Bandaged Wings Fly Higher
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Bandaged Wings Fly Higher: Chapter 1

E - Words: 3,223 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Mar 15, 2015 - Updated: Mar 15, 2015
201 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

This is a sequel, part of the Broken Wings trilogy, so be sure to read Flying on Broken Wings first. Also, unlike Broken Wings, this one jumps right into the M rating, so be prepared.

Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Completely posted. Final part of trilogy, Wings Healed Will Soar will start posting Friday, May 8th!

Blaine Andersons wings were finally unbroken.

Summer break was in full swing and Blaine found himself incredibly bored. Sure, hed been spending a ton of time with his boyfriend, but Kurt was also helping out at his dads garage, as was usual for him during the summer, which meant there were many days that Blaine just had nothing to really do.

He read some novels and worked on some college prep, but that didnt take up nearly as much time as he had expected it to. Cooper was planning a month-long visit, which was sure to be a mixture of fun and annoying as hell, but that wasnt until the start of July. As it was, there was still a good two weeks of June left.

Blaine did have a few plans with some of the boys from Dalton, but so far those had just been a few hours here and there. Coffee at the Bean with David. A pool day with Nick and Jeff. At least he had a full overnight visit planned with Wes. It had been much too long since hed spent some quality time with his old best friend.

It was good planning on Blaines part that hed made the visit with Wesley the same two days that were Kurts longest at the shop. Burt had some doctor appointment and Kurt had decided that meant he wasnt allowed to work that day or the day after, which meant he and FInn were both taking on extra hours both days. So, at least Blaine wouldnt have to sit around missing his boyfriend through that.

The thing was, Blaine was really starting to feel pathetically clingy. He just… he really cared about Kurt, and he really valued the time they spent together, and theyd gotten so used to seeing each other every day at school. Not seeing Kurt every day was just throwing him off. He couldnt help it.

As if his boyfriend knew that his thoughts had again wandered to a grease-stained Kurt, who was supposed to be under a car at this point, Blaines phone dinged with a text alert from the sassy mechanic-in-training.

From Kurt: My nose is twitching. Doesnt that mean someones thinking about me? ;)

To Kurt: I think that just means you need to sneeze. Also you might be psychic. Or I might just have an incredibly one-tracked mind…

From Kurt: Dad forced me out of the garage early after I lectured the guys about their lunch choices. Do you want to go to the Bean for some caffeine and muffins?

Blaine rolled his eyes. As if muffins and coffee were that much better than the greasy meat-filled options the guys at Burts garage ate on a daily basis. Of course, he wouldnt point that out to his boyfriend. Instead, he replied that hed be ready in half an hour, then hopped up and got presentable for a coffee date with his favorite person.



It wasnt much of a surprise when Blaine managed to make it to the Bean before Kurt. The brunette had to go home and change after his day at the garage after all, and that generally meant a bit of time spent on his attire and especially fixing his hair. Kurt was a perfectionist, and Blaine was pretty much used to that. Thus, Blaine found himself seated at a small table with his own drip coffee and Kurts mocha, carefully tipping some cinnamon into his steaming cup.

"Well, well, well, if it isnt Blaine Anderson!" An oddly familiar voice spoke and Blaine felt his gut clench in response. He hadnt heard that pompous tone in years. "I didnt expect to see your handsome face until the obligatory summer shindig next month. What a nice surprise!" Sebastian took the seat that was meant for Kurt, and Blaine openly groaned.

He didnt necessarily dislike Sebastian, but he didnt exactly like the boy either. He was always so pushy and had a habit of being rather crude and it was no secret that he thought there should be something between himself and Blaine and as much as Blaine told the boy he wasnt interested, Sebastian was very used to getting what he wanted. Hed also been in France for the past two years, which had been a bit of a reprieve for Blaine.

That meant Sebastian probably thought Blaine was still at Dalton, since hed known about the Sadie Hawkins fiasco and the intent to transfer. This was going to be a fun explanation… Sebastian had been so damn smug when hed found out about the failure that had been Blaines journey into public school. Theyd gone to the same private school for Junior High after all.

"Hello, Sebastian," Blaine said with as much false cheer as he could muster. He was ever the dapper gentleman after all. "I didnt know you were back from Paris yet." He wasnt really sure what more to say to his old acquaintance, and thankfully he didnt have to think of much since Kurt had just strode in and was heading their way with a curious look on his face.

A slender brow raised as the countertenor stared at the tall predator of a boy who sat in what was obviously his seat. Blaine shot him a pained look, and Kurt narrowed his eyes on the unknown boy. "Hey babe, sorry Im late. Finn blocked me in the driveway and didnt understand the meaning of the word move. Whos your friend?"

The way Kurt said the word friend made Blaine almost giggle, but he held himself in check. It was so bitchy and full of judgement… even Sebastian looked affronted. "Hey Kurt," Blaine said, standing up and kissing his boyfriend on the cheek quickly before sitting back down and motioning to Sebastian. "This is Sebastian Smythe. Our fathers are old acquaintances. Sebastian went to Dalton his freshman year, then was in Paris the last two years. I assume hell be at Dalton for his senior year this year?" The truth was, Blaine wasnt actually sure of this. He was definitely assuming, but they hadnt discussed it yet.

"Of course, Blainers. Where else would boys of our standing go? I already have a note in to the dean to request that we room together. After all, I need a good friend to help me get caught back up to the happenings of dear old Dalton." The smugness on his face seemed to be affecting Kurt, as Blaine felt fingers tightening and digging into his shoulder. "I imagine youre probably on the council with the Warblers by now as well? Im going to need back in, of course. Its only natural that I would be one of the lead soloists. Id say lead, but of course, youll have some songs as well. No one can deny your voice, Blainers."

Before Blaine could even respond, Kurt was opening his mouth, stepping closer to hover over Sebastian. "Im sorry, Meerkat, but my boyfriend Blaine is actually not going to be able to help you with your little mission at your private school. See, he goes to McKinley with me now. And hes in my Glee club. And we will be crushing you and your Warblers. If, of course, you make it back into them, that is." Blaine gulped audibly at the menace in Kurts voice.

"Now, kindly get out of my seat, Meerkat. And do stop calling my boyfriend such a ridiculous name. Its Blaine. And you might want to figure out who else you can rely on to… catch you up." Kurt looked the boy up and down, then sniffed. "Obviously your time away has left you quite out of touch. Your fashion alone is ages behind."

Blaine gaped at his boyfriend, then looked to Sebastian to judge the boys reaction, only to see him seething. Oh, no. There was about to be even more of a scene, and they were already being gawked at by at least three of the closest tables. "Good thing I dont even need to know your name to know you are worthless, Gay-face. Poor Blainers has obviously missed me being here and has fallen from grace to those lesser peons of the public school variety." The smug look on his face made Blaine shiver. "Not to worry, though. I can easily remind him of just what type of man he deserves."

There were definitely growls sounding now, and Blaine was ninety-nine percent sure they were coming from his boyfriend, which was ridiculously hot, but so not appropriate. Kurt looked like he was about to claw Sebastians face off, and Sebastian looked smug as ever, and Blaine was starting to panic. Dammit, he didnt give a rats ass about Sebastian Smythe! Why did the idiot have to even show back up in his life in the first place? Of course, he knew his parents would rather see him with Sebastian if he had to be with a boy…

Ugh. This was ridiculous. He had to do something, so he grabbed his coffee and glared at Sebastian. "You are not going to remind me of anything, Sebastian. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions about who and what I deserve. I definitely deserve better than you." It was as good as a smack for the way Sebastian did a double-take and looked stricken. Blaine grinned at Kurt, who had grabbed his own drink and stood ready to go. "This place is unappetizing today. Can we go back to your house?" And with that, they left a gaping Sebastian behind.



The question of exactly who Sebastian was and why he seemed to think he had some sort of claim on Blaine came before Kurts car was even started. Theyd decided to leave Blaines car in the lot outside the Lima Bean and Kurt could just drive him there to get it later that evening.

Blaine had explained as best he could that he and Sebastian had known each other since they were young children, attending the same annoying rich people parties and dealing with forced friendship since their fathers were acquaintances. Sebastian had assumed, as had everyone, that Blaine would attend Dalton as his father had and his father before him and so on. It was was the Smythe heir would be doing after all.

When Blaine had decided to go to public school, something that he had to petition his parents about and barely got his father to agree to, Sebastian had been one of the strongest opposed to the idea. Hed also been terrible to Blaine after the incident, mocking him relentlessly and insisting that there were reasons people like them did not socialize with the lesser beings of the public schools.

Some disagreement between his parents had taken Sebastian out of the country for the past two years, but now it seemed he was back with his father, the States attorney, sans Mrs. Smythe, and he was back at Dalton. Blaine had no idea what had happened, and he really didnt care that much. Hed lost any feeling of friendship that he might have had for Sebastian when the boy had treated him so coldly after his attack. Sebastian was cruel and spoiled. Blaine didnt want anything to do with him.

"So that creep actually thinks he can manipulate you into sleeping with him? Wow, Blaine. Between this guy and your parents Im really getting a bad impression of the rich people types…" Kurt grinned at him, but Blaine just groaned.

Rolling over, Blaine got up and straddled Kurts thighs, looking down at his boyfriend a bit pointedly. "Hey, were not all jerks. Wes is a great guy. And Nick and Jeff are decent. A little over-zealous, but theyre good guys." He leaned down and started licking and nibbling at Kurts neck, working his way from the boys collarbone up toward his ear. "Plus, Id like to think Im nothing like Sebastian or my dad…" he muttered, voice muffled by Kurts skin and the whimper that escaped the countertenors throat.

Kurt glanced at him and ran his fingers though Blaines silky curls, a smile playing at his lips. "No, youre definitely nothing like that creep or your father. Mmm, God Blaine, youre perfect. So much more than some pompous jerk like Sebastian…" Blue eyes stared up into hazel and Kurts lips softly parted, fingers still tangling in Blaines hair.

It was no time before they were tangled in a heated kiss, clothes easily finding their way to the floor without either of them consciously thinking about the act of undressing. Burt was set to be the first person home that evening, and it wasnt for at least another two hours, so they were neither worried or rushed in their efforts.

Both on their sides, the boys slowly ran hands over skin, exploring each others bodies as they so often did, as if they hadnt memorized each others bodies months ago. Sharp intakes of breath, sighs of desire, wanton moans filled the room, and lips and teeth crashed together with reckless abandon. Their hips rocked in a sinful dance, then Blaine bit his lip while Kurts eyes fluttered and he grabbed Blaines cheeks, locking eyes with him and panting as he caught his breath and stilled his hips.

"Blaine… I… I want to…" He closed his eyes and took a deep, steadying breath. "Blaine, make love to me…" The words were spoken so softly, yet Blaine heard them clear as anything. His breath caught in his throat and he gaped at Kurt, who blinked and looked over through his lashes in a way that should have been illegal it was so damn sexy.

With little effort needed, Blaine rolled the two of them so that he was hovering over Kurt, and he leaned in to kiss the boy with so much passion it took his breath away. He looked down at his boyfriend with love glistening in his eyes. "A-are you sure, Kurt?" he asked, to which Kurt nodded and groped to the side of the bed, fumbling with the drawer in his nightstand and procuring  a condom and the lube theyd made plenty of use of.

Theyd fingered each other a few times by this point, each proudly finding the others prostate and reveling in the feeling of bringing such intense pleasure to the other. This meant that Blaine knew exactly how to work first one, then a second finger into Kurt without much preamble. He stroked and Kurt keened, jerking his hips up toward Blaine when he wiggled his fingertips over that not-so-hidden spot of nerves that had his whole body tingling. "Oh, Blaine, more!"

Kurts words moved Blaine to add a third finger, scissoring his digits as best he could while Kurt whimpered and begged and bucked beneath him. "I know, baby, I know. Youre almost ready, I promise. Just… I dont want to hurt you, Kurt…" He groaned, feeling like he was about to explode without even being touched he was so hard.

"Im ready, cmon, Im ready, Blaine!" Kurts fingers ripped open the condom and his hands found their way blindly to Blaines length, rolling the latex over him with surprising ease given that they hadnt done this before. "I may have practiced on a few bananas. Shut up and get inside me already!" And Blaine wasnt about to argue with that.

Pulling his fingers from a sufficiently stretched Kurt, Blaine squeezed more lube onto his already slick hand and coated his cock, noting how different the latex felt compared to his bare skin. Once he wiped his hand off on Kurts sheets, which hed probably get in trouble for later, he grabbed the boys hips and placed a pillow under them as hed read about once. It did seem to make it an easier angle to line himself up at, so he was thankful for the research hed done along with the porn hed watched.

Slowly, every so slowly, Blaine pushed the head of his penis just inside of Kurt, feeling as his boyfriend exhaled and relaxed enough for him to pop past the rings of muscle. He paused when just the head was inside and looked into Kurts blown blue eyes. "You okay?" he asked in a choked voice, sufficiently overwhelmed by the heat that was already encompassing him. Oh God. How was he going to last when he pushed the rest of the way in?

"Y-yeah. Im okay. Just… just keep going. But go slow," he muttered, closing his eyes as he shifted his legs to circle them around Blaines waist, digging his heels into the boys ass. Blaine did just ask Kurt asked, sliding slowly inside of him, pausing every inch or so just to compose himself so he didnt come embarrassingly fast.

When hed finally bottomed out, Blaine released a breath he hadnt realized hed been holding, and just looked into Kurts eyes again for a long moment. "Wow…" he said softly, not quite daring to move though his body wanted to do so more than anything. He instinctually knew he had to be patient so that he wouldnt hurt Kurt, plus he wanted this to last.

"Wow…" Kurt softly answered, relaxing and shifting slightly, which made Blaine move inside of him and made both of them groan. "Oh my God, Blaine… move. You have to move now. God it feels so good," his voice was breathy and had Blaines hips thrusting without him even thinking about it. It seemed the natural act of sex was just that: natural. There was no need to think about it, no need to worry, and no need to doubt the result of the experience, as they were both writhing and moaning, Kurt coming around Blaine, who couldnt hold back anymore as soon as he felt Kurt clench down around him.

Blaine couldnt help it, his arms were jelly. He collapsed on Kurts sweaty chest, softening inside the boy as they panted together, glancing at each other and smiling so hard Blaines cheeks hurt. When Kurt started to gasp, Blaine realized he was crushing the countertenor, so he rolled off, awkwardly pulling out of his boyfriend and causing Kurt to wince slightly.

"Wow. We just really did that…" Blaine said dumbly, staring at the ceiling and willing himself to move so he could get rid of the condom and clean himself up. He thought they both probably should get a shower, since they were pretty covered in sweat by that point. "I love you," he spoke with confidence as he rolled over on his side and ran a hand along Kurts jaw, pulling him in for a deep kiss.

Kurt smiled dreamily as he rolled over to kiss Blaine. "I love you too. And we definitely did just do that." He giggled a bit then, only to pull a face as his hand awkwardly ran through the come on his chest and stomach. "Ew. Yes, we did that. And were disgusting now. Shower, please?"


Laughing, the two got to the shower together, getting cleaned up while Kurt muttered darkly about never being able to sit on a hard surface again. Dinner that night was… interesting, to say the least. At least Sebastian Smythe was far from either boys mind for the time being.


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