stood back and observed, unwilling to get in the middle of whatever was going on between his boyfriend and their best friend. "Isabelle told me to bring the boys I was always talking about, not just the one I happen to be dating. She wants to meet you. Bas... I really want her to hire me after this internship ends. Please, please, Im begging you here." Blue eyes glinted with unshed tears and Blaine was having a hard time keeping himself from slapping Sebastian for not just giving in already.

Finally, he didnt have to worry anymore. "Fine. If only so that you dont start weeping on me or something. Jesus, Princess, get it together, will you? Its a Halloween party, not the Tonys or something." Rolling his eyes, the brunette grabbed his jacket and wallet and headed for the door. "Im going out in the hopes that no more random parties get sprung on me. Dont wait up." He winked on his way out and Blaine shook his head before sliding up behind Kurt, pulling him against his body.

"At least we dont have to worry about a random coming home with him now?" he asked, still happy that their conversation had gone over well. Kurt kind of shrugged and Blaine settled the two of them on the couch, turning on the TV so they could watch some American Idol that theyd recorded for when Bas wasnt around. For some reason the old Warbler hated that show.

The couple settled into a comfortable calm, each pulling out their laptops and working on some essays and research for assignments as they enjoyed their show. It was peaceful and happy and it really reminded Blaine exactly why hed looked forward so much to New York living. There were no parents to answer to and no jocks to fear. There werent curfews to worry about or expectations. It was just them in their happy bubble and they could do as they pleased.

Sure, there was still school and they had their obligations, but those were actually things they chose to do. They wanted to go to school and get degrees. Kurt wanted to work at Vogue. Blaine wanted to sing and play piano at cafes when the opportunity sometimes presented itself. Making real life decisions about things that actually mattered gave a whole new meaning to responsibility. It was no longer just living each day and trudging through classes- they were actually living each day. It was incredible. Even after almost two months, Blaine was riding a high of growing up and actually knowing what he wanted and what made him happy. It didnt matter that his parents didnt really talk to him or that his family hated his life choices. He was happy and he was loved and he was living.

"I love you," he murmured softly as Kurt leaned in to rest his head on his shoulder. Blaine loved it when Kurt randomly did things like that. Touching him, reminding him he was there. "I dont think I tell you that enough, Kurt. I just... I really love you." He smiled dopily and Kurt leaned in to kiss him soft and quick on the lips.

Those blue eyes flashed with a smile that was mimicked on his lips as Kurt stared at him. "I love you, too," he said, then kissed Blaine again, just as sweetly. His head rested on Blaines shoulder a bit longer before they each returned to their computers, trying to reach stopping points so at least one of them might be able to make some dinner at some point.

It was domestic and somehow romantic and eventually they even ate some soup and grilled cheese and they were asleep well before Sebastian got in, but he was mostly sober and alone and he was smiling the next morning, so life in their little apartment was good.



The peace and quiet only lasted until the next evening, of course, because it was time for their monthly dinner with Rachel and some of the other friends theyd managed to make in the almost-two-months of being in classes with people. Since Rachel lived in the dorms (she tried to move in almost weekly while Bas and Kurt both practically screamed no) along with another girl from NYADA named Kelly who the boys werent too fond of but Rachel was getting help with her dancing from and Eli and Elliot, both NYU students, lived in tiny apartments, Eli with an awkward roommate to boot, it kind of fell to Kurt, Bas, and Blaine to host.

It was only the second month of this set up, so it wasnt surprising when Rachel showed up with a new friend and no sign of Kelly. "Oh, she was a horrible girl, really. You had to have noticed. Besides, Brody is helping me with my dancing and he is much better than her. We even have a similar skin care ritual!" she gushed, dragging the admittedly attractive male into the apartment a whole twenty minutes before the set dinner time.

Sebastian wandered out in nothing but a towel and promptly screamed at Rachel while trying not to flash the new guy who was staring with a quirked brow. It wasnt like Bas was bashful though, and Blaine grimaced as his old friend shrugged and let the towel fall. "Done being curious now, boy toy? Right. Rachel, what the flying fuck are you doing here already? Do you realize we have lives? That we actually mean six fucking thirty when we say six fucking thirty?" he demanded, hands on his hips.

There was a silent war going on between the will to laugh and the need to act proper, and it was slowly being lost as Kurt and Blaine joined each other in standing to the side where they could see all three others. The boyfriends leaned into each other and started chortling as they fought back laughter, but they just couldnt do it. Kurt broke first, bursting with a chuckle, which set Blaine off.

"Hey! Its not that funny," Bas snapped, obviously referring to his dick.

Kurt shook his head and Blaine answered while the countertenor bent over and clutched his knees, wheezing. "Its not you, Bas. Really. Its... their faces! Oh my god, and when you called him out!" Blaine leaned on the unstable Kurt then and they both toppled to the floor while Rachel silently fumed.

Of course, Bas had just spent a good ten minutes standing there naked lecturing the new guy and the door was still open so it was inevitable that Elliot and Eli would show up, having become rather good friends after the last dinner where they were introduced. "Holy shit, Seb. Didnt expect to walk in to this. Is it a sex party and we missed the memo?" Eli asked.

Elliot just waltzed in like it was nothing new and offered a hand to Kurt and Blaine, helping them to their feet. Apparently the musician had seen a lot in his time in the city. Eli was still gaping at Sebastian as the tall boy grabbed his towel and stormed off to his room, showing off his bare ass along the way. "Fuck you all! Rachel Berry, you are on my list!" He slammed his door and Blaine shook his head.

"So, that happened," he stated, heading to the kitchen to pull the lasagna out of the oven. He and Kurt had prepared it earlier in the day and just heated it up, getting a nice layer of melted cheese on top while the sauce bubbled happily. It smelled delicious and looked even better. He was quite pleased.

Soon enough they were all sitting around the table with Sebastian less angry but still shooting Rachel and Brody glares every now and then. Eli squirmed sometimes but seemed alright overall, while Elliot was grinning. "Man, you three are hilarious. I dont know how the hell you never killed each other," he finally said once everyone had started eating and there was silence in the room.

Kurt shook his head and gave Bas a look, making the former Warbler snicker. "Oh, the Princess and I had our issues, trust me. Blainers just tends to get his way, and he wanted us to get along, so..." he grinned and Kurt tossed a roll at his head. "Play nice!"

"Dont call me princess, then," he answered, crossing his arms. Sebastian then argued about how Kurt liked the nickname and they went back and forth for a while, Blaine rolling his eyes but looking at them lovingly all the same. The others noticed and just smiled. This was their dysfunctional family, and they all loved it.

Rachel asked about NYU and Parsons and Blaine asked her about NYADA. Kurt brought up Finn, which led to a whole new discussion. "I thought he was supposed to move up here next semester when you got out of the dorms. Wasnt he supposed to work at Dads shop and apply to places here in the meantime since he didnt go to whatever school he was supposed to? I still dont understand why he thought he should go into business with Noah..." he trailed, wondering what his brother had been thinking. Blaine loved the fact that Kurt never seemed to put the step label with brother. He and Finn were as solid as Blaine and Cooper, and that was pretty awesome.

"Oh, dont get me started, Kurt," Rachel said, shifting a bit closer to Brody which made Kurt growl under his breath. "That boy had everything set up and he just... I dont even know! Hes just that. A boy. Dont look at me like that, Kurt. I need a man in my life. Not some child. I am a star and I need someone who can keep up with me." Her tone was very flippant, as if shed written Finn off completely. No matter how much Blaine thought that was an act, he knew it would bother Kurt a lot. Hell, even if Kurt knew it was an act it would still bother him. Nobody could talk like Finn didnt matter.

Sebastian was the one to step in so that Kurt didnt have to. He looked Brody up and down, then looked at Rachel with judgment clear in his eyes. "And this is your choice for a man? Really? He might be straight, but he holds himself gayer than me, sweetheart. He has a skin routine to rival Kurts and can out dance a Warbler? Think about it before you speak, Berry." He stared at Brody for a minute, then narrowed his eyes. "Do you even have body hair, or do you manscape? Because, dear God, I think you might actually be made of plastic."

There was a bark of laughter as Elliot almost fell out of his chair. Kurt seemed torn between wanting to high five Sebastian and wanting to throttle Rachel still, while Blaine kind of just wanted to hide. This was not how a dinner was supposed to go. Eli... was just sitting there observing with a look of wonder on his face. Okay, the kid really needed to get out more. And then there was Brody. Shell-shocked, gaping at Sebastian, until he was on his feet and in action before anyone could really react.

"Fucking fuck!" Bas roared as a solid fist slammed into his face. He was so going to have a black eye in the morning thanks to that prick, but at least hed gotten some good insults in...

Rachel shouted, Kurt shouted, Elliot grabbed Bas and yelled for Eli to get some ice and a washcloth, and Blaine got in front of Sebastian with his fists raised, glaring at Brody and daring him to try and get in another hit. "Go on then, try again. Theres a reason his other name for me is Killer." It had been a while since Blaine had actually boxed more than the McKinley bag, long enough since hed done even that, but he was still good enough to take on this amateur.

Cocking a brow, Blaine waited, but the other boy backed down, tossing his napkin to the table and reaching for Rachels hand. "Thanks for dinner," he spat before the both of them left. Rachel looked back forlornly at Kurt, but nothing more would be said that night. Making up would have to happen slowly and over time. Blaine and Kurt cleaned up while Eli and Elliot made sure Bas was okay. They all had a drink after everything was put away, bonding over the overall dislike of the plastic dancer.



"I was asked if I was a victim of a bashing." Sebastian made a face only to cry out because it hurt to make faces when half your face had been beaten by a fist. Kurt shook his head and went to his and Blaines room while Blaine heated up the leftover lasagna. It had been a slow day of classes for the two of them, but obviously it had been hellish enough for Bas.

Kurt came back into the room with a tube of lotion in hand and motioned for Sebastian to sit and lean back. "This should help with the bruising. Jeez, you bruise easy. I thought I was bad..." he trailed off as Blaine snickered. Bas flipped them both off but did as he was told, letting the countertenor straddle his lap and rub the lotion in.

"You know, Princess, you could have gotten in my lap without me taking a punch for your brother. I would have let you." Kurt smacked him lightly on the chest, but he did have a smile on his face. It wasnt lost on Kurt that Sebastian really had defended Finn the past night, and hed confided as much to Blaine as they lay together before sleeping the night before. "How bout we dont make another bruise, okay? You dont need them as an excuse to touch me either..."

Bas tried to wink, then hissed in pain, which made Blaine and Kurt both laugh. A muttered curse for them to shut up answered and Blaine went to check the progress of the leftovers. He couldnt help but overhear the conversation between Kurt and Bas.

Soft noises came before a gentle shushing and Kurts voice filled the air. "Thanks, though, Meerkat. You didnt have to get involved like that. I... You always surprise me. You know, Blaine said once that I always zig when he thinks Im going to zag. Well, you do that too, Bas." The injured boy laughed and Blaine peered out to see Kurt still in his lap, leaning down to nuzzle against his chest. It was sweet, innocent, and Blaine didnt feel jealous or angry. He was happy that his boyfriend and best friend were so close.

"Youre such a softy, Kurt. Thats why Princess suits you. Youre all emotional and kind and shit, but you also have that royal attitude and dont take shit, you know? Who are the BAMFs of Disney after all? The Princesses." Blaine smiled hugely at the explanation of the nickname. That was so... them. All of them. It was just perfect. Kurts laughter reached his ears and he just smiled more.

Blaine was a bit surprised when Kurts arms wrapped around him. "You did hear that, right? Im some badass Disney chick now, apparently. Maybe thats why I get along so well with Bas. Meerkats are like woodland creatures, right?" he smirked as the taller brunette came into the kitchen as well, glaring at him and wincing as his facial muscles moved yet again.

"Thats not very nice, Princess," he groaned, sitting at the table and waiting to be served. Blaine just rolled his eyes lovingly. He wouldnt trade this life for anything. His boys, his apartment, his crazy days with friends and enemies and punches and all of it. It was fantastic. Everything about the city and the people in it kept things interesting and fun.

He hoped Rachel figured things out soon. He hoped Finn decided to join them all in New York instead of hanging out in Lima and hoping for something that would never come. There were a lot of things Blaine hoped for, but the things that mattered most he already knew would happen. Hed have Kurt in his life forever. Hed have Bas by his side. Hed have Cooper just one phone call away. Hed have all he needed and all he loved and with that, the world was wide open for him.

"Dinner is served," he said softly, bringing three plates of lasagna and three rolls with butter to the table, then grabbing some beers that Elliot had brought the night before since Bas was still sore and it seemed a nice gesture. They dug into their leftovers, assuring Bas that no one could ever bash him, since, for one, he didnt even seem gay until he started bitching or proving how amazing a lay he was, and for another he would totally run faster than the basher and get away.


They laughed, especially when Bas tried to pretend hed kick some attackers ass rather than running. It was nice and relaxing and life was good.


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