Bandaged Wings Fly Higher
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Bandaged Wings Fly Higher: Chapter 7

E - Words: 2,814 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Mar 15, 2015 - Updated: Mar 15, 2015
224 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

The trouble with putting New Directions and the Warblers together is... well, they all tend to get a little wild...

Seeing all of New Directions looking around Wess game room in utter awe. Well, all of them but Kurt, who had been prepared ahead of time and simply strutted through the room to the host, giving Wes a huge hug and grinning cheekily at Blaine. "Your friends love me more than you," he called in a sing-song voice as he was pounced on by both Nick and Jeff. It was true that Kurt had become quite popular with the Warblers.

"You are being tackle-hugged by Peter Pan and a male Tiger Lily, Kurt. I somehow dont feel the need to be jealous." Blaine, who had dressed as a dog after convincing Kurt to pull out the same cat costume hed worn last year, shook his head and made the collar around his neck click when the tags clashed together.

Of course, the shifting brought attention to said tags, and Santana, who was some kind of fairy with very little clothes, leaned over to examine them. "Ooo, wanky," she muttered, which got everyones attention. Kurt and Blaine both blushed deeply and Kurt absently played with his own tagged collar.

"Dont tell me the Pussy and his Pooch have gone kinky on us," a familiar voice filled the room announcing the unfortunate arrival of the last Warbler and last missing party guest. Sebastian strolled into the room, tight pants hugging his hips and a riding crop in hand. He was dressed as a jockey. "So, what does your precious collar proclaim, Gay-face? If lost please do not return?"

Kurt tried to turn away, but the taller boy blocked him with the crop, reaching out to flick the tag over in his hand and smirk cruelly. Blaine watched as Kurt batted at the lead Warblers hand, catching him with a sharply manicured nail and only managing to make Sebastian laugh before he mocked them both. "Property of Blaine Anderson? Is that so?" Green eyes flashed condescendingly and Blaine winced when he heard his boyfriend whimper.

Santana rolled her eyes, however, popping her hips as she strode over to snatch the crop and swat the loud-mouthed Warbler on the thigh with it. "Lay off my gays, pretty boy. I think theyre adorable. Id claim my properly in their situation, too. Have you seen those asses?" Then her eyes glinted dangerously and Blaine gulped. "Or maybe thats your problem. You have seen and you want. Well, thats too bad for you Pretty, cause you are not getting between Porcelain and the Pooch."

It didnt take long for Wes, dressed as a Navy Seal, to take charge and start the games. Everyone would be spending the night in the game room and other rooms of Wess wing of the house. His parents were actually home somewhere, but they were far enough away that they might as well not even be there. It was strange for most of the McKinley crowd, but Blaine was used to it so he hardly noticed.

The night started with beer pong, which Kurt insisted on sitting out so he, Rachel, Mercedes, and Jeff all played a singing game on the large TV. Once Puck and Finn had been declared Kings of Pong, it was decided that theyd skip the boring games and move right along to truth or dare. At first they were going to play with just asking each other, rather than spinning a bottle, but it quickly became obvious that there were too many drama queens amongst the two glee clubs to be so civilized, so Puck, who had thrown on a leather jacket as claimed to be dressed as a punk, spun a beer bottle to get things properly started.

When Quinn chose a dare, Puck had her make out with a Warbler of her choosing, which left Wes with a lap full of Cheerio. Quinn spun Jeff, who had to confess his most embarrassing wet dream, which involved a foot fetish and a teacher who none of the McKinley crowd knew but had the Warblers howling.

So the game went, Superman Finn  wearing ballerina Rachels tutu, Kurt sitting in Davids lap for three turns, Artie wheeling around blindfolded until he knocked over an end table and broke a lamp that apparently came from Italy but Wes didnt seem at all worried about…

Then Puck spun after Santana dared him, and he managed, to kiss Finns pasty ass. And the bottle landed on Sebastian. Who grinned like a cat who caught the canary. "Dare. Think you can challenge me, Puck?" The way Sebastian spat Pucks name made Blaines blood boil and he saw Kurt smirk when Puck snarled at the pompous boy.

"Alright, Birdbrain. I dare you to take five strikes from that little crop of yours," the jock said smugly, watching Sebastian grit his teeth even as his eyes grew dark with arousal. "From Hummel."

Sebastians jaw dropped while Kurt choked and gaped at Puck. Blaine started laughing. "What the fuck, Noah, I am not nearly drunk enough for that!" Kurt shrieked, having only drank two drinks the whole night and so barely feeling a buzz by this point. Blaine was pretty much doubled over with laughter while Santana high-fived Puck for a great dare. Sebastian looked utterly horrified.

"You know you want to, Kurtsie," Puck cooed, which had the countertenor launching himself at the mohawked teen, claws flying for his face. "Not me! Down tiger!" Puck actually got up and ran around the room while Kurt hissed and chased after him for a lap before they both stopped, panting and staring at a still-shell-shocked Sebastian.

Kurts eyes closed and reopened slowly as he sighed. "I cannot believe Im about to do this. Someone get me a fucking drink. No, actually, make that a bottle. This calls for shots."

So it happened that Kurt downed a good bit of strawberry vodka before approaching a glaring Sebastian Smythe, who had just downed his own liquid courage. "You arent fighting this?" Kurt asked, and Blaine, who had stopped laughing and started seriously considering the situation listened closely.

"Im not a pussy. I wont be backing out of a stupid dare." Sebastians voice was hard and determined, which had Kurt nodding as he took the crop and bit back a giggle as the taller boy turned around and leaned over, holding the back of a chair and effectively presenting his tightly-clothed ass to Kurt.

With a deep breath, Kurt pulled the crop back, then flicked his wrist, setting it forward to slap Sebastians ass, though not very hard at all. Through his clothing it most likely would have barely stung, which was only confirmed when Sebastian spoke. "Come on, Princess, surely you can do better than that. Do you do everything like a girl? Maybe you really are more than just effeminate…"

Was Sebastian egging Kurt on so hed hit him harder? Holy shit. Blaine was so not sober enough to process this information properly. He wasnt that drunk, but even a little alcohol did funny things to him, so hed have to revisit this later. Later as in, when Kurt wasnt slapping the shit out of a keening Sebastian Smythe. Damn. That was hot.

The fifth hit was the hardest and Kurt was panting by the time hed finished. Sebastians face was flushed, as was Kurts, and Santana was whooping. The Warblers either gaped or looked much too gleeful while the New Directions were staring at Kurt in something akin to wonder.

Feeling like he should take the spotlight off of his boyfriend now, Blaine flailed around his mind for some idea of what to do. "Body shots?" he asked with excitement even as the questioning quality stuck in his tone. Still, it worked to distract the room from Kurt and Sebastian, who were looking at each other weirdly. "Uh… baby?" he asked, approaching Kurt and shaking him from his apparent daze. "You okay?"

Blue eyes locked on hazel and Kurt nodded, though he still looked unsettled. "Yeah. Im fine. Im good. Um… Wanna go get some water?" The two of them headed hand in hand for the kitchen, riding crop left on the floor near a shaken Sebastian. This was shaping up to be an… odd party.



Everybody was pretty drunk after the body shots were consumed, so it wasnt much of a surprise when Santana pulled a card game out of her purse and explained that theyd be using their old bottle friend again. "You spin, then you pick a card from each of these piles," she motioned to the two decks of cards. "Blues action, reds area. So you do the action to the area on the card. To whoever you spin. Got it?"

Blaine had a feeling he was not drunk enough for this, after he and Kurt had mostly avoided the shots in favor of downing a water bottle each. Nobody but Santana knew exactly how risque this game might get, and he had a certain idea that it wool probably get a little… extreme. He was so not intoxicated enough to be biting Rachels nipple or something. And knowing him, thats what hed have to do…

The Latina decided that their host should begin the party, so Wes spun the empty tequila bottle and drew cards to see what hed be doing to Kurt, who was already sputtering about bottles favoring him and it not being remotely fair. Kurts sputtering only got worse as Wess cards were revealed to be suck and ass. 

"What the actual fuck, Satan?!" he yelped, while Blaine silently stared at Wes and wondered just how much his best friend might be about to do to his boyfriend. "This might be your most ridiculous game yet, and thats saying something."

Santana simply rolled her eyes before answering the outraged Kurt. "It isnt like he has to eat you out, Lady Hummel. Just put a little hickey on your cheek. You do have to adjust that leotard to expose a cheek though." Her eyes flashed evilly and Kurt blushed. Wes, for what it was worth, grinned and laughed good-naturedly.

Standing up with his back toward the Asian boy, Kurt did as he was told and exposed his left ass cheek, which Wes leaned in and sucked on until Kurt hissed and batted at his head complaining about suck not requiring the use of teeth. Once he had a purpling bruise on his butt, Kurt sat back down and glared around the circle. "Im so glad most of you are wasted," he muttered, sending the bottle spinning.

It seemed to be sheer luck that the bottle teetered between Blaine and Jeff, only to stop on a grinning puppy. "Oh, yay!" Blaine proclaimed with a clap, which made everybody, even Kurt, laugh as the countertenor picked cards. "So what are you going to do to me, baby?"

Kurts eyes went wide and he turned absolutely crimson at the words on the cards, then he turned to Santana with a glare. "Santana! You cannot expect us to do what is on these cards!" The girl in question simply shrugged and suggested a couple shots to lower Kurts inhibitions which only made the boy scowl. "Why wouldnt you at least take out the overly sexual cards? Seriously, there is no reason for a cock/clit card to be included in a group party!" There was some sputtering around the circle at his words.

"Um… what exactly are you supposed to do to my cock?" Blaine asked, his own blush quickly covering his face and neck. "Um, that means everybodys about to see my cock doesnt it? I really hope youre all drunk enough to have very fuzzy memories of tonight…"

Kurt revealed the action card, which said lick, and Blaine groaned, shoving the heel of his hand against his crotch. It didnt really matter if the group of friends knew he was turned on, did it? They were about to see his boyfriend lick his damn hard on. There wasnt much to hide in this group anymore it seemed.

After encouragement to just do it already and that it wasnt something any of them hadnt seen before, except maybe Rachel who doesnt count anyway which led to an angry outcry from Rachel, which was mostly ignored, Blaine unzipped and Kurt bent down before him to rest a cheek on his boyfriends inner thigh. The brunette reached in and pulled Blaines erection from his boxers, fondling him a bit before sticking out his tongue and giving a few kitten licks before trailing one long, solid lick from the base all the way to the tip. With a glint in those gorgeous blue eyes, Kurt tucked the still-hard dick back into Blaines pants and licked his lips before kissing his boyfriend hard.

"Thats not even fair, you tease," Blaine muttered as Kurt sat beside him and Blaine reached out to take his turn spinning the bottle. Hilariously, it landed on Finn, who went wide-eyed based on the cards that had been picked so far. "Oh, calm down Frankenteen. They arent all dirty. And there are some repeats too, just so ya know," Santana informed them as Blaine flipped his cards. Bite and neck were revealed, and Finn looked a little less terrified.

Blaine crawled over to Finn muttering about how he was glad his action hadnt come up with Kurts body part card, which made Finn whimper and nod in agreement. Soon enough, there was a love-bite on Finns neck and he was spinning the bottle while Kurt giggled about his boyfriend marking his brother.

Soon enough, Finn had kissed Nicks hip, the Warbler had licked Tinas lips, and Tina had awkwardly rubbed Santanas ass. "Okay, that was just weird," Kurt murmured in Blaines ear, to which the shorter boy nodded his full agreement. While they spoke together, Santana spun and landed on Kurt, again, who groaned. "Goddammit. I hate bottles. You better not get something overly sexual, Satan, or I swear…"

When the girl picked her cards, she simply flipped them for the room to see. "Looks like I get to bite your nipple, Porcelain." Kurt groaned again, but slipped an arm out of his costume and pulled the leotard down to expose a pert, pink nipple. Santana bit him, which made him yelp and almost swipe at her head. "Careful, Lady Face. Still keep razors in my hair," she said with a chuckle, then left him to straighten out his clothes and spin the bottle again.

Kurt ended up with a simple touch and another cock/clit when he landed on Brittany, which wasnt actually too awful even though he never wanted to go so close to a girls genitals. She actually made it kind of oddly educational, and Kurt just shrugged and wiped his hand on Blaines jeans when he went back to his spot in the circle.

Brittany ended up kissing Arties earlobe, then Artie sucked an alarmed looking Sebastians hip. Sebastian spun Rachel and had to rub her lips, which was strange as shit. Then Rachel spun Kurt and he about gave up. "I do not understand how I get spun so often!" he screeched, just as the girl revealed that she had to suck his neck. They both awkwardly groaned and got together, Rachel latching on to his neck like a sucker fish and making Kurt claw at her hair until she let up and glared at him before taking her place in the circle.

There were going to be some awkward marks to explain the next week or so… Kurt rolled his eyes and spun, only to find himself tasked with sucking Sebastians earlobe, which happened to be a weak spot for him it would seem, since he failed to hold back a moan. A thoroughly blushing Kurt returned to his spot near Blaine while Sebastian spun and landed on Mike, and after having to kiss the Asian boys nipple, the Warbler declared that this game had gone on long enough and it was time to move on to some Smash Bros tournaments.

The video gams distracted most of the party goers from the games that inevitably led to sexual situation, and they started drinking when KOd which led to a very drunk Blaine as he still insisted on playing as Kirby. Kurt played a few rounds, Puck forcing Peach on him, and he kicked ass by mashing buttons, so he was banned from playing and instead lay down with his head in Blaines lap, cheering his drunk boyfriend on.


If Sebastian Smythe threw Kurt strange looks every now and then, he didnt notice. And if some of them werent nearly as intoxicated as they should have been for such games to occur, well, theyd never discuss that. The next day was for hangovers and long drives back to Lima. Theyd revisit the events of that party sometime in the not-so-distant future.


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