Bandaged Wings Fly Higher
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Bandaged Wings Fly Higher: Chapter 10

E - Words: 2,163 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Mar 15, 2015 - Updated: Mar 15, 2015
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"Hey! Hobbit!" Blaine started when he got out of his car. It was nearing Thanksgiving break and the first significant snow had reached Lima, so he had been watching his step in an attempt not to fall in the slush. He really hadnt expected Santana to come stalking up to him in all her Cheerio glory.

The short boy looked at her as he adjusted his earmuffs, a triangular brow cocked in confusion at her angry tone. "Yes? Whats going on, Santana?" he asked innocently, now adjusting his bag on his shoulder while snow started to gather in his curls.

The glare Santana shot him shocked Blaine into sputtering at her. "Oh, dont play dumb with me, prep boy. You know what you said. Everybody knows I am the only chica whos allowed to mess with my gays, and Lady Hummel is my gay, Blanderson!"

Wait… did she just accuse Blaine of messing with Kurt? He hadnt messed with Kurt. Unless she was talking about their intimate lives, in which case he was pretty sure he was the only one who got to mess with his boyfriend. Blaine was very, very confused. He tilted his head at Santana before opening his mouth and uttering the only word he seemed able to form. "What?"

"You told that toothy meerkat Warbler that you didnt trust Kurt! Far be it for me to expect anyone to throw around declarations of love, Hobbit, but dammit…" she pierced him with an icy glare. "I thought Porcelain meant something to you." With that, she haughtily stormed off, turning on her heel hard enough to slap him in the face with her high pony.

Blaine was stunned stiff in the hallway. Hed done what with who now? What the hell was Santana talking about? Blaine hadnt even talked to Sebastian since the Halloween party! He hadnt even texted the idiot. And why would she know something hed supposedly told Sebastian about Kurt unless… Oh, dammit. He wrenched out his cell phone even as he stood in the middle of the stupid parking lot, already sure to be late for his first class but not much caring.

The phone rang a few times before a snarky "Well hello, beautiful," picked it up. Blaine groaned and fought the need to chuck the phone at the nearest hard surface. He had words for this annoying creature, and it would do no good for him to destroy his only means of getting them across without actually seeking Sebastian out in person.

"What the hell did you say to my boyfriend, Smythe?" he growled into the phone, bristling when he heard the Warbler chuckle through the line. "God dammit, Sebastian, what did you tell him?! When did you even talk to him? You fucking tell me right now or I swear to God Ill-"

"Blainers, Blainers, calm down now. Dont pop your pretty little bow tie," the smug voice of Sebastian demanded even as Blaine started tugging at the New York bow tie hed gotten from Burt and Carole last year.

He immediately let his hands dropped and pretty much snarled into the phone. "Start talking, Sebastian…"

"Kurt and I happened to run into each other getting coffee the other day. He says you need to find a new favorite coffee place, by the way. Seems the Bean is no longer fun since I tend to be there. I dont know if you get to join him in finding a new locale now that he knows how much you doubted him though, Blainers." Blaine could picture the smirk on Sebastians face, and it just made him tighten his fists at his sides. God, he wanted to punch something. Preferably the damn fool of a prep-school boy on the other end of his phone.

Sebastian cleared his throat and sighed dramatically. "You know, Blaine, youre making me miss a class right now. I wasnt really going anyway, but still. The idea is there. It isnt very nice of you."

Blaine definitely snarled then, spit slipping off his teeth and through the air in front of him. "Sebastian. What did you say to him?" he demanded again, already deciding that if he didnt get an answer soon hed drive to Dalton and show the new lead Warbler why nobody talked about fight club.

"Keep your panties on, Killer," Sebastian practically cooed, then started in on his story again. "So, your little boyfriend joined me for a coffee and we got to talking. He let slip how youd briefly considered flying back to your roost- I know you love all the bird metaphors at this school- and I just… enforced those feelings a bit. He seemed really uncomfortable and unsure of your commitment, Blainers. I think he only deserved to hear that his boyfriend wasnt exactly confident in him either. I mean, why else would you have hidden your sexuality almost all of last year?" Sebastians words bit into Blaines heart and he had to close his eyes hard to keep from getting emotional.

This was horrible. "Why would you do that Sebastian? What did I ever do to you?" Blaine asked, helplessly. His voice cracked as he questioned the other boy. That would hurt Kurt so much to think about, but it hurt him even more because… well, because…

Sebastian sounded like he was smiling. "Upset, Blaine? Tell me, are you more upset that I told your boyfriend you thought he was worthless, or that he believed me? I mean, obviously he doubted you. Still doubts you. What kind of boyfriend is that, Blainers? He knows how you and I get along by now, and hed still believe a word I said about your personal shit?"

Blaine was silent but for the sudden choking sob that pulled from his chest. He wanted to die. "Thats what I thought. Well, Blaine, I really do need to get to my lessons. But… you know. Theres always a spot here for you at Dalton. We all know how disgustingly dapper you are. None of the Warblers would ever doubt the great Blaine Anderson." Blaine choked on his attempted goodbye. "Bye, Killer. Try to have a good day." Then Sebastian hung up and Blaine fell to his knees in the parking lot.



He skipped first period. The first part of it was spent wheezing in the parking lot on his knees, trying to convince himself he was capable of getting up and going on with the day. After hed forced himself to his feet and cleaned the snot and tears from his face, Blaine went straight to the locker room to change, then he hit the bag.

It was easy to lose track of how much time hed spent punching, how many hits hed made. It was simple for Blaine to ignore the burn in his fists and arms, the way his legs were starting to twitch from him bouncing from side to side so much. His teeth were grinding and it wouldnt be good for his perfect smile, but he didnt care. He just needed to hit things. He needed to get rid of this aggression. He needed to forget how hurt he felt inside and how very scared he was.

It was only a week and a half until Thanksgiving and he was supposed to spend it with Kurt and now… Now he was pretty sure he was going to spend the holiday alone like he used to, and it hurt. He was supposed to spend lunch with Kurt. Go to a movie tomorrow with Kurt. He was supposed to go to family dinner on Friday like he did so often. They were supposed to be together, but now… Now Blaine was pretty sure they werent and he wasnt ready for any of this. He wasnt prepared to break up with his boyfriend, dammit!

Blaine couldnt handle life without Kurt again. It had been hard enough before. Now that he had a taste of this… It would be impossible. He hadnt even realized he was crying until his vision was so blurred by tears that he missed the bag and got hit back for the first time. The dark haired boy staggered backwards until he hit the wall, then slid to the floor in anguish. Nobody ever explained how much love could fucking hurt. And no matter what Santana would say, it was definitely love that he felt for Kurt. Love that he still felt for the boy despite the lack of trust. It was love that was tearing him apart.

Finally pulling himself together, Blaine put away his gloves and tape and took a quick shower before changing back into his school clothes and barely making it to his second class on time. It felt like hed spent a much longer time punching out his frustrations, but he found himself struggling through most of the day of lessons after all. He couldnt focus and every time he happened to glance at Kurt, even when they werent in class together but just happened by each other in the hall or whatever, he saw a look of… betrayal.

It wasnt fair. Blaine hadnt fucking betrayed him! How did Kurt get away with looking at him like that?

Lunch brought the chance to question Kurt, at least momentarily since theyd both brought food from home that day while their friends were all in line buying their food. "Youre really going to give me the silent treatment, Kurt? Really?"

The countertenor glowered at Blaine, narrowing his crystal blue eyes and simply exuding anger. "What else do you expect? Sebastian told me what you said, Blaine. I know how much you just put up with me. Now I understand why you were thinking about going back to Dalton," Kurts voice shook, and it made Blaine both sad and angry. "I just dont really understand why you didnt go back." The words bit at his heart and Blaine really wanted to go back to the bag.

"What the hell, Kurt? What would possess you to even talk to Sebastian? Why would you take him seriously? I mean… do you doubt me that much? I thought we had something, Kurt. I thought we shared some fucking trust." Kurt was still gaping at him when the rest of the glee kids got to the table with their food, noting that the boyfriends werent sitting together but not commenting on it. Everyone had to know what happened by now anyway. Blaine figured theyd all take Kurts side too, since he was there first. Even if he had no proof but the words of a slimy rodent boy with a relentless crush on Blaine and jealousy over Kurt.



This was insane! It was already Friday. It was their last glee meeting before Thanksgiving break, for Gods sake. And they werent talking. Blaine had started eating out on the quad and away from everybody at lunch, until Tina finally forced him back inside because it was snowing and his lips were blue and Blaine if you get sick I will vapo-rape you whatever that meant.

So, hed been eating lunch with Tina, Mike, and Artie, who had all taken pity on his lonely state. He and Kurt ignored each other in class, didnt speak at their lockers, and just… avoided each other. Even in glee they sat on opposite sides of the group and did their best to ignore one another. It was killing him, but dammit, he wasnt in the wrong!

Blaine was hurt and he needed Kurt to acknowledge that. He wasnt going to just blindly forgive this issue. It just wasnt okay. Because Blaine trusted Kurt, and if the countertenor didnt trust him… well, that was a huge problem. But, damn, did the ex-Warbler want to just forgive his boyfriend so they could be together again. He missed Kurt terribly, and now it seemed like theyd never make up, and he couldnt handle that… He groaned as Rachel hit yet another high note. He much preferred Kurts high notes to hers.

Towards the end of the meeting, there was some discussion of Thanksgiving and Black Friday, but it was half-hearted. Kurt didnt even sound excited for the shopping or the cooking, and Blaine felt his heart breaking evermore. This was torture. He was never so relieved to get out of the choir room.


That evening, when he was supposed to be at Kurts for family dinner if they were actually speaking, Blaine went home to an empty house and just fell into bed with all his clothes still on. His shoes and bow tie were uncomfortable enough to wake him up after an hours nap, so he took a long, hot bath, then donned oversized sweats that Kurt would probably hate and sank back into his covers. Blaine slept all night, fitfully tossing and turning to nightmares of a smirking meerkat stabbing him in the heart over and over and over.


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