Bandaged Wings Fly Higher
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bandaged Wings Fly Higher: Chapter 12

E - Words: 3,160 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Mar 15, 2015 - Updated: Mar 15, 2015
203 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I have so much love for Cooper. And Anderbro moments. Also, I am so far behind right now. The next chapter isnt fully written yet. Not to worry though. Ill get caught up this weekend and be ready to post on schedule!

So, just to give an idea, if the chapter count sticks to plan (aka the characters dont get too sidetracked and add chapters in), were still looking at 18 plus Epilogue, which will be posted on the same day as the last chapter just like in Broken Wings. That means two more weeks of posting this story and it will be completely up! So Friday, April 24th will be the completion date as far as posting goes! :D

When Blaine accepted Sebastians friend request on Facebook, there was a bit of a ruckus. First, the other Warblers all liked it, Jeff babbling in the comments about Warbler brotherhood or some such that prompted a snarky comment from Santana. Next, Kurt and Sebastian had added each other, which caused more comments on Blaines friend update for some reason and he had to pitch a fit at all of them for taking over his wall.

Then Cooper called.

"Coop, seriously, all of this literally just happened!" he yelled at the computer where his brothers face glared and he kept pointing like the nimrod that he was. In a way, Blaine was glad that Cooper had demanded a Skype call rather than a phone call, because that ensured that Kurt would also be there and could step in when Blaine inevitably got too frustrated with his brother and would have broken his iPhone.

As it was, it was Thursday morning and Kurt was trying to prep the turkey while the laptop sat on the kitchen island. Sebastian wasnt due over until sometime in the afternoon, and they both still wore pajamas and had large mugs of coffee to deal with the enigma that was Cooper Anderson.

"But Blainers, you said he was trying to break you and Kurt up! You said he practically managed it," his pointing got out of hand and actually hit the webcam, making the obnoxious should-be-adult fuzzy for a minute while Blaine and Kurt sighed in sync. "I dont understand how you could cry to me about that major douche then be friends with him!"

Kurt mouthed Cry? at Blaine before stepping into Coops view with a turkey baster in hand and a haughty look on his face. "Cooper, shouldnt you be doing something? Its Thanksgiving. You should at least go out and be thankful for the Chinese restaurants that are open today." Ah, yes. Kurt snark was so refreshing when it wasnt directed at Blaine.

The countertenor rolled his eyes as he turned sharply on his heel, only to wince at the way his hips moved and shifted his lower back. It wasnt really a bad wince per say, but that was definitely a reminder that the two of them were very good at make up sex and last night had been… well, theyd had a lot of time together in Blaines empty house after closing up the garage for the holiday and Kurt had been in a… needy mood.

Coopers laughter rang out and Blaine shot his brother a look. "Well, I see you two are getting along just fine at least. Sit on heat, Kurt, not ice." He laughed more when Kurt threw the still-clean baster at the computer while his face turned crimson, Blaine barely managing to knock the projectile away from hitting his laptop.

"And how the hell would you know what works best for this kind of ache, Cooper?" the taller teen questioned with an evil look in his eyes. "Care to confess something?" This time Blaine snorted while Cooper turned red and shook his head frantically.

Between his brother and his boyfriend, Blaine was going to lose his mind one day. Throw in his newest friend and that day would come way too soon. "Okay, I am not going to think about anything to do with my brothers sex life, thanks. Not sure why hes so intent on thinking about mine, but whatever. I dont want to know, Coop. I just dont." He stopped the older male from answering the unspoken question. "Theres nothing wrong between me and Kurt and Sebastian actually showed us how strong our relationship is. So, yeah. Were friends. Or something. I dunno. Its weird. My life is weird, Cooper. I figure its somehow your fault, so I blame you."

Kurt had just finished stuffing the bird and Blaine helped him with the faucet so he didnt make a mess, taking the time to help him wash his dirty hands as well, giving him a little hand massage while Cooper grumbled about misplaced blame and blood being thicker than water. By the time Blaine made it back to the laptop, Cooper was full on sulking in self-pity. "Look, Coop, we need to work on dinner. Sebastian is going to be over whenever he feels the urge to show up and we arent even dressed yet. Go… do something. I dunno. Be a productive pseudo-adult or something."

"Fine, Blaine. Just abandon your only brother. See if I care. God, youre such a little brat…" More muttering followed and Blaine just rolled his eyes as Kurt came up behind him and rested his chin on a shoulder.

Both boys looked at the older male and shook their heads but smiled all the same. "Bye Coop," they said together, then added their love as Cooper grumbled out something that sounded like love you too even if you are brats and they ended the call, resuming Blaines itunes and dancing around the kitchen as they holiday food prep continued.



It wasnt Blaines fault that Sebastian just waltzed right into the Anderson home as if he owned the damn place. At least, that was his defense for why the Warbler had managed to stroll into the living room to catch them, Blaine kneeling on the floor before Kurt, who was kneeling on the couch with his pants at his knees. Just as Sebastian yelled, Kurt had come all over a shocked Blaines face, since the shorter boy had been surprised and pulled away from his boyfriends cock.

Kurt hadnt even been able to be properly embarrassed. Instead, hed simply rolled over onto the couch, face, chest, and ears crimson with his blush, but laughing so hard he got the hiccups. Sebastian ended up getting dragged to the bathroom to help Blaine get the come out of his curls.

"Honestly, I didnt know you had it in you. I mean, you two seem like the most innocent little twinks in the world," the Dalton boy commented as they stood in the kitchen, Kurt rolling out pie dough while the other two washed and peeled potatoes.

The responses Sebastian got were an indignant huff from Kurt, who had finally stopped hiccuping, and a roll of hazel eyes. "You are an infuriating human being, Sebastian. Or is it that you arent human and thats why you are so incapable of decent conversation? The meerkat DNA has eaten your ability to be a proper gentleman…" Blaine snorted at Kurts words while Sebastian tossed a potato peel at the countertenor. "Do not play with the food you brute!"

Blaine giggled as Sebastian bitched about potato peelings being far from food but then a yelp of pain distracted the bickering boys as blue and green eyes darted to the shallow cut on Blaines finger. "Um, ow?" Looking away from the blood, the clumsy teen turned on the cold water and ran his finger under the spray.

"Oh, Blaine…" Kurt mumbled affectionately, dipping under the sink to fetch the first aid kit that seemed to live there specifically for when Blaine was cooking. He made wonderful food, but had a habit of hurting himself in some way. It was rather adorable, actually. "Is it small enough for a regular bandaid?" Kurt tugged Blaines hand from the water so he could see how long the cut was before letting him resume rinsing it out while he prepped a bandaid with some cream.

Sebastian looked at them and snorted, then went back to his potatoes. "You two are an old married couple, I swear." This time, the way he said it didnt make Blaine angry or embarrassed. It almost sounded… nice. Like Sebastian was envious. He smiled while Kurt dried his finger and wrapped the bandage around it, then kissed it sweetly. Sebastian actually smiled back before the easy quiet settled back around them, broken only when they decided to sing along to Blaines iTunes.

After a dramatic performance of Bohemian Rhapsody sung into various cooking utensils, the boys had all the food prepared, oven loaded, and timers set. Theyd have everything ready for dinner around four, which gave them enough time to sit and watch some of the parade that Blaine had recorded on the DVR.

"Ooo, look! Its the giant turkey balloon thing!" Kurt yelled, pointing at the TV. "That thing used to absolutely terrify me as a child." He seemed almost proud of the fact, which only made the others laugh harder while they pointed out the obnoxious winter apparel the celebrities wore.

Sebastian complained about all the marching bands and lack of glee clubs, which made Kurt say something about how it didnt matter since the New Directions would beat out the Warblers for a spot in the parade anyway, and the two fell into a bickering squabble that was only broken by Blaine squealing about Santa arriving.

Then the timer went off and Kurt made Sebastian pull the turkey out of the oven so the sweet potatoes and pies could find their place in the already heated oven. "Did you mash the potatoes, Meerkat?" the countertenor asked, which made Sebastian looked up with a growl.

"No, Princess, someone wouldnt allow me in the kitchen if youll remember…" Blaine kept looking between the two boys as if trying to figure out if they were actually fighting or weirdly getting along. It was so hard to tell. Kurt and Sebastian just liked to tease each other so much that it was confusing and Blaine was finding it easier to just sit there and let them work everything out whether they were ready to hug or kill each other, so be it.

Kurts eyes narrowed as he pretty much chucked a potato-masher at the Dalton boys head. "Well hurry up and mash, then! And dont put in too much butter. But make sure you use enough milk. And dont forget to add salt and pepper. But dont you dare over salt them, Sebastian, or so help me…"

The threats finally got Blaine to rise from his perch at the island-bar area, snaking up behind Kurt to rub his tense shoulders. "Honey, why dont we stop trying to kill Bas with the kitchen appliances and let him make the potatoes now? We can get the cranberry sauce from the fridge and start getting the food on the table." It was like he was consoling a five-year-old. Or a raging bull. One of those. Blaine wasnt sure which he was more afraid of, really. He led Kurt to the fridge, then helped carry food to the table, all the while shooting Sebastian glances that clearly read I hope to hell you dont fuck up those damn potatoes.



There was muttering about elbows in abdomens and too much squirming, but they only vaguely made it past Blaines food coma brain and into the are of conscious thought. The ex-Warbler had eaten entirely too much food. Specifically, hed eaten way too much turkey, and that triptofan or whatever the hell it was that was in turkey that made people sleepy was clearly doing a number on him.

More than that, the boy had stuffed himself to the gills with all the amazing food his boyfriend had made (oh, and he and Sebastian had helped some, too) which led to him taking over the entire couch. Blaine sprawled on the couch like a starfish. A bloated starfish. The lovechild of a starfish and a whale, perhaps. He left only a normal-sized arm chair free in the comfortable family room, because the love seat that served as the rest of the seating in the room had broken about a week ago when the dapper boy had enthusiastically jumped on it while practicing for glee club. Oops?

So, rather than sitting on a broken love seat that had the potential of stabbing one of them in the ass, Kurt and Sebastian had both crammed into the single chair. Hence the complaining and wiggling and… Sebastian threw a shoe at Blaines head, missing by at least a foot when Kurt slapped his throwing arm before he could complete the throw.

"Hey! I was trying to hit him in the head," Sebastian muttered, narrowing his eyes at the countertenor and aiming a sharp elbow at the slightly shorter boys ribs. Kurt grunted, then reached out to tug mercilessly at Sebastians hair.

The two got into an all out wrestling match then, rolling onto the floor and clawing, biting, and pulling hair until Kurt finally sat on top of Sebastians back, backwards, and slapped his ass. "If I remember correctly, you have a certain affinity for me smacking this, Meerkat," he mocked, slapping the slack-clad ass again while Sebastian groaned and squirmed beneath him.

Breaking through his turkey-coma, Blaine rolled onto his side and blinked at his boyfriend and their newest, yet somehow closest?, friend. "What are you guys doing?" he asked, blinking sleepily while Kurt tapped out a beat on Sebastians ass and the Warbler rolled his eyes, glaring at all the world while Kurt remained oblivious. This was so strange. Blaines entire life was so strange. He thought about turning over and going to sleep, but he wanted to make sure Bas and Kurt didnt murder each other first.

"Your boyfriend is addicted to my ass, Blaine. Thats what were doing. Discovering Kurts weird kinks. Like touching things that do not belong to him, dammit!" Then Sebastian bucked up and Kurt giggled, which made Blaine giggle, and Sebastian rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "What deity did I piss off? Seriously, what have I done to deserve this?"

Kurt rolled his eyes then, and Blaine was still trying to catch up with whatever hed missed while in turkey dreamland. "Oh, really, Sebastian. Im just teasing you about Halloween. Dont get your panties all twisted," Kurt teased, getting up and off of the taller boy and poking Blaines hip, making the shortest of them groan. "Move over, couch hog. The Meerkat doesnt want to play nice and Im not sharing a chair with him anymore." And when Blaine refused to move, Kurt sat on his butt until he finally agreed to sit up and did.

Somehow, Blaine managed to convince the other two boys to watch the Harry Potter movies with him for the rest of the night, until Kurt fell asleep in his boyfriends lap and Sebastian complained about that Malfoy brat never growing balls like he should have and Blaine just got bored and decided they should all go to bed anyway. The next day, Kurt was going to drag Blaine and Sebastian out shopping, and they needed their rest.

Blaine had a feeling Bas had no idea what he was in for.



Bas had no idea what he was in for. That much was painfully clear by the look of terror on his face and the way he kept staring at his phone to be sure of the time. "But, we only spent ten minutes in that store! How are we moving on already? I dont underst-"

He was cut off by Blaine shaking his head and grabbing Sebastians hand to drag him along so they didnt lose Kurt in the sea of shoppers. It wasnt too hard to teach the taller boy their roles in the whole fiasco that was Black Friday shopping with Kurt. They were essentially pack mules, which made Sebastian grumble and stomp about for at least two stores, but was eventually accepted as he was saddled with bags and clothes and other items that the countertenor intended to buy or had already bought.

"This is miserable. I cannot believe you made me join the two of you for this," he moaned as they finally took a break for a late breakfast in the food courts less-than-stellar coffee shop. Kurt was busy fetching food for them all, on his dime, while Sebastian leaned back and propped his feet up on what would soon be the shopaholics chair.

Blaine rolled his eyes and shoved the Warblers shoes. "Bas, come on, dont be an ass," he admonished with a pointed look. "Kurt will throw a fit if you get dirt from your shoes on his pants, and you know I didnt make you do anything. You want to spend time with us or some such nonsense. It isnt my fault you underestimated Kurts ability to shop a sale."

There was no witty retort to this. All Sebastian did was groan and lean over to remove a shoe and start rubbing a socked foot until Kurt came over to the table and gasped in horror. "Oh my God, Sebastian, were about to eat! Put your smelly foot away and go wash your hands!" The taller boy shot Kurt an icy glare before shoving his shoe back on and sulking off to the bathroom to wash up before indulging in the pastries and coffees he wouldnt admit he was quite pleased to eat.

Fortunately for Sebastian, Kurt was an efficient shopper, so even though they went to every store that had a sale going, they were still done in time for a late lunch of leftovers at the Anderson home. Of course, as soon as they got in the door, Sebastian had kicked off his shoes and thrown himself dramatically on the couch with a whine about how his feet were going to fall off and it was all Kurts fault and if someone didnt rub them he would just die.

"I am not touching your feet, Meerkat, so you might as well just give it up," Kurt said in a sing-song voice as he waltzed through the room toward the kitchen to fix them all some food. "And were watching the Project Runway marathon. You boys had your fun with Harry Potter last night so I get my fun with fashion today." Sebastian tried to argue about how the magic shit had been all Blaine and hed much rather watch the football that theyd had the DVR set to record, but nobody listened to him and he was soon rendered speechless anyway as Blaine took pity on him and perched on the couch, massaging the Dalton boys sore feet.


The boys ate hot turkey sandwiches on the couch while Sebastian imitated Tim Gunn and Blaine giggled, still rubbing the boys feet. Kurt played the roll of the designer every time Sebastian questioned the designs, unless they were hideous in which case Kurt agreed and snapped about how there was no way to make that work, Tim, no way. It was fun, and when the day turned to night and the Dalton boy didnt seem intent on going home, they simply had a light dinner and finished the marathon before putting on the football, which Sebastian and Blaine were quiet during as Kurt curled up over both their laps, snoring quietly into the night.


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