Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
Nov. 8, 2015, 6 p.m.
This chapter (or what was going to be this chapter) is actually now two chapters. So, more Christmas to come next time! :D
“I really hate flying,” Kurt's voice was a little raspy and a little higher than usual as he clutched the armrest on one side of him and Blaine's hand on the other. Their flight was just taking off from New York and he was a nervous wreck. Why did he have to have such a weird fear of flying anyway?
Blaine held his hand tightly and whispered soothing words as the plane took off and Kurt was finally able to settle once they were sailing through the air as if they weren't even moving at all. “You really don't have to get so embarrassed, Kurt,” the shorter male said with a soft smile. “Everybody has fears. It's okay that this is one of yours. It doesn't bother me.” His golden gaze was so loving that Kurt couldn't help but grin and lean in to peck his boyfriend on the lips, earning a cleared throat from a nearby passenger.
Both boys rolled their eyes, but settled in their seats and kept holding hands, refraining from more kisses while in present company. It was never a good idea to start something at over thirty thousand feet up with no escape available. Kurt did rest his head on Blaine's shoulder, however, sighing easily into his boyfriend's neck. “I love you,” he mumbled before nodding off for the rest of the short flight.
By the time they'd retrieved their luggage and found the towering figure of Finn in the Columbus airport, Kurt had managed to banish all sleepiness from his system. It was easy, then, for him to rush into his father's arms once they got home, ignoring the explanation that Finn had begged to pick them up and Burt just couldn't fight him on it.
“I missed you so much, dad,” Kurt practically whimpered in his father's ear as he hugged the man so tightly it was a wonder Burt didn't turn blue from lack of oxygen. Anyone else might have felt awkward, but Blaine just stood there beaming at his boyfriend and the way he got along with his dad. They were such a perfect family. Blaine wished he had that with his father as well, but he was so happy Kurt at least got such love. “Where's Carole?”
His question was answered by Finn, as Burt was too busy pulling Blaine into a bone-crushing hug and demanding that his ‘other son' show him some love as well lest he feel neglected. “She had to work for a bit, but she'll be back by dinner. Did you know Cooper's coming to visit, too? We've been talking a lot lately. I didn't know he had scheduled Skype dates with Blaine! That's really not fair, Kurt. You should talk to me more. What kind of brother are you?”
It was disturbing how much Finn was starting to sound like Cooper. Kurt shot a glare at Blaine, but it went unnoticed as the curly-haired boy was still deep in a Burt Hummel bear hug. Kurt laughed, rolling his eyes and grinning at the scene of his father and boyfriend. “Alright, enough love already! Finn, we talk all the time. Just because we don't see each other's faces doesn't mean we don't have a ‘brotherly bond' or whatever the hell Coop's been feeding your tiny little brain.”
The chase was on, then, as Finn figured out the he'd been insulted and Kurt decided he didn't want whatever punishment the giant of a boy might see fit for him. He took off, rounding a corner and sliding in his socks before leaping to the stairs, taking them two at a time and heading for his old room. In the meantime, Burt and Blaine watched, doubled over in laughter as Finn took off after him.
“This is so not going to end well,” Blaine choked out between chuckles. Burt shook his head and agreed wholeheartedly. Still, they made their way to a better spot so they could see the upstairs hallway where Finn's longer legs had allowed him to catch Kurt before he reached his safe haven of a bedroom with a locking door.
The countertenor squealed when his giant of a brother grabbed him around the waist and pulled him into his side, holding his arms trapped against his body so Kurt squirmed but couldn't move an inch. “Finn, no! Let me go! Come on, I didn't mean anything by it,” he yelled, gasping in horror as Finn's free hand worked toward his hair. “NO! Finn Hudson do not touch my hair, dammit! Finn! Fuck, Blaine, Dad, help!”
“Watch the language,” was all Burt said, chuckling right along with Blaine. For his part, Blaine did feel a bit bad as he laughed while Finn gave Kurt a noogie. The thing was, however, Kurt kind of earned it, and it wasn't Blaine's fault that the sassy male didn't know how to hold his tongue. Plus, Coop was flying in the next evening and there was no way he wouldn't be just as bad to Blaine as Finn was to Kurt.
Burt didn't bother telling Kurt off again when he kept swearing through and after the noogie. His hair was sticking up like a porcupine and it was so hilarious the older man was too busy laughing to give a damn about the colorful language floating out of his son's mouth. “I know where you sleep, Gigantor,” Kurt muttered, feebly trying, and failing, to flatten down his hair.
All threats seemed to bounce off Finn, as he shrugged and strolled his way to his own room, picking up his xbox controller and sliding his headset back over his ears before shouting at Puck to get his ass in the game. Kurt rolled his eyes and shot a glare at Blaine and Burt in turn. “I know where you two sleep as well, don't forget.”
Blaine shared a concerned look with Burt before they followed the countertenor to the living room where the three of them settled in, Burt in his usual chair while Kurt and Blaine snuggled up on the couch, Blaine stopping his boyfriend from continuing to mess with his rumpled hair. “Leave it alone, okay? It's cute,” he mumbled in Kurt's ear, making the pale boy blush as Burt raised a brow and shook his head at them.
The three played catch up until Carole came home and joined in, quickly deciding to order pizza for dinner so there was more time spent just enjoying one another and less with Kurt taking over the kitchen and/or barking out orders as he cooked.
Morning saw Kurt and Blaine lying in a heap on Kurt's old bed, not nearly enough room for the two of them, but they made it work. Blaine was on top of Kurt and drool was slowly dripping from his bottom lip over Kurt's chest, forming a puddle that was already making the countertenor twitch. And he'd just woken up, too.
“Blaine,” he hissed, shifting beneath his boyfriend. Kurt didn't really want to wake anyone else up, since they were half naked and definitely didn't appear as innocent as they actually were. Because ew, no. Kurt was not going to repeat their high school experiences of nearly getting caught fooling around under his dad's roof. At least, not unless he was really desperate. A morning hard-on and awkward snuggle did not qualify as ‘desperate' so…
“C'mon, honey, wake up,” he tried a bit louder, voice a sort of rumble in his chest. All he got in response was a muffled groan and jerk of Blaine's hips that was so not appropriate. Kurt felt himself harden all the more and threw his head back into his pillow with a similar groan, though more out of frustration than arousal. “Seriously, Blaine? Oh my God, wake up!”
At least the drooling had stopped. Of course, Blaine was pretty much humping Kurt in his sleep now and there was definitely a loud bang that announced Finn waking up a couple doors down the hall. Shit. Blaine really needed to wake up before he managed to make them both come in their underwear and have to do an awkward walk of shame while Finn pestered them about hanging out for the day until it was time to get Cooper. Yes, they'd agreed to spend the whole day with Kurt's needy brother. Kurt would regret his pushover heart later.
“I swear, Blaine, I will tell Cooper about this. Then he'll tell our children about how their father is an insatiable horndog even in his sleep,” the head of unruly curls had started to shift, then popped up at the words ‘children' and ‘horndog'. Blaine blinked, then tossed a crooked smile at Kurt and muttered a ‘morning' while slowing the rocking of his hips. Slowing, not stopping, Kurt noted. “Blaine, stop! Dammit, we are not having any form of sex when fucking Finn is outside the door contemplating knocking right at this moment!”
As if to prove Kurt's statement, a heavy knock rapped on the door and Finn cleared his throat outside. “Uh, guys? You okay in there? Are we gonna go soon? I thought you two wanted to get coffee at the Lima Bean before lazer tag!”
Kurt rolled his eyes while Blaine snorted in laughter. “Go get some breakfast, Finn. We'll be down soon!” he answered, then glared at Blaine. “Do you want my brother to hear us getting off? Because I don't. Cooper already did that, and I'm pretty sure Finn has seen more than he should have too many times at those ridiculous glee parties anyway. I don't want to add to that. Our brothers are like demons, Blaine. Demons. They'll hold shit over our heads for years.” He shook his head before relaxing back into his old bed.
“You know, you shouldn't wake a guy with talk of children and horniness. Isn't polite at all,” Blaine murmured, eyes twinkling slightly. It wasn't the first time one of them had alluded to children, family, a future, but each time was something special. It was like a little promise that it was just a natural progression of their lives together. That it would happen and it was no big deal. That made it special somehow.
Kurt smirked, bucking his hips beneath Blaine and earning a hiss and a wicked smile. “And humping a guy awake after drooling all over him is? I have a puddle on my chest, Blaine. A puddle. Of drool. That's gross!” He was soon distracted from his drool rant, however, when Blaine crawled up his body and planted a deep kiss on his lips, rocking their hips together yet again as if to point out how both of them were still affected by his morning humping even if they were bickering and had been interrupted by Finn, the great cockblocker.
“Mmm, want you,” Blaine growled in Kurt's ear, their groins grinding together in a hot dance that had the bedsprings softly squeaking. Kurt couldn't hold back a moan as Blaine trailed little nips and kisses along his jaw and neck.
They were about to actually work toward mutual orgasms when a loud knock had Kurt jerking upright on the bed, tossing Blaine to the floor with a painful thud. “Ow…” the curly-haired boy whined, looking up at Kurt then over to the door that slowly opened so that Finn's head could pop inside.
“Puck's gonna meet us for the lazer tag. He's in town for a while cause of stuff in LA not working like he planned or something… something about a husband catching him snaking some lady's drain? I don't know. Anyway, I told him to meet us in a couple hours. So you better hurry up and get ready!” Dopey eyes found their way to Blaine, sprawled on the floor in nothing but his boxers, sporting his arousal quite obviously. Those eyes then found their way to a very pink-tinged Kurt who happened to be glaring deeply at his brother.
A pillow soon found its way to Finn's face before Kurt screamed at him. “FINN! Get the fuck out! Get out, get out, get out! Do you not know to wait after you knock? There's supposed to be an invitation before you open the damn door!” The door slammed shut then, leaving Kurt fuming and red faced on his bed while Blaine rubbed his sore ass from where he'd landed rather hard on the floor. “I want to go back to being an only child.”
Lazer tag with Finn and Puck actually turned out really fun, especially when Noah insisted on pairing up with Kurt and they beat the crap out of Finn and Blaine. It was especially hilarious when Kurt showed incredible dodging skills and stealth like some sort of feline. Blaine joked that his affection for cat-based Halloween costumes was suddenly explained, as Kurt got the final hit in on him and celebrated his victory.
After that, the four of them went to lunch at Breadstix just for old times sake, Puck shoving some in his pockets in honor of Santana, which made Kurt and Blaine giggle. Blaine then pulled out his phone and told Puck to strike a pose with his stuffed pockets, taking a picture and sending to to Santana back in New York.
“Wait, Tana's stayin' with you guys? Damn. That apartment has to be insane. That Smythe guy and the crazy lesbian Cheerio under one roof… Plus Kurt's attitude.” Puck earned himself a good kick to the shin for that comment, while Finn and Blaine silently agreed that the living situation sounded (or was, in Blaine's case) insane.
It was soon decided that the lot of them would head back to the Hummel-Hudson home for some video games, where Kurt killed Puck with a headshot five times in a row before he was commanded to “stop playing and go knit a fucking sweater or something” and instead unplugged the xbox, making both Puck and Finn whine.
“I do not knit, Noah. I design. I sew. I make fashion. Someday you will wear my label, and I will point it out every chance I get,” he said proudly, grabbing Blaine's hand and tugging him up and toward the door. “Now we need to go fetch the other problem child of a brother. So, you two don't kill each other, kay?” He batted his lashes at the two ex-Titans and headed out to his old car, which had thankfully been kept in working order by his dad.
Blaine hopped into the passenger seat and started up their old car rides playlist on Kurt's ipod and they were off for Columbus.
“Blainers!” was all the warning Blaine got before he was tackled by his over-enthusiastic older brother. Kurt giggled in the background, gathering Coop's bags and shoving them in the back of his car, then finally joined the two, forcing his way into the hug. “Kurtsie!” Kurt promptly removed himself from the hug in order to punch Cooper in the groin.
Once the older man was doubled over in pain, Kurt smirked and gave his boyfriend a kiss before jauntily making his way back to the driver's side door. “You should really know better by now, Coop,” he called back at the visiting man, shaking his head as he got into the car.
Blaine helped Cooper into the back seat, then took his place beside Kurt, unable to stop himself from smiling the entire time. The sour look on Coop's face only added to Blaine's joy, especially when Kurt made an exaggerated pout in the rearview mirror at him. “Oh, quit it, Hummel. You have a mean right hook. Did Blaine teach you or something? Jesus. I should have stayed home and just Skyped you two. Much less dangerous for my health…”
They stopped for some food in Columbus because none of them had eaten dinner and it was already well into the evening. By the time they got to Lima it was almost eleven o'clock and Burt was snoring in his chair, Carole cleaning the kitchen while Finn flipped through channels on the TV.
Burt jerked awake when Cooper swooped in and obnoxiously kissed his cheek. At some point last summer Coop had spent a good week at the Hummel-Hudson house and just kind of became one of the many adopted children of the family. He ranked right up there with Puck and Blaine and recently Sebastian, amongst others. Rachel had mostly fallen out of favor, though. Maybe Cooper took her spot. Kurt inwardly shrugged to himself as he observed his dad swatting at the older Anderson brother.
“Get outta here, kid,” he grumbled, while Cooper laughed and called him ‘Pops'. Carole stood in the doorway grinning like a loon at the antics, clearly loving the familial bond that these three once-separate families had formed all together.
Kurt sidled over to his stepmother as he watched Cooper and Finn reconnect, Blaine finding his way into the fray as well as the four males wrestled over the remote control like some kind of wild animals. “They really are something, aren't they? I think Coop is the youngest mentally, but Finn gives him a run for his money. Dad and Blaine don't stand a chance against those two, though.” As if to prove this point, Cooper came out victorious while Finn sat on a disgruntled Blaine, Burt still looking around for the remote like a lost puppy.
Carole giggled, then leaned on her stepson and sighed. “They are something indeed. Oh, I do love them all. I am so happy for you, Kurt. The way you and Blaine look at each other it just… Oh, sweetie, it just reminds me of how I look at your dad. Like he's everything and the only thing all at once and he's safety and love. You two have something very special,” she wiped at her eyes and Kurt tried to muffle a sniffle as he did the same. “I'm just glad to be witnessing it, and get to be a little part of it is all.”
Leave it to Carole to be all sentimental and sweet and make Kurt cry. He shook his head at her but leaned in to give her a side hug all the same as the other four settled in to watch whatever Cooper had turned on. Then the familiar jingle got louder and Kurt groaned. “Oh my God, Cooper, turn your damn commercial off!” He slipped away from Carole and sneaked up behind the couch, plucking the remote from the older man's hand and flipping the channel to TLC. “Ooo, What Not To Wear marathon!”
In no time, Kurt perched on Blaine's lap and Carole took her chair while Finn and Cooper shoved their way onto the couch with the cuddling boys. Burt was almost instantly back to snoring, and Finn wasn't far behind.
“Hey, Kurt? You're gonna design something really cool for me to wear when I'm on the red carpet for my big acting debut, yeah?” Coop asked sleepily, making Kurt blush.
He smiled softly and snuggled back into Blaine's embrace before answering. “Of course, Coop. You'll be the best dressed D-list actor in the place.” The snark was met with a stuck out tongue. A couple more episodes were watched before everyone made their way to bed, Carole setting up the couch for Cooper.
The next day was Christmas Eve, and holiday baking was planned for most of the day. Kurt felt comforted in the fact that his old home was filled with family, and Blaine felt more at home than he ever had at the Anderson household. This was what Christmas was all about. Love, happiness, family…
“Hey Kurt?” Blaine murmured as they snuggled under the covers, slowly nodding off. “I hope every Christmas is like this…”