Oct. 23, 2011, 10:04 a.m.
Oct. 23, 2011, 10:04 a.m.
15 years old
Blaine gasped in pain as he collided heavily with the row of lockers. It was his arm that was hurt this time, but it was nothing new. He heard Peter and the other Jocks laughing hysterically as they walked away, but he kept his eyes closed and somehow managed to stay standing.
Since his so called ‘friends’ had outed him to the whole school 2 years earlier, only the day after he had came to the conclusion that he was gay, this bullying was a daily occurrence. He had appealed to the head of Dalton about it countless times, but 1. they couldn’t give a crap about the well being of meaningless students like Blaine and 2. there were ‘never any witnesses’ to the incidents, so they could do nothing about it.
Blaine had snorted when he had heard this. Of course there were witnesses, but no one in this rundown excuse of a school were brave enough, or cared enough, to speak out.
So it had continued. Blaine hadn’t had a single friend since his last ones had deserted him when they found out about his ‘problem’ as they had called it.
The only person he had actually told that he was gay was his mum a year before. It had got to the point where he was so lonely, so upset, that he just needed tell someone. And his mum had been there, and since then she had been completely supportive of him, telling him that it was okay to be gay, and that one day he would find someone that he could love, and be loved back.
But right now he wasn’t holding up much hope. He was the only person out at his school. Who would come out after seeing what was happening to Blaine? He didn’t blame them. He wouldn’t have came out by choice.
His father was another one of his problems. When he had told his mum, after reassuring him that everything was okay, she had suggested that they shouldn’t tell him dad. He made no attempt of disguising his disgust of homosexuals, and every time he made a crude comment about it, Blaine could only stand there, hating himself, and hating his father.
And that was his life right now. He did well in classes, always getting a higher mark than any of the other kids at his school. But really, that wasn’t saying much, since everyone came from schemes and schoolwork was the last thing on their minds. At 15, all they could think about was how to score their next joint or what shop they were going to steal from next.
Blaine was one of the few people here that didn’t take drugs, didn’t smoke, didn’t get into fights daily. The teachers didn’t care here. They taught them the bear minimum to pass their exams, and they knew that hardly anybody actually paid attention. They were past caring.
So as Blaine walked out of school, head down, trying not to draw attention to himself, he was thinking about hope. Or his lack of it. The only thing that kept Blaine going was his music. Without music, Blaine couldn’t even imagine where he’d be. And as he almost ran past the Jocks, the sound of their insults ringing in his ears, he softly sang to himself.
16 years old
Blaine stared helplessly at his Dad who was advancing towards him, face purple from rage.
“TELL ME IT’S NOT TRUE.” His Dad screamed in his face, just inches away from him. Blaine cowered back into the wall, wrapping his arms around his stomach in defeat. He stayed silent.
“TELL ME, BLAINE.” Understanding was slowly crossing his face, and this was the angriest Blaine had ever seen his father. And he was scared. Petrified, in fact. He hadn’t been this scared before in his life, not even the bullies had made him feel this terrified.
And that was when he felt the punch in the stomach, pain searing through him as he was hit over and over.
Blaine vaguely heard his mother screaming at him to stop, to let Blaine go, but it meant nothing to him. His dad had somehow found out he was gay, and that was the end for Blaine. He had known what his father would do when he found out, he just wasn’t expecting it to happen until he told him years later, when maybe he could stand up for himself instead of cowering away in a corner as blow after blow was aimed at him.
All he could do was sob. Sob at the hopelessness he felt. His home life and school life would be unbearable now, and he didn’t know what he was going to do. So he took the blows, tears streaming down his face, shouting echoing in his ears. Not even music could help him now.
Kurt could only stare at Blaine, who was cowering in the corner of the store cupboard, tears streaming down his face.
“A year later my dad realised that everyone in school knew that I was gay. So he forced me to transfer here and now-” Blaine broke of, unable to speak through his tears.
But Kurt didn’t need Blaine to finish his sentence. He knew exactly what he was trying to say.
The bullying that had haunted him at his old school, the thing that had made his life a living hell for years now, had started again. At the place where he thought he could finally, finally get a normal life, it had returned.
Kurt realised that he had tears falling from his eyes, but he could think of only one thing to do, not caring about them as they fell onto his lap.
He moved towards Blaine, and held him in the exact same way that Blaine had held Kurt only fifteen minutes ago, but now they were both crying. He stroked the boys back softly, whispering to him.
“It’s okay, it will all be okay.” He rocked the him, as Blaine held onto him tightly, nuzzling roughly into his neck.
Neither of them knew each other that well, but they knew that they could trust each other. They had shared with one another their pasts, their worries, their fears. And as much as neither boy had expected it, they had bonded now. It didn’t matter if Blaine raised his walls again, blocking Kurt out. Because Kurt knew that somewhere, the emotional, beautiful boy in his arms was hiding deep within. And he would not give up on that, not if he could offer some comfort to Blaine. Maybe they could find hope in each other, but all they could do just now was cry. And, fifteen minutes later, when both boys quietened, they pulled away, and offered one another small smiles.
And that was when the door opened.