April 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
This chapter is a bit... short. Sorry about that. I promise Ill make up for it!
"If were really going up against the Warblers we have to have a killer set list, Mr. Schue!" Rachels voice screeched across the choir room. Theyd just learned who they were set to go against at Sectionals and the Warblers were on that list. They all knew how talented that group was, and even if they were all friends, it wasnt going to be anything less than a bloodbath of a competition.
They had already settled on the Time of My Life duet, but now even that was being called into question and Blaine was very frustrated. The Warblers were never so wishy-washy as the New Directions could be, and sometimes he really missed the order of his old group. Sometimes he missed the infinite solos, too, if he was being honest.
Kurts voice rang out then, a sharp edge to it. "Rachel Berry, your jealousy is showing," he snapped, turning his head to glare at their teacher. "If you pull that duet, especially to give another solo to Rachel fucking Berry, I swear to God-"
"Language, Kurt!" Schue yelled, making Kurt shut his mouth and simply glare around the room.
When people started talking more about solos and group numbers and all that crap, Blaine settled himself beside his boyfriend and rubbed his thigh in an attempt to stop the angry muttering that had steadily been raising in volume. "Baby, you are going to get yourself kicked out if you dont bite you tongue. If you need help I could bite it for you I suppose…" he whispered a bit huskily in Kurts ear, making the other boy shiver.
"Blaine, you cannot just say things like that," he mumbled, shifting in his seat. He was at least less upset by the drama unfolding around them, so Blaine felt like hed accomplished something good.
By the end of the meeting, Blaine was pretty sure they had lost the duet spot and Rachel was on her way to some Broadway solo that would be overdone and predictable, so it seemed his progress with calming Kurt down had been the only good thing to come out of it. Now Blaine wasnt even going to get a chance to shine at Sectionals and he was just… done. He wasnt going to say anything to Kurt about it but…
Blaine was seriously regretting not being at Dalton right now. He looked beside him and felt a twinge in his heart. Oh. Right. That was why he wasnt at Dalton. And suddenly solos didnt matter. Because all that mattered was the boy beside him and the love that overflowed Blaines steadily beating heart.
The nostalgia didnt fade as Blaine left the school, and once his boyfriend had taken his leave of the parking lot claiming family dinner that evening, the dark haired boy headed for a certain academy in Westerville. Perhaps he shouldnt have given in to his feelings of homesickness for his old school, but Blaine was seriously feeling the stress of public school. He was tired, he was frustrated, and he wanted to be the top dog again. He missed heading the Warblers. He missed his blazer. He missed his boys.
It came as little surprise to the bow tie clad boy upon entering the old practice area, that the Warblers were just finishing up a meeting. He met Jeffs eyes first, then Nick looked up and grinned at him, and soon the entire group of boys was swarming him. Last of them was Sebastian. of course, who strode over with a cocky smirk on his face.
"Blainers, how nice of you to visit! Are you out spying for your lesser choir now? Well, I dont think those fools have anything on us, so I wouldnt mind showing you a bit of what we have in store for Sectionals…" he said, smirk curling ever wider and more calculating. "In fact, why not don the old blazer and join in? I always wondered how it would feel to have you sing back up to my lead."
Against his better judgement, Blaine let Nick and Jeff slide a spare blazer over his shoulders as the first few notes of a familiar song fell from the lips of some of the boys. "Motion City? Really, Sebastian? I never figured you had the balls to try them a cappella." Blaines muttering petered off as he joined in the backing vocals and Sebastians voice filled the room, the familiar synchronized steps coming second nature to the ex-Warbler.
"I am wrecked. I am overblown.
Im also fed up with the common cold.
But I just hate to say goodbye
To all the metaphors and lies
That have taken me years to come up with."
Sebastian cocked a grin at Blaine, dancing and singing at him, motioning for him to be the answering voice in the next bit.
"Say its true. Say you like me.
(I like you, Blaine answered with a roll of his eyes)
Just for the night.
For me its been eternity…"
The two sparred in their dance and Blaine couldnt help but smile back at the happy-go-lucky Sebastian. The boy lit up when he performed and it was infectious. God, did Blaine miss this. He loved the cohesion of the Warblers. The way they pushed themselves and somehow managed to sound like an instrumental accompaniment even though it was just their voices. It was amazing and he felt special being a part of it.
"I am wrecked. I am overblown.
Im also fed up with the fucking common cold!
When I just want to feel alive for the first time in my life,
I just want to feel attractive today."
Sebastian was panting as he ended the song, and Blaine kept grinning at him, reaching out to slap a hand on the taller boys shoulder. "Nicely done, Seb. You might want to leave out the fuck for competition though," he said with a small laugh, then the rest of the boys broke out in cheers.
"So, what brought you here really, Blainers?" Sebastian asked once they were settled on one of the couches, the rest of the boys heading off for dinner and claiming theyd get together with Blaine soon for another Smash Brothers tourney at Wess. For once, Sebastian didnt seem utterly smug and superior and annoying. He wasnt condescending. He actually seemed… like a friend. It was weird.
Blaine sighed and shook his head at the other teen. "Just stuff at McKinley getting to me I guess. Theyre all really nice and everything but… New Directions is just nothing like the Warblers. I mean, all this unity and the drive. Its just… not there." He slumped, elbows on his knees and chin in his hands. "I was supposed to have a duet with Kurt and now I think it got pulled because Rachel is too much of a song-hog. I just miss being the go-to soloist I guess. I dunno…"
The hand on Blaines back was unexpected but also soothing, and he couldnt help but relax into the touch. Sebastian was being really supportive, and it was just what Blaine needed. Kurt couldnt be there for him right now, and he had needed more of the consoling today anyway in comparison, so maybe Blaine would just have to accept the comfort where he could find it.
"So come back," Sebastian said simply, as if it was that easy. Blaine stared at him and he continued. "Come back to Dalton. Transfer back. You still have your spot on the Warblers, though I do insist that I still get some solos. Stop dealing with all the stupid public school drama and come back where you belong, Blainers. With me." Was that really what Blaine wanted?
He thought to himself and Sebastian slowly got up from their shared couch. "Just think on it, Blaine. No need to make a decision right away. But… Sectionals are coming up soon, so the sooner you get the paperwork in the better, right? Well be a shoe in for Nationals with both of us on the team. You know that, Blainers." With a wink, Sebastian stalked out of the room and left Blaine with way too much on his mind and not nearly enough time to sort it all out.
From Kurt: Omg Rachel just texted me asking what I thought about song selections for her and Finn to sing at Sectionals.
From Kurt: Seriously, Blaine, does she not realize that WE ARE SINGING OUR DUET AT SECTIONALS?!?!
From Kurt: Now shes lecturing me via text about the good of the group vs my need to shine. What the actual fuck, Blaine?
From Kurt: Blaine? Are you even getting these? Im about to kill the girl who is supposed to be my best friend. You could at least pay attention.
Blaine looked at his cell phone, sighed, then lay back down on his back on top of his comforter. It wasnt that he didnt care. It really wasnt that. It was just… well, he was thinking about Sebastians offer to come back to Dalton and these updates about Rachels insistence to have everything were just making him consider it that much more seriously.
The sound of his text alert made him roll his eyes and let out a hefty sigh before rolling over on his stomach and grabbing his phone, unlocking the screen and staring at the new message before tapping out a reply.
From Kurt: Killing Rachel is a justifiable homicide, though, right?
To Kurt: Dont kill Rachel.
To Kurt: She isnt worth the blood stains.
From Kurt: LOL! Thats a fair point. You are such a smart boyfriend.
Blaine grimaced at that. Yes. Smart. He was clearly that. It explained why he took that impromptu trip to Westerville and gave himself this ridiculous headache. Because smart people totally spent time with guys their boyfriends hated and considered leaving said boyfriends side to spend more time around said nemesis. God, Blaine felt like an idiot.
To Kurt: What would you say if I told you I was considering a return to hair gel and blazers?
As soon as he hit the send button, Blaine bit his lip and wished he could undo it. This was stupid! He wasnt really going to leave McKinley. Yes, he missed the Warblers like crazy, but he had Kurt! He only needed Kurt. And he had independence at McKinley and he wasnt sheltered anymore and he stood up to his fears daily and… his text alert pulled him from his thoughts and he winced before even looking at the screen.
From Kurt: …
From Kurt: Blaine? I… This isnt something… No. This is a very cruel joke, Blaine Anderson.
From Kurt: Just dont even bother coming over tomorrow like you were going to. I dont really feel up for a date right now.
The ex-Warbler felt his heart clench painfully at those words. The next day was Saturday and theyd planned to go to the mall together, then spend most of the afternoon alone at Kurts house while Burt and Carole were both at work and Finn was off doing who knew what with Puck. He sucked in deep breaths as he shakily typed back to Kurt.
To Kurt: Okay. If thats what you want. I… Im sorry, Kurt. I love you.
The countertenor didnt respond.