Wings Healed Will Soar
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Wings Healed Will Soar: Chapter 11

E - Words: 2,485 - Last Updated: Nov 08, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: May 07, 2015 - Updated: May 07, 2015
194 0 0 0 0

Christmas Eve saw two childish boys bouncing on the bed to wake up Kurt and Blaine, who thankfully were less awkwardly positioned than the previous morning. “It's Christmas! Wake up, you losers!” That would be Cooper, who Kurt shoved so hard he fell off the bed with a grunt.

“Come on, guys! It's time for pancakes and you have to make cookies so I can eat them all!” Finn whined before Blaine whacked him in the head with a pillow. Dealing with two brothers instead of just one was completely unfair. The curly-haired boy pulled the covers up over his head and groaned, snuggling closer to Kurt. “Meanies,” Finn grumbled as he got off the bed and offered Cooper a hand up.

Kurt glared at them both as Blaine kept hiding under the covers. “You both are insufferable. Go… start the coffee or something. I'll come down and make breakfast in a few minutes,” he cuddled with Blaine before thinking of another warning to yell after Cooper and Finn. “And don't either of you go anywhere near those presents!”

Giggling, Blaine popped his head back up from the covers and dropped a quick kiss on Kurt's lips. “You know they'll be back in five minutes or so if we don't get down there and start breakfast, right?” he asked with a wry smile. Kurt just laughed and nodded in response. He did know that, but he wanted at least a couple minutes to just lay there with his boyfriend, enjoying the solitude and relative silence.

“I guess Coop and Finn are good practice for kids…” Kurt mused, kissing Blaine once more before rolling out of bed and stretching until his back popped. The boys really would come looking for him again if he didn't get started on those pancakes soon, so he might as well get a move on. “You wanna help me or are you going to get a shower while I work on breakfast?” he asked Blaine, not even noticing the happy glimmer in those golden eyes.

Blaine cleared his throat before answering. “Um, I guess I'll get a quick shower. It isn't like you ever let me do much when you're in cooking mode anyway,” he said with a cheeky grin, bounding over for yet another light kiss, pulling away before it could get any sort of deep, then making his way to the bathroom.


When he wandered into the kitchen for breakfast, Blaine was accompanied by his laptop, which was making familiar noises. Kurt grinned as his boyfriend approached him, flipping the last pancake onto the serving platter and waving his spatula at the screen. “Hey Bas! How's the apartment and our lovely Satan? You two haven't killed each other yet, I see.”

Sebastian rolled his eyes but grinned in answer. “You know, you can't see her, so I wouldn't go jumping to conclusions, Princess,” he sighed and Blaine set the computer on the counter as he gathered juice and milk from the fridge and Kurt pulled some bacon from the stove. “We're getting along well enough. She's actually with Dani at the moment. They've gotten very close very fast, you'll be happy to note. I think Dani could be good for her. They both seem really… happy.”

There was an odd sort of look in Sebastian's eye, but it was gone quickly and Blaine was busy trying to juggle glasses for all six people currently residing in the house, so he couldn't dwell on it. Instead, he called into the living room for the other four family members to come to the table. “Well, we're about to eat some breakfast, but we'll talk to you again soon, okay, Bas?” he asked, feeling guilty for leaving the other man alone on Christmas Eve. “Maybe we'll call and let you sing with us while we bake. You can tease Kurt til he throws flour at the computer.”

Bas grinned and laughed and the three of them said their goodbyes just as Coop and Finn crashed in and yelled ‘hi' and ‘bye' to Bas as well. “I miss him too,” Kurt whispered, leaning in to rest his chin on Blaine's shoulder. They shared a moment before joining everyone at the table and digging in.


“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,


Had a very shiny nose!

(like a lightbulb!)

And if you ever saw it,

(saw it)

You would even say it glows!

(like a flashlight!)”

Kurt could hardly believe his boyfriend and Bas were singing the ridiculous echo-version of Rudolph, but at the same time it was just so them it made sense. Blaine would sing the real line, then Bas would pipe in with the echo from the laptop which was most likely getting more cookie ingredients between its keys than it deserved.

The countertenor mixed dough in a huge bowl while Blaine wiggled his butt, decorating already cooled sugar cookies with red and green frosting as he sang.

“All of the other reindeer,


Used to laugh and call him names!

(like gay-face!)”

Kurt threw a handful of flour at the computer, making Bas laugh too hard to mention the games the reindeer played. “You two are awful. Really and truly. I don't know why I put up with you, let alone date one of you.” Kurt's voice was drowned out as Blaine raised his singing voice and Bas resumed his echoing.

“Then one foggy Christmas Eve,

Santa came to say,

(in his underwear!)

Rudolph with your nose so bright,

won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Then how the reindeer loved him,

(loved him)”

Kurt rolled his eyes through the end of the song, because at ‘loved him' the two clowns of boys he associated himself with batted their lashes and made lovesick faces at him. “Obnoxious fools, that's what you are. Shouldn't you be writing papers or something, Meerkat?” They both just grinned at him, though, Bas laughing while Blaine hummed ‘Frosty' under his breath.

The final batch of cookies came out of the oven just as Blaine and Kurt harmonized on the last note of ‘Silver Bells' and Bas yelled out ‘hello' to Santana. The Latina sauntered over to talk to Kurt and Blaine for a bit, then they ended their Skype call with Sebastian in order to carry a tray of cookies and some glasses of milk into the living room where the others were clustered around the TV watching holiday specials on ABC Family.

“Hey, cookies!” Finn yelled, grabbing a snowball cookie and shoving it in his mouth whole. Carole reprimanded him for it, but he still munched happily even as Burt sneaked a few of the chocolate dipped peanut butter wonders that were buckeyes.

Upon getting caught eating the super-sweet balls, the oldest male shrugged and gave his son a kicked-puppy look. “They're my favorite, Kurt,” he mumbled with his mouth full, causing the countertenor to roll his eyes but relent.

Soon, everyone had a napkin with cookies in their lap and a glass of milk before them and Coop and Finn had crawled to the tree to snatch one gift for everyone to open, as was the Hummel (and now extended Hummel-Hudson-Anderson) family tradition. “Here. This one's for Burt, this one's for Blainers… oh, and here's a tiny one for you, Finn!” Coop boasted, earning him a knock on the head with his own present from the lumbering Hudson male.

“That's yours then. Here, mom, Kurt,” he handed out the other gifts, then they each set aside their treats and everyone started unwrapping. It was no surprise that Finn had his gift open first, revealing a flight voucher to LA. “Whoa, what?”

Coop was grinning like a loon, tackling Finn and putting him in a headlock before giving him a noogie much like the one Finn gave Kurt two nights ago. “Thought you could come visit me and see if the city of fame and fortune inspires you. I know your friend kinda struck out there, but you gotta get out of Ohio, man. And since we're almost brothers…” He wiggled his brows at Kurt and Blaine, making Blaine toss a cookie at his head.

Carole glared at all four boys before shaking her head and letting a small smile slip past her lips, then opened her own present and gasped. “Oh, Kurt!” she cried, pulling the hand-stitched silk scarf from the box and paper and running her fingers over the embroidered pattern. “When on earth did you have time to make this? Oh, honey. This is so gorgeous! Now your father needs to take me out somewhere fancy so I can wear it.” She grinned at Burt, who just laughed and said he'd work on it.

Blaine opened his gift next, looking at his brother and grumbling. “Really, Coop?” He pulled a book from his wrapping paper, titled Brotherhood: A Guide to being a Great Brother. “You highlighted the entire ‘communication' chapter. Are you serious? Cooper, you are so obnoxious, I swear…” Just to stop the two from bickering, Kurt opened his gift and looked at Finn with watery eyes.

“How did you even know how to make these? Or what I wanted to call my label?” he asked, running his fingers over the full spool of white ribbon with crisp black writing spaced with about an inch between each label that would become a sewn in tag on every piece of clothing Kurt made from there out. Finn had to have gotten Carole's help, but he clearly came up with the idea as he was blushing and looked so nervous…

‘Porcelain Designs' was printed in an elegant masculine script, bolt and simple on the white ribbon. “I saw you doodle it a bunch of times since you started talking about Parsons. I just… I dunno. You already make stuff. You should have your label on it.” Finn shrugged, but Kurt was already off the couch, leaping at his brother and hugging him tight about his neck.

Blaine carefully rolled up the bit of ribbon Kurt had unraveled to look at, then smiled at the image before him. “Thank you,” Kurt murmured wetly in Finn's ear, squeezing him extra hard once more before finally reclaiming his spot on the couch by Blaine. Burt was opening his gift, grinning over at Blaine as he uncovered an NYU fitted ballcap.

“I thought you could use one from my school, since we're pretty much family and all…” he muttered shyly, making Burt shake his head and bark out a laugh as he bent the bill and put it proudly on his head.

Motioning for Blaine to come over, Burt took him in his arms and gave him a strong, solid hug. “We are family, kid. And I'm damn proud of you. I'm happy to wear this hat,” he was grinning just as wide as Blaine. Kurt and Carole shared a look, then Coop interrupted everyone as he opened his gift and stole the attention.

“What's this?” he asked, opening up a plain card that had nothing but his name scrawled across the front. Kurt looked at Carole, but she just grinned and shook her head. Cooper started reading aloud. “‘This is a standing invitation to Cooper Anderson inviting him to any and all family functions, including but not limited to the major holidays, at the Hummel-Hudson household. Any time you are in or near Lima, you are not only welcome, but required to stop over and visit. Love, Carole and Burt.' You… I… really?” His eyes were wet and he looked like a young child as Coop looked from one adult to the other, almost bouncing as they nodded in confirmation. “Thank you!” He was on top of Burt in his arm chair hugging him tightly in the next instant, making the man yell out in shock as the rest of them laughed.

It was already a merry Christmas, and they were each only one gift in…


If Christmas Eve was surprising in the morning, Christmas Day was doubly surprising as it wasn't even anywhere near sunrise when the two clowns Kurt and Blaine happened to be related to stormed in and jumped on the bed.

“Oh my God, what the fuck? Get out!” Kurt screeched as Blaine clawed at him, trying not to fall off the bed as Coop weighed him down, dragging him off the warm, comfortable surface. “Blaine! Let go, ow!” Kurt cried as he was tugged half way off the bed behind Blaine. “It is way too early for this. Go back to bed, Finn! Cooper! Dammit!”

It took a whole fifteen minutes to get them out of the room, and by then Kurt and Blaine were awake and in need of cheering up. “The good news is, I think you scared them into actually listening and leaving us alone until at least eight. So…” Blaine said softly, trailing his fingers up Kurt's arm and leaning in to follow them with his lips.

Kurt shivered, reaching down to adjust himself in his boxers, still not wearing more than those despite their usual interruptions by their brothers. It wasn't anything the other boys hadn't seen before, after all. Underwear wasn't naked.

“Mmm, I love you, Kurt,” Blaine purred against Kurt's throat before nipping and sucking at the flesh there, jerking his hips and rubbing their erections together. The two writhed, groaned and moaned into kisses as they worked to climax. They kissed and snuggled their way into a nap until Kurt's alarm went off at quarter to eight.

After a shared shower, the boys made their way to the living room just as Finn pulled Carole and Burt to the room and Coop finished piling the presents up for everyone. They all exchanged gifts, then Blaine put on one of the bow ties Kurt made him (he made him a whole set in every color of the rainbow this year) while Kurt helped Carole in the kitchen, all the while talking about how excited he was to use the fancy new sewing machine Blaine surprised him with.

They had dinner as a family, then Skyped with Bas, Santana, and Dani. The evening after dinner was spent with cookies and more Christmas specials on TV while Kurt and Blaine relaxed in preparation for their early flight the next morning. Then Cooper sprung something on them.

“So, I'm flying with you guys to New York.” He said it like it was nothing out of the norm.

Kurt gaped at him while Blaine found his voice. “You're… wait, you're coming to New York? You're staying with us? But… Santana's staying with us!” Coop just grinned and shrugged and double checked on the time of the flight the next morning. Kurt and Blaine agreed that they needed to get rid of Santana as soon as possible and get Bas back in his room. There was no way they were explaining everything to Cooper. No. Way.


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