April 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
So have I redeemed myself? No more fighting (for the moment), smut, hilarious Wes, good brother Finn, ND win... And it was a longer chapter to boot. Those are good redeeming qualities, yeah? ^^
Saturday was spent in a haze of depressing music and negative thoughts for Blaine Anderson. He didnt know what the hell to do, and he was sure hed ruined everything with Kurt somehow, and if he didnt have his boyfriend then why in the world would he stay at McKinley anyway? He lay on his bed most of the day beating himself up, then finally got the courage to get in his car and drive to his boyfriends house.
Boyfriend. He hoped Kurt was still his boyfriend. God, had he really messed up that badly? This was the first time Blaine had really questioned his decision to abandon the private school life so openly since he started dating Kurt. Maybe it was the final straw for the countertenor. Maybe he couldnt deal with the idea of Blaine spending time with Sebastian. He hadnt fully thought of that, had he?
Oh, God. It really would look horrible, wouldnt it? Sebastian kept trying to get Blaine to focus on him instead of Kurt, then Blaine actually went and spent some time with the boy and even considered leading the Warblers with him… Yeah, Blaine could definitely understand why Kurt would have reacted badly to his consideration.
The ex-Warbler pulled into the Hummel-Hudson driveway and took a deep breath, grabbing the red and yellow roses hed stopped for on his way before striding up to the door and ringing the bell. It looked like only his boyfriend was home still, which would be good. He really didnt want to have this argument in front of anyone else. He was already embarrassed enough for how hed acted.
"Kurt," he breathed when the taller boy opened the door, eyes bloodshot and puffy in an obvious sign that hed been crying. "Oh, Kurt, Im so, so sorry." Blaines breath caught in his throat and he reached out, catching his boyfriend around his entire torso, arms and all, and holding him tight. "I just… Rachel and her need to take everything for herself and we had that duet and she just… and Schue doesnt even say anything and… the Warblers would just… I mean theyd put me in the spotlight again in a second and you know how much I love the spotlight when Im performing and…"
Kurt shimmied out of his boyfriends grasp and pushed a finger against Blaines lips, reaching his other hand out to pluck the roses from Blaines death grip so as to stop him from destroying the pretty bouquet. "Blaine, stop." His voice was thick, but he was smiling softly, which made Blaine pleasantly optimistic.
The taller boy pulled Blaine into the house and closed the front door, setting the roses on the coffee table before perching on the couch and tugging Blaine down to sit beside him. "Honey, listen to me. I love you. I would love you even if you did decide to join stupid Sebastian back at Dalton. Im sorry I reacted the way I did. I just…" he blushed and tilted his head, holding the raven-haired boys hand tightly. "I cant give you up that easily. New Directions cant give you up that easily. Just because Rachel doesnt realize that doesnt mean nobody else does. Were keeping our duet, and McKinley is keeping you." He cocked a smirk, which made Blaine grin right back.
"You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Hummel," Blaine said, leaning in to kiss his adorable, if still a bit stuffy boyfriend. "I love you too, Kurt. I wouldnt have really gone. You know that, right? I thought about it, yeah, but I wouldnt have. I cant leave your cute ass in Lima alone." He kissed Kurt again, which led to a rather heavy make out session on Kurts couch.
Soon, shirts were untucked and moans filled the room and Blaine had to pull himself and his boyfriend off the couch so they might escape to somewhere more appropriate for what they were quickly approaching. "Mmm, Blaine, bed, now," Kurt groaned against the shorter boys mouth, practically dragging Blaine up the stairs. The dozen roses lay abandoned on the coffee table, likely to be wilted by the time either of them remembered to put them in a vase, but neither could even think enough to care.
"Oh, fuck, yes!" Kurt screamed as he reached behind himself, grasping Blaines knees and digging his nails into the flesh as he lifted himself only to fall back down on his boyfriends rigid shaft. His own knees pointed straight at his ceiling and his head was thrown back in ecstasy. Blaines eyes watered but he kept them open, watching his beautiful boyfriend ride him hard.
Kurts head snapped up and blue eyes locked with hazel as he cried out in sheer pleasure. "Mmm, Kurt, baby," Blaine panted, grasping his boyfriends ankles as if he was about to fly away. "God, youre so amazing! Oh, I love you… Love you so much… Mmm, never, ever gonna give you up, baby," he jerked his hips up, making Kurt howl when he jabbed his prostate time after time.
There was a thought in the back of Blaines mind that they could have fights like this one as often as they wanted as long as they ended in sex like this. That thought was quickly followed by guilt because they didnt have to fight to have great sex, and Blaine much preferred not fighting with his very limber, very sexy boyfriend. His boyfriend who was clenching so hard around his cock that Blaine felt like it was a miracle he hadnt blown it yet. Good lord Kurt was an amazing bottom.
"So… so close… oh God, Kurt," he moaned just as he felt Kurts walls clamp down on him while a splash of warmth coated his stomach and chest. That sent Blaine over the edge and he was coming hard into the condom that only just barely separated him from Kurts glorious ass. Mutual roars of pleasure tore through the room before Kurt leaned forward enough to collapse on Blaines chest, apparently managing to ignore the sticky layer on his skin in favor of a comfortable place to fall, utterly boneless.
The countertenor was panting while Blaine tried to catch his own breath, cock twitching as Kurts body kept squeezing him despite the post-orgasm sensitivity. "Next time, can we just skip the fighting and go straight to sex?" Kurt asked with a smirk, then leaned in and claimed Blaines mouth in a brutal kiss. They both looked completely wrecked, and Burt and Carole would both be home eventually. One of these days theyd get Blaine killed by that mythical shotgun Burt was rumored to own… But it would be so worth it.
"You realize youre laying in a pool of your own come, right?" Blaine asked with a teasing quirk of a triangular brow, which made Kurt groan predictably. "Come on, lets get cleaned up before your dad or Finn shows up and decides to kill me for stealing away your virtue or whatever."
As usual, the comment only made Kurt laugh, though he did get up with a slight wince when he pulled his body away from Blaines. Between the loss of his cock and the drag of the drying come, it was a little painful. "Okay, thats still so gross. Bodily fluids are gross, Blaine. Gross." He couldnt help but roll his eyes as he followed Kurt to the bathroom where the boy was already getting a hot shower started for them.
Blaine stepped into the shower while Kurt set out towels for the both of them. "I love you, but if your dad comes home and finds me in the shower with you and murders me I will be very angry with you. I might have to haunt you, actually. You know, since Ill be dead. Cause Burt will have murdered me and all." He was only shut up by Kurts lips when the brunette joined him in the hot spray.
The door did happen to open just as they shut off the water, but it was only Carole getting home from work, and she just smiled at them before mentioning that at least one of them should probably dry their hair so Burt wouldnt jump to conclusions. Blaine really liked Finns mom.
By the time Finn and Burt both showed up, Kurt and Carole were putting the finishing touches on eggplant parmesan while Blaine sulked in the living room with a random football game on the TV. "Get kicked out of the kitchen again?" Burt asked with a knowing look while Finn rushed into the battle zone only to get thrown out with sodas for his step-dad and Blaine as well.
"Theyre in a mood. What the hell did you do, mess with Kurts spices or something?" At Blaines silence, Finns eyes went wide. "You didnt really mess with his spices, did you? Jeez, Anderson, I knew you were blinded by love or whatever, but I didnt think you were suicidal!" The other teen scoffed at Blaine before snatching the remote and changing the channel to a game he was actually interested in while Burt rolled his eyes and laughed at his sons boyfriend.
How was Blaine to know that a simple suggestion involving rosemary and a bit of basil would cause such a fuss? He didnt know that Kurt and Carole had perfected their own herbal mix that went into Kurts homemade tomato sauce. He hadnt known that it was fucking sacred or something. He pouted, which only made Burt laugh all the more. This was not fun. He was supposed to still be glowing from their fantastic sex and the fact that they werent fighting anymore. Instead, Blaine felt like a toddler in time out or something.
He huffed when Kurt sauntered out of the kitchen and called all the boys to dinner. Burt patted him on the shoulder and guided him to the table. His frown was finally erased as a combination of the wonderful flavors of the meal and Kurts hand snaking ever further up his thigh weighed in on his mood.
While Finn was telling Burt and Carole about some trip he and Puck were planning (which both parents seemed mildly concerned about) Blaine leaned over and whispered huskily in his boyfriends ear. "Your wandering fingers are going to get us into trouble, babe, and I still dont want to be murdered by your dad…" Kurt snorted, which made the other occupants of the table look at the two boys, and Blaine blushed deeply. The dinner was… awkward, but it was over soon, and Blaine excused himself to help Finn with the dishes.
"So, you arent actually gonna let Mr. Schue give you and Kurts duet away, are you?" Finn asked as he started washing and passing clean dishes to Blaine to dry and put away. "I mean, I know Rachels good and all, but she doesnt need every song. And, dude, you cant let her steal Kurts spotlight again. Shes been doing that since like… sophomore year."
Blaine looked at the quarterback for a minute, then grinned. "Dont worry. Im not giving up that easy. And you know Kurt wont. I mean, hes much cattier than me. Hes even cattier than Rachel, for that matter. No, were gonna get our duet," he answered simply. Inside, Blaine was exploding with happiness. Finn actually wanted him to have the duet. He wanted Blaine and Kurt on the stage rather than only Rachel. It was no secret the football star was still in love with the diva. It really meant a lot that Finn cared enough about Kurt, and even Blaine, to put them before her in this. "Thanks, man," he added with a slap to Finns shoulder as they finished the dishes and took their leave of the kitchen.
That evening, Blaine spent the night and Finn managed to get Puck to come over too, leading to all four guys sprawled in the living room with blankets and pillows all over the floor and Finns Xbox going most of the night. Kurt managed to shoot each of the other boys in the head while they played Call of Duty, which made Puck curse at him loud enough to get told off by Burt. "Its a natural talent. Im just good at shooting you losers," Kurt had claimed with a shrug, which led to him getting tackled by all three of the other boys.
In the end, Finn and Blaine held him down while Puck gave him a noogie, which led to Kurt sulking on the couch with ruffled hair while Blaine snorted at him each time their eyes met. Kurt slept on the couch while the others slept on the floor, and then next morning he refused to make them breakfast until Puck tried to fix his hair in apology.
"Noah Puckerman, if you touch my hair again I swear to whatever deity you worship… I will end you," he hissed, making the mohawked jock whimper. Blaine and Finn leaned on each other laughing. "I accept your apology and Ill make you toddlers some pancakes. Now keep your hands to yourself and behave!"
At the command, Puck, Finn, and Blaine all retreated to the living room where the shortest boy convinced the others to actually clean up the pillows and blankets before they got into another game. The pancakes were delicious, and Kurt even sat in Blaines lap on the couch when Puck and Finn got out Rock Band and the boyfriends shared the mic.
From Wes: We havent talked in a while…
From Wes: It isnt because I gave your boyfriends ass a hickey, is it?
Blaine almost snorted his milk out his nose during lunch at school on Monday. Kurt looked curiously at him and he showed the countertenor his phone, which made the taller boy giggle. "Oh God, Blaine, you have to ease his mind! Poor Wes. Hes probably freaking out."
To Wes: It has nothing to do with your scandalous relationship with Kurts glorious globes.
When Kurt snatched his phone, his cheeks darkened and he quickly typed out another text.
To Wes: OMG my boyfriend is a jerk. This is Kurt. He hasnt talked to you because Rachel has us practicing 24/7 to try and beat the birdies. Apparently shes terrified of the competition. You should feel proud of your alma mater.
Kurt then gave Blaine a dubious look and added another message.
To Wes: I think you left a permanent mark though. Were you staking a claim, Wesley? There something you need to tell me and Blaine about? ;)
From Wes: SHUT UP, KURT!
"Hahaha! I dont think Ive ever seen him so flustered. He never text yells," Blaine commented, taking a bite of what he was pretty sure was supposed to be chicken? Right? Maybe? Whatever, it was food and he was hungry. Kurt just chuckled to himself and kept munching on his salad.
To Wes: Well definitely hang out after Sectionals though, man. Its Blaine again if you couldnt tell. And you cant claim Kurt. I already did that. ;)
He was pretty sure the winky faces were going to make his friend explode, but it was just too fun to let up. Wes texted back a string of swear words, then agreed that theyd have an epic sleep over or something soon, which Kurt could attend if he agreed to keep his ass to himself. That only made Blaine actually manage to snort milk out of his nose, which made him yelp in discomfort and curse his best friend.
"Im kind of surprised thats the first the party has come up," Kurt mused as they emptied their trays and wandered lazily to their lockers. They still had plenty of time before afternoon classes started. "I mean, there was some pretty crazy stuff going down at that soiree…" They shared a knowing look, then shook their heads.
Blaine opened his locker and started switching out his books. "Yeah, but I dont like to think about the hungry look in Sebastians eyes when you spanked him, thanks. Besides, everybody was pretty drunk, right? Im sure they all forgot half of what happened," he waved it all off, closing his locker and turning to Kurts. The countertenor was finished with his books and now was fixing his hair in a little mirror inside the door. "You look fine, babe. Promise."
Smiling at his boyfriend, Blaine leaned in so they could share a quick kiss, parting with joy in their eyes. "I love you," Kurt murmured, which Blaine answered with an echo. The two headed for their classes with hands clutched together, not worrying for the moment. It had been a good day so far. Only a few locker shoves to speak of. Of course, Blaine knew it wouldnt stay so good. He was going to confront Mr. Schuester in glee, which would inevitably lead to a confrontation with Rachel as well. This was going to be fun.
"…and I owe it all to you…"
Blaine held Kurt in his arms on the stage while the last notes of their duet rang out, then they stood and smiled at the cheering crowd. That had been the perfect number to open up with, and everyone was pumped up now. The two bounded back to the group and started shimmying along as they slid smoothly into the group number, which heavily featured Puck and Finn.
They all got into the upbeat rhythm of the Sugar Ray song, singing and dancing and just enjoying themselves. Their set list was just plain fun, and it showed. They were excited, happy, and no one could fake this amount of joy. While they were up on that stage, the New Directions didnt care who won. They were just having a damn good time.
From Answer the Phone, they transitioned into Rachels solo of Lily Allens Smile which was included as a little homage to all the people who had ever beaten them in the past, or beaten them down. The jocks, Coach Sylvester, the competition… Every time the New Directions won, they were able to smile as they saw that defeat in their competitions eyes.
Rachel finished her solo with a girlish flourish and they all smiled and took a collective bow, the theatre filling with cheers. Next theyd all watch the Warblers take the stage, and Blaine had never been more nervous.
It seemed like no time at all before the McKinley students were off the stage and out in the audience, sliding into their row of seats as the Dalton boys took the stage. Kurt tensed up beside him and Blaine grabbed his boyfriends hand, whispering that they had this. Their duet had been amazing. There was no way their friends could compete with that.
Then movement flashed on the stage and the backing vocals called out a tune as Sebastian spun around and smirked at the audience, opened his mouth, and started to sing.
"Shot through the heart and youre to blame
Darlin you give love a bad name."
Blaine gasped and Kurt stiffened all the more. Holy. Crap. Sebastian was actually rocking Bon Jovi. They might be screwed.
"An angels smile is what you sell
You promise me heaven then put me through hell
Chains of love got a hold on me
When passions a prison you cant break free…"
It was really good. A solid performance with sharp moves and stomping and… Blaine was impressed. Then they swiftly moved into their second song and he gaped. They were working their way from old to new, hard to alternative, and they were doing it quite well.
Sympathy For The Devil was just too appropriate for Sebastian, in Blaines opinion, and he had to shake his head as the preppy boy sang. It was impressive to hear the song a cappella, too. Stupid Sebastian. Why did he have to be so talented anyway?
"I cannot believe Sebastian Smythe just pulled off Bon Jovi and the Rolling Stones," Kurt muttered in Blaines ear as the one song Blaine had already heard rang through the theatre. "And a current song too? Well, I use the term loosely, but still. Dammit, hes good," Kurt hissed and Blaine looked past him only to see Rachel literally biting her nails down to stubs.
This competition had better end soon…
For a minute, Blaine thought Sebastian had been idiot enough to leave the swear in his final number, but the Warbler subbed in stupid with a wink which seemed meant for Blaine. It only made him grumble under his breath, begrudgingly standing and clapping for the boy. He reasoned with himself that he was really clapping for his friends in the group. Nick and Jeff deserved a Sectionals win even if Sebastian deserved… well… nothing.
They all got up and made their way to the stage once judging had finished, waiting with such an eagerness that it was practically sparking around them. Sebastian stood smug until Kurt glared at him and he balked. That was interesting… Before Blaine could really think on it, though, the results were in and the winner was being announced.
"…and in first place, from Lima, Ohio, the New Directions!" Rachel screamed, Kurt slapped the back of her head before holding his left ear, and Blaine tackled his off-balance boyfriend, sending them both to the floor. Theyd won! Theyd beat Sebastian! The New Directions were going to Regionals!