Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
It was a few days later that Sebastian asked Kurt to rub some bruise cream on his ass and Kurt got worked up enough to shove Blaine into their room and tear open the BDSM kit he and Blaine had purchased. He at least did rub the cream on for Bas before smacking his sore ass and telling him in no uncertain terms to stay out while he and Blaine had some alone time, then took off for the bedroom and locked the door behind them.
Kurt literally tore into the box while Blaine sat on the bed fighting with his clothes. “Oh my god, that was ridiculous, Kurt! I can't believe you slapped his bruised ass!” Blaine was almost falling over laughing, but he was also extremely turned on, which was obvious by his husky tone, the blush coloring his chest, and the actual hard-on that was on display now that his pants and underwear were off.
“Of course I slapped him. He was taunting me! And now I'm going to tie you down and have my wicked way with you until I feel better about speaking to that annoying meerkat,” Kurt grinned wickedly as he pulled restraints from the tattered box, hooking the chain through the bars on their headboard and tugging Blaine's shirt off before clasping the leather restraints around both his wrists. “There. Now you are at my mercy, just how I want you.”
Blaine gulped audibly as Kurt got up from the bed where he'd knelt to clasp Blaine's wrists, stripping himself before gathering some long silk scarves and tying Blaine's ankles to the footboard, legs spread wide. “Holy shit,” Blaine muttered, sprawled out on display for his boyfriend who looked all too pleased with himself.
In no time at all, Kurt was perched between Blaine's legs, running his fingers teasingly along his body and hiding mystery items behind his own body. “Mmm, Kurt,” Blaine moaned, jerking his hips as Kurt ran his fingertips over his abdomen and hips, avoiding his twitching dick in a terribly unfair way. “Please. Please, Kurt, I need you,” he whimpered as Kurt brushed over his balls and smirked at him.
“Patience, baby. I'm gonna take my time with you, get you just worked up like I want, and then I'm gonna ride you so hard,” Kurt promised with that hungry look in his eyes that made Blaine shiver with need. At the same time, Blaine wanted so much more than just Kurt riding him. He wanted to be fucked. He wanted to be owned. “What do you want, baby?” Kurt asked as Blaine whined and squirmed.
Panting and willing himself to calm down, Blaine swallowed and fought to catch his breath. “I want… Oh, god, I didn't know it would feel like this,” he strained against the bonds and shivered more as a jolt of arousal and excitement ran through his body. “Kurt, I… I want you. In me. Need you. Oh god, I need you so bad!”
The look on Kurt's face was one of utter satisfaction and taunting as he teased Blaine, grabbing their usual lube from behind him, where his other treasure rest hidden from view, and snapping the lid open. “I know, baby, but you're gonna have to be happy with what I give you,” he said cryptically, slicking up his fingers and sliding two along Blaine's crack, dipping his middle digit inside once Blaine's pucker was properly moistened and leaning forward with lustful eyes peering down at his blissed out boyfriend.
Whimpers and moans peppered the air as Kurt moved his finger deep inside of Blaine, rubbing his other lubed digit around his rim until he pulled out enough to add it in as well, ring finger and pinky sliding along the back of Blaine's crack. Kurt let his thumb play a bit, massaging Blaine's perineum and flicking at his balls on every upstroke, only to push at the skin closest to his hole each time Kurt pushed his fingers deeper inside of his boyfriend's writhing body. The squelching noise of his fingers and the lube should have been a turn off, but Kurt just found himself biting his lip and working his digits inside, trying to find the one spot that would make Blaine utterly fall apart.
Just before he pulled away to add more lube and a third finger, Kurt hit paydirt and earned himself a wanton cry from a shuddering Blaine. He smirked and pulled his fingers out, slicking them up more before leaning in to tease his boyfriend's rim. “Kurt,” Blaine begged, trying to lift his hips but barely moving due to the restraints. “Please, Kurt, need more. Need you.”
Kurt just shook his head before sliding three fingers into his boyfriend and rubbing right over his sensitive prostate. “I already told you, Blaine, I'm going to ride you. You just have to make do with what I have planned for you.” His lips curled up in a devious smile and Kurt's fingers were suddenly gone, making Blaine whine and buck, pulling against the restraints but getting nowhere.
Without further warning, Kurt had the dildo they'd purchased lubed up and pressed against Blaine's opening, easing the deep purple silicone inside while Blaine's face contorted and he moaned like a porn star. Every time Kurt paused, Blaine wiggled his hips as much as he could to urge his boyfriend on, so the countertenor kept pressing the toy in until it hovered just against Blaine's prostate, then stopped and leaned over the ever-writhing man while he reached around with freshly lubed fingers to work himself open.
“Now,” he said, leaning in for a dirty kiss that left Blaine groaning for more. “I'm going to turn around and you're just going to lay here and take what I give you. You don't get to touch, you don't get to kiss, you don't get to control anything. You're just mine, to use and to do with as I please. That sound good, baby?”
And there it was. The small part of Kurt that would always make sure Blaine was okay and taken care of even if they were trying something new and Kurt was being a dominant force. It made Blaine's heart swell and he leaned up as best he could, planting a kiss to Kurt's lips before nodding jerkily. “Yeah. S-sounds perfect, Kurt,” he murmured, then shivered when Kurt smirked, turned, and worked his fingers out of his ass just where Blaine could see the stretch and the slickness of the hole he'd soon be filling.
Lube soon found its way to Blaine's straining dick, and he hissed at the sudden cold, only to groan when Kurt's hand came around him and started working the substance over his flesh, prepping him for the treatment he was about to face. The toy was still wedged deep inside him, and Blaine was sure it wouldn't be forgotten for long, so he just bit his lip and leaned his chin up enough so he could watch, ache in his neck be damned, as Kurt sank onto his dick, riding him in reverse so that Blaine could see every part of his manhood breeching Kurt's tight ass.
“Oh my god,” Blaine hissed, biting his lip hard as Kurt rocked his hips a few times before working himself up and dropping back down, using his thighs in a way that was just not even fair. He was just too sexy for words, and Blaine felt like he could come any moment just from the sight of his stunning boyfriend riding him like a champ. Then Kurt touched the base of the dildo and Blaine screamed.
Vibrations coursed through the curly-haired boy's body, massaging his prostate in such a way that he couldn't stay still and the restraints really were helpful at the moment. All he could feel was pure pleasure, so strong it bordered on pain as the dildo worked inside him and Kurt worked around him and he was in the most pleasurable hell in the world and damn if he wasn't just about ready to come if it weren't for Kurt's fingers pinching at the base of his balls so he couldn't do just that.
The countertenor turned the vibrations down enough for Blaine to catch a breath, looking over his shoulder at his boyfriend and raising a brow. “You okay, baby? That feel good?” he teased, and Blaine wanted to kiss him and bite him all the same.
“So okay,” he answered instead, feeling so ragged he didn't know if he even had muscles anymore or if they'd been replaced by limp noodles. Kurt worked himself on Blaine's cock and moved the dildo inside him while the bound boy shook and moaned and keened and finally, finally Kurt found it in himself to let Blaine find his release, since Kurt was working quickly toward his, and only moments after Blaine let go he felt his own stomach and chest being painted in the hot come from his very satisfied boyfriend.
The toy was carefully worked out of Blaine and Kurt just ask carefully pulled away from Blaine, only to toss the toy somewhere and quickly remove the cuffs and scarves, releasing Blaine and snuggling up to him in so little time that Blaine was still processing his freedom while Kurt curled up like a cat into his body.
“I love you,” Kurt murmured, running a cloth that he'd kept with his hidden supplies along Blaine's chest and stomach to clean the come and sweat away before tossing it and just letting them be a little sweaty and dirty. “Was that okay?”
The look in those piercing blue eyes was so unsure and so full of love that Blaine felt his heart fill to burst and he couldn't help but just smile a blissed-out smile and curl up right along with his boyfriend “That was so okay, Kurt. That was… that was fantastic. Mmm, I love you, too.” He shifted and winced a bit because, yeah, that had been awesome but it had been a little… overstimulating, and he did enjoy it, but he wasn't sure how often he could enjoy something that intense. “Maybe not an everyday sort of fantastic, but still fantastic,” he added with a cheeky grin, which Kurt kissed until Blaine's lips distorted to just a normal kissing face and then they kept kissing until it was time to clean up and make some dinner with Bas.
Blaine knew this discussion was coming. It wasn't like he didn't keep up with everyone on facebook, and it wasn't like he didn't know that Kurt still checked his even if he pretended he didn't have the time for it. So, it was inevitable that they all would know about the spring break plans that were being worked out and the developments as far as the guest list and the getting there went.
“So, are Wes and David and the other Dalton guys really gonna make Myrtle?” Kurt asked over breakfast, which made Sebastian look over from his soggy cereal and cell phone with a quirked brow. “I was creeping on facebook, okay? It looks like most of New Directions and the Warblers, well, at least the ones we kept in touch with, are all going on spring break together. You are aware of this trip, right?”
Sebastian scoffed, then realized Kurt was serious and rolled his eyes. “Honestly, Princess, why don't you learn how to use the technology you ‘creep' on and check the guest list. Me and Adam both signed on ages ago.” And that was about what Blaine had figured would set this whole thing into a ‘fiasco' instead of a ‘party' so he braced himself for the reaction.
“Adam and I,” Kurt quipped, correcting Sebastian's grammar and earning himself a middle finger. “Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't bother checking the whole guest list thing. I wouldn't have expected that it would expand to the ‘New York crowd' but whatever.” Blaine and Bas shared a look at that, and Kurt quirked a brow at each of them.
There was a silent war about who would break the news, and Blaine seemed to lose as he cleared his throat and sighed. “Well, Rachel insisted on bringing Brody, so Bas figured he could bring Adam, and then Santana said she gets to bring Dani, which made Brit sad and she decided to bring some guy she's been seeing… It's all a big mess, really. I think Wes is bringing… oh, what the fuck's her name?”
Kurt rolled his eyes at his boyfriend and sighed. “Allison. They've been together at least as long as we have now, Blaine. You could at least remember her name. Honestly, you're horrible.” He chewed a slice of grapefruit, then decided to say more. “Well, if all these other people are coming, I'm inviting Elliot and Eli.” At least then he'd have some people who understood how much he hated Brody and Adam.
“Finn and Puck are both going, so at least that should be fun, right?” Blaine grinned, and Kurt just rolled his eyes.
“Oh, yes. I love having my brother and might-as-well-be-brother hovering and being weird. Finn's going to be insufferable around Brody, you do realize? And Bas, I swear, if you and Adam are too busy doing whatever to help me keep my brother from killing Plastic I'll murder you both.”
Threats made, Kurt settled in with the rest of his breakfast while Bas continued bitching about how bossy Kurt was and how he didn't even want to deal with any of the crazy people they knew in high school for a whole week. There was no way one beach house was going to be enough room for the trainwreck that this was turning into, but they were young and life was nothing if not lived, so the plans were made and the trip was scheduled.
In roughly a week, the boys would be on their way to Myrtle Beach with the most dysfunctional group of ‘friends' ever. Well, spring break was supposed to be full of stories, right?