Bandaged Wings Fly Higher
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Bandaged Wings Fly Higher: Chapter 11

E - Words: 2,825 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Mar 15, 2015 - Updated: Mar 15, 2015
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After a weekend of sulking and multiple long phone chats with Cooper, Blaine pulled himself out of bed Monday morning and actually got cleaned up and properly prepared for a day outside of his bedroom. He tugged on some snug black jeans and a white undershirt, red sweater overtop and a black and red plaid scarf about his neck. His red boat shoes were inappropriate for the weather but he didnt much care, and he rebelliously cuffed his pants to expose his ankles. At least the scarf was appropriate for the snow that was pouring down on all of Lima.

Coops advice had been to go about life as normal as he could. He said things would all fall into place somehow, and even if Blaine doubted him, he didnt see any other good options. He was supposed to meet up with Wes on Tuesday for lunch since the Asian boy was rather busy and didnt have time for a proper hang out but still wanted to see him. He figured he should start getting back to normal ahead of time.

What was more normal on a Monday without school than a trip to the Lima Bean, right? Blaine smiled to himself as he parked outside of the coffee shop. It was just about ten oclock. The perfect time for some coffee and biscotti to tide one over until lunch. He and Kurt had done this dance more than a couple times over the summer. It was so much better when it was cold outside.

The sight that met Blaines eyes upon entering the Bean made him gasp softly, and he had half a mind to turn right back around and leave, but he reasoned that he had to get used to awkward run-ins with Kurt eventually, so he stayed in line and ordered his medium drip even as he watched the countertenor make his own lonely way to their usual table in the corner.

It was so hard not to join him at that same table, but Blaine forced himself to sit a couple tables away. He took out a book that hed tucked into his coat and searched for the page hed left off on while noticing Kurt on his phone out of the corner of his eye. God, it hurt to be watching and not be able to approach. He felt so.. wrong. All he wanted to do was fall to his knees at the brunettes feet and tell him how much he loved him, but he just… couldnt. Kurt had hurt him too much. Blaine needed his boyfriend to acknowledge that pain and say he was sorry for causing it.

Movement in his peripheral vision made Blaine turn his head toward Kurts table, only to see a lurking Sebastian Smythe with an all too cocky and all too knowing smirk on his annoying face. Blaine swallowed thickly, trying to keep his cool as he sat there and listened for the inevitable words that would fall from the Dalton boys lips.

They came seconds later, and Blaine was out of his chair before he even consciously thought about his actions. "Morning, Princess," Sebastian mocked while Kurt visibly gritted his teeth. "Your precious puppy is sitting at the wrong table. Have you told him? Oh, or is that a sore subject maybe? Is that my fault? So sorry to cause waves in your perfect relationship."

He stormed up to the taller boy without a second to spare for rational thought, and only Kurts hand on his arm stopped Blaine from simply punching Sebastian in the mouth. "Hes hardly worth getting banned from the Bean, Blaine," Kurt said simply in his usual tone before inhaling a bit shakily as if just realizing his boyfriend had come to his defense and hed stopped said boyfriend from doing something foolishly impulsive. Like nothing was wrong. Like it was only natural that they keep each other safe and in check.

Blue eyes met hazel and Sebastian groaned loudly while the other two boys got lost in their shared look. "Oh, God, Im so sorry-" Kurts voice shook.

"Fuck, Kurt, I cant be mad anymore. Im not mad. I dont know if I even was mad. It just hurt-" they spoke at the same time and they both were breaking and practically falling apart right there in the middle of the Lima Bean and then they were wrapping their arms about each other. Until Sebastians gag brought them out of their happy reunion.

Kurt was first to turn to the Warbler, eyes narrowed and icy. "You," he started, tone dangerous enough to make Blaine whimper. "Are such a fucking douchebag I cannot even form the proper words to describe you." His voice was just barely soft enough to escape the notice of the baristas on duty and the closest patrons so they didnt get kicked out for their language. Kurt was good at keeping his rage to those it was meant for.

For his part, Sebastian simply rolled his eyes and slumped into one of the chairs at Kurts table, arms crossed, then looked at Blaine expectantly. "Your turn now, Killer. Gonna threaten me or something? Come on. Get it all out so we can move right along to actually enjoying our coffee without death threats souring them."

Blaine stared at him for a moment before tilting his head and turning to his boyfriend. "Um… is he on drugs?" he asked, which made Kurt shrug. "Sebastian, why in the whole universe would we ever sit here and have coffee with you after what you did? We didnt even talk for a fucking week! That was hell you jerk!" Blaines brows were furrowed in his anger, and Kurt was half-heartedly hiding the grin he got when the bushy brows were overly expressive. It made Blaine smile despite his angry confusion.

"Oh, come off it. I tested you guys with every damn thing I could possibly throw at you and you still stayed together. You owe me. I single-handedly proved how sickeningly perfect you two twinks are together." He looked smug again, which made Blaine grumble even as he fetched his things from his table and brought them over to the one that was Kurts and now apparently belonged to all three of them. "There. Thats better. Sit down, Princess. Drink your mocha before it gets disgusting and cold."

The countertenor raised a brow, sat, took a sip of his coffee, then kicked Sebastian under the table, making the Dalton boy yelp. "First of all, Im not a princess. Second, I already beat your ass once. Do not make me find that repulsive crop of yours for an encore. And third…" Kurt glanced at Blaine, then shrugged his shoulders at Sebastian with a sigh. "Thanks. You actually have a point, even if you definitely did not have honorable intentions the whole time, Meerkat. I know you wanted in Blaines pants. But still, you did prove something to us, and you are actually a fun sparring partner as far as snark is concerned so… I guess we can keep you."

A laugh practically exploded from Blaine, especially when Sebastians jaw dropped and he let out his indignant reply. "I am not a fucking pet, Hummel! You arent keeping me. Fucking psycho twinks…" Then Blaine giggled while Sebastian whined because Kurt kicked him again. And he was wearing his Docs, so the kicks definitely had to hurt. Sebastian would probably have bruises on his shins. For some reason, that just made Blaine grin all the more.



It was at some point during lunch on Tuesday when Blaine explained the whole situation to Wes that he realized how utterly ridiculous his life had become since he transferred to McKinley last year. Hed already climbed back into the closet, burst back out, and somehow gone from arch nemesis to some weird form of friends with Sebastian Smythe, who he always thought hed love to hate. "Blaine, your life is a little strange," the Asian said as if the ex-Warbler didnt already know.

"Youre not telling me anything new, Wes," he muttered. He shook his head and ate more of his lunch before going on with their conversation. "So now were like… friends with Sebastian. And its strange, but its also very easy for some reason. Its so weird. Kurt even invited him to Thanksgiving, too, since his parents are going to France to visit his grandparents or something and he stayed behind. No idea why he did that…"

Blaine wondered if it was a similar reason to why he wasnt in Italy with his own parents, but shrugged it off. Hed been under the impression that the spoiled teen was actually on good terms with his parents, so it might just be a problem with timing. Or maybe he didnt want to leave the Warblers without a front man if they had any performances. He didnt know, but it didnt much matter. They were all having dinner at the Anderson home while Kurts family finally accepted an invitation to Caroles sisters Thanksgiving meal.

Apparently the countertenor was fine with avoiding that bonding experience, since he was pretty sure a lot of Finns cousins were either scared of the gay or wanted to study him like some science project. Hed told his dad he was cooking for Blaine and Sebastian over dinner last night, and that was that. Everything just seemed a lot simpler than Blaine ever thought it would or could be, and that made him happy if a bit uneasy.

"Kurt already told Sebastian that he isnt permitted in the kitchen. I got special permission since I proved I can cook," Blaine laughed, explaining just how much his boyfriend got into holiday cooking. "Im so recording the two of them bickering. Ill be a youtube legend." Wes joined him in laughing, the two bonding as they finished their meal and grudgingly had to call an end to their hang time.

With promises to text more and for Blaine to send the funny videos to Wes before the internet as a whole, they parted, and Blaine plugged his phone into his car speakers before he started the car up and pulled out of the lot, calling his boyfriend as maneuvered through traffic.

"Hows our dear Wesley?" Kurt answered, making Blaine roll his eyes.

He snappily replied, "Oh, hi boyfriend. Im fine, thanks for asking. How are you today?" He heard Kurt chuckling and figured he wasnt getting any sympathy so he just sighed and talked while he drove toward Kurts house. "Wes is good if overly stressed. That boy is going to go grey before hes even legal to drink I swear. Were still on for our Disney marathon, right?"

There was some shuffling, then a familiar and judgmental voice sounded where Kurts should have been. "You have got to be kidding me. Did you really just say a Disney marathon? You two are so fucking innocent it makes me feel dirty for existing." Blaine corrected his car in his lane, since Sebastians voice had made his hand slip a little on the wheel.

"Dear God, Sebastian, what the hell are you doing at Kurts house? Are you stalking us now?" It was beginning to feel like theyd accidentally adopted a puppy or something. And now they couldnt get the damn thing to go away.

The petulant tone reminded Blaine of a child, and he was pretty sure he could hear Kurt fighting for his phone in the background. "My house is very empty and very dull right now. You know, parents in Paris and all. I figured if you dont have to spend the day in an empty mansion, neither should I, so… Im spending some quality time with the Princess-" Sebastians voice cut off in a pained grunt and then Blaine could hear moaning in the background as Kurts voice came back on the line.

"Told him not to call me Princess…" The tone was that frightening one that promised punishment and scared the shit out of Blaine. He was very glad his boyfriend was not directing it at him. "He just showed up and now he wont leave. Dads at the garage finishing things up so they can leave tomorrow morning. Carole went to grocery store so she can make some last minute pies to take with them, which of course means Im making pies tonight, and Finn is… I dont even know. He might be in his room hiding from this fool."

There was definitely an indignant yell in the background, followed by what sounded like Kurt kicking someone and a grumbling groan about abuse. "Please tell me youre bringing rope and a gag with you so we can put him aside and forget about him?" And that was definitely a muffled kinky before another kick and yelp.

Blaine needed to hurry up and get to Kurts house before he murdered their apparent guest. "Im almost there, babe. Please dont become a murderer. Id rather keep you out of prison if you dont mind." This was going to be an interesting friendship, that was for sure. Blaine wasnt sure if he was prepared for anything his life threw at him anymore, but at least it was never dull, right?



"Sebastian, you are not justifying the death of Bambis mother!" Kurt practically screeched. Theyd somehow started debating the impact and importance of Disney deaths since theyd finished the Lion King and discussed the depravity of children watching a bunch of hyenas prepare to tear a lion apart alive. It wasnt like it was hard to figure out what was going to happen to Scar at the end of that altercation after all.

So far Blaine had brought up how Dumbos mom was most likely euthanized, since you didnt really get to see her after the whole Baby Mine sob fest, which led to the idea of humans killing animal parents, which led to Bambi. And then Sebastian started justifying hunters and Kurt looked like he wanted to smack the boy and cry simultaneously.

The Warbler just shrugged and looked back at Kurt somewhat seriously. "Overpopulation of deer is a serious problem in this area, Princess. Hunting happens. Its regulated. You have to get tags and shit. I mean… Its necessary. Bambis mom could have just as easily been hit by a car and killed a human along with her. Orphaned a kid and a deer child." Blaine had to admit the logic was there, but Kurt was just shaking his head at Sebastian like he was some kind of monster.

"I bet you could justify every horrible death in Disney movies, couldnt you? Just because you could be a Disney villain…" Kurt muttered, which made Sebastian shake his head and laugh.

Blaine was about to pipe in his two cents when the Dalton boy popped off with a witty comment that made him double over in laughter. "Hey, Im not a villain. Im clearly a witty sidekick. You call me one all the time. Im Timon. Get it? Meerkat?" He grinned at Kurt until the countertenor threw a pillow at him.

"Can we watch Mulan next? Or the Little Mermaid? Pleeeeease?" Blaine did his best puppy pout, which made Sebastian groan while Kurt simply sighed and sauntered to the DVD player, putting in the first choice and sitting back on the couch between his boyfriend and the dramatic moron who was Sebastian.

It seemed that Disney marathons were some sort of torture for the Warbler, yet he didnt leave and barely made fun when the other two boys sang along to every song. It was… odd, but good. They had some strange friendship thing going on and Blaine wasnt going to question it. That brought up way too much confusion. Like opening Pandoras box. He figured it was easy to enjoy some ignorant bliss.

While they made dinner in the kitchen, Sebastian kept yelling "DISHONOR ON YOUR COW!" every time Kurt kicked him out of the cooking area. It was actually kind of hilarious, especially when Sebastian dared to climb up on his chair and proclaim himself king of the rock until Kurt screeched at him to get down and act like a civilized human being! and then Sebastian started throwing croutons at Kurt until he gave him some vegetables to cut.


It was actually a really fun evening, and after Sebastian had left and Kurt forced Blaine to spend the night, they both confessed that they enjoyed the morons company. But he was still a moron. Always would be. That they agreed on, and they quietly planned for Blaine to help Kurt out at the garage the next day since his dad and Finn were both going to be out of town and theyd probably have a lot of travelers stopping by for oil changes and tire rotations before long road trips for the holiday.


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