Drabble Collection
A Bigger Couch Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Drabble Collection: A Bigger Couch

E - Words: 607 - Last Updated: Oct 18, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Feb 08, 2015 - Updated: Feb 08, 2015
191 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Semi-prompted by on tumblr when I talked about my headcanon. Here's what happens when Finchel fight post-college…

Title: A Bigger Couch

Rating: PG

Ships: Klaine, Finchel

Warning: Fluff. Lots of fluffy fluff.

Kurt strode into his living room after hearing a loud ‘oomph' that sounded a lot like his idiot brother. But that couldn't be right, because Finn was supposed to call before he came over, and it was much too early in the morning for him to be there unless he slept over, and he definitely hadn't been there when Kurt and Blaine had gone to bed last night…


He had a feeling he wouldn't like what he saw when he finally rounded the couch, but Kurt couldn't hold back the roll of his eyes or the exasperated sigh that flew from his lips.


"Oh my God, Finn, why the hell are you half-naked on my couch and why the hell is my husband on top of you?!" he demanded, hand resting on an expertly popped hip while his ‘bitch, please' face took over. He hadn't even bothered to ask Blaine for an explanation. This was the third time this happened already in the past six months, and he was pretty sure they'd both have an answer.


Like clockwork, that answer came simultaneously from each of the boys. “Rachel.” Blaine's tone was full of understanding and determined support, while Finn's was just plain pathetic. He was all whiny and he sounded a bit pained as he tried to breathe while Blaine perched on top of him.


"Okay, why are you still sitting there, Blaine, honey? I mean… I know you tend to just sit without looking but… this is weird even for you." It was true that Blaine had sat on an unsuspecting sleeping Finn a few times in the past, but usually there was awkward hopping up and apologizing, which let Kurt know he was about to walk into a room full of Finchel drama.


This time, though, no movement was made, even as Kurt tapped his foot at them. He was already dressed for the day while Blaine was still in boxers and an undershirt and Finn was at least shirtless. Thank God he had a blanket covering his lower half so Kurt didn't have to think about that…


Blaine just relaxed back into the couch, shifting atop the giant that called their couch a bed. “This keeps happening, so we figured why not embrace it. After all, you know how Finn needs cuddles when Rachel kicks him out…”


Kurt rolled his eyes again, though his lips pulled up a bit at the corners. He did love his boys, and that's just what his brother and husband were. Who needed children when they had a Finn to take care of?


"Finn, you can't just hide away anymore. You can't break up at the first sign of a problem either. You are married, little brother,” he stressed the word ‘little' which made Finn turn his nose up at him. “Look, I don't have enough coffee in my system or enough ice cream in the freezer. Honey, I'm running to the store, and there had best be a fresh pot and more clothing in here when I get back.”


The short walk to the store was filled with head shaking and sighing and little smiles that Kurt would never let his boys see. They were ridiculous, especially Finn, and he knew he would have to call Rachel and give her a little lecture after the Ben and Jerry's was devoured, but they were his family. All three of them. He'd never trade Finn, Rachel, or Blaine for anything. Even if they did have habits of abusing spare keys and pouting like kicked puppies until they got their favorite ice cream flavor.


Kurt wouldn't trade any of his life for the world.


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