Not So Different
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Story
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Not So Different: Chapter 6

T - Words: 5,409 - Last Updated: Oct 23, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Oct 23, 2011 - Updated: Oct 23, 2011
579 0 0 0 0

“Dad, thank you, but you really don’t have to come. It’ll be fine!” Kurt turned from brushing the invisible marks off his clothes, and gave a wide smile to his dad. His cheery tone was disguising how he actually felt; scared and horribly worried.
“Kurt, I’m coming to make sure that Neanderthal gets what he deserves.” Burt walked out the door, into the pouring rain, dropped into the passenger seat of Kurt’s car and crossed his arms. He gave Kurt a steely glare through the window screen, the battering rain pounding onto it mercilessly.
From inside the house, Kurt sighed, pulling on his long brown boots. He had known his dad was going to come from the moment he mentioned the meeting between Karofsky and the Principal that was scheduled for this morning. He knew his dad meant well, but he didn’t want him coming. Burt there wouldn’t change the outcome of the whole thing: Karofsky was almost definitely going to get away with locking him and Blaine into the cupboard.
Before he knew it, his breath hitched and a wide smile crossed his face. Blaine. He would be seeing Blaine again today.
Shouting goodbye to Carole, he practically skipped out of the warm house, shutting the door behind him and getting into his car. He started the car, knowing his dad was staring at him, but trying to ignore it.
“What are you so happy about?” Burt said suspiciously, narrowing his eyes at his beaming son who was manoeuvring the car out of the drive.
“What? Is it a crime for me to be happy?” Kurt said, voice slightly higher than he intentioned. He cleared his throat and focused on the road while Burt continued to stare at him, trying to figure his son out. He had a sneaking suspicion that it was that boy, Blaine, that was making Kurt so happy. This he couldn’t understand, he had known the boy, what, one day? He didn’t even look nervous about the meeting.
Kurt’s thoughts shifted from Blaine to the upcoming exchange, one that would include him having to be in the same room as Karofsky. He didn’t know how he was going to cope…but Blaine would have to be there, wouldn’t he? At least there were two people that could vouch for Karofsky being an arrogant pig of a human.
A few minutes later, Burt spoke up. “You worried?”
Kurt jumped, snapping out of his daze, and forced a small smile onto his face.
“A bit.” He said shortly, not willing to give any more information to his dad. It would only worry him too.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.” Burt patted Kurt lightly on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. Kurt smiled softly, starting to think that his dad coming hadn’t been that bad of an idea. Burt reached out and flicked the radio on, immediately humming along (rather badly) to the first song that came on. They drove like that for 5 minutes, before Kurt saw a rather familiar figure walking the same way as they were driving. His dark curls were plastered to his head, and he could tell even from here that the boy was sodden. Kurt slowed down as he got closer to the figure, checking to make sure there were no cars behind him. He wound the window down, ignoring his dads confused protests.
“Blaine?” he said loudly, trying to be heard over the pounding rain. The soaking boy turned around quickly, searching for the person that had spoken his name.
When he saw Kurt in the car that had slowed to a crawl beside him, his eyes lit up.
“Kurt!” He said, a smile crossing his face. He didn’t understand the happiness that spread through him at the sight of Kurt’s beaming face, but decided to just go with it.
“You want a lift?” Kurt said, eyeing Blaine up and down and raising his eyebrows.
Blaine laughed, slightly shaking his head at Kurt’s not so sly indication that he was soaking. He knew he resembled a drowned rat, but there wasn’t much he could do about it now.
“Yeah, if you wouldn’t mind.” He said to Kurt, his lips still turned up at the corners.
Kurt gestured towards the back of the car, indicating that he should get in the backseat. He obliged and quickly threw his bag onto the opposite seat.
“Thank you so much, even though I don’t think it’s really possible for me to get even wetter.” He said with a smile, struggling with the seatbelt. Kurt just laughed and accelerated until the car was moving at a more regular pace. And that was when he remembered his dad, who was staring at Kurt, eyebrows raised.
“Oh, um, Dad, this is Blaine.” He said awkwardly, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the road. And no, he was not looking in the mirror every couple of seconds to look at Blaine. Of course not. And he didn’t notice the small droplets of rain falling from Blaine’s hair and down his face. Not at all.
His dads eyes filled with understanding, and with a small smile playing on his lips, he turned around to face the cheerful boy.
“Burt.” He said. Blaine awkwardly raised his hand up in a half-wave, and smiled.
“Hi.” He said. He already found Burt quite intimidating, and he had only said one word to him.
“So you’re the one that got shut in the cupboard with Kurt, right?” Burt said, still staring at the sodden boy in the backseat.
Blaine’s face slightly clouded over at this, as the memories came flooding back to him. He got the impression that Burt was not one to skirt around things, and got straight to the point. “Yes, I am.” He said, meeting Burt’s eye.
“Well,” Burt smiled reassuringly, “Don’t you boys worry, I’ll get this sorted out.” And with that he turned back around, and softly started humming along to the radio again, eyes closed and head leaning back against the seat.
Blaine was slightly shocked at the mans’ sudden affection, but decided to just think himself lucky that they had an adult to stick up for them. He caught Kurt’s eye in the mirror, and smiled at him, and Kurt knew instantly that that smile was conveying his thanks. Not only for picking him up, but for yesterday, so Kurt returned it, trying to show his thanks as well. The eye contact-through a mirror, but Kurt still liked to think of it as eye contact-was brief, but it showed Kurt that what happened in the cupboard was not forgotten. Also, that it would be spoken about later.
The rest of the ride was in spent in silence, aside from the constant drumming of raindrops and the soft singing that was coming from the radio. It wasn’t a long drive to the school, and 5 minutes later they were all pulling themselves out of the car and running to the school entrance, Kurt with his bag over his head so as not to mess up his perfect hairstyle. Dodging the multiple pools of water, they managed to reach the school without getting too wet-Blaine aside.
“So when’s this meeting?” Burt asked Kurt, who was flicking at the stray drops of rain that had decided to make a home on his coat.
“It’s in half an hour, in the principals’ office.” Burt could see from the way that the two boys eyes kept meeting for the fleetest of moments that they wanted to talk, and decided that he wasn’t going to be cruel about it.
“I’ll see you two then.” Blaine watched him turn around and head to a seating area down another corridor. Sighing, Blaine turned to Kurt and met his eyes.
“Kurt, I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday. You…helped me. A lot, actually.” A shy smile broke across face, and Kurt could only mirror this.
“It’s me who should be thanking you, but you’re welcome. And…I’m sorry that you had to go through all of that alone.” Blaine’s smile widened.
“You too.” He said, and he meant it. He was sorry that he didn’t transfer here sooner, and maybe he could have earned himself a friend much earlier.
The boys slowly started walking to the centre of the school, neither willing to say goodbye yet, not that they would ever admit it.
“What are you going to do about this?” Kurt smiled, gently tugging at the sopping sleeve of Blaine’s jacket that he was still wearing. Blaine looked up and smiled at Kurt, secretly happy at the most fleeting of contact. He suddenly remembered that yes, he was still wearing the soaking garment, and stopped to peel the thing off. He sighed in relief when he realised it had done its job and that his top was not wet.
“I’ll…um, I suppose I’ll just shove it in my locker and hope for the best?” He said questioningly, his face screwed up with doubt.
Kurt laughed at the look on Blaine’s face, and shook his head. “Or you could give it to me to hang up in my registration class?” He drew out the ‘or’, looking at Blaine in question.
“Really? Kurt, that would be great! Thank you so much!” He handed the garment over to Kurt, who held it by the tips of his fingers and looked at it in disgust. He stared from the jacket to Blaine jokingly. “Oh come on, it’s not that wet!” Blaine chuckled and shook his head, as Kurt mimed ringing the jacket out.
At that moment the bell interrupted their surprisingly easy conversation, and Blaine cursed to himself.
“I guess I’ll see you in biology?” Blaine said to Kurt, who was beaming at him.
“I can’t wait! Mitosis. The joy of high school biology.” Blaine laughed for what seemed like the 100th time, and raised his hand up to wave coyly at Kurt, who chuckled as he walked away in the opposite direction. Blaine grinned at the retreating boy, who was still holding his jacket out at arms length.
Walking to his registration class slowly, he realised that both boys had forgotten about the meeting with Karofsky and his father. I guess I’ll be seeing him much sooner then. He took the few moments he had before registration began to think about Kurt. He was nicer than Blaine had ever dreamed he’d be, and he hadn’t thought it was physically possible to smile so much in the space of a few minutes. He definitely wanted to get to know the amazing boy more, that much he had decided. He had also decided that Biology was his new favourite subject.


Kurt stared in shock at Principal Figgins.
“No way! I didn’t do anything! I’ve already told you, this is a set up!” Karofsky shouted, almost lunging at the older man, but being held back by his dad, who was muttering to him in his ear.
“My decision is final! You are suspended from William McKinley High for one month.” Principal Figgins said, leaning forward in his seat, eyes moving from Karofsky to his perfectly calm father.
His dad started to get up, pulling David with him, much to his protests.
“We’re going home David. Now go.” Karofsky narrowed him eyes at all of the people in the room; Blaine who was sitting next to Kurt, Burt and the principal. He roughly pulled his arm from his fathers grasp and walked out the glass doors, slamming them shut and disappearing down the corridor. Kurt could see that the students backed away from him as they saw him coming, he looked that furious.
“I am so sorry, I just don’t know what’s got into him these days.” David’s dad said to Blaine and Kurt. The boys glanced to each other and shared the same thought; It’s because he’s a closet homosexual, and is dealing with it by bullying us. They managed to give the man the smallest of smiles as he followed his son out the door.
“One month.” Burt said flatly, eyes boring into Figgins. “That boy has given these two boys’ hell since they arrived here and he gets suspended for one month?” Burt looked like he wanted to snap the mans’ head off, and he spat each syllable out. The principal recoiled a little, but didn’t break eye contact.
“Dad…” Kurt warned, knowing that it wasn’t good for his father to get worked up. He raised himself up from the sofa that he and Blaine were sharing and placed his hand lightly on his dads arm.
“I’m sorry, but there was nothing more I could do! There wasn’t enough proof and-”
“There wasn’t enough proof?” Kurt’s dad yelled, his face turning a light shade of red. “Cut the crap! Are the finger marks on Blaine’s neck enough proof? The cut on both their heads, is that enough proof?”
“Sir, I did everything I could, I can assure you of that!”
Kurt and Blaine were staring at the heated exchange with wide eyes and bated breath, shocked at Burt’s outburst.
“Dad, just go home, its okay-”
“You did everything you could, huh? Well that’s not enough.” Burt glared at Figgins one last time before gently laying a hand on Kurt’s shoulder, smiling at Blaine, and walking out the room.
Kurt could only stare after him, shock written all over his face. He sighed, glancing at Blaine who was staring at him, as if waiting for him to say something.
“Thank you.” He said softly to Principal Figgins who nodded in response, and he gestured to Blaine to lead the way out. The halls were deserted as everyone else was in their respective classes. Kurt made his way over to a wall where Principal Figgins could not see them, and slid down it. Blaine followed suit a moment later.
“That was hard, huh?” Blaine asked him, his voice soothing. Kurt nodded in response, eyes unfocused and glassy. He had been scared by Karofsky’s outburst, and especially scared at the sharp glare he had given both of him as he made his way out the door.
But it was okay now, at least for a month. Without Karofsky, he was sure the other jocks would lay off them a bit. He turned to Blaine whose eyes were focused on the floor. He laid a hand on the curly haired boys shoulder, and Blaine looked up. Kurt noticed that he looked weary, and wondered if the scene back in the office had affected him more than he thought.
“Are you okay?” He said gently, giving him a small smile.
“I will be, that was just a bit…heavy.” He gave out a strangled laugh and shook his head slightly.
Kurt could see how lost the boy was right now. His second day in a new school and he had had to go through all this already.
Kurt leaned off the wall, and enveloped the startled boy in caring hug. It took Blaine a moment to process what was happening, but a few seconds later he wrapped his arms tightly around the fair-haired boy and burrowed his head into his silky hair. Kurt didn’t even think to protest about this, all he could think of was holding Blaine. Blaine’s eyes squeezed shut tight, and he whispered, “Thank you.” Into Kurt’s hair, but Kurt heard.
“I’m sorry.” Kurt said, wishing he could make it all go away. He pulled back and looked deep into Blaine’s golden eyes.
“Don’t be sorry.” He said, the corners of his mouth twitching up. “It’s not your fault.”
Kurt returned the smile, and settled back into the wall. Their shoulders remained touching though, as they gently leaned on each other.
“Well,” Blaine sighed, “At least he’s gone now.”
And Kurt chose to relish this fact for a little while longer. A month without any major bullying.
Kurt got up from the floor, brushing himself down. “I suppose we better go back to class.” He said solemnly, wishing he could stay sitting there and talking to Blaine all day.
Blaine hummed in agreement as he stood up. “What do you have?”
“French.” Kurt responded, staring idly down the corridor.
“Ah, I have Physics.” Kurt turned around and gave Blaine a look of disgust.
“You took physics? Are you insane?” Kurt hissed, but Blaine could see the amusement in his shining eyes.
“Hey, it’s fun!” Blaine laughed, smiling wide. Kurt’s horrified stare just caused him to laugh harder, all thoughts of Karofsky diminishing.
“Goodbye, Blaine.” Kurt said, turning around on one heel and walking up the corridor.
“Bye, Kurt!” Blaine shouted after him, receiving a small wave. He watched the boy go, hopping from one foot to the other excitedly.
Not long until Biology, he thought, walking away, a spring in his step.


Blaine smiled as he walked into his biology classroom, the sun shining brightly through the windows. Kurt was already sitting in his seat, things all out and placed neatly on the desk in front of him, and he was eyeing them suspiciously.
“Lost something?” Blaine whispered right into Kurt’s ear, voice low. He smiled widely as he watched the boy jump from fright. He swung round and gracefully sat in his chair, pulling his stuff out from his bag.
“Well, hello to you to.” Kurt answered sharply, a smile playing on his lips. Blaine rose from rummaging through his bag and gave him a toothy grin, which Kurt thought looked adorable.
He inwardly groaned. Don’t start this again!
Blaine dumped all his things out on the table and leaned back in his seat, a wide grin still set upon his face.
“What are you smiling at?” Kurt asked, eyes narrowed at Blaine in suspicion, but he too was smiling.
“What are you smiling at?” Blaine retorted cheekily, and Kurt bit back a snort of laughter. He shook his head at the boy, and stared in front of him where Mr Johnson was flicking through a large folder, presumably looking for lesson plans.
“Right class!” He said a moment later, having found the right sheets. “Today is the day when you do your experiment! Now, everything is at the front of the room for you, and this is what you’ll need to do.” The rather large man then took the next 5 minutes explaining a mitosis experiment to the class, even though you could plainly hear the mutterings of conversations from the uninterested students.
Blaine, however, took the time to slyly (or so he liked to think) watch Kurt. The fair haired boy was listening intently to the teacher, teeth gently biting at his bottom lip. His legs were crossed, and he was wearing particularly tight navy skinny jeans, with a white fluffy sweater. Kurt’s hair was somehow still perfect, even after the rain and Blaine nuzzling into it. The same could not be said for Blaine’s hair, and he glanced up at one of the ringlets that was hanging down into his eyes, blowing it away with a quick puff.
Looking back at Kurt he realised something. He had know from the first time he had walked into this classroom that Kurt was good looking, but looking at him now, his teeth slowly nipping his lip and his hand resting on his thigh, Blaine realised that damn, Kurt was extremely attractive. Blaine’s mouth was in the shape of a small ‘o’ at this realisation, and before something bad happened he averted his eyes away from Kurt and tried to focus on the teacher. But then Blaine heard the soft sound of Kurt’s hand rubbing across the fabric of his jeans and he sighed in impatience, crossing his legs. Damnit, he thought. How can I be turned on by something as small as that?
Making a vow to himself to completely drown out the noise, he stared singing “Misery” in his head, before stopping abruptly when he got to the second verse. Thinking about that certainly wouldn’t help. Mr Johnson finally, finally, stopped talking after what seemed like an age, and the sound of scraping chairs echoed around him.
“Come on, then.” Kurt said to Blaine lightly, who snapped his head around and gave him an awkward smile. He started walking to the front of the class to collect equipment, and when Blaine didn’t follow, only collected a piece of paper and walked back to him.
“Please tell me you listened to what to do?” Kurt said pleadingly, but knowing the answer before Blaine spoke.
“Um, yeah, sure.” Blaine said, glancing around the room awkwardly, doing everything he could not to meet Kurt’s eyes.
Kurt sighed and dropped the piece of paper in front of the startled boy, who looked at it blankly for a moment before raising his head back up to Kurt’s, confusion settling on his face.
“That’s the method Blaine.” He said in a childlike tone, and Blaine immediately frowned at him. “You know, a method? It tells you what to-”
“Yes Kurt, okay I’m sorry for not listening. How about I read this while you go get the equipment?” Blaine cut him off before he could mock him any further.
“Why thank you, oh kind one.” Said Kurt, before sauntering off back to the front of the class. Blaine laughed at the retreating boy, settling his eyes on the paper and trying not to stare at Kurt again.
Kurt returned a moment later, dumping various equipment on the table. Blaine gave it a quick glance and saw a petri dish, droppers, various chemicals and a conical flask. He was nearly at the bottom of the piece of paper, and half understood what they had to do, when Kurt started pouring various chemicals into the flask.
When he was finished with the sheet he looked up at Kurt, who was still busy measuring things out.
“So we put that in there, add 5 drops of that and…do some other stuff?” Blaine said, raising his eyebrows in question and pointing out some bottles as he spoke.
Kurt glanced up at him quickly, shaking his head slightly. “Yes Blaine. You’re genius astounds me.” Blaine just grinned at this and stood up to help Kurt.
After pouring at least 5 chemicals into various places, each boy taking it in turns, their hands brushed as they both tried to pick up the same dropper at the same time. Their eyes met quickly, before they both looked around the room awkwardly. Blaine cleared his throat to try and break up the silence, before saying, “So…we’re nearly done right? We just need to pour this,” he pointed to the concoction of chemicals, “into this? And then leave it until next lesson?” He pointed to the petri dish lying next to him.
Kurt gave a small noise, trying to concentrate on measuring out exactly the amount of chemicals. It was a catalyst he was adding, Blaine noticed. They…sped up reactions. Wow, he thought, resisting the urge to laugh at himself. Well done Blaine, you remembered the most simple of things in biology.
“There!” Kurt exclaimed, gently placing the flask back on the table, mouth stretched into a smile. Blaine immediately picked it up again, pouring a small amount of the murky liquid into the petri dish, and all the while Kurt was looking at him warily. Blaine glanced up at Kurt, finished with pouring, and noticed that he was looking at Blaine like he was about to drop it everywhere.
“Hey, I’m not clumsy!” Blaine said, and like the world was just trying to embarrass him, he very nearly dropped the flask all over Kurt. Kurt gave out a gasp, but Blaine managed to keep the liquid upright, giving him a cross between a smile and a grimace.
“Mm,” Kurt said, eyes narrowed. “Sure you’re not. I’ll go empty this just in case you actually spill it this time. You think you can manage to put the petri dish over there with the others?” his voice was slightly patronising, but Blaine could only laugh.
“I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.” And with that Blaine grabbed the dish and headed across the classroom, managing to place it down beside the rest unscathed.
He walked back over to their table and sat down, idly clicking his pen. Kurt returned a moment later and dropped into his seat. They sat for a moment in silence, Blaine clicking his pen and Kurt watching a pair of students who had spilled their whole experiment, much like what Blaine had almost done.
“What are you doing for lunch?” Blaine suddenly asked. Kurt turned around to face him, knowing what he was asking but deciding to play with him a little.
“I’m having it in the cafeteria, as normal. You?” A small smile crept across his pink lips, and Blaine laughed, knowing exactly what Kurt was doing.
“Kurt, you know what I’m trying to say.” Blaine remarked, not even embarrassed at the whole situation for some reason. He felt completely comfortable and at ease around Kurt, even though they had only known each other just over 24 hours now.
“Do I, Blaine?” Kurt said cheekily, cocking his head to one side.
Blaine sighed in response, knowing that Kurt was going to make him come right out and say it.
“Can we have lunch together again?” Kurt laughed at how easily Blaine had caved.
He hummed, pretending to think. “I’ll think about it.” He said with a devilish smile.
Not realising that the time had gone by so quickly, the bell shrilled around them, cutting off their conversation.
“You will get the results of the experiment tomorrow, and then you will need to write them up with your partner as homework!” Mr Johnson shouted, reminding the class once again of their assignment. Kurt and Blaine quickly packed up their stuff, Blaine shoving it into his bag forcefully and Kurt placing it in neatly.
As they walked out the classroom, they gave each other a small smile.
“Lunch?” Kurt said, deciding to not torture Blaine any longer by not giving him in an answer.
“Lunch.” Blaine confirmed, chuckling and waving goodbye to the smiling boy, walking away to Chemistry.

Blaine flopped down opposite Kurt at the lunch table, placing his tray down. Kurt was picking at his salad, fiddling with the browning withered lettuce leaves.
“Hi!” Blaine exclaimed cheerfully, eyeing his food with hunger. Kurt looked up smiling. This smile, however, instantly faded when he saw Blaine’s plate, which was piled high with the most unhealthy food that you could get from McKinley.
“What is that?” Blaine gave him a confused look, so Kurt gingerly pointed at the full plate.
“My lunch.” Blaine said bluntly, shovelling a forkful of it into his mouth, and chewing happily.
“But…it’s so unhealthy!” Blaine stifled a laugh, knowing that food flying out of your mouth was definitely not a good look.
“That,” Blaine said after swallowing, pointing at Kurt’s pathetic looking salad, “Is rabbit food.”
“Well, I don’t want to get overweight and die from heart problems.” Kurt said, wincing at the memories of his dad.
“Are you saying I’m overweight?” Blaine said, head at an angle and a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Not yet you aren’t, but if you keep going like that, then…” Kurt trailed off, placing another forkful of salad into his mouth, and trying not to grimace at the awful taste.
“Rude.” Blaine said shortly, laughing.
He was getting used to the jokes made between the two boys, but it never failed to surprise him how easily it happened. Anyone listening to them could’ve sworn that they had known each other more than one day, and Blaine liked that. He liked that they had hit it off so quickly, and could feel so happy being in each others presence.
They sat in a comfortable silence, each eating their respective lunches. Blaine didn’t know what to say next, but he also felt like they didn’t really need to say anything.
“So, how about you tell me about yourself?” Kurt said suddenly. Blaine was taken aback at this.
“What, like, random facts?”
“Uh huh. All I know about you is…your school life. Tell me about your hobbies, interests.”
Blaine frowned, thinking. “Okay, um… I sing a lot. I like musical theatre, I play guitar and piano…I like cupcakes.” Kurt snorted at this, shaking his head.
“Well, you asked for random facts!” Blaine said in defence to his outburst, laughing at the same time.
“I know a little about cars, I like sports. I prefer earbuds to headphones…” Kurt once again snorted, but was secretly enjoying learning more about Blaine.
“My hair used to be longer.”
“Longer?” Kurt interrupted. “Did it go into an afro?” He laughed, fully expecting Blaine to deny this in horror. Instead he looked around awkwardly, not meeting Kurt’s eyes that were rapidly widening. “No way!” He exclaimed, his laughter loud and uplifting, and Blaine couldn’t help but join in.
“Yeah, um, moving on… I can’t wear matching socks, because that’s boring.” Kurt took a quick look under the table and noticed that yes, one of Blaine’s socks were blue and stripy, the other a plain army green. Blaine had a frown on his face, clearly thinking of more things. “Toffee ice cream is heaven, I would love to be able to draw but I can barely even draw stick men…and I love autumn because of all the pretty colours.” He ended, a childlike smile on his face. Kurt laughed at how pleased Blaine looked with himself.
“That was…very interesting. But you can play guitar and piano? That’s impressive.”
Blaine shrugged bashfully. “I spent a lot of time alone and my mum gave me the instruments and it just…went from there I guess.” Blaine said, trying to shrug off Kurt’s complement.
Kurt gave him a reassuring smile and they fell back into a comfortable silence, Blaine still eating his mass of food but by then Kurt had given up on his salad.
Kurt thought about the change in Blaine that he had just realised. When he had first met the curly haired boy, he had been shy and unresponsive, but in less that a day he had changed. He was now able to laugh and joke with Kurt easily, and…they were friends now, he supposed.
Kurt pondered this, wondering what could have made Blaine change his attitude.
And the he realised. If they were friends now, why couldn’t he just ask him?
“Blaine?” Kurt said gently. Lifting his head and looking at Kurt, he gave him a small grunt in response, as there was still food in his mouth.
“Why did you…how come you decided to talk to me? To let me in?” He asked hesitantly, watching the boys’ forehead crease.
“I guess…I guess it was you telling me about what Karofsky…did to you. I thought at the start that you were just the same as everybody else, that you didn’t care and that you didn’t understand. But when I realised that you did, and after I had told you my story…I figured, why not? It’s kind of…nice, being able to talk to you. To have a…friend.” Blaine said, also hesitantly. He was going out on a whim here, because he didn’t want to assume that he and Kurt were friends now, but the glowing smile that he got in returned was enough to tell him, that yes, they were friends.
“Well, I’m glad I could help. And you’re not too bad yourself.” Kurt said, blushing slightly when he realised what he had just said. Blaine laughed happily and looked down at the table, a slight blush rising on his cheeks too.
For the rest of lunch, they talked contentedly about everything and nothing. Kurt told Blaine about himself, his love of singing and Broadway and how he hoped that he would live in New York one day. Blaine listened with a warm smile, nodding at all the right places and joining in when he had something to add.
They were slowly starting to get to know each other, and neither boys’ were complaining at what they were finding out. They realised that they shared their love of singing, and Kurt even offered for Blaine to try out for glee club. Blaine had said he would think about it, and Kurt was happy enough with this answer. The more they learned about each other, the more they realised that they wanted to learn more. But all in good time, Blaine reassured himself.
They said their goodbyes for the day (aside from their quick exchange of Kurt returning Blaine’s jacket) when the bell went signalling the end of lunch, and both boys walked out of the lunch hall happier than they had been when they came in.
Roll on Biology, Blaine thought, resisting the urge to laugh at himself. And for the rest of the day, through the thoughts of Geometry and walking home in the rain and homework, there was constant thought on his mind; Kurt.

End Notes: I hope you enjoyed!!! Please review:)


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