Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 7

E - Words: 4,302 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming Chapter Seven
August 27th Friday

The school was abuzz with activity for on this beautiful Friday afternoon they would be having their first football game of the year and students and parents alike would be attending to see their friends and sons in action. In the middle of all the excitement were the cheerleaders who were gearing up to cheer at the game and show off their new routines. Kurt was no exception to all of the joyfulness. He constantly had a cheerleader by his side talking his ear off about the game and he returned the excitement as well as giving them some pointers on the routines where he thought they needed it. His mood was dampened a little however when Coach Sue found him in 3rd period and informed him that he wouldn't be leading the team that night, Quinn would, because she wanted to give him time for his wrist to heal. He would have loved to have griped and complained to Blaine about all of this but he had barely seen the boy all day due to his cheerleaders constantly being with him. He was relieved when 6th period came and he could escape to the gym when they called for all of the athletes and cheerleaders to be released from class. His mood once again became sour however when Santana approached him and informed him that Blaine would at the game that night, for Puck.
Kurt sighed as he continued stretching because even though he wouldn't be cheering at that nights game, it relaxed him. “Is that all you came to tell me because I believe that Quinn is over there getting the cheerleaders ready for the game. Santana looked over her shoulder in the direction of Quinn, who was currently in the middle of the gym yelling at all of the cheerleaders. “What's up with that anyway?”
“Coach Sue thought it best if I sat this game out.” Kurt answered as he continued stretching on the floor.
Santana glared at him. “Is that what's up your ass? Or is it what's not?” Santana finished with a smirk.
Kurt scoffed at her as he stood up to stretch his arms out. “Well excuse me for being upset because my arch nemesis is taking over my cheerleading squad and the only reason my best friend is coming to the game is because his best friend is starting.”
Santana put her hands on her hips and furrowed her brows. “Forget about Quinn, how could you think that the only reason he's coming to the game.”
Kurt sighed as he stopped stretching and placed his arms across his chest with a frown on his face. “It's just been a long day Santana.”
Santana smiled at him sympathetically. “You mean a long year.”
Kurt laughed. “That too.”
Santana smiled as she patted his arm before walking away. Kurt quirked his eye at his friend before shaking his head and continuing his stretching.

Before the game the cheerleaders gathered in the locker room to freshen up. Kurt stayed to the side by himself since Santana hadn't returned yet. They filed of the room twenty minutes before the game so they could get warmed up outside but Kurt stayed behind. Since he was alone he sat down on the bench with his head in his hands, trying to get rid of the headache that seemed to follow him around these days. He heard footsteps approaching and looked up to find Santana and Blaine in the doorway. Santana leaned against the doorway as Blaine made his way to Kurt. Upon reaching him he swept him up in his arms and into a tight embrace with Kurt hugging back just as fiercely. They let go of each other and sat down on the bench Kurt had just vacated. Blaine pulled him into his lap and Kurt went willingly. Kurt buried his face in Blaine's shoulder and Blaine in response held him in his arms as he rubbed his back. “Did you know that ever since I started this school that I've gone to the football games?”
Kurt looked up at him quizzically and shook his head.
“It was the first Friday that I started going to this school. It was right before first period and I was at my locker with Santana and Puck. Puck and Santana were talking about something and I was busy searching my locker. I heard laughter coming from down the hall and when I looked that way I saw the most beautiful boy I had ever laid eyes on. I watched him until he walked away and past me to get to class, of course I was disappointed later to find out that he was already attached. Puck and Santana were laughing at me since I was basically drooling after you even after you had disappeared around the corner. I then proceeded to demand them to tell me everything they knew about you. They only knew the basics however, but I did find out that you were the head cheerleader. So I told them we would be attending the game that night, Santana any way. We went right after school and hung out under the bleachers as Puck practiced with the football team. I watched you all through practice that day and found out why you were named the head cheerleader, your quite flexible. As people started filing in to watch the game we moved to a different spot so that I could keep an eye on you. I was transfixed by you through the whole game that I couldn't tell you what all happened or who won. I then got angry when I found you in his arms after the game. That was also the first time that I noticed there was something wrong with that relationship. From that day on we were at every game, much to Santana's chagrin, except for when she joined the cheerleading squad.”
Kurt caught him in a rough kiss as he finished the story, ending up in his lap. They only came up for air when they heard a throat clear from across the room. Kurt quickly broke the kiss and hid his face in Blaine's shoulder as Blaine just held onto him tightly.
“Don't you ever think that I just go to the games for football. I always have and always will go for you.”
Kurt kissed the side of his throat as he whispered, “Thank you.”
Santana let them sit and bask in each other's presence for a little while longer before she sadly interrupted them. “I hate to break up this love fest but Kurt and I have a cheerleading squad to get to.”
Blaine sighed as he reluctantly let go of Kurt so he could get up. Kurt slowly left his lap and went to Santana's side.
Blaine got up as well and ran his fingers through his hair. “I heard Finn's going to be at Rachel's tonight since your parents are out of town, so me and the boys are coming to yours.”
Kurt smiled as Santana dragged him away. Blaine laughed as he headed to exit out of the back door.

The game was unexciting for Kurt since he had to sit on the sidelines and just watch. During half time he had Santana by his side and they chatted happily as he kept an eye on Blaine who was across the field with Puck. Sooner than he would have liked the game was back on and he was once again alone. He sighed as he sat on the sidelines off to the side of the other cheerleaders. He sat cross legged with his head in his hands for a little while before getting bored and deciding to seek out Blaine. He started searching out Blaine with his eyes. He finally found him standing off to the side of the bleachers with a cigarette in his mouth. Blaine winked at him as he noticed him watching and Kurt smiled back.

The game was soon over and Kurt hesitantly walked onto the field to find Jade and congratulate him on their win. By the time he did find him he was in Quinn's arms. He shook his head as he rushed off the football field and into the locker room. He received a text while he was in the shower that Blaine and the boys were on their way to his house and would soon be ordering a pizza. Kurt rushed through getting dressed and ran out to the parking lot. He wasn't going to let Jade plague his mind this weekend when he had good friends at the house.
He made it home in record time. By the time he threw his bag down at the front door the bell rang. He found a note and Blaine's bank card on the side table by the door. “Hey babe, feel free to use my card for the pizza. Hurry up because there are people here who can't wait to see you and I can't guarantee the safety of your room for much longer.” Kurt laughed as he opened the door, paid the guy and took the pizza. The guy soon left and Kurt hurried upstairs.
As soon as he approached the room the boys were there to grab the pizzas from him as he was pulled to the bed by Nick who started talking his ear off. They lay there as they chatted about there days and the going on's in their life's. Blaine brought them a couple of pieces of pizza before getting back to the boys and their game.
Nick and Kurt ended up falling asleep on the bed as the guys continued to play video games well into the wee hours of the morning. They eventually decided to go to sleep around six. Blaine woke up Nick and told him to get on the floor as he crawled in and gathered Kurt to him. Kurt snuggled in against him and fell back to sleep.

Kurt revoke a few hours later in need of the bathroom. He sleepily shuffled his way there and shut the door behind him. He reappeared a minute later, turning off the light and returning to the bed. He curled up beside Blaine who threw his arm around him without opening his eyes. “Please tell me it's not time to get up yet.”
Kurt laughed as he pulled the blanket up over the both of them and moved in closer. “How long did you guys stay up?”
Blaine yawned as he stretched out and rolled onto his back. “I think around 6.”
Kurt smiled as he recalled his own night spent talking with Nick. “I really had fun tonight. I've never really been a part of a guys night before.”
Blaine rolled back over to face Kurt. “You mean you've never had a night with Finn and the glee guys?”
Kurt shook his head. “I was never invited. They think I'm too girly to hang out with them.”
Blaine hissed. “Those assholes!”
Kurt placed a soothing hand on his arm. “I'm used to it Blaine.”
Blaine pulled him close and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. “You don't have to be anymore. You have us now and we're more than happy to include you in our guys night.”
Kurt smiled as he disentangled himself from Blaine's arms so that he could see his face. He leaned in close and whispered thank you before softly kissing him. Blaine returned the kiss as he pushed Kurt down on the bed and hovered over him. They kissed until they were interrupted by Puck yelling, “Get some Hummel!”
Kurt quickly pushed Blaine off of him and turned away. Blaine scowled across the room at Puck who was bowing his head in regret. “Sorry dude.”
Blaine sighed as he fell down on the bed and put his arm over his eyes. He could hear Kurt crying beside him. He rolled onto his side and tried to get his attention but Kurt just ignored him.
Kurt eventually fell asleep as Blaine lay awake by side in worry. Kurt had just open up enough to him to start being physical. Now he was probably regretting it because he was afraid of Jade's reaction. He leaned up on his elbow to look over at Kurt. He was asleep but his face was drawn up in worry. He watched him sadly for a moment until Kurt started moving in his sleep. He thought he was waking up so he returned to his side of the bed as to not creep Kurt out. He lay there silently as Kurt's movements started becoming more frequent and he started mumbling. He furrowed his brows as he watched him for a moment more before deciding to intervene. He reached his arm over and began to shake him as he called his name. He began to become more forceful as Kurt began to thrash around more. As he started to shake him again Kurt yelled out and threw his hand in the air, banging his hand on the wall behind him, hard. Kurt gasped in pain as it woke him up and he sat up, cradling his hand. Blaine moved to comfort Kurt but he pushed him away as he got up and retreated to the bathroom. Blaine quickly followed him, shutting and locking the door behind them. He stood by the door silently as Kurt rummaged through his drawers. He began taking things out and placing them on the sink. It was soon filled with gauze, cotton balls, a wrap, Advil and antiseptic cream. Blaine moved forward and forced Kurt to sit on the toilet seat. He then took the antiseptic cream and some cotton balls, dousing the cotton balls in the cream and softly sliding it across Kurt's cut up knuckles. Afterwards Blaine took the gauze and wrapped his hand before wrapping it up in the wrap. Lastly he filled a glass with water before handing it along with two Advil's to Kurt which he downed quickly. Blaine placed the empty glass on the other side of the sink as he climbed on top of it.
They sat there quietly for a moment so that they could both gather their thoughts before they talked. Kurt was the first one to break the silence with an apology. Blaine growled in response. “I'm tired of you apologizing for him!”
Kurt rolled his eyes as he took to staring at the shower curtain instead of Blaine. “Well he is the reason I'm afraid to be physical with you.”
Blaine sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, a sure sign that he was nervous. “Why did you freak out the second time and not the first?”
Kurt shook his head. “I guess I just wasn't thinking about it. I had the game on my mind.”
Blaine nodded. “You needn't worry so much. It's not as if I'm going to go around school bragging about kissing Kurt Hummel.”
Kurt started laughing but it soon turned into tears. Blaine hopped off the sink and leaned down in front of him worriedly. “What is it babe?”
Kurt didn't answer as he started crying harder. Blaine pulled Kurt off of the toilet and into his arms, Kurt going willingly. Blaine rocked him until he stopped crying. He stayed quiet as he listened to Kurt's soft breathing and sniffling. Kurt sniffled once more as he sat up to dab at his eyes. “What must my father think of me? I'm dating one guy and yet making out with another.?”
Blaine squeezed him in comfort as Kurt kept babbling. “My father means the world to me, he's the greatest guy alive in my eyes. I just want him to have a son he can be proud of to add to his accomplishment list.”
Blaine held him tighter and kissed him on top of the head. “Your dad has so much to be proud of babe.”
Kurt sniffled. “Not at the moment.”
Blaine pushed him back so that he could look in his eyes. “You are an amazing person Kurt. Your father should be proud of the man you have become. This has no bearing on who you are. Your father should be proud of the way your handling yourself.”
Kurt smiled as he looked up at Blaine with shining eyes. “You should be a writer with all of the amazing things you say to me.”
Blaine laughed as he ran his hand through his hair. “I actually do write, music.”
Kurt perked up at this news as he sat up on his knees excitedly. “Will you play something for me?
Blaine cleared his throat as he tried to think of a way out of this. “I don't have a guitar.”
Kurt raised his eyebrows as he caught onto Blaine's game and smirked. “Finn has one in his room. Puck tried to teach him once. They were in there for one hour before Puck came storming out of the room yelling something about Finn being unteachable.” Blaine laughed out loud at that and Kurt took that as a good sign. He got up, holding his hand out for Blaine, who took it and pulled himself up. Kurt lead him out of the bathroom, through the room, the hall and into Finns room. He sat him on Finn's bed as he started searching the room for the guitar. He let out a squeal as he found it and took it to Blaine. He sat down next to him as he took the guitar and started strumming the chords. Soon it turned to a melody and Blaine started humming. He soon began singing and Kurt sat there mesmerized at his voice. He lay his head on his shoulder as he let Blaine's voice wash over him and comfort him. Blaine sang through three songs before setting the guitar down and pressing a kiss on top of his head. “Should I be offended that you fell asleep on my shoulder?”
Kurt giggled as he kissed Blaine on the cheek. “You were wonderful babe. If your not considering making music for a living I would do some rethinking.”
“You really think I could do it?” Blaine asked nervously.
Kurt just smiled as he looped his arm through Blaine's and kissed him on the shoulder. “With talent like that it'd be a shame not to.”
Blaine laughed as he leaned his head on top of Kurt's and shut his eyes. “You're the best Kurt.”

They lay there for awhile just basking in each other's company before Blaine's growling stomach broke through the silence. Kurt laughed as he grabbed Blaine's hand and dragged him to the kitchen. He sat him at the kitchen table as he went to the stove and started frying some bacon. Blaine got up and walked to the coffee maker and turned it on. Once finished he made two cups of coffee and went to sit on the counter next to Kurt. They talked quietly until their friends started filing in being aroused by the smell of the bacon. As they sat at the table Blaine got plates out and Kurt filled them with bacon and eggs.
After breakfast they all got dressed and headed out. The boys ended up at the gym while Kurt and Nick went to the mall. They met up for dinner afterwards. Kurt was surprised to find his dad sitting at the kitchen table. “Hey dad.”
“Where have you been?”
“Out with some friends.” Kurt answered reluctantly.
Kurt just nodded his head and Burt began with the lecturing. Kurt just stood there in the doorway as his father gave him the same lecture he's given him before. “Do you think I'm a bad person?” Kurt asked interrupting his lecture.
“Where is this coming from?” Burt asked concerned.
“Your sitting there lecturing me about my relationship, for the hundredth time. I can only imagine what you must think of me.”
“You want to know what I think of you?” Burt asked. “You are the best person I know. You're a teenager, your going to have conflicting feelings. I just don't want you to get hurt in the process.”
Kurt rushed into the room, giving his father a hug and a whispered love you, before rushing out of the room and upstairs. Burt smiled as he went back to his newspaper.

When Kurt reached his room he was surprised to find Blaine laying on his stomach on his bed flipping through channels. He shut and locked the door before climbing into bed laying next to Blaine on his back. Blaine looked over with a smile only to realize that their faces were centimeters apart. Kurt smirked as he leaned up and closed the distance between them. They broke apart after a few minutes and Kurt curled into his side and closed his eyes. Blaine turned the TV off before moving to the head of the bed and taking Kurt with him. Kurt curled back up to Blaine and fell back to sleep.

“Sunday went fabulously.” Kurt's words not mine. As soon as we arrived at the gym he took off to the mall with Nick. It took me the next thirty minutes to shut the guys up about being jealous so that we could work out. I noticed that it bothered Jeff more than he let on. I secretly watched the door, not jealous, as it took them two hours, ten minutes, and thirty seconds to return. When they did return they took up residence on the bench in the corner and continued whatever they had been talking about when they came in. Jeff wasn't playing it off very well anymore and neither was I. I ended up dragging him out of there a couple of hours later when we finished our homework and he was still talking to Nick, not jealous.

Once we made it back to the house I dragged him up to his room and attacked him with my lips for the next half hour until he forced me off of him so he could do homework. We spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on the bed doing homework, watching TV and talking until he had to join his family down stairs.

Now it's Monday and we're back at school. I'm currently stationed at the end of the hall with Puck by my side and Santana and Kurt are at his locker. I watched curiously as Jade approached them, placing his arm around Kurt's shoulder. Puck laughed when I let out a little growl, I hit him. I saw him say something to Kurt before leading him down the hall. Santana stopped by us to inform me that Jade would be going over there that afternoon and get pissed when I blew it off. I just headed off to class myself with a scowl on my face.

I ended up deciding to skip halfway through the day since Jade and Kurt had been flirting and acting like a couple all day. Puck found me under the bleachers to tell me about some fight that had taken place and when I didn't show much interest in it he got pissed and left, saying something about I shouldn't be pissed because Jade was more than likely making Kurt act that way. I didn't care.

Kurt didn't see Blaine for the rest of the day and this upset me greatly. He couldn't really look either since Jade was forever by my side. He was disappointed when he didn't show up for Glee. Jade ended up following him home that day. They sat at the kitchen table doing homework and talking to Carole. They had a nice dinner together and afterwards they headed upstairs to watch some TV. They curled up on the bed together but Jade didn't try anything. Kurt lay there stiffly the whole time. He walked him out at curfew and he surprised him by giving him a quick kiss goodnight.
Kurt hurried upstairs after bidding his family a goodnight. He quickly took a shower to wash off the dirtiness he felt whenever he was near Jade these days. Afterwards he curled up in his bed under his covers as he tried to figure out what Jade's deal had been.
He got tired of thinking about it so he got dressed and snuck out of the window and to his car to go ask the only person he knew would have the answers to his questions. He was strangely nervous as he made the trip to Blaine's. He had been absent all day and he wasn't sure if it was because of something he did or the way Jade had been acting all day.

He finally pulled up about two hours later and parked in the front. He shook as he tuned off the car and opened the door. He slowly got out and stood in front of the building. He took a deep breath as he headed inside. Once he made it past the reception desk and into the gym he started calling for Blaine. About the fourth time he called out he saw movement in the loft, he looked up only to find a blonde headed boy staring back at him. He let out a little gasp as a familiar curly head also peeked out. He stuttered out a goodbye as he ran out of the building. He jumped into his car and sped off down the road. He made it home in an hour and parked haphazardly in the road. He rushed through his window and climbed into his bed. As soon as his head hit his pillow the tears began falling. He didn't know why he was so upset, he was the one who had been pushing Blaine to find someone. So why did it hurt so bad?


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