April 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 23, 2015, 7 p.m.
Despite Rachel insisting they have the annual Christmas party at her house, plans were immediately made for a New Directions and Warblers joint celebration at Wess mansion since the older boy would be in town from school and missed all his Dalton (and now McKinley) friends. It was all anyone could talk about from the moment they all got back to school after the week off for Thanksgiving. December was… not the most productive month for Glee.
"Sebastian has been texting me all week about establishing a rule involving him, me, and spankings, Blaine," Kurt announced as he met his boyfriend at their lockers the Thursday after Thanksgiving. He was rolling his eyes even as he switched out his books and went about his normal routine. "I think hes paranoid."
Blaine snorted and made to reply just as a duo of red and green slushies met the two boys faces, leaving them sputtering. "Just getting you fags in the holiday spirit!" Azimio called while a whole group of jocks cackled their way further along the hall.
"Fuck," Kurt cursed, while Blaine just whined as he squinted, dye and sugar combining in his right eye and effectively blinding him. God, slushies hurt. And they were cold. And dammit, now his white sweater was all splotchy and didnt even come close to matching the blue bow tie and bright yellow pants he was wearing with it.
His curls were drooping too. Blaine was pretty sure he looked like a kicked puppy, which was only made clearer when Kurt focused on him and offered a sad little pout. "Oh, honey," the countertenor started, sounding much sweeter now that he wasnt violently swearing. "You look so sad. Do you want to just play sick and go back to your house? Caroles off today, but she wont say anything to Dad if I call her and let her know what happened…"
Oh, and that sounded like a great idea, actually, especially considering Blaines parents were still… wherever the fuck theyd been for Thanksgiving. Hed really stopped keeping track. He nodded his head at his boyfriend and they made a hasty trip to the nearest girls bathroom (where Tina happened to already be and assisted in ridding them of the worst of the slush) before slipping out of the building and to Blaines car.
Kurt sent Finn a text that Tina had his keys and Finn had better be careful driving his baby or else, since theyd ridden to school together that morning and the quarterback would probably appreciate a ride home. It really went to show how close Finn and Kurt had gotten when the jock didnt even question his step-brother skipping, and instead promised to hunt down his and Blaines homework for them if they wanted.
"You know, Finn has really grown up. Im actually proud of him. Its so strange," Kurt commented after hanging up with Carole who promised not to say anything to Burt so as to keep his heart rate under control. As long as the boys werent injured or seriously threatened, she understood. They were good kids. They deserved a day off every now and then. "Im also really glad my dad got remarried. Does that mean Im growing up too?"
For his credit, Blaine tried to not to laugh at his boyfriend. Of course, he failed, but that was not the point. "Youre adorable. And brothers are good to have, even when they are incredibly annoying." Cooper still hadnt said if he was going to make it home for Christmas or not this year. Blaine knew it was hard, what with all the auditions he had to go to in order to keep getting a pay check, but… he missed the pest.
It didnt take long for the boys to reach the empty Anderson house, and when they got in they pretty much immediately started stripping. Something about sticky syrup and the lingering chill of ice made it very important to remove ones clothes. They were both shivering and naked, but Kurt insisted on treating the clothes before they could go shower and get warmed up. "Blaine, these stains will set if I dont work on them right away. Fashion should not suffer just because some neanderthals have no respect or human decency."
Finally, they were huddled together under a steaming spray of water, lips pressed in a bruising kiss and hands roaming over goose-bump tinged flesh. It didnt take long for them to finish the shower after Blaine wrapped his fist around both of them and brought them off together under the soothing stream of heat. Sated and warm, the boys finished cleaning off and dried each other, following the towels with their lips and exchanging promises of love and care. There was no better way to get over a slushie attack in Blaines opinion.
Soon enough, they were cuddled up on the couch in the living room, Blaines sweatpants falling short on Kurts long legs. That didnt matter, though, as it was just the two of them for the whole day, snuggling and nodding off at times while they watched mindless marathons on Bravo until eating a light lunch which involved quite a bit of feet creeping up calves and fingers reaching across the table to touch each other.
Unsurprisingly, the two spent their afternoon in various throes of passion, working hard to figure out every different way to get each other off. It was a very well-spent afternoon, and by the time Kurt went home for dinner, he was pretty sure Blaine had at least a full load of laundry to do.
The rest of the month went by in a blur of Christmas carols, festive slushies, snow storms, a couple snow days, and one locker slam that left such a large bruise on Kurts hip that Blaine ran down the hall after Azimio and jumped on him, having to get pulled off by Sue Sylvester before he could punch the brutes face in. Both Blaine and the jock had been assigned detention for that, but it was with it in Blaines opinion. He only wished hed gotten a good hit in.
Fortunately, Christmas break came sooner than Blaine expected since theyd been so busy, and that meant the party at Wess was quick to come. The current Warblers would be there along with Wes and David, of course, and a few others who had graduated with those two but neither Kurt nor Blaine had been close with. They were both excited to see Jeff, Nick, and Trent, though, and of course there was Sebastian. Who was apparently spending a few days at Blaines house since the ex-Warblers parents were in… Rome? Maybe? Somewhere in Europe, and Sebastian didnt feel like putting up with his own parents.
"The partys tomorrow. Does that mean you can get your dad to agree to you staying at my place tonight?" Blaine practically begged his boyfriend over the phone on the second day Sebastian was crashing at his house. "Im going crazy here. He slept in my bed last night, Kurt. He cuddles! If I wasnt positive he was so supportive of our relationship Id think he was back to his old shit."
Kurts laughter made Blaine groan, which made Sebastian call in asking if he was alright, which made Kurt laugh more. "You sound miserable, baby. Hes not that bad surely…" At the answering groan, Kurt giggled again but also cooed into the phone. "Ill ask my dad when I take him lunch. Surely you can last that long. Ill even bring you two some lunch as well as long as he approves." That made Blaine smile and inform Kurt of how much he loved him.
"You guys make me want to barf!" Sebastian yelled as Blaine said goodbye and rolled his eyes, hanging up on his giggling boyfriend.
When Kurt showed up, it was to find Sebastian sitting on his boyfriends lap, forcing him to watch… was that porn? "Oh my God, Sebastian! Turn that off! What the hell is wrong with you?" he demanded, stomping into the room and over to the boys, snatching the remote and turning the TV off. "No wonder Blaine couldnt deal with you anymore. Are you a thirteen year old or something? Dont even answer that. And get off of my boyfriend!"
It wasnt long before Kurt had both boys in the dining room with salads before them, all digging in as they discussed the party that would happen the next night. Predictably, Sebastian had a few words for the countertenor. "Listen here, Princess. There will be no spanking at this party. None. Got it?" Blaine laughed and Kurt just rolled his eyes. "Im serious! That bitchy girl better not bring any ridiculous cards again, either. That was just… weird."
"I have to agree with that. Satan isnt allowed to bring games anymore. If Wes gets that well acquainted with my ass again I might have to take him on a date." He giggled when he looked over and saw Blaines narrowed eyes. "Relax, honey, Im kidding." Sebastian was still laughing when they cleaned up and did the dishes.
It was easy for the trio to settle on a Disney marathon, this time starting with the Little Mermaid and teasing Sebastian by calling him a crab for the rest of the night. It was a really great time, and Blaine found himself happy to call Sebastian Smythe his best friend beside his boyfriend and Wes.
"Drink or Dare!" Puck demanded, while Jeff joined him in holding up fresh bottles of flavored vodka. Apparently the Warbler was a fan of this game idea, which only made Blaine shoot Nick a look and they both shook their heads. The party had actually started off innocently. Theyd had some pizza and updated the graduates on the happenings in the high school show choir world, then a bunch of them had played video games and pool while some braved the karaoke machine that Wes could no longer hide from one Rachel Berry.
Then Puck and Santana got restless and Kurt got tired of Sebastian constantly poking at him and complaining about being bored, so the three of them had started discussing game ideas. Kurt had been adamant about not allowing Santana to come up with anything, at least not until they were significantly more intoxicated, which led to Pucks genius idea.
"So Im gonna start us off with a dare for our host. Why dont you revisit that mark you made on Hummel last party and freshen it up a bit?" Puck wiggled his brows at Wes while Kurt threw an empty solo cup at the delinquents head. A sheepish Wesley grabbed the bottle of whipped cream vodka from Jeff and took a big swig almost immediately.
The Dalton alum had the decency to shrug at Kurt at least. "No offense to you, Kurt, but I actually have a girlfriend at school and I dont think shed take kindly to a habit of making out with your ass. Plus Blaine looks like he might strangle me for even thinking about it," he muttered, which made Blaine relax the fist he hadnt even realized hed been clenching. "Rachel, I dare you to sing off key."
The girl grimaced, then did as she was dared with a look on her face that plainly said she was in pain by doing such a thing. It made everyone howl with laughter, especially when she glared around at all of them. "Hmph. Noah, I dare you to touch Kurts hair," she said haughtily, basically challenging Puck with a death sentence. Of course, everyone knew the jock wouldnt back down from a dare. Everyone including Kurt.
The countertenor squeaked, then shot Rachel his best bitch-face before jumping up from his perch in Blaines lap and running as far from Puck as he could get. "Noah, you do not want to do this… Think about it. Do you really want to risk your life? Is it worth it? Wouldnt it be a hell of a lot easier to just do a shot?"
"Oh, but its the challenge, Princess," and Blaine had to snort as he realized both Bas and Puck called Kurt Princess now. He was pretty sure his boyfriend just growled. This was hilarious. And dangerous. But mostly hilarious. "Now cmere and let me pet you, kitten." In response, Kurt hissed, and Blaine fell over laughing.
Eventually, Santana and Sebastian caught Kurt and held him still while Puck ran a hand against the grain through his hair, the countertenor screaming and squirming all the while. "I swear all three of you are going to get it! That wasnt even my fucking dare! I hate you, Noah Puckerman, I hate you!"
It took a few minutes for them all to convince Kurt to sit back down and stop trying to murder Puck and the others involved with his sheer will, but once hed sat back down, Puck took his second turn of the night by daring Finn to hang out the rest of the game in his underwear.
Kurt kept averting his eyes from his mostly-naked step-brother as the game continued, and was only vaguely shocked to find very few drunk people and many more mostly-naked people the longer things progressed.
"Alright Anderson," one of the Warblers started, making Kurt pay attention which made Blaine, who was a little tipsy, giggle. "We all know you fancy yourself the best, so I dare you to name the better singer than yourself."
He was sure most people expected him to take a long time to think about it, but Blaines answer came quick and easy. "Kurt." The brunette turned in his boyfriends lap to look at the ex-lead of the Warblers in awe, quirking his brows in an obvious really? which Blaine just nodded at. "Now, Bas, I dare you to get another spanking from my talented boyfriend." The look on Sebastians face as he took a shot of straight vodka was priceless.
For a New Directions party, things were actually pretty tame, at least until the wee hours of the night. That was when Santana and Quinn slipped off with Brittany to the bathroom, only to return dressed as elves and carrying bags of… presents. For some reason, Puck was a shirtless Santa and took it upon himself to pass out the wrapped boxes before the Latina could explain that the gifts had been her idea and each one had a task inside, along with a tool to accomplish said task. Each one was specific to a person, too. They were labeled. Blaine had mixed feelings.
Of course, they were supposed to do their best to hide whatever their task was, along with their item, but it was a little hard for some of them. It was especially hard for Kurt, since his was obvious as soon as it was removed from the bag. A long, thin box, which of course, held a riding crop inside. He couldnt very well hide that, and he was pretty sure Sebastian knew his task just as well as Kurt did without even needing to read the stupid slip of paper.
"I really do not like you," the lead Warbler muttered at Santana as he opened his own gift and hid whatever hed unwrapped, though he shot Blaine a look that made him shiver. He wasnt sure he even wanted to know…
Blaine unwrapped a… pair of handcuffs, which he shoved into his back pocket before reading his note: Lady Hummel. Handcuffs. Bed post. Or a basement pipe. You can figure it out, Blanderson. ;) Oh good lord. Blaine shifted, trying to adjust himself without being too obvious. That was… hot. And completely inappropriate. And Kurt would kill him!
Pretty much everybody was on edge as they started to nod off, but they all also kept drinking so they werent exactly capable of dodging their friends. Tina had bound Mike in a pair of tap shoes and demanded that he perform a number for them all while the male Asian had awkwardly presented his girlfriend with makeup remover- the goth eyeliner had stuck around much too long in all honesty. The cheerleaders were doing her a favor.
There were a lot of awkward happenings amongst the Warblers, Finn was looking confused about receiving a bottle of cream for jock itch with a note to ask Man Hands for assistance, and Nick was blushing at the obscenely large bottle of lube that was in his box. "This is ridiculous even if we do have a lot of sex!"
"Which we do!" Jeff proudly noted, making the others laugh while Nick went red in the face. While they were all distracted, Blaine took advantage of Kurt sitting near the heavy pool table and maneuvered him so that he could click the cuffs about his wrists and trap him against the table.
When Kurt realized what his boyfriend had just done, he squeaked and gaped openly. "Oh my God, Blaine, what the hell?" And while he was looking incredulously at his boyfriend, both hands bound behind him as he sat against the pool table, Sebastian took advantage and wrapped a black silk blindfold over Kurts face. "What the fuck?!" he screamed, drawing attention to the situation and making more than a few people quirk their brows.
"Um, Bas? Why did you just blindfold my boyfriend?" Blaine asked, feeling a little nervous and shifting from one foot to the other.
The Warbler simply shrugged and motioned to the Cheerios and Puck. "Their note said to follow Dapper Dans lead and came with a blindfold. So I followed your lead." Kurt was still demanding to know what the hell they all thought they were doing, so Blaine turned his gaze to Santana.
"Oh, come on Hobbit. You can figure out what to do with him now Im sure." Santanas words just made Blaine squeak while Kurt grumbled and Sebastian laughed. "Fine, fine. You wont have any fun with an audience, will you? So boring. Well, you could at least let the whiney Warbler take back his toy and exact some revenge before you set Porcelain free."
With that evil gleam in Santanas eyes, Sebastian took his cue and snatched the crop that Kurt had dropped, smirking cheekily as he snapped it at the countertenors hip, making him yelp and hiss. "Dammit, Bas, I swear…" The threat was answered with another smirk, which Kurt couldnt see, and a quick swipe at his chest right over his nipple through the fabric of his dress shirt.
Blaine shifted as he watched Sebastian trail the slaps of the crop up Kurts inner thighs before he finally bent down to unclasp the handcuffs. Kurt had the blindfold off in an instant, face red and breath coming in pants. "Oh, you are so in for it, Meerkat…" he promised as he reached blindly for a bottle of vodka and downed a good three shots of watermelon flavored burn.
Eventually, they all passed out in various places around the room, and the next day was met with hangovers and so much puking most everyone was in a rush to leave just so they didnt get sick, or sicker. When they got back to Blaines house, Kurt demanded the Sebastian go the fuck home because he had lines of bruises up his inner thighs and spotted on his chest and he was not in a forgiving mood just yet. The Warbler apparently learned which battles to fight, as he silently let himself out of the house.
Despite his parents wanting him to go to Europe with him for the holiday (he was pretty sure they said something about Ireland, but he wasnt positive), Blaine decided to stay home for the break and spend his holiday, again, with Kurt and his family. The Hummel-Hudson household was cheery and warm as the previous year, and Blaine felt so at home it was amazing. He loved being around the family, and he absolutely adored being able to openly love Kurt without fear.
Burt welcomed him with a hand on the shoulder and a "how ya been, kid?" while Carole had a bone-crushing hug just for him. Finn got him to play some Xbox before he went off to help with the cooking and baking, and it was just a great time. Hed stay at their house for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the day after as well. Burt wasnt even pretending to fuss about where hed sleep.
"I really cant stay,"
Kurts voice rang out to the familiar tune as Blaine entered the kitchen to help with breakfast on Christmas morning. Finn was already bouncing around with his new presents but the two of them were happy to make some gingerbread french toast and some nice, strong coffee. Of course, Blaine answered his loves call.
"But, baby, its cold outside."
He slid up behind Kurt as the taller boy gathered their supplies from the fridge, kissing and nibbling at the back of his neck before taking some of his items and swaying over to the countertop to set them down, smiling at the boy who held his heart.
"Ive got to go away,
But, baby, its cold outside."
They danced with the ingredients and each other, all the while prepping bread and the egg mixture, measuring spices and sniffing for flavor, pecking kisses between lyrics.
"This evening has been,
Been hoping that youd drop in
So very nice,
Ill hold your hands, theyre just like ice!"
Blaine took Kurts naturally cold hands and held them to his warm face, smiling at the boy who simply smiled back.
"My mother will start to worry,"
Carole drowned out Blaines answer with a swift "no I wont" as she passed through to get herself some coffee, making the dapper boy snort through the end of his line. Kurt rolled his eyes.
"My father will be pacing the floor,"
"Nope!" Came Burts response through the kitchen doorway, grin clearly heard in his tone. "Pacing is bad for my heart. Youd bitch at me." This made Kurt roll his eyes all the more and Blaine was overcome with laughter, unable to complete his lines anymore.
Kurt gave up then and grumbled loudly at his family. "Glad I didnt get to the brother line. Im sure Finn wouldnt have even had a thing to say which might have been worse than the running commentary from you two. What a family Ive got…" But he was smiling, so Blaine just shook his head and resumed his position behind Kurt, hips pressed against his ass and arms wrapped about his waist, head against his shoulder.
"They just know Im a good, trustworthy guy. They love me. You know you want your father to love me. Its much better than threats of a shotgun…" His cheeky grin won him a sweet kiss, then the family was digging into their food and the day was spent in a happy state of camaraderie. Later that night, Blaine gave Kurt a real promise ring, this one simple, thin, and silver. Kurt presented Blaine with a simple bracelet, plain on the outside but with Elizabeth engraved on the inside. It had been his mothers, but it was pretty gender-neutral, and Blaine was one of the few who had never questioned Kurts middle name.
Somehow, theyd both made real promises to each other that night, and they both slept easily in Kurts bed, curled up in each others arms as if they were home. And they were. And it was perfect.