Oct. 18, 2015, 7 p.m.
Oct. 18, 2015, 7 p.m.
Follow up to this (tumblr link, previous chapter of this collection). Based on the sentence prompt “The skirt is short on purpose.” (rated T)
Drabble: Follow up to this (tumblr link, previous chapter of this collection). Based on the sentence prompt “The skirt is short on purpose.” (rated T)
Bed rest and Kurt Hummel were simply not cut out for each other. The boy was going insane, and he'd already been lectured at least four times for getting out of bed and hobbling around without the assistance of one of his family members, most of the lectures coming from Carole who was the resident nurse and so took it upon herself to be on constant ‘Kurt patrol' as she called it.
HIs broken arm kept him from using crutches, which meant he needed support from another person in order to properly keep weight off of his sprained ankle whenever he moved around. Kurt didn't like this plan. He didn't like getting carried up the stairs to his room, hated being helped to the bathroom, and seriously had a problem with not even being able to go to school for over two weeks since Kurt couldn't even push a wheelchair given his arm problem. He was essentially immobile and on house arrest. And it sucked royally.
He'd also been taken out of cheering for the season since his injuries would take a good 8 weeks to fully heal. He was so mad. The only person he didn't constantly curse at was his boyfriend, who came over every day, often when he should be in class, just to keep Kurt company and make sure he didn't fall over trying to take a piss.
“Babe, seriously, you need to stop being so stubborn,” the leather-clad boy commented as Kurt tried and failed to hobble to the bathroom. Blaine got up and supported him, walking him to the toilet and propping him up so he could relieve himself. “It's not like I've never seen your dick before.”
Kurt rolled his eyes and slapped Blaine on the chest as the supposed badass laughed. Once they were back in his room, Kurt grabbed his laptop and pulled up some old cheer videos, feeling the need to at least study his form and make mental notes of where he could improve if he couldn't actually practice.
“Whoa, wait, go back,” Blaine said, snatching the laptop and clicking a video that made Kurt blush profusely. It was slightly older, from before Blaine had transferred to McKinley, and back when Kurt was still establishing himself with Santana and Quinn. Tana had made a comment about the girls being more badass than the guys when it came to cheering, since they did it all in a skirt, so Kurt had decided to prove to her that the uniform didn't make a bit of difference- he could out-cheer her in his birthday suit if he really wanted to.
Blaine's eyes were practically popping out of his skull as he watched the video, then clicked to replay it. “Holy shit, babe. That is one short skirt.”
“The skirt is short on purpose, Blaine,” Kurt huffed, crossing his arms as best he could with one in a bright McKinley-red cast. “I was proving a point to Tana and Q. They didn't think I could cheer in their uniform, so I showed them I could do better. I almost did it naked, but Coach Sue would have actually killed me for that and I am far too fabulous to die.”
The look in Blaine's eyes at that idea, the naked performance, not the death, was something Kurt would store in his memory for weeks to come. “Fuck, babe. You can't just say things like that.”
Injuries be damned, Kurt was still more than capable of a heavy makeout session with his bad influence of a boyfriend. At least until his dad got home and came into his room, clearing his throat and grousing about further injuries to Kurt's ankle resulting in a ban on Blaine's visits until he healed.
Burt laughed as he left the boys, noting the grumbled ‘cockblocker' from Blaine and just rolling his eyes. Yeah, Burt had been there before. It was only his duty to keep on the legacy of parents everywhere, though.