Bandaged Wings Fly Higher
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bandaged Wings Fly Higher: Chapter 18

E - Words: 2,710 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Mar 15, 2015 - Updated: Mar 15, 2015
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Author's Notes:

Hope that wasnt too fluffy and/or sappy for anybody. Haha. The epilogue is pretty entertaining in my opinion, so make sure you check that out later when it goes up (still fine-tuning it before posting it!).

I just wanted to take a sec to thank everyone who has reviewed or rated or given feedback in any way. I really appreciate it. You guys make it worth writing. Ill still be looking every day at any new reviews that show up, too, even once the series is over, so please keep reviewing, readers! Im always looking for feedback. What do you love? What wasnt so successful? What would you enjoy more of? What could I cut back on? Please, let me know.

Thanks, everyone! I hope youll keep reading and enjoying my stories! <3

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" Blaine pretty much screeched into the phone, only for Sebastian to make disgruntled noises and Kurt to plead for his eardrums. "Sorry. But holy shit you guys!"

"You finally discovered three-way calling?" Sebastian snarked, which made Kurt grumble again. Blaine could imagine both boys rolling their eyes and had to muffle his own laugh.

Kurt cleared his throat then. "What is it, Blaine? Why didnt you wait to talk to me when you came over anyway? Its not like you arent supposed to be here in like… two hours or so…" It was a Saturday and the two had plans to play some kind of games with Finn and Puck, who had decided that Kurt could be bullied into playing more now that he was dating Blaine, who actually really enjoyed playing.

"No, no, it couldnt wait! And Bas had to be in on the call cause he probably has one too!" At the sound of their confusion, Blaine continued. "NYU! The letter came today! I havent opened it yet. I wanted to do it with you guys. Well, with you on the phone at least I guess. Bas, did you get yours?"

Sebastian was hoping to go to NYU as well, studying law as his father expected but minoring in English. There was a lot of pressure to go to Columbia, but Bas really didnt want to keep the prep school image that would come with that. "Let me go check. Hold on." In the silence, Kurt and Blaine talked about what smaller options theyd already been accepted to and what Kurt expected from NYADA. "Ive got it. Ready when you are."

Blaine bit his lip, put his phone on speaker, then started opening the envelope. "Alright. Count of three. One,"

Kurt voiced the two and Sebastian the three before both boys ripped into their letters and went silent as they read. "Well? Guys! You cant just keep me in the void here. Whats going on? Did you get it?!" Kurts impatient voice brought Blaine back to the face that he was on the phone and they couldnt see him nodding as he teared up.

"Yeah," he choked, wiping at his eyes. "I… I got in. I got in!" His smile split his face and Blaine wished he was with the boys instead of just on the phone so he could hug them. "Bas?"

Sebastians muffled noises concerned Blaine and Kurt for a minute before they heard his thick voice, clearly trying to hide his happy tears. "I got the scholarship. I… I got in and my dad cant say no. I cant believe this. I dont deserve this…" His end of the line muffled again and Blaine was pretty sure the Warbler was trying to hide his emotional reaction.

"Hey, Bas, no hiding. Youre allowed to be emotional about this, you stubborn Meerkat. You worked your ass off on that scholarship application," Kurt paused and Blaine could hear the smile in his voice. "Were so proud of you, Sebastian." And in that moment, as Sebastian openly cried and Blaine stared at the letter that promised his future, he thought hed never been so in love with his amazing, selfless boyfriend. His boyfriend who still hadnt gotten his most important letters yet, who was still terrified, yet was able to say exactly what their best friend needed to hear and really, really mean it.



Rachel was still bouncing while Blaine bit his tongue and kept his arm wrapped around Kurts waist protectively. Their NYADA letters had come the night before and theyd opened them together that morning in the choir room- Rachel got in, but Kurt… well, Kurt didnt. It wasnt like he wanted to go there. Parsons was his dream school after all, but it would have been so nice to have a great backup like that…

It was already lunch and Rachel was still radiating energy, even as they made their way through the line to get some food. Kurts eyes were shining in a way that Blaine knew meant he was close to breaking, but he kept fighting the tears back. He couldnt blame his boyfriend. Rachel was kind of being a shitty friend at the moment. Theyd both celebrated with her already after all. She could at least be a little more sensitive to the fact that Kurt had yet to get a New York acceptance letter…

"You okay, babe?" Blaine asked quietly, his voice rumbling in the countertenors ear and making the boy shiver pleasantly. They shared a tray, which Blaine loaded with a bowl of fruit salad and some fries while Kurt plucked up a salad and some acceptable dressing.

Two water bottles found their way to the tray next, and Kurt sighed as they made their way to the usual Glee table. "Ill be fine. Just getting nervous. I just really want my golden ticket out of here, you know?" His eyes flashed with fear and Blaine did know. He understood that it was also a fear of being left behind, and the ex-Warbler silently promised that would never happen.

"Oh my God, Kurt, is that your dad?" Blaine squeaked as a french fry fell from his open mouth, ketchup barely missing Kurts sleeve. The brunette was sufficiently distracted from yelling at his boyfriend, however, as his father rushed through the cafeteria with some envelope in his hand and a huge grin over his face.

Finn glanced at Kurt, who was gaping at his father, then the man was at the table throwing the opened piece of mail at his son and babbling about how he couldnt wait and had to open it and he was sorry but it was just necessary and Kurt needed to look at the damn letter now before he put his father into the hospital for overdoing it again, so Kurt pulled the letter out of the envelope without even looking at the return address and read.

His jaw dropped even further, if that was possible, and Blaine rested his chin on Kurts shoulder so he could read as well. This was probably a bad idea, in retrospect, as Kurt was soon squealing, turning his head to look at Burt, which put his mouth just about at Blaines ear. "OH MY GOD, DAD! I GOT IN!"

No, Blaine didnt need to hear when he was in his lectures at college. No need to worry about that ear drum… He whimpered and pulled his head back, sticking a finger in the hurt ear and wiggling it as if he could rid himself of the ringing noise by doing so. "Ouch…" he muttered, but quickly opened his arms as Kurt pulled away from his fathers hug and launched himself at Blaine. "So, guess you got your golden ticket, huh?" he whispered, kissing Kurts neck as the taller boy nuzzled into Blaines shoulder.

They were going to New York together. And Bas would be there too. And Rachel… It was going to be fantastic. It didnt even matter that Kurt had just squealed and hugged his father in front of the whole school at lunch. They were leaving this place and all its bullies behind. Blaine felt like he could fly- no, soar. He was finally going to be free!



Of course, there was still the matter of Nationals to worry about. Everyone had been receiving their acceptance letters and the atmosphere was buzzing with energy and excitement. They were all going on to bigger and brighter things, and even the juniors were feeling the effects.

"Alright, guys, listen up. The theme for the competition is Inspiration, and I thought we could go with whats been inspiring us these last few years. Lets pull out our own classics. Those songs that have become our own little iconic go-tos when we need to be inspired, or when we just want to give up. What do you lean on?" Mr. Schues words got everyone talking, and they immediately knew which song theyd perform as their final competition song, as a group.

Finn and Rachel stood and grinned at him before the whole club yelled. "Dont Stop!" Mr. Schuester laughed and smiled, shaking his head and nodding along with them in agreement. Then, Mercedes voiced an idea that had Kurt groaning while Rachel tried to bid for a solo.

With a shrug, the black diva glanced between them. "Sorry, guys, but Defying Gravity was pretty iconic for us as a club. It had to be brought up. Im not sure we could handle another diva-off between you two, though, especially if Kurt didnt throw the note this time…" Rachel made a face and Kurt had to bite his lip to keep from snickering at her expression. Then an idea hit him.

"What if we did a different Wicked song? I mean… Rachel and me, as a duet?" There were murmurs around the room, then he locked eyes with the girl in question and she got a look about her before practically bouncing.

Blaine wasnt sure which song Kurt would want to do, as hed heard them sing Popular at each other, but he was pretty sure theyd have a better idea for inspiration… "For Good, right?" Rachel voiced softly, and Kurt nodded with a grin. "Oh, I do so adore you, Kurt!" They did some weird high-five hug thing and then Mr. Schuester made sure everyone was okay with the duet idea before they went on to decide on a third song.

Out of nowhere, Puck spoke up. "What about that time Blaine sang out on the quad? That Imagine Dragons song? Got all our heads out of our asses and earned him a few slushies… thats gotta mean something, right?" Hmm, he supposed that was inspirational. It had really been more meant to encourage himself to stop being such a wimp and just get out with everything, but… well, if it inspired the others, that was pretty cool.

"I think theres some choreography Brit and I could get down and teach everybody involving solo cups…" Mike mused, while Brittany nodded along and Santana rolled her eyes, though she did so with a certain loving glint in them. "We could start with that, since its more of a song about beginnings…"

And then they were off, practicing and preparing for the trip to Chicago for Nationals. Everything was falling back into place, it seemed. Yeah, things were still stressful. It was insane to think that in a matter of months theyd be heading to New York to get ready for a whole new experience at college, but it was so exciting!

Blaine was scared shitless, but he was also so looking forward to all these new experiences. Somehow he just knew he was on his way to an incredible adventure, and he had the perfect company to go along with him.



"Its time to begin, isnt it?

I get a little bit bigger but then Ill admit

Im just the same as I was

Dont you understand

That Im never changing who I am…"


The music faded and slowly transitioned to the second number while Blaine shifted back into the group and Kurt and Rachel took center stage together, Rachels voice filling the theatre.


"Im limited

Just look at me

Im limited

And just look at you, you can do all I couldnt do,


So now its up to you

For both of us

Now its up to you…"


There were gasps of appreciation and shock when Kurt started singing, and Blaine felt himself smiling as the rest of them swayed and let out supporting Ooos in the background. It really was an incredible duet. Kurt and Rachel sounded wonderful together.


"Ive heard it said

That people come into our lives for a reason

Bringing something we must learn

And we are led

To those who help us most, to grow

If we let them

And we help them in return.

Well, I dont know if I believe thats true,

But I know Im who I am today

Because I knew you…"


He looked at Rachel with love in his eyes and it was immediately clear, even if Blaine didnt personally know both of them, that they were very best friends. There was a link between them and a truth to their song that simply warmed the heart. As Kurt continued, emotion danced across the countertenors face.


"Like a comet pulled from orbit

As it passes the sun,

Like a stream that meets a boulder

Halfway through the wood,

Who can say if Ive been changed for the better?

But because I knew you,

I have been changed for good."


There were tears in Rachels eyes as she sang her part, especially when the line about rewriting their stories came up. Theyd really changed each others lives, given each other a true friend when theyd both been so alone… Blaine was so thankful for Rachel because shed helped the boy who would become his world back before Blaine was in any position to do so. Before he even knew either of them existed.

Rachel picked back up again and Blaine felt the truth once more, though on a much more personal level.


"And just to clear the air,

I ask forgiveness

For the things Ive done, you blame me for,"


When Kurt sang his part, he glanced at Blaine, voice booming when the two sang the last line together.


"But then, I guess we know

Theres blame to share,

And none of it seems to matter anymore!"


The audience exploded and Kurt and Rachel filled the room with their mingled voices, sounding like they belonged on a New York stage. Blaine hoped some day theyd be on one together, too.


"Who can say if Ive been

Changed for the better?

I do believe I have been

Changed for the better,

And because I knew you…

Because I knew you…

Because I knew you…

I have been changed for good!"


Jumping right into their final number was easy with the energy radiating from the audience. Finns voice rang out the start of the Journey song and they all fell into step, sharing smiles and feeling the nostalgia as a group. The chorus came out strong every time, and each verse featured so much enthusiasm it was infectious. Blaine and Kurt danced together without worry, even bumping hips at the same time as Brittany and Santana did the same move. It was cute and flirty and fun, and the audience loved them.

"Dont stop!"

They ended with chins dropped and one arm raised, legs spread shoulder-width apart as the stage lights instantly fell to blackness. The crowd went wild as they panted on the stage, barely dragging themselves to their dressing area to wait for the results. It was hardly any time before Sebastian, Nick, and Jeff barged in the door whooping and hollering about how epic the performance had been.

It seemed like no time and all the time in the world before they were called to the stage for the awards ceremony. The Warblers wished them luck, proclaiming they didnt really need it, then took their seats in the audience again, and Blaine snatched Kurts hand in a vice grip as they waited.

"And your first place National Show Choir champions are… The New Directions from Lima, Ohio!" Blaine was pretty sure hed never hear out of his right ear again since both Kurt and Rachel had squealed into it as they hugged each other and pulled him into it, bouncing up and down in their utter joy.


Theyd won! Theyd actually won Nationals! It was a dream come true, and soon the three of them would be heading to New York to keep living their dreams. It seemed like the world had opened up in such a short time, Blaine could hardly keep up with it all. He loved it though. "Wow," was all he could mutter before Kurt was in his arms and they were kissing on stage while Rachel hugged a trophy that was taller than her. Wow was right…


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