April 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
I should probably warn you that there is a... really hot scene in this chapter. Just uh... so youre prepared. Heh.
Also, Im off work today because Im sick as a dog, so Im glad to at least put up something that makes me happy while I cough up a lung.
Blaine had spent most of the week following the party with Cooper, as the older male was leaving for LA soon thereafter. Hed seen Kurt a couple times, once even taking his car to the shop for an oil change while Kurt was working and introducing Coop to Burt. While the two exchanged pleasantries, Blaine had watched Kurt work, much to the boys chagrin.
"God, Blaine, I look horrible. I have grease all over me and Im in coveralls for Gods sake. This is so embarrassing!" Hed pretty much freaked out, but Blaine had simply grinned and called his boyfriend incredibly hot and well-rounded. There had been a few jokes about how Kurt would be responsible for any and all mechanical issues in the future, since Blaine had utterly failed at the car-building-bonding thing his father had attempted with him a few years back, which Coop had come over and affirmed.
Coopers voice boomed through the garage, making Burt laugh as well. "Blainers shouldnt be allowed around tools. Hes a hazard waiting to happen, I swear." Blaine rolled his eyes, but didnt argue, which made Kurt grin at his boyfriend. "Pretty much the only grease hes allowed to touch is the cooking kind. Thank God he doesnt use the hair kind anymore. I figure I have you to thank for that, Kurt. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The gel helmet was so bad."
That had sparked an interesting conversation which led to a picture of Blaine in his Dalton blazer with his hair plastered to his head being unearthed from his room. Kurt had almost wept for Blaines poor curls, and made the boy swear hed never do that again. Ever. That it was hair abuse and Kurt would harm him for it. Since hed heard the same thing from Cooper, he just sighed, shook his head, and agreed to embrace the curls. At least Kurt had taught him how to avoid a faux-fro…
It was only after their parents had left for some conference in Maine and Kurt accompanied Blaine to drive Cooper to the airport that Blaine found out about a certain run in his boyfriend had with a certain acquaintance who really needed to go the hell back to France.
Theyd just said their goodbyes to Coop and pulled away from the departures curb when Kurt went quiet and started fidgeting. Blaine was frustrated with having to see his brother leave, even if he did understand why and was happy for Coopers success. It didnt exactly put him in the best mood to deal with an anxious Kurt though. "Why are you twitching like that?" he snapped, glancing at Kurt as he pulled onto the freeway, clearly irritated.
Inside, Blaine knew he shouldnt be taking out his frustration on his boyfriend. It was just… saying goodbye to Coop was hard and he wasnt handling the idea of going back to an empty house with a constantly busy boyfriend all that well. It was just hard to cope with his family sometimes. Kurt would most likely understand that, but Blaine wasnt exactly explaining any of it, so it wasnt as if the countertenor could play the part of concerned and supportive boyfriend.
Instead, Kurt snapped right back at Blaine, sounding wounded and very… small. It was very un-Kurt-like, and it made Blaines stomach clench uncomfortably. "Maybe Im just upset because a certain smirky Meerkat decided to rub the fact that Im not fucking good enough in my gay face and you only just now noticed that something was bothering me!"
"W-what?" Blaine asked, tongue going a little numb in his mouth as he tried to figure out when exactly this could have happened and how he could get to Sebastian fast enough to show off his boxing skills on the pompous jerks face. It had to have been…
The day before…
Blaine was spending a final full day with Cooper and Kurt didnt want to interrupt the brothers. They didnt get much time to bond, and it wasnt like Kurt didnt have plenty of time to spend with his boyfriend. He had all the rest of summer, plus their whole senior year, and then they already planned to take New York by storm together. What was one day off spent without his stunning boyfriend?
It was nothing. No big deal. Kurt could handle it without pouting his day away, so he took his time getting ready then headed to the Lima Bean for a non-fat mocha to start his hopefully productive summer day off.
Of course Kurt would sit down only for the smirking and lurking form of Sebastian Smythe to wander over to his chosen table. And of course, said smirky idiot would deem it necessary to sit down and converse with Kurt. The countertenor had looked the slightly taller boy up and down, then scoffed, turning his nose up in obvious distaste.
"I thought I was going to enjoy today, but it seems Im doomed to suffer the company of a lowlife such as yourself. You smell like Cragslist," Kurt bit, blue eyes shining in an icy way that left nothing of his mood to guess. He was practically murderous toward Sebastian, and why wouldnt he be? The boy had done nothing but throw himself at Kurts boyfriend, all while trying to make Kurt feel like he was somehow lesser than Sebastian. That simply wasnt true, and Kurt wasnt about to let the boy keep believing it.
Not to be deterred, the green-eyed boy leaned forward, lips curled into a cruel smile. "Oh, Princess, dont kid yourself," he cooed in a voice smooth as honey but with a sour bite to it. "The only person fitting of the word low is you. Who were you kidding at that party anyway, Gay-face? Do you really think you fit in? Do you think you pulled it off? Blainers couldnt make up for how incredibly unworthy you were. Trust me. Everybody noticed."
Kurt had gone visibly paler, which was always a feat of sorts given his natural skin tone. His hands shook as he tried to hold his mocha still, leeching the warmth from his drink yet still feeling cold down to his bones. Sebastian had stood by then, shooting Kurt another too-sweet grin.
"Do everyone a favor, Princess. Give up on Blaine. Youre never going to be good enough for him. Hes simply out of your league." With that, he waved his fingers and left the cafe, leaving behind a shaken boy with no idea what he was supposed to do.
"He made it pretty clear that Im not of the right social standing to be with you, Blaine. I mean, I didnt think that was how you felt, but now youre so damn upset about saying goodbye to Cooper that you dont even seem to care that I told my dad Im staying at Rachels tonight in preparation for the Glee party tomorrow and I had no intention of actually staying at Rachels and I thought we could…" By this point, Blaine had pulled off at a conveniently placed rest stop and shut Kurts ramblings up with his lips pressed hard and demanding to his boyfriends mouth.
Only after licking them open and thoroughly exploring Kurts mouth did Blaine pull back and give Kurt a lop-sided grin. "You talk too much," he said, leaning in for another quick kiss before shifting gears and getting onto the road, only to grab Kurts hand and hold it tightly and with confidence. "You also listen too much to the wrong people, Kurt. I love you. Sebastian has no clue what hes talking about. Hell, Cooper doesnt fit in with the elitists at our parents parties. Thats kinda the point."
Blaine glanced sideways and saw his boyfriend start to grin, which gave him confidence to keep talking. "Listen. You arent from the same background as me, but that doesnt matter. It might actually make me love you more, cause it means your head isnt wedged so far up your ass Id have to call you Sebastian." That actually made Kurt snort, so Blaine laughed too. "Now… what were you saying about tonight and not staying with Rachel?"
There were certain things a person never thought he would do. For example, Blaine Anderson always knew he would give a boy head. Hed never fooled himself into thinking he wouldnt ever have a dick in his mouth. He had, however, thought hed never swallow. It had just been a thing with him. Hed always thought that it was too odd a substance to want in his mouth, or his stomach, and so hed finish the boy by hand and so it would go.
The first time hed had Kurt in his mouth- the first time hed had anyone in his mouth- however, that had gone out the window. Blaine had worked the boy over almost to the edge, and as Kurt pulled on his hair in warning, crying out above him, the only thing Blaine could think was why wouldnt he want to swallow, so he did. And he loved it.
Knowing how much he disagreed with his initial thoughts on swallowing made Blaine question his other limits as well, which explained how he found himself kneeling behind his boyfriend with his tongue shoved deep into said boyfriends ass, Kurt practically howling loud enough to fill the otherwise empty house.
Hed never thought this area of the body was meant for a mouth to touch. No, Blaine was a prim and proper sort. He was orderly and overly focused on cleanliness much of the time, at least when he was being himself, which Kurt knew well by now, so it was no shock that his boyfriend stared at him in utter surprise when Blaine told him what he wanted to do. With reassurance from the black-haired boy, Kurt had gotten into position, and now he was a writhing mess as Blaine worked his tongue around and inside his wet, pink hole.
The thing was, now that they were very sexually active with each other and Blaine understood more of their bodies, he understood that there was much more to know about this part of said bodies. It wasnt dirty as he had always thought, and it wasnt just for sitting, shitting, and getting some as Cooper had once joked after getting rather drunk on champagne at a boring rich people party. Kurt and Blaine were both very clean people, and so took care of their bodies, which meant Blaine had found a whole new way to taste his boyfriends musky, sexy flavor that was so utterly Kurt.
Blaine moaned and pulled away to breathe, moving his thumb against Kurts spit-soaked entrance while he growled at his boyfriend who was now twitching before him. "God, baby, you are so fucking sexy. I cant believe I ever didnt want to do this. Shit, I dont think I even need touched to come right now." And he wasnt joking. Blaines dick jerked between his legs, making him so thankful hed thought to undress before diving into his task. Kurt simply groaned, pushing his ass back toward Blaines face and whimpering with need.
"Okay, okay," he chuckled before leaning back in, his tongue lapping and prodding, working Kurt over as if hed done this a million times before. Rimming was apparently a natural talent of Blaines. Whod have guessed? It wasnt long before Kurt was crying out for Blaine, begging him for more, desperate for Blaine to be inside of him.
With one last, long lick inside of Kurt, Blaine pulled away and slid a condom on his pulsing length, knowing he wouldnt last long at all but also knowing just how close Kurt was. His hole was already clenching so hard on the empty air and he was whining so wantonly. Blaine had to bite his lip to keep his own sounds in as he slicked himself up and lined up with Kurt. "You arent really stretched, though, baby," he commented, trying to stop himself from being too eager and properly prep his boyfriend.
In response, Kurt growled, literally growled, like a snarl, and threw his body back, impaling himself on Blaines rigid cock. Both let out near-screams as Blaine sank to the hilt, stilling inside of Kurt and panting over him while Kurt leaned his own head down against the mattress and matched Blaines heavy breathing.
"Kurt… are you… okay..?" Blaine asked, catching his breath and fighting to keep himself from exploding right then and there. God, Kurt was tight. He definitely wasnt stretched as much as usual, and Blaine felt like he was in the most wonderful yet torturous vice grip. If he didnt move soon he was going to die, but if he moved too soon, hed just come and embarrass himself and leave Kurt sore and needy. That would be all sorts of not good. He groaned.
He felt more than saw Kurt move to his elbows, then turn his head and shoot a petulant look over his shoulder. "Blaine. If you do not move I am going to withhold sex for the rest of the goddamn summer." And at that threat, Blaine rocked his hips and managed to hold off his orgasm until they were both convulsing on his bed, spending the next few hours wrapped in a lazy haze of sticky sweat-soaked arms and legs in the air-conditioned mansion that was the Anderson household. No worries or cares plagued them the rest of the day spent simply wrapped up in each other and the simple tranquility of summer vacation.
"I hate pools." Kurts pout could put even a sulking Tina to shame as he crossed his arms and sat haughtily in a cushioned lounge chair. Blaine had only just stopped giggling at how tomato-red his boyfriends back had turned when he fell asleep at the start of the party, not to mention the smiley face that now adorned said back thanks to Puck drawing with sunscreen. Kurt was less than pleased.
"I cant believe you let me fall asleep and then didnt fucking stop Noah from fucking doodling on me," he lectured for what must have been the tenth time already. Blaine just bent over, holding his stomach in laughter while Puck passed by and slapped Kurts chest, leaving a handprint on the steadily reddening skin. (Kurt had argued that he had to get even tones now, so he was doomed to be a full fledged lobster thanks to his earlier nap.)
The screech that Kurt emitted from that slap was enough to make Finn bitch at Puck to leave his brother alone, while Santana asked Blaine if hed chopped off his boyfriends balls to get his voice that high. This only made Kurt swear even more, moodily retreating to a cooler of juice and the less judgmental company of Mike, Tina, and Artie.
Blaine, shirtless and tan as shouldnt even be allowed according to both Kurt and Quinn who had high-fived the countertenor for his good tastes when the stripping first commenced, shook his head at his boyfriend before jumping into the pool with a great splash. Kurt might dislike pools, but Blaine loved them, and he didnt even care how bushy and ridiculous his hair got, either.
At some point Rachel and Brittany begged Kurt enough that he at least sat on the side of the pool with his legs in the water, and Blaine found his way over, swimming up between his boyfriends knees and peering up at him through sopping curls and wet lashes. "Hey, baby. Hows your burn feeling?" he asked softly, most of the others off doing their own thing, splashing or tossing a beach ball or trying to convince Artie to attach floaties to his chair.
"Just stings a little. Its making me sweat more than normal I think, too, but whatever. Summers full of sweaty sticky grossness anyway, right?" Blaine was tempted to point out what wonderful things resulted in sweat and stickiness, but he was interrupted by Puck announcing a game a chicken, then lifting Quinn onto his shoulders with a loud squeal and a chuckle.
Kurt groaned as Quinns eyes fell on him and Blaine, who figured out what was coming just before the Head Cheerio opened her mouth. "Only if you get your pretty prissy ass on your boys shoulders and face me, Hummel. You never did hang around the squad long enough for me to prove just how well I could kick your ass."
Of course, when a challenge was made it had to be answered. Kurt was not one to back down, especially when his own superiority was in question. "I swear to God, Blaine, if you drop me and mess up my hair I will not be held responsible for drowning you," he threatened, climbing onto Blaines shoulders while the shorter boy simply laughed and teetered on the bottom of the pool.
The battle was as epic as Blaine knew it would be. Kurt and Quinn were both determined, and Puck was playing dirty in the water, using his longer legs to try and trip Blaine up every chance he got until Quinn tugged on what she could grab of his mohawk, hissing about falling over and ruining the game. For his part, Kurt didnt pull too hard on Blaines curls, and he clawed at Quinn like a damn cat, which was kind of hilarious. The two of them were evenly matched, so it was no real surprise when Puck finally managed to wrap a leg around Blaines ankle and cause him to fall backwards in the water.
With a great splash, Kurt entered the pool, his whole body sliding underwater only for him to break the surface with a growl, sweeping his sopping hair out of his eyes to glare at the jock. "Noah, you cheater!" And then he pounced, and Blaine and Quinn leaned on each other to keep from drowning while they laughed at the boys wrestling, Kurt having completely gotten over his fear of the chlorinated water in his need to drown Noah Puckerman.
Blaine finally had to drag his boyfriend out of the pool when the countertenor had climbed on top of Puck and held the boy underwater by kneeling on him. There were knee-shaped bruises on the jocks back, which made Quinn laugh harder than before, and Kurt simply smirked until Puck slapped him on the sunburnt back, which made him yelp instead. It was an… eventful day.
"We lost." Kurt said with a raised brow, peering at Blaine.
Blaine ran a hand over his neck, at least looking a little sheepish as they gathered their things, the party coming to a natural end with the setting of the sun. "Yeah, I know, but Puck totally cheated so you really cant justify drowning me." His argument was solid, right? Blaine thought so. It wasnt his fault Puckerman was a cheater.
"Yes, well, you at least get to put cocoa butter on my back so I dont get alligator skin. Since someone wasnt being a nice, protective boyfriend and let me get all burnt and gross…" With a breath of agreement from Blaine and a soft kiss between them, the two headed back to Blaines house, Kurt having made Finn take his shift at the garage the next day due to his sunburn. He wouldnt be lifting his arms over his head for a couple days at least, so why not spend that time with his boyfriend? They both were fans of that logic, and both enjoyed the healing time spent curled up in Blaines bed in the air conditioned house.