Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 5

E - Words: 3,175 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming

Chapter 5 August 23rd

Kurt walked into school the following Monday morning with a smile plastered on his face. After his enjoyable weekend he was actually in a good mood for the first time in at least a year. He had woken up Saturday morning to the unpleasant site of Finn's feet in his face. He knocked his feet off the couch, abruptly waking the boy as he went on search for his phone. He found it under the couch as Finn went grumbling off in the direction of the kitchen. He squeaked in joy as he found a message on his phone from Blaine. He spent the day texting Blaine between doing homework with Finn, spending time with his family and dinner and a movie with his family that night.

His smile didn't even falter when he spotted Jade standing at his locker. He made his way over, spinning the lock on his locker as he greeted Jade.
“Why are you so chipper this morning?” Jade demanded suspiciously.
“It's a beautiful day.” Kurt replied with a shrug.
“Have you seen Blaine today?” Jade asked out of the blue.
Kurt shook his head before curiosity took hold and he had to ask why.
“You just seem extra chipper for a Monday.”
Kurt decided to change the subject before he got himself into trouble. “Shouldn't you be excited for the game this Friday?”
Jade sighed as he leaned against the locker next to Kurt's. “I'm nervous. All of this extra pressure is being put on me since I'm the quarterback and this is my senior year.”
Kurt placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before saying anything back. “You'll do great, as you always do.”
Jade turned towards him with a smile on his face. “Thanks Kurt, that means a lot.”
Kurt smiled back in response. “You ready to get to class?”
Jade rolled his eyes in reply. “As I'll ever be.”
Kurt laughed as he hooked his arm through Jade's before dragging him down the hall. They talked about football strategies on the way and Kurt gave him some tips to help with the nerves. As they walked into the classroom he noticed Blaine watching them from the corner of his eyes so he sent him a small smile before returning to his conversation with Jade. They took a seat in their regular chairs without breaking the conversation and continued on until the teacher came in and began the lesson. Neither of them noticed the boy sitting at the front of the classroom watching them with a disgusted look on his face.

During lunch Kurt received a text message from Blaine to meet him under the bleachers, so after telling Jade he was going to the library to work on a paper for class he headed that way. As always he found Puck standing guard at the entrance of the bleachers and after a quick greeting he kept on his way. He found Blaine leaning against his usual pole so he took up a position on one of the steps. Blaine watched him for a minute before snuffing out his cigarette and demanding answers to why he was being so friendly with Jade that morning. Kurt told him he was trying to help him with his nerves because they had a game that Friday night.
“I don't like it.” Blaine responded angrily.
Kurt scoffed in annoyance. “He's my boyfriend Blaine, it's kind of in the description for me to hang out with him and to comfort him.”
It was Blaine's turn to scoff. “I thought you hated him!”
Kurt gave him a questioning look. “What is your problem? Since when is it any of your business what I do with my boyfriend?”
Blaine squinted his eyes in anger as he exploded. “Since you brought me into all of this!” Kurt laughed humorlessly at that response. “If I remember correctly it was you who first approached me.”
“That is not the point Kurt!” Blaine yelled in frustration.
“Then what is the point Blaine!” Kurt exploded getting tired of this pointless argument he seemed to be engaged in.
“You looked happy!” Blaine blurted out. Kurt whipped back in shock at the outburst as Blaine continued his explanation. “You looked so happy talking to him. I thought you were having second thoughts about us. I mean, you barely looked at me when you passed by me in the classroom. I can't stand the thought of losing you Kurt.” Blaine finished with a sniffle as a tear ran down his cheek.
Kurt slowly stood up, walking over to Blaine and standing in front of him. He wiped the tear from his cheek, his head falling into his hand as he stroked his cheek. “I was happy because of you Blaine.” Kurt began explaining in a whisper. “I had such a great time this weekend that it carried into today. You were the reason for my smile, ever since I met you, you've been the reason. Jade's being pressured right now from the football team and the coach, I was just reassuring him. I am definitely not having second thoughts.”
Blaine pulled him close by an arm wrapped around his waist and he buried his face in his shoulder as more tears came pouring out. “I'm sorry, I get insecure.”
Kurt shushed him as he held him tight and let him get his tears out. “My brother and my father are already suspicious, I don't need the whole school on my ass as well. That's why I have to act like a boyfriend to Jade while we're at school.”
Blaine looked up at him with shining eyes and Kurt smiled at him as he wiped the tears from his face.
“I hate fighting with you.” Kurt hummed as he began stroking Blaine's cheek again.
“I always feel closer to you after a fight.”
Blaine laughed as he grabbed Kurt's hands and held them in between their bodies. “They do usually end pretty quickly.”
Kurt sighed as he tried to not let himself drown in Blaine's big brown eyes. “Yes well, so is lunch, and we have to return to the outside world.”
Blaine got a mischievous look on his face as he tightened his grip on Kurt's hands. “Skip with me.”
Kurt rolled his eyes affectionately as he easily escaped Blaine's hold and took a step backwards. “You know he'll just come looking for me.” Kurt said with a look of regret on his face.
“I can send Puck to distract him.” Blaine said with a wicked smile on his face.
Kurt shook his head in amusement. “Go to class!”
Blaine whined as he made grabby hands towards Kurt.
Kurt just smiled as he walked past Blaine. “See you in class Anderson!”
Blaine's laughter followed him to the exit of the bleachers.

The rest of the day flew by in which Kurt didn't hear much from Blaine, and before he knew it was time for Glee. He and Jade walked into the classroom hand in hand and they took a seat in the back row. Jade immediately immersed himself in conversation as Kurt dropped his head on Jade's shoulder, Jade wrapping his arm around his waist in response. Kurt let himself get lost in thought as they waited for the bell to ring so they could begin class. He found himself thinking of Blaine once again and began to wonder why he hadn't heard from him since that afternoon and also about the fact that his shoulder was much more comfortable than Jade's. And as if he could tell that he was being thought of Blaine came through the door as the bell rang. It seemed as if his attention wasn't the only he garnered as several pair of eyes turned to stare at him and Jade's arm tightened around his waist. Mr. Schuester greeted him and asked what he was doing here. Blaine answered that he would like to try out for Glee. This excited the teacher and he asked if he had a song prepared. Blaine nodded his head so he smiled encouragingly at him before taking a seat in the front row. Blaine walked over to the piano, whispering something to him before going to the center of the room. He introduced himself and his song, Not Strong Enough To Say No by Blackhawk before the music started and he began singing.

Kurt couldn't let himself get lost in the wonderfulness that was Blaine's voice since everyone in the room was glaring at him and Jade had a deathly grip on him. Throughout the song it was pretty obvious who Blaine was singing to and Kurt could kill him for being so transparent. As the song continued Jade's grip would tighten every time Blaine looked in their direction. As the song ended there was scattered applause except for the man up front who seemed oblivious to the tension in the air. The teacher hurried to the front of the class with a huge smile on his face to congratulate Blaine on becoming a member of New Directions. He then instructed him to take a seat as he began the lesson plan for the week. Kurt's head was jerked back as soon as everyone's attention was on the teacher and Jade whispered furiously in his ear. “Do you think I'm stupid or something! Do you think that I didn't know why you were so happy this morning? Or why you disappeared at lunch? Or why he sang that particular song? Be at your house at ten, alone.” Jade let go of his hair and Kurt's head snapped back into place as Jade turned his attention to the teacher acting like nothing was amiss. The bell rang soon after and Jade dragged Kurt out of the classroom before Blaine could even make eye contact. He didn't miss the looks Blaine kept sneaking them during class as the teacher gave his lesson. He left Kurt at his locker as he rushed off to football practice. Coach Bieste insisted on them getting some more practice in before the game on Friday.

As soon as Jade rounded the corner Kurt was searching through the hall for a glance of Blaine. He lost himself in the search so he was shocked when someone slammed their fist into his locker. He turned around slowly to find Puckerman standing their with a smirk on his face. Kurt sighed in relief as he returned to the locker to grab some things he would need for homework before going home. “Something I can help you with Puckerman?”
Puck laughed in enjoyment of Kurt's ‘playing it cool' act.
“Chill out Hummel, I come in peace. I‘m here on behalf of my boy.”
Kurt sighed in irritation of this ridiculous conversation that he found himself in and the fact that it was keeping him from being able to escape to his house. “What does your boy have to say?”
Puck saluted him before standing up straight and placing his arms at his sides. “Sir, to expect him at your house at eleven, sir.”
Kurt couldn't help the laugh that escaped at the bad boys antics. As soon as he settled down he ducked his head as he gave Puck a response to his message. “Um, actually, can you just tell him that I'd rather be by myself tonight?”
Puck's curious gaze landed on him before commenting on what he knew was a lie. “You know he's not going to buy that.”
Kurt sighed in acceptance but tried to get Puck to agree anyway, he really didn't want Blaine over tonight after he knew Jade was coming. After all of the events of the day he was pretty sure he had some harsh punishment coming. “Can you just….”
Puck gave a small grunt of annoyance but agreed to it anyway. “I'll try to keep him away.”
Kurt sighed in relief. That would be one less thing for him to worry about tonight. “Thanks Puck, I owe you.”
Puck nodded his head in agreement. “Yes you do Hummel.”
They took leave of each other after that with Puck heading to practice and Kurt home.

When Kurt got home that afternoon he helped Carole with dinner as his dad sat at the table with the newspaper and a cup of coffee. They were sitting at the table eating dinner a little while later when his dad decided to interrogate him. “I hear Blaine joined the Glee club.”
Kurt glared in Finn's direction as he responded. “Some people have a big mouth.”
Burt exhaled in exasperation. “Did he join because of you son?”
Kurt groaned in annoyance as he went back to picking at his food. “If your asking if he joined because I asked him too, the answer is no.”
Burt rolled his eyes at his smart mouthed son. “Your getting yourself in deep here son.” Kurt stabbed at his food angrily as he was not in the mood for this particular conversation.
“You have to choose Kurt.” Burt stated forcefully.
Kurt threw his fork down in frustration as he glared at his dad. “Stay out of my personal life dad!”
“This is high school kiddo, kids these days change partners more times than I change tires at the shop.” Burt retorted angrily.
“And you want me to be like those kids?”
Burt sighed in aggravation. “I've seen you with that Blaine kid. When you get a text from him your face lights up with a smile. After a day with him you come home happier than I've ever seen you. You seem to really care about this boy. If this is about popularity…” Kurt scoffed in disbelief. “I am not that shallow!”
Burt sighed in resignation. “Fine, your dismissed, your not eating anyway.”

Kurt escaped upstairs before anyone else could interrogate him about his relationship. He tried to keep himself busy as he nervously awaited ten o clock. Blaine had texted him upset because apparently Puck had called for a game night, which meant he was stuck babysitting them since they tended to drink when they all got together. Kurt assured him that it was alright since he was just dong homework and that he was just going to crash afterwards. Blaine continued complaining nonetheless as Kurt started on his homework. Around ten he texted Blaine good night before shutting and locking his door.

A couple of minutes after ten Jade came through the window. He immediately threw Kurt onto the bed, holding him down with one hand as the other started beating on him. At one point Kurt yanked a hand free and went to protect himself with it but Jade just grabbed it and squeezed until Kurt was sure a bone broke as he continued beating him with the other hand. The only reason Jade stopped after awhile was because Kurt had passed out from the pain.

When Kurt woke up it was well past one in the morning. As he woke up he became aware of the pain in his wrist. He gingerly grabbed it, just to hiss in pain. He noticed that it was three times it's size, confirming in his mind that he had a broken bone. He got up carefully as he held his wrist to his chest and made his way to the bathroom. He turned on the light and started rummaging through his cabinets for some wraps. He carefully wrapped it up before taking some Advil. He shut off the light as he exited the bathroom and went to lay back down. He laid there in the dark never quite able to fall back to sleep. He grabbed his phone from his beside table to find that he had almost twenty missed messages, all from Blaine. Apparently he had found out from a reluctant Puck that Jade was to be coming over that night and if Kurt didn't get in touch with him afterwards he was coming over. He received a message around midnight that he was on his way. Just as he reached the end of the messages a head of hair popped through his window. “Kurt, what the hell!”
Kurt quickly shushed him as he turned on his lamp that was sitting on the bedside table. “Do you want to wake my dad?”
Blaine scoffed in disbelief. “Where the hell have you been all night?”
Kurt laughed humorlessly as he answered his question. “You have some nerves coming here and questioning me!”
Blaine looked at him in confusion as he tried to figure out what he could be talking about. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Kurt huffed in annoyance as the pain in his wrist was giving him little patience at the moment. “Why did you sing that song to me in Glee?”
“It wasn't for you.” Blaine scoffed as he tried to play it off but Kurt wasn't having any of it.
“Like hell it wasn't!” Blaine looked at him in shock as he realized just how upset he was. He slowly surveyed the boy currently standing in front of him and his eyes fell on his wrist. Blaine gasped in shock. “Is that because of Glee?”
Kurt just nodded his head angrily.
“Kurt, I am so sorry. It won't happen again. I'll quit the club. I didn't mean to make it that obvious.”
Kurt sighed in reply. “Your not quitting the club. The truth is you sounded great, whether you were singing to me or not. And my wrist got hurt because Jade is an asshole.”
Blaine frowned in concern. “It wouldn't have happened if I hadn't sang that stupid song.” Blaine stated angrily.
“It would have happened anyway. I tried to protect myself from the beating and he squeezed it so hard a bone broke.” Kurt explained with a sniffle.
Blaine was immediately by his side, carefully cradling his wrist as he took a look at it. Blaine grabbed him in a hug when Kurt hissed in pain as Blaine poked at it. “I am so sorry!”
Kurt patted his back comfortingly. “It's not your fault.” Kurt whispered as he cried on his shoulder. Blaine pushed him backwards until they were next to the bed. He pushed Kurt gently down before running to the other side of the bed and quickly climbing on and laying out behind Kurt. Kurt laid down next to him as he scooted as close as he could get, laying his head on his shoulder. “I won't let him hurt you again because of me. For now we won't talk at school. I'll send Puck or Santana.”
Kurt shook his head before commenting. “He knows Puck's part of your gang, we'll stick with Santana for now.”
Blaine nodded his head in agreement before shutting off the lamp and telling Kurt to get some sleep. Kurt closed his eyes as music began to drift through the air courtesy of the boy laying next to him. He curled himself up against Blaine with his head against his heart and drifted off to sleep.


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