Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 22

E - Words: 2,803 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming
Chapter 22

The whole school was abuzz with prom excitement. The walls were being covered in campaign posters, even Finn and Rachel decided to run. Against them was Quinn and her new quarterback boyfriend.

Kurt was no exception to all of this excitement, he was already planning an outfit in his head. He was currently sitting in the choir room lost in his head while Blaine sat next to him talking to his best friend Puck.
“Dude, I am so getting lucky on prom night. I mean it's like a must.”
“I think prom nights about dancing the night away with the one you love.” Blaine said with a smile as he grabbed Kurt's hand. Kurt smiled weakly as he started freaking out in his head about what was expected of him on prom night.
“Dude, what is up with Quinn and the new quarterback anyway?”
“Little Miss Princess, thought she should break all ties before heading to Yale next year.”
Blaine clapped his hand on his shoulder. “It's her loss man. You're the best thing that's ever going to happen to her.”
“Thanks man.”
“Hey, me and Finn are having a game night tonight, you should come hang.”
“That sounds great.”

The bell rang soon after that and the teens started gathering their stuff to leave. Blaine picked up both his and Kurt's bags before grabbing his hand and walking out the door with Puck by their side. When they got to the car Blaine threw the bags in the back while they stood outside of the car waiting for Finn to show.
He showed up about ten minutes later and while he garnered the attention of Puck Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and drew him aside. “Do you think that before you start your game night me and you could talk?”
“Of course babe.” Blaine said with a smile as he squeezed Kurt's hand.

After that they piled into the car to make their way to the house. As soon as they got their Finn and Puck were out of the car and in the house. Kurt just shook his head as he turned the car off and took the key out of the ignition as Blaine went to the backseat to grab the bags. Kurt climbed out of the car and made his way to the other side where Blaine grabbed his hand and they headed inside. Once inside Kurt placed the keys on the table as him and Blaine went upstairs. Upon reaching the room Blaine placed the bags to the side while Kurt shut and locked the door behind them. “Is everything okay babe, you seemed kind of nervous after Puck mentioned all of that stuff about prom night.”
“Uh, well, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. I know prom night is about dancing the night away with the one you love, I also know that after prom is about declaring that love, physically.”
“Kurt, we don't…”
“Let me finish. Please.” Kurt took a deep breath before continuing. “I think prom would be a great night for us to make love the first time, although it's horribly clich�d, I think we're ready. I think I'm ready. I'm ready to give myself to you, completely. We have come such a long way in our relationship, and we've been making such progress in our physical relationship, that I think it's time.”
Blaine surged forward to connect his lips with Kurt's. They broke apart a few minutes later when the need for air became too great. “Baby, I am going to make this night so perfect for you.”
“As long as your there it will be.”
Blaine laughed. “We are so corny.”
Kurt laughed as he pulled out of Blaine's embrace. “Way to ruin the moment. Why don't you go play your games with your friends while I work on my prom outfit.”
“Yes, dear!”
Kurt shoved him out of the room.

Kurt smiled as he grabbed his sketchbook from his desk and went to sit on his bed.

In what didn't seem but a few minutes Blaine was back to get him for dinner. “Do I get to see what you have so far?”
Kurt hid the book under his pillow. “NO.”
Blaine gave him the pouty face but Kurt just pecked him on the lips before grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the room.

They had a nice dinner, in which afterwards Kurt and Blaine cleaned the kitchen while Puck and Finn disappeared upstairs and Burt and Carole retired to the living room.
“What are you going to do for the rest of the night?”
Kurt sighed. “I think I have to call Rachel and talk about prom, she's been texting me none stop all night. I'm surprised I got any work done on my drawings.”
“You could always just come and hang with us.”
“I'm not much into a gaming mood tonight.”
“Alright, well have fun with Ms. Crazy Pants.” Blaine said before leaving the room.
Kurt laughed as he threw his towel down and made his way upstairs as well.

When he made it to his room he shut the door as he grabbed his phone from his desk and dialed Rachel's number. He then spent the next three hours listening to her talk about her campaign, dress, and Finn.

He finally hung up with her so he could take a shower and get ready for bed, after promising to call tomorrow. He breathed a sigh of relief as he hung up the phone, grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom. He filled the tub as he quickly went through his moisturizing routine. He then brushed his teeth and combed his hair out before climbing in. He sighed in relaxation as he sat back and closed his eyes.

Blaine found him about half an hour later. He smiled as he picked up out of the bath tub, grabbing the towel from the sink and gently drying him. He then threw the pants that he had sitting out on him before carrying him to the bedroom where he gently laid him on the bed. Afterwards he went back to the bathroom and let the stopper out. After that he did his nightly routine before returning to Kurt. He turned off the light before walking softly back to the bed and climbing in where he curled up next to Kurt and went to sleep.

Prom was quickly approaching and people were starting to panic. Last minute campaign posters and bribes were being tossed around the school for prom royalty, girls were flipping through magazines during class time looking for that perfect dress and guys were trying to think up ways of coming up for some money for a hotel room.

Either way Mr. Schuester was having a hard time keeping their attention in Glee club, even with a competition coming up. He finally garnered their attention long enough to get a little work done but as soon as the bell rang they were gone.

Kurt had been to the mall about three times this week alone looking for material for his prom outfit. After the second time Blaine had refused to take him so he dragged Rachel out. Blaine had gotten his suit the first time they had gone, though he refused to let Kurt see it.

As soon as they got home from school Kurt ran upstairs to work on his outfit while Blaine took a detour to the kitchen. Upon entering his room Kurt threw down his bag, turned his ipod on, and went to the sewing corner he had set up earlier that week. As he sat down on the chair he looked up at the calendar he had hung up above his work station with the days marked off counting down to prom, five more days. Kurt sighed with happiness.

Blaine soon joined him, climbing on to the bed and turning the television on while he munched on his apple slices.

The night before prom Kurt's stomach was tied up in knots. Partly because he was excited for the night ahead but also because he was nervous for the night after. Burt and Carole had agreed to let the boys stay out until midnight, so they were covered there. Kurt barely slept the night before though Blaine sang him to sleep.

When Kurt woke in the morning he was alone. He turned over in bed with a yawn and his hand hit something on the pillow next to him. He looked over to his side to find a rose and a note sitting there. He smiled as he picked up the rose and held it to his nose. He then picked up the note to read it. “Hey babe, if you haven't guessed I'm not there. I do hate missing seeing your beautiful face in the morning when you just woke up, you are so beautiful. I will be missing you today but I will be there to pick you up for dinner at six. You better be ready and I know you'll be hot as hell in your outfit, I can't wait to see it.
Love, Blaine”

Kurt giggled as he got out of bed and preceded to the bathroom. He was surprised to find another note and rose on the bathroom mirror. He quickly grabbed it and read it. “Dear Kurt, you have found this note in the midst of doing your moisturizing routine, which makes your skin so soft, which I love!!!! I know you'll be spending a lot of your day in this bathroom, but don't forget to eat beautiful.”

Kurt happily skipped down the stairs after that and into the kitchen where he happily greeted his father and Carole. His father returned his greeting with a grunt while Carole happily parroted the greeting back to him. She knew the boys were excited for the night ahead. As Kurt reached the fridge he was surprised to find a rose and a note taped to the handle. He quickly grabbed both before opening the note to read the contents.
“Hey babe, I left you a delicious breakfast plate in the fridge because I know you would rather spend your time getting ready today than eating, which is why I left you a breakfast and several snacks in the fridge. Your welcome. :p”
Kurt laughed as he opened the fridge and grabbed the breakfast plate out before pouring himself a glass of orange juice and sitting next to his dad at the kitchen table.

After breakfast he headed upstairs. Once there he grabbed his tux from the closet and laid it out on the bed, finding another note.
“Hey babe, just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you. Love and kisses.”
He smiled as he grabbed some underwear before disappearing into the bathroom. He pulled the curtain on the bathtub and found yet another note on a new bottle of bubble bath. He frowned thoughtfully as he picked up the bottle of lavender bubble bath and picked the note off.
“I got you some new bubble bath to try tonight. I love lavender.”
Kurt laughed as he filled the bath with the stuff as it filled up.

Once full he climbed in and with a sigh leaned back against the tub. He spent his time washing himself and his hair. As soon as the water turned cold he got out and emptied the tub. He threw his underwear before grabbing his lotion and spreading it on his body. He then spent time his time doing his moisturizing routine. After that he spent an hour trying to get his hair perfect. Once he was finished he went back to his room and put on some pajama pants. He then sat at his vanity table and as he opened the drawer to grab his cologne he found another note and a brand new bottle of his favorite cologne that he hadn't had the money to buy when he ran out so he had bought the knockoff. He picked up the note with a frown.
“Hey babe, I know you hate that knockoff stuff that you had to buy in place of this stuff, and secretly I hate it too because I love the way you used to smell. So for this night to be perfect I bought you a bottle. Love you.”
Kurt smiled as he started dabbing some on.

Next he grabbed a small bag from the closet and began filling it. He put in a change of clothes to come home in after their special night, and then he went to the bathroom to grab some toiletries and placed them in the bag as well. He placed the bag on the bed beside his suit as he went back to his vanity to finish up. When he sat down he clipped his nails and plucked his eyebrows.

Around five he got up and started to put on his suit. Afterwards he looked at himself in the mirror and he was pretty happy with the way it turned out. He wore a white silk shirt, with a baby blue vest buttoned on top of it and a white silk tie on top of that. For his pants he wore tight black dress pants with a baby blue belt. He was checking himself out in the mirror when he heard a knock on the door. He called for them to come in as he straightened his clothes. “Wow.”
Kurt turned towards the voice of his father at the door with a smile on his face. “Do you think Blaine will like it?”
“You look great son, he'll love it.”
“Thanks dad.”
“You know, I know this is supposed to be a woman thing, where the girl gets all dressed up and the mom goes crazy with excitement, but it's for the fathers too. You have grown into a beautiful man Kurt, inside and out.”
Kurt walked over with tears in his eyes and hugged his father tightly. “Thank you daddy.”

Around six everyone gathered downstairs to start the picture taking before their dates showed up. Finn was dressed in a black tux and Carole was fawning over him as Kurt came down the stairs. As she saw him she gasped and ran over to him, pulling him the rest of the way downstairs. He just smiled as he was placed next to Finn and the camera started flashing in his face. Soon the bell rang to announce an arrival. After Carole took pictures at the door of the guest as Finn and Kurt waited with bated breath to find out who it was Rachel and Carole stepped into the room. Carole then took pictures of them admiring each other and having a whispered conversation. After that she took a picture of him pinning the corsage on her as they smiled brightly at each other.

The bell rang again soon after and Kurt held his breath as Carole went to answer it. He heard her greet Blaine and then the camera start flashing. A little while later they came into the room and Kurt lost his breath completely. Blaine was sporting one of the most beautiful smiles Kurt had ever seen as he appraised him. Kurt was also smiling at what he saw. Blaine was wearing tight, black dress pants as well, with a black silk shirt, a baby blue tie and a new leather jacket.
“You look beautiful.” Blaine said as he walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. “And these are for you.” As he handed him six red roses. “To complete the set.”
“Their lovely.” Kurt said with a smile. “As well as the notes you left. But how did you know my color scheme?”
“I may have asked Rachel to let me know that one little thing.” Blaine said with a smirk. “And, oh, this is for you.”
Blaine said before preceding to pin a blue lily to his chest. They both smiled softly at each other as they continued their quiet conversation, all the while unbeknownst to them Carole was taking pictures. She soon called their attention though so she could get some more pictures before they were to head out.

After an hour of taking pictures they were allowed to leave the house. Blaine laughed as he climbed into his car after letting Kurt into the passenger side. “I never thought we were getting out of there.”
“She can be tiring sometimes, but she's a great mom.”
“Yes she is.”
“By the way, did I ever tell you how amazing you look tonight?”
“You just did babe.” Blaine said with a wink.

They had a romantic dinner that night with candles and everything. At prom they danced the night away with each other and their friends. Afterwards they snuck to the hotel. That night was the best night for the both of them and one they would not soon forget.


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